
Graduate School Decision Dates VI .......

Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

For everyone's convenience .....

Mar 23, 05 12:12 pm


Mar 23, 05 12:19 pm  · 

I have a feeling I'll be getting a Harvard rejection in my mailbox this afternoon...

Mar 23, 05 12:23 pm  · 

My fridge is lined with no's and I expect Penn to join the ranks today or tomorrow. But hey, all it takes is one, right? BTW for those concerned I have heard from UIC, RISD, UMd and Princeton. If you haven't heard from any of these yet, there's still a chance as they've already sent out their rejections.

Mar 23, 05 12:36 pm  · 

I am in the same boat, mpsyp. Go, team! I haven't heard from any schools at all. Please let just one be a 'yes.' Is that too much to ask?

Mar 23, 05 12:39 pm  · 


Yes sir....good with the money too, baby.....

Mar 23, 05 1:48 pm  · 

so I'm assuming they are giving word through the

Mar 23, 05 1:56 pm  · 

snail mail....I'm in New York so it didn't have far to go...

Mar 23, 05 2:00 pm  · 

congrats pablo....are you going?

Mar 23, 05 2:02 pm  · 

It is my fave thus far...

Waitlisted at Princeton, got into MIT, Yale and UVA. Yet to hear from GSD.

Princeton and MIT were tied at the top for me, so for now it looks like MIT which I feel very good about.

Mar 23, 05 2:19 pm  · 

Hi everyone, my fiance has been watching this board like a hawk trying to figure out my chances of getting into schools. So far I have been rejected from Yale and accepted to UPenn, I just found out today! I was accept to their 3-year M.Arch program. I still have yet to hear from GSD or Columbia. I was accepted to Pratt and UMiami last year, but I reapplied this year for the better schools.

Mar 23, 05 2:22 pm  · 

hey guys, does anyone know anything about SUNY Buffalo's grad prgrams?
i just noticed they have a M.Arch+M.UP and M.Arch+M.B.A...those sound like possibilities since I already have a B.arch......anyone with any info about this school, please help....

Mar 23, 05 2:27 pm  · 

petey- which program?

congrats, ben - did penn include an aid offer? SO expensive! also, where do you live? (wondering if i'll receive my peenn letter...)

Mar 23, 05 2:30 pm  · 

petey- which program?

congrats, ben - did penn include an aid offer? SO expensive! also, where do you live? (wondering if i'll receive my penn letter...)

Mar 23, 05 2:30 pm  · 

NinjaBen> Good to hear that someone else who got rejected by Yale got into Penn. I'm awaiting my letter. Are you near Penn? I'm in the Midwest so it might take my letter a little longer... I was thinking tomorrow would be the day!!!


Mar 23, 05 2:36 pm  · 

MArch with advanced I would be there 2.5 years instead of 3.5

Mar 23, 05 2:45 pm  · 

Just to report in from the MidWest, my wife checked mail for me and nothing from Penn today. Guess I'll save those beers for tomorrow.

Mar 23, 05 2:50 pm  · 

congrats ninjaben! and did you hear from penn via snail mail? it's my biggest hope now that i got 0 (yes zero) fin aid from gsd. b/c i'm international. mf%$rs.

Mar 23, 05 2:50 pm  · 

dillup/mpsyp- Yeah I live in PA about 10 miles out from Philly, and they gave me $7500 in grants and work-study. So it will still be expensive.

mpsyp- I just moved from MN to PA, so you will probably hear tomorrow.

Mar 23, 05 2:52 pm  · 

dmc - Yeah I heard from them via snail mail. I tried callign yesterday and they wouldn't tell me over the phone. Sorry to hear about GSD.

Mar 23, 05 2:53 pm  · 

hey I just got the mit e-mail!

Mar 23, 05 3:00 pm  · 

Just got a letter from penn (snail mail, and I live in the area). Didn't get accepted. But I figured it would be too expensive anyway, unless things have changed at penn from past years. So I've heard from everyone, and I'm happy with the outcome:

Princeton: no
Penn: no
UMD: yes
UVA: yes

Mar 23, 05 3:13 pm  · 

For those of you who are concerned (doubtful) about UIC, they only meet once per week to discuss (Fridays) and mail responses the following weekday... so it's normal for other people to hear weeks before you do.


Mar 23, 05 3:16 pm  · 

Any news on GSD MArch II today?

Mar 23, 05 3:30 pm  · 

Waiting impatiently on MIT and Columbia. The emails from MIT are promising, but I hate my last name being at the end of the alphabet!

Mar 23, 05 3:35 pm  · 

I don't understand this e-mail thing. They write individual letters? It doesn't seem like it would take that long to send them all out. I'm in the "S"s, but no e-mail for me...

Mar 23, 05 3:43 pm  · 

Well so far I've been accepted to Cincy, wait listed by Parsons, and rejected by Yale and Columbia. I'm still waiting on Penn, Michigan, and Cal Poly-Pomona.

Any body going to visit Cincy next week?

Mar 23, 05 4:18 pm  · 

GSD M.Arch II is going out later this week. I just got a email asking if I would help out with open house and take emails from new admits. She said that they would be sending out decisions at the end of this week.

Mar 23, 05 4:24 pm  · 

fyi/useless update:
accepted to columbia msaad several weeks ago
still waiting on ucla, penn, cornell...
(all are post-professional/m arch II)

really feeling it today though.. surely there will be something in that friggin mailbox tonight... :)

Mar 23, 05 4:31 pm  · 

Thank you kissy_face for the update

Mar 23, 05 4:56 pm  · 

hello, i got an email this a.m. from MIT--accepted, MArch I. i think it was an administrative error. curious: how would you put into perspective MIT's program vs the GSD version? couldn't be any more different, no? well, it's probably between those two for me...any insights would be really helpful...

still waiting on berkeley. any word yet from berkeley for MArch I.?

Mar 23, 05 5:52 pm  · 

i'm also deciding between MIT and GSD. I would prefer the GSD after having been at MIT for 4 years. But the financials might determine it.

Mar 23, 05 5:59 pm  · 

swell - i called berkeley earlier this week. they said they are mostly done but have to wait for all decisions to be made before they mail out to everyone. they hope to have them out by the end of the month (m.arch. I)

Mar 23, 05 6:18 pm  · 

thanks for the info, Dillup. that's cool. would be nice to get back to california (where i grew up) after spending all of this time on the east coast.

this here is my second post. just discovered the site through google. i was anxious about all of this grad school stuff and figured that there was some sort of conversation going on about it. looks like i found it. me thinks it's a good thing but sort of stressful, too. i liked that comment about making calm people obsessive. true, so true...

Mar 23, 05 6:35 pm  · 

I don't know anymore. I applied to eight schools and have gotten into almost all of them (GSD, MIT, Columbia, UCLA, Ohio State, UIC)...waiting for two letters from both rice and Penn...but in the end I'm so confused and worst of all I'm stuck in Chicago. All of these schools are spread all over the country and it would cost big $$$ to visit them all. I think in the beginning I had my eyes for the prize...and now I have it...and now I have to choose. I'm not trying to sound like a snob...just stressed and somewhat embarrassed...and somewhat elitist (without a conscious effort) it's so strange. Architecture. 30X40 madness. Sorry I just really had to get that off my middle class midwest chest.

Mar 23, 05 6:44 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster

threads, I was thinking the Chi is a good spring board to be starting from. I'm thankful that I'm in the midwest (Milwaukee) because I'm in the middle of everything, and between Milwaukee and Chicago airports, rates are low and flights are often. All my schools are spread all over too.... I'm sort of at the gravitational center.

Mar 23, 05 7:08 pm  · 

Question- those of you that have been accepted into the GSD MArch 1-what is your background? Undergrad school and degree? Years of work experience, etc? GPA and GRE?
I'm thinking of reapplying next year but want to know if my chances would be any better?

Mar 23, 05 7:15 pm  · 

I'm curious too.

Mar 23, 05 7:37 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I just got a friendly little reminder from Princeton that they are still in possession of my portfolio, I have until May 15th, else they will destroy it.

They know very well what they can do with my porfolio

Mar 23, 05 7:59 pm  · 

I have a BA in Architecture from UIC. Transfered from IIT. Great letters of rec. Strong portfolio (14 pages) B+ avg., strong personal statement (from what my friends have told me), four years professional internships at high level firms...and one of the worst...I repeat worst GRE scores ever...however I scored a 4 in the written which isn't that bad.

Mar 23, 05 8:30 pm  · 

in response to tinydancer

MIT class of 2005 - double major in Biology and Architecture
portfolio here
I finished my bio major mostly in my first two years and then started architecture recently

can't remember what my gre's were but I got a perfect on the writing and I think 670 on engligh and 780 on the math? in my case I don't think they matter because I have all A's and a few B's from MIT


worked at the MIT Media Lab for 2 years (programming) and various Microbiology / Biochem labs (lab work)

got recommendations from these people

Mar 23, 05 10:07 pm  · 

you can be my architect any day.

also like to point out that the late great Hunter S. wrote that he was on a mission to find one honest man...which he never did...

well I have and it is noone289. You can attend my school any day.

Mar 24, 05 1:45 am  · 

Nervoussystem pretty much kicks my ass...probably why I am getting rejections and trying to figure out what to do next

Mar 24, 05 1:55 am  · 

ditto. Very good nervoussystem!

Mar 24, 05 8:41 am  · 

to answer tinydancer's question,

middlebury college '05, double majoring in studio art and architecture, gpa 3.76, gre under 1200.

my personal statement was pretty good, but the copy i sent to gsd still had some mechanical errors. my portfolio was extensive (44 pages), mostly consisting of fine arts (drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture). but then again by dec. 27th i only had a first draft that looked nice, still crappy in comparison to what i sent to risd two weeks later.

my recommenders were all department chairs - studio, art his, physics. i have no idea what they wrote (except for my art his adviser who pretty much copied my resume)

no idea what got me in, maybe my 'diverse' background: international student, physics background, strong interest in fine arts, i've worked in 3d animation 3 summers, architecture internship in paris for 6 months, ta'ed for physics etc...

i don't know, as i was applying i really felt like my application was best suited for an mfa, and not for arch schools :)

Mar 24, 05 8:43 am  · 

well, I have not heard anything but my background:
BS construction science '98 from Oklahoma. Strong letters of rec-4 total-1 from president of company, 1 from outside firm have worked with, 1 from professor and 1 from director of const. program. Nobody famous though.
Average GPA, 3.4 in my major, some flaws before my major. 1230 GRE and 4.5 writing. 7 years work experience in construction, last 5 as a project manager in healthcare construction.
Portfolio consisted of paintings and drawings, some strong, but no art background (meaning have not taken real classes) but though my portfolio was good-but it's subjective, so who knows. Also included project from last 2 years-building new hospital campus-had some photography from project and a painting I did of it.
Don't think I got in to GSD, not sure if I want to apply again next year or just give up the dream...any comments?

Mar 24, 05 8:55 am  · 

oh yeah-if it matters-I'm female. only female pm at my job and was the youngest, promoted after only 9 months. Had a year previous experience elsewhere.

Mar 24, 05 9:06 am  · 

haven't heard much either, M.arch I...background:

BA in music '04 from Furman University. Did the GSD disco program last summer. Three letters, one from an art professor, one from an architect, and one from a disco instructor. Good resume, worked a couple of summers in New York for arts management companies.

Now working as an intern at a small architecture firm in North Carolina. B+ gpa, 3.7 in my major, 1200something on GRE, and 5.5 writing. Took a bunch of art classes in college, amongst many other things.

Am assuming I was not accepted to GSD, haven't received anything. Was accepted to Georgia Tech, but not UVA. Still waiting on RISD, Cornell, Berkeley, NCstate, et al.

Male, 23...ready to get going!

Mar 24, 05 9:32 am  · 

tinydancer> If you do decide to wait until next year to reapply and GSD is your top choice, I think it would be a great idea to do the Career Discovery program this summer. I was in the program last summer and it really helped build my portfolio, not to mention it was a lot of fun. Also, if you come out with a good evaluation from your instructor, I think it makes a big difference to admissions. I was rejected at Yale and Princeton and probably Columbia and MIT as well, since I haven't heard anything, but I was accepted to the GSD which inclines me to think that the Career Disco program made the difference in the end.

Mar 24, 05 9:38 am  · 

Oh, and I got 790M 670V on GRE. Went to NYU undergrad, double majored in Economics and Urban Design/Arch. Studies. Worked for 2 years in affordable housing and AIDS advocacy.

Mar 24, 05 9:41 am  · 

I've thought about that, but not sure if it is worth it...meaning, I have been accepted to a good program (Cincy), and they have the specialization I want- historic preservation. But ultimately I want to teach, and GSD would definitnely make that possible. Not sure how my chances would fair after Cincy-academia is hard to get in to.
Part of me wants to try again, but the larger part of me wants to just get on with my education-I'm going on 30, and putting off a family for this, and don't want to wait forever for something that may or may not happen (getting in to GSD).

Mar 24, 05 10:23 am  · 

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