
oh the horror

been getting into horror flicks lately. anyone have any want to offer up their personal favs?

Apr 27, 05 3:17 pm
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Eyes Without a Face

Apr 27, 05 3:22 pm  · 

anything by Vincent Price and Roger Corman, specially all those Edgar Allan Poe adaptations... The Tomb of Ligeia, The House of Usher, The Pit & the Pendulum, The Masque of the Red Death (love this title!!), The Raven, The Tower of London, etc.. most actresses in those films were hot!

also Klaus Kinski's Nosferatu (and Murnau's original one too)

some Buñuel movies aren't exactly horror films but will leave you with a weird, strange feeling...

Apr 27, 05 3:35 pm  · 

There are some really nasty ones out of Japan. Can't remember any of the names, but I've heard they are much more hard-core horror than any of the mainstream stuff out of hollywood.

Apr 27, 05 3:37 pm  · 

The Grudge (sarah michelle geller ver.) is adapted from a japanese flick of the same title... completely whacked but pretty good i must say.. i haven't seen the hollywood version.

itallians have some good ones out there too.. Suspiria by Dario Argento is pretty damn creepy.

keep em coming.

Apr 27, 05 3:45 pm  · 
Luis Fraguada

truly horror, or cheesy horror?

Bruce Campbell has been in some awesome horror flicks . . . Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness, Bubba Ho-Tep!

Apr 27, 05 3:45 pm  · 

I've discovered very recently the thing from john carpenter and loved it. You should check it.

Apr 27, 05 3:49 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Stills from Eyes Without a Face

LOVE this movie!!!!

Apr 27, 05 3:52 pm  · 

wisof. either. but more along the lines of true horror.

i love bruce campbell's stuff!

Apr 27, 05 3:54 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Videodrome ...

Cronenberg rules.

Apr 27, 05 3:56 pm  · 

jiatsu sakuru (suicide club), ringu, a tale of two sisters, the cube, ichi the killer, american psycho

Apr 27, 05 4:05 pm  · 

I love horror films. It is kind of an obsession. I managed to write my art history thesis (undergraduate) on horror films.

What type of horror are you looking for? Gory, thriller, etc.

Dawn of the Dead (the original)
Eyes Without a Face (French)
Jacob's Ladder
Cannibal Holocaust
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

There are the classics which include Psycho, the Birds, King Kong, Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the original), etc

Apr 27, 05 4:18 pm  · 

freaks is such a great film, in the all time top 5 for sure.

not so much a horror film, but very disturbing is van sant's elephant.

Apr 27, 05 6:03 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Classic horror. Started everything. NOsferatu is good. But those are historo-cinephile type horrors.

Apr 27, 05 6:38 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

oh yeah. and Fox News.

Apr 27, 05 6:39 pm  · 

ok...based on those images...i'm buying Eyes Without a Face immediately...

Apr 27, 05 6:43 pm  · 

Peter Jackson's "Dead Alive" is great (especially the lawn mower scene), but the all time sickest, masochistic, violent film has to be Audition. Even Wes Craven said that movie crossed a line.

Apr 27, 05 6:44 pm  · 
vado retro

the smile of doctor sardonicus

Apr 27, 05 6:45 pm  · 

anymore with sadistic characters in them?...

Apr 27, 05 6:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

28 Days Later

Scared the living crap out of me - and the fear lasted for weeks, every time I woke up in the middle of the night (very often as my son was under 1 year old at the time) I pictured that infected guy crashing through the window and got totally creeped out. Even a year after seeing it I sometimes late at night still have to reach deep into my rational mind and remind myself that I am an adult, a parent even, and I can't let movies scare me because they are fiction.

Good lord did that movie scare me. Some drop-dead gorgeous cinematography, too.

Apr 27, 05 11:53 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

the ring

Apr 27, 05 11:55 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

you get major props if you can identify this picture

hint: look at the bottom left corner

Apr 28, 05 1:57 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

this movie scared the pants off of me when I was a kid. can you name it?

or this one?

and what about this one?

Apr 28, 05 2:28 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

jeez ... this is way too much fun

Apr 28, 05 2:34 am  · 

number two is village of the damned.

damned good film.

the worst horror film i've seen is 'Alien.' gave me nightmares for years.

Apr 28, 05 2:47 am  · 

Props to me smoke cos its from the Shining. Great move. Especially when the kid talks to his index finger. Classic.

Dead Alives real name is actually Braindead. God only knows why it got renamed.

Canyman is proabbly the scariest movies I have ever seen. I coulnd't go in a room with a mirror for about a week.

The full length version of the Exorcist is cool if a little corny now.

Apr 28, 05 4:00 am  · 

number one is Kubrick's adaptation of Stephen King's The Shining, and the guy at the bottom left corner is Jack Torrance ... the picture shows Jack sucked in by the winter hotel's crowd of the 20's, he's the guard..

of course he's completely mad

one of Jack's first movies was The Raven (way before Easy Rider, Chinatown & One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, this last one is fabulous too), which was one of those collaborations Corman/Price (which also featured Peter Lorre, another strange character)

which brings us here:

and lastly, closing the architectural vicious circle, here, the Vincent Price of the Modern Era:

Apr 28, 05 4:00 am  · 

I love horror movies. I really dig Italian horror films. Dario Argento is my favorite horror director. Him and Mario Bava have a great visual style.

Other films I love are Last House on the Left, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), Night of the Living Dead, the Omen, the Beyond and countless other movies. I have quite the collection.

Apr 29, 05 12:42 am  · 

"Long live the new flesh"

Apr 29, 05 12:56 am  · 

i hope thats shepard's pie in my knickers...

Apr 29, 05 1:57 am  · 
too degrading

Don't Look Now Nicholas Roeg
Blood Feast

You should all go get "Incredibly Strange Films" by Research out of SF

Apr 29, 05 2:07 am  · 

so my interest into horror flicks began and officially ended with audition. holy shit is that a messed up movie. no, actually i'm not going to quit watching them.. but i'll forever have some creepy ass images in my head from that movie.

May 2, 05 11:02 am  · 

can you get 'audition' from a 'blockbuster' esque place or do you have an independent film rental store that you go to?

May 2, 05 12:19 pm  · 

i go to the local/indy store. $2.50 a movie. i'm sure you could call blockbuster to see if they have it in stock (and not all stores have the same movies in stock so you might call several) but then again who wants to pay that much for a movie you really will only want to see once.. unless you're incredibly sadistic and want to watch it multiple times ... *shiver*

May 2, 05 12:32 pm  · 


Audition was one of the first movies in a while to scare me. Most of the American horror movies have a certain amount of kitsch in them, but this movie was creepy. I worked at my school's cinema where this film played as part of a Japanese horror film series. Quite a few people walked out of this movie, even though there were much more gory offensive ones.

I think Audition is a nice mix of the bloody part of horror, suspense, etc. I also think it is a commentary on women's roles in contemporary Japan. This is just an educated guess since I am not Japanese and have never been to Japan. One of the Blockbusters in Houston had it, because I remember pointing it out to a friend and rehashing the story I just told you. I don't know how scary it is at home. I think a lot of it was the sound which isn't as great on a TV as it is in the theater.


May 2, 05 12:52 pm  · 

If I could take back watching any movie it would be a tossup between Battlefield Earth or Audition, both scared the shit out me.

May 2, 05 12:55 pm  · 

Did anyone mention the blair witch project. I know now it's commercial as hell and lost its luster, but it was great in the theater!

May 2, 05 1:05 pm  · 

I researched the movie from reading this thread, anything is worth a viewing, even if its only once... i looked around the obvious places, like blockbuster... living i SF, i should find it no problem, i'll just walk down to the local indie stores. thanks.

i'll report back when i watch it.

yeah, blair witch project scared me to death too, i've never gone camping since. i loved the hype of the movie as it came out, very original... then i saw that girl in a steak 'n' shake commerical and everything was ruined... damn steak 'n' shake...

i'm hungry now.

May 2, 05 2:36 pm  · 

I rented Audition from Hollywood Video a year ago so it shouldn't be too hard too find. If you want to find scary contemporary movies, go to Japan. The Eye was really good, Junk was a great zombie movie as well and Versus was a good samauri zombie movie.

May 2, 05 5:10 pm  · 

Versus was the best movie ever! Oh man, that is definatly the modern B-Movie. But I wouldn't exactly classify it as horror...

Dec 13, 05 12:18 pm  · 

Recently saw 3 Extremes in a New York theater. It's 3 short Asian horrors. Very Good. I also saw Audition but didn't like it 1/2 as much as 3 Extremes.

Dec 13, 05 3:19 pm  · 

If your into Japanese Horror/gore also check out ichi the killer as mentioned above, as well as Battle Royale, suicide club, visitor Q, Pistol Opera and Samurai fiction. The last two arent horror films but great japanese movies none the less. Audition and Versus were also extremly well done. Whats interesting about all of the Japanese Shock films is that they definatly contain a lot of relevance to modern day japanese society. Like Sahar, I have never been to Japan, but after reading interviews with some of the directors, it seems like this is the case. Which, in my opinion makes these movies all the scarier. The thought of the events in battle royale coming to pass sometime in the near future is not only a scary idea but also one that (with a little imagination) i dont have too much trouble believeing could happen.

Dec 13, 05 3:43 pm  · 

i get to mention "roger & me" for the second time in three minutes!

Dec 13, 05 4:05 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

hey i second 'the thing' by john carpenter.

the shining. tale of two sisters (one of the most psychologiclaly mental movies i saw last year). i have a fondness for the exorcist too.

audition sounds interesting. thanks for the suggestion.

Dec 13, 05 4:33 pm  · 

smokety Mc smoke smoke, what is that fourth still, with the kid in uniform? i cant place it

Dec 13, 05 6:37 pm  · 
le bossman

shawn of the dead

Dec 13, 05 6:48 pm  · 

maybe it's been mentioned, but Tetsuo was a good Japanese horror flick, too.

Dec 13, 05 6:59 pm  · 

Jeremy, I think it's from "The Omen". At least that's what it says when I right click and go to properties.

Dec 13, 05 7:02 pm  · 

second that le bossman

Dec 13, 05 8:21 pm  · 
FOG Lite

The Vanishing, I'm not really sure its horror, but man its creepy. The Shining and The Thing also scared the crap out of me when I was a kid. Actually anything Kubrick pretty much gave me the willies, 2001, Clockwork, scary.

The Ring really creeped me out too. Especially when I found out they filmed the coming out of the TV set scene in a building next door to me. (Ironically all the filming security and lights made the hood wonderfully safe for a couple weeks.)

Dec 13, 05 10:37 pm  · 

Nice, I guess I could have figured that out.

I thought that looked like Damian.

Dec 14, 05 11:52 am  · 

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