
Happy Mother's Day-Progressives Better Start Breeding

vado retro

vado here- urbane resident of a flyover state. your eyes and ears into the way amerika really lives and thinks.
well my progressive friends, the writing is on the wall. as i ventured out on this mothers day for a bagel and a coffee and my imported sunday chicago tribune, i noticed many many families out showing mom a swell time. these are all corn fed wholesome church going "family value" type families. and lemme tell you comrades they are breeding heavily. some parents with up to five kids in tow. tomorrow's bill o'reilly and sean hannity devotees are being produced today in droves all over this fine land. while we progressives, what with over population and all its consequences, debate the ethics of even having a child, stand on the sidelines as the future of america is being decided for us. it is our duty my friends to procreate and procreate now. any volunteers?

May 8, 05 12:48 pm

i hope matthew barney and bjork keep procreating. happy mom's day, bjork. i love the new album!

May 8, 05 12:55 pm  · 
vado retro

love her billy pilgrim boots.

May 8, 05 12:57 pm  · 

i'm an american living in canada until bush is relegated to his fine post-presidency multi-million dollar library.

this website was quite a hit after the last election:

i suggest procreating with canadians and other progressive cultures and then infiltrating the states!

May 8, 05 1:44 pm  · 

I'm doing my best - My wife and I just had a little girl! But we are canadian, so it doesn't help your cause! You folk better start breeding fast or we will have to close our borders for good.

May 8, 05 1:52 pm  · 

don-t worry about closing borders. the minutemen want to take care of that for you.

May 8, 05 2:09 pm  · 

quite a ridiculous post, but i think i see the humor in it...however, perhaps if "progressives" stopped having abortions you wouldn't be left with your quandry. Hope you find some humor in that.....

May 8, 05 2:19 pm  · 

i dont find any humor in that.

May 8, 05 3:29 pm  · 

being a "progressive" in a not-so progressive state, i'm wifi-ing it with my iced americano next to two tables of gays and their moms.
not so many families with kids out today. but then again i opted out of going to church this morning and went to the driving range instead.

May 8, 05 3:34 pm  · 

rls, that comment makes me ill. and sad for people like you.

May 8, 05 4:58 pm  · 
vado retro

supporting choice doesnt translate into having an abortion. just as being "pro-life" does not necessarily mean you are pro life. even if i were "pro-life" the only justification for having five kids in today's world if out of selfishness and disregard for the overall well being of mankind.

May 8, 05 5:57 pm  · 
vado retro

which by the way is not pro life.

May 8, 05 5:57 pm  · 

The assumption here being that all kids grow up and vote just like their parents? You're right, young people never rebel....

Wouldn't it be better to move to a city worthy of your sophisticated arrogance? Then you'll be happier, not having to suffer the indignity of breathing the same air as all those evil yahoos. Of course, that'll deprive them of another santimonious twit who could show them the way to true, progressive enlightenment. This is a tough one....

May 8, 05 8:12 pm  · 

i got 2 turntables and a microphone

May 8, 05 11:46 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm just calling it as i see it citizen.

May 9, 05 7:12 am  · 

As am I.

I don't enjoy going on the attack, and I fully support your project to rally the troops to the cause, so to speak. I was responding to the superior, derisive tone. That rhetorical sneer is so unnecessary --but also, of course, is one's right to express. I guess my point is that it quickly undercuts one's argument as merely adolescent rather than substantive.

May 9, 05 10:27 am  · 

interesting that of the people i know (or know of) who have had abortions, they were all conservative pro-lifers. got things done on the sly and never even batted an eye at yelling at others who were 'pro-choice'. anyway, just an observation.

as for the actual topic, it's a very interesting observation. and young people do often rebel against their parent's mentalities, but usually end up coming full swing back to exactly how they were raised once they get a job, get married and start to have kids. so the argument isn't worthless as citizen seemed to imply. though i understand and respect your defense of you comments.

in general, i do get upset at the population growth problem. i'd say
no one should have more than 3 kids, preferably 2. it's just irresponsible. but how can you enforce/enact a policy like that without feeling like/being a fascist? i've often thought that universal health coverage for up to 2 kids might take care of it, what with how ridiculously expensive healthcare is getting, but then that would only benefit the rich.

tough one. unfortunately i don't have any turntables, just a mic.

May 9, 05 1:51 pm  · 

ah, but many conservatives love to give post-term "abortions". sometimes en masse.

and then there's that Armageddon Wish mentality.

morre rude humor. (not really thatte funny, though)

lesse rude, morre humor

May 10, 05 5:54 am  · 

Funny, the other day I was taking a courtesy shuttle cab to my work and the Hispanic driver initiated a conversation on this very topic (as we were passing by a multiple sets of Hispanic mothers towing along their 5+ kids). He chuckled something along the lines of…”yah, the white man came and conquered the west with his riffles…but now we’re slowly taking back the west with our pistol’s (motioning to his crotch)! ”

May 10, 05 11:34 am  · 

anyone ever hear of adoption?

May 10, 05 12:58 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

I was watching Nanny 911 on Fox (yeah, I know). There was a family there that had adopted 23 boys, most with some sort of dissability. They sent in 3 nannies to give the parents a break. There are some parents with balls and with a lot of love to take in 23 troubled kids and have 0 of their own. Thats some selflessness!

May 10, 05 1:16 pm  · 

though i hate that show and all its ilk, you're dead on about how amazing people who can be that selfless are. wow. wish there were more people like that. hell, i wish i was more like that.

May 10, 05 1:23 pm  · 

I think its sad that we live in a world when people cannot get pregnant, so they opt for in-vitro or something and have 5 or 6 kids at once and can barely take care of them, and yet there are thousands upon thousands of kids out there that need a good home.
Even if I can get pregnant, my husband and I still want to adopt-have 1 or 2 of our own, then adopt 1 or 2-as much as we can handle.
There needs to be MORE adoption!

All these pro-lifers out there-why aren't you adopting if you want to save a life?

May 10, 05 1:30 pm  · 

because pro-lifers have a bias towards fetuses. i was a fetus damn it!

May 12, 05 9:43 am  · 
sweet em

Hum - heterarchy's idea about universal health care for first 2 children got me thinking...What if health care was provided for all adopted children?

On that same topic many people will do IVF with its risk of failing before adoption because in some instances (like when it is mandated by the state) insurance covers IVF but you have to fund your own adoption.

And finally - I figure if people can support their children they have a right to as many as they want. I fear I'll sound ethnocentric with this but the problem is families in developing countries who can't support their children but also don' really have a choice (ie they lack resources, education, the right to choose). I figure in our country each child has the potential (which, granted is often not met) to solve various world problems in their lifetime and so the more the merrier. And don't try to say that people with only two kids will give more money to the poor - We all know the first priority will be stuff for their own and not other people they don't know.

May 12, 05 12:23 pm  · 
sweet em

I want to clarify my opinion regarding developing countries. If they want 12 kids that is their perogitive but I imagine that with a lack of choice they are...whats the right word...well I guess the parents lose out and the kids lose out. I think there is a tipping point (much higher than 2) were to many kids = disadvantage.

May 12, 05 12:33 pm  · 
What if health care was provided for all adopted children?

I doubt those 23 adopted "troubled kids" are living off of bubblegum found on the sidewalks.

Jun 5, 05 8:12 pm  · 

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