
Life in london..?


What is it like living in London? Expense, people, school,..ect

Jun 7, 05 12:46 pm

expensive but nice.

you'll need to be more specific.

Jun 7, 05 11:16 pm  · 

its only redeeming feature: you're 50 minutes away from Cambridge by train

Jun 8, 05 2:23 am  · 

forgive johndevlin's comment, he's been drinking heavily lately....

Jun 8, 05 8:41 am  · 

expensive: hell, yeah.

people: way too many tossers.

schools: the best.

life in london: priceless.

Jun 8, 05 8:45 am  · 

people: way too many tossers who think that because their school is in London it is the best.

Jun 8, 05 9:16 am  · 

tosser, wanker. All derogatory names referring to a self masturbator. Common in British name calling.

Jun 8, 05 12:36 pm  · 

im very interested in bartlett and aa's programs so tossers the people may be it the schools im really interested in. Plus the experience of living in london. ive heard it compared to something similar to ny city

Jun 8, 05 1:11 pm  · 

and whats the deal with tutors?

Jun 8, 05 1:33 pm  · 

Anybody actually lived there in real life, not in school? What's the job market like there these days?

I'd say LA has more tossers than London could ever have. You know, these twats who think the ivy league (and if not that, then sci arc) is absolutely everything....

Jun 8, 05 10:13 pm  · 

you mustn't miss Sir John Soane's Museum.

Jun 9, 05 4:25 pm  · 

london smells of pee more than any other major city i have ever smelled.

someone said "if you look like an outsider...."...everybody in london looks like an outsider, they couldn't probably live anywhere else. i've never seen so many weird people walking the streets of a city...and i'm not talking about strangely dressed individuals etc, just plain, "should be in a mental institution for its own good" type of crazy people.

it's very inhuman, the typical thing with big cities, but even more so, as british people tend to be rather cold, at least for european standards.

architecturally beautifull, but you will find better looking imperial capitals (vienna, paris).

rains way too much for my standards.

it's as close to a 24 hours city as there is in europe, althought the 24 hours sainsbury in angel just stopped trading all night.

the business side is as good as it will get, but it's all about the inner circle and being on the right side of the line, although i'm not sure what it's like in other scenes like new york or amsterdam.

people will bump into you and not apoligize, but give it 3 months and you will do the same.

i think anybody can find a job in london in a couple of months max...

just random thoughts

Jun 9, 05 6:39 pm  · 

pissy London smell must be from all the steak & kidney pie they cook over there... but it's true: the place DOES smell pissy

Jun 9, 05 9:07 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

london is my favourite city in the world, ever.

Jun 9, 05 9:39 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

no more pissy smell in London than NY or Amsterdam . . .

Jun 10, 05 12:51 am  · 

I don't recall Paris smelling pissy... and they have pissoirs

Jun 10, 05 12:57 am  · 

paris is poopy. no one picks up their dog shit over there. it's like runnning a gauntlet on some sidewalks.

but i still love it. ah, pah-reee.

Jun 10, 05 1:14 am  · 

I love Paris more than London, the filth notwithstanding: easier to understand and to get around. London is this huge demonic monster

Jun 10, 05 1:17 am  · 

my piss smells pissier when I piss in London than when I piss in Canada

Jun 10, 05 1:53 am  · 

" british people tend to be rather cold" - reserved is more appropriate.

Jun 10, 05 3:38 am  · 

the smell of piss is to do with the binge drinking culture that pervades most all British town and cities. i am regulary having a go at people for pissing on my street in the city centre. tossers.

Jun 10, 05 3:40 am  · 

I live here now...and love it.

Jun 11, 05 7:56 am  · 

London ROCKS.

Jun 11, 05 4:36 pm  · 

besides stinking like filthly nasty piss, hows the night life? setting aside all the tossers and wankers and whathave you... are the brits that unbearable?

Jun 12, 05 3:46 am  · 

Brits are generally very cool people, fun-loving and out-going. Chicks are often cool and cute, trendy and open minded, and the night life in london is awsome as long as you know where to go. The drug and drinking culture is massive, people love going out and party like animals. It might take you a while to get the vibe of the place but once you understand how this place operate then it's hard not to love it. The city is buzzing right now, the economy is seemingly doing well, there is a great sense of freedom, creativity and casualness about the everything. Some things might shock the american eye, the fact that some areas look filthy, that some folks get hammered and piss on the street, that drugs get sold and taken so openly in clubs and bars, but it's just something you get used to after a while and then believe me it's fun...a lot of fun. Having said that, life here is very exepensive, all the good time comes to a price. London can also be a difficult place, the winter months are a bit depressing weather-wise and the summer's too short. Recently a american friend of mine from NY came to visit for a week, i showed him around and i can only tell you how much he enjoyed the place and its vibes. He said he had a blast and he wants to come and live here for a while.

Jun 12, 05 7:04 am  · 

By the way, London is in no way a true representation of Britain. If you stay here you'll probably get to meet as much foreign people than native Brits and that's also what's greta about this place. It is insanely cosmopolitan place and the cultural diversity is just enormous. Variety is the spice of life...

Jun 12, 05 7:07 am  · 

i preffer NY than London, i mean nothing bad with london, actually i like london very much but is terribly expensive, but hey is such a fun/interesting city if u can afford it, imagine how expensive can it gets that i think NY is easier to live at.... also im not really sure about London's weather....rains way too much

Jun 12, 05 8:24 am  · 

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