
Graduate School Decision Dates VI .......


I haven't heard anything yet from the 5 programs I applied to (GSD, MIT, Columbia, UCLA, and SciARC).

I went to University of Michigan for undergrad and graduated with a 3.45, have taken 2 years off to work, scored worse than I'd have liked on the GRE (1160), but have a very strong portfolio and statement of purpose. I think my letters of recommendation are pretty good, I read 2 of them but signed the waiver so won't get to see the other 2.

I hope to hear from these schools soon, this is getting so intense! I am so ready to go back to school.

Mar 24, 05 10:30 am  · 

tiny, i think you will still be able to teach with a masters from UC. Just maybe not at the more prestigious schools. If you have not noticed it seams that half the faculty at UC are UC grads. Kinda incestuos but a good spring board for future teaching. I know alot of faculty who have leaft for greener pastures started teaching at UC. If you get you dgree and specialize in HistoPresto..and then work for a firm that specializes in that..then i dont see why you would have a problem teaching at most places.

Mar 24, 05 10:34 am  · 

My background:

BA in English from Wash. U, class o' 98. Minors film and psychology. Worked as a book editor for three years... film curator for three years. Portfolio consisted of photography, filmmaking, sheet music, and some 3d work that I did on my own (not acedemic or professional). I think the inclusion of an architectural rendering may have hurt me, because honestly it sucked. 3.47 GPA overall, 800m, 630v, 5.5w.

KU: Yes
Cincy: Yes (4+)
Yale: No
Harvard: ??
MIT: ??
Penn: Should hear today!

Mar 24, 05 10:42 am  · 

thanks monkeyboy. I know its all up to me, but GSD would have helped.
Happy about Cincy and is currently first choice.

Mar 24, 05 11:05 am  · 

My background

BArch '05 from a school outside US and Europe. Strong Portfolio and strong recommendation letters, two from my professors and one from a friend who graduated from princeton. I don't know if my personal statement is good coz someone like it and others not. 3.33 GPA overall, 3.84 GPA (major), very low GRE score esp. writing section.

Princeton: Yes
GSD: Yes
Columbia: Yes
Penn: ?
UMich: ?

Mar 24, 05 11:30 am  · 

Anyone else has portfolio online? I am curious too see how bad my work is... I got rejected from everywhere I applied. MIT, Columbia, Yale, UCs etc.... I think i will work harder and try again next year.

Mar 24, 05 11:30 am  · 

Tinydancer> B.S in CompSci and Engineering, minor in Spanish, from Bucknell University.
Strong statement of purpose (very subjective)
Letter of rec from:
Assistant Dean of School of Engineering.
Elec Eng. Prof and UPenn alumn
Current manager at Software engineering firm.
GRE: 740M 580V 4.0A
Portfolio: 5 unique pieces of commisioned furniture (CAD, sketch and
photos), several graphite drawings, five b/w photos and 2 field
sketches of local buildings
And my achilles heel:
GPA 2.1
I was hoping admissions would take the fact that I have been out of
school for 5 years and provided brief explanation for my poor
performance in undergrad (didn't want to dwell on the negative).

Apparently grades have quite an impact on admission's opinion, as illustrated through 4 rejections. Deciding whether to wait another year (I'm in the same boat as tinydancer, nearing 30 and family on hold) and try again after taking a some classes or try to find something else to fill my time and bank account.

BTW, I'm from Cincy and in the area everyone says DAAP is #1, so you wouldn't have any prob getting a job at a local firm. But I guess that's the case with just about any school.

Mar 24, 05 11:33 am  · 

spm, I'm assuming you applied to march2 then? how did gsd notify you?

Mar 24, 05 11:33 am  · 

I would be interested in seeing your portfolio.
Is it posted on online?
You were admitted to the Post Pro at Princeton?
I assume that you were admitted to the MArch II program at the GSD?
That is awesome. Congrats!

Mar 24, 05 11:35 am  · 

gimp123> I've been considering posting mine. Any criticism would be beneficial for reapplication. I just haven't gotten around to getting web space.

Mar 24, 05 11:36 am  · 

Nancy, they sent me the package by FedEx. I received it on 22th.

Mar 24, 05 11:39 am  · 

emerson123, I received a letter from Columbia on Monday saying "no thanks", as well as, my portfolio from them yesterday. I am still waiting on other schools too, including UCLA but my hopes are dwindling as I have seen on this post that some people were already accepted to UCLA last week plus their open house is on the 3rd

Mar 24, 05 11:40 am  · 

spm-did you get a phone call from GSD as well?

Mar 24, 05 11:41 am  · 

tf123: thank you. Yes, I was admitted to MArch II

I feel so lucky to be admitted by princeton esp. for an international student.
only princeton gives fellowship among the top architecture schools.
I will post my portfolio online soon, maybe at the beginning of April. You can c it then.
Hope you good luck!

Mar 24, 05 11:45 am  · 

do you think toshiko mori will make a phone during midnight?
when boston is day, my place is night. I just got fedex! no phone call! no email!

Mar 24, 05 11:49 am  · 

When did you hear from the GSD?
I was told that they had not yet informed MarchII students.
Congrats again.
Looking forward to seeing your portfolio.

Mar 24, 05 11:49 am  · 


Maybe they mailed it early because spm is an international student.


I haven't heard anyting from UCLA either. I think if I got rejected right off the bat, I would have gotten a letter long ago. Emerson 123 called and was told they are still mailing out letters.

Who knows?

Mar 24, 05 12:17 pm  · 

what the status with MArch II's? @




Mar 24, 05 12:38 pm  · 

dmc--where was your architecture internship in paris?

Mar 24, 05 12:39 pm  · 

I know that last week Rice was still reviewing applications. The are probably either still reviewing or in the process of sending them out. I didn't get my letter (as an undergraduate) until April.

Mar 24, 05 12:44 pm  · 

anyone out there visit/interested in m.arch @ UTexas/Austin?

Mar 24, 05 1:25 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster


I Haven't heard anything from Rice for M.Arch II. I think I read somewhere that letters are being sent out at the end of this week or next.

Mar 24, 05 3:21 pm  · 

netizen -

small firm working for big names in the 11th arr. great experience - the boss & co really tried to teach me a lot of things, from cad, to task management, or getting as much money as possible from the client before going into construction :). they were extremely patient, given that i had no experience when i got there.

Mar 24, 05 3:25 pm  · 


I applied to the Master's program at UT Austin. I actually heard some people have recieved their letters; however, I am still waiting on mine-If I get in, I will probably go there-they have a great program.

Mar 24, 05 3:27 pm  · 

Anyone in the Midwest get their letter from Penn today? I just picked up my mail and there was nothing...

Mar 24, 05 3:28 pm  · 

I'm in the midwest and received mine today - bad news.

oh well...

Mar 24, 05 3:38 pm  · 

i got an email but no letter or open house info; it seems like a great place and i want to visit though it's a pain to get to from the northeast

Mar 24, 05 3:57 pm  · 

still nothing from GSD...

the amount of debt I could potentially accrue is just hitting me...
could it possibly we worth it?

upwards of 80k....fuck

Mar 24, 05 4:19 pm  · 

anyone else get a congradulatory email from Joel Sanders via Marilyn Weiss today?

80k!! that''l buy you a nice building here in cincy

Mar 24, 05 4:38 pm  · 

Thanks be to all and to all a goodnight...

It's been a grand 2 months of frantic 20 time a day checking and posting, but I've now heard from all and have to soul search for my choice. I will no longer check this thread, and feel the healthier for it. I long for the days when we speak of other topics besides admissions. I will see you all in 3+...

Mar 24, 05 4:44 pm  · 
monkeyboy'll be back...tonight even

Mar 24, 05 4:46 pm  · 
Pimp Minister Pete Nice

I did, stil no financial package yet from Yale, and STILL waiting on Harvard M.Arch II!

Mar 24, 05 4:48 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I got the Marily Weiss/Joel Sanders email --- 5 times!!!!! Whay are they spamming me!!!!!

Mar 24, 05 5:30 pm  · 

Ha! they like you. you gonna bug Joel or are you gonna wait till the open house? I kinda wann just cause he offered.

"hey joel, just calling to shoot the shit. how about you give me some more money?"

Mar 24, 05 5:36 pm  · 

i'm in the hoosier land and didn't receive any mail today. specifically, none from penn... i suppose it'll be tomorrow.

also, here's a question - did anyone else get a couple of copies of emails from ucla involving their AUDIT summer discovery program? looks like a poor substitute for starting their march II program this summer... i got to say though, "discover" architecture? what the (explitive deleted).!.!. i've got a lot to learn about architecture, but i sure as () am not DISCOVERING it. here i am expecting a letter of admission/rejection from ucla and i get this email instead...
frankly, it looks fun, but it's not what we've all been stressing about for months, that's for sure.
anyone else get it? opinions? am i missing something here?

Mar 24, 05 5:40 pm  · 

heterarchy--I got that too (two of them!)--yeah, pretty much had the same reaction as you, AND still no word on their decision.

Mar 24, 05 5:44 pm  · 


double major BA philosophy and BS computer science from well regarded public school. GPA 3.85, 2 years work experience in tokyo and madrid doing various things (some art or film related). GRE 720V 780M 6.0 writing. letters of rec from 2 philosophy professors and 1 comp. sci. professor, most likely no admissions people would have heard of them. portfolio was mostly film projects i have done, some maps i have designed as well

MArch I:

GSD: yes, no word on aid yet
Princeton: yes, full tuition + stipend
Columbia: yes, no word on aid yet
Rice: ?

choice: Princeton regardless

Mar 24, 05 5:58 pm  · 

very impressive dude (dudette). Just a general question, how many of you are planning on attending grad school immediately after graduating from undergrad? seems like a lot of you have been working.

Mar 24, 05 6:00 pm  · 

Well, we've got another rejection in the Midwest. UPenn decided to go with the majority vote. It's looking like this really wasn't my year. Best of luck to all.

Mar 24, 05 6:13 pm  · 

noone289... sorry to hear that! I'm sure that you are still a talented and good person. :-) Seriously, if you're really into architecture, it can't hurt to build up your portfolio and try again next year! I'm thinking about doing something like that if I don't get in to any Ivies of my choosing... hmm...


Mar 24, 05 6:18 pm  · 

what was your fellowship like for princeton marchII? am i the only one to be admitted there without a full ride? when i asked about it, they said they didn't do that for post-pro...

Mar 24, 05 6:31 pm  · 

mpsyp- no cincy?

Mar 24, 05 6:45 pm  · 

Still thinking about it. Waiting till I get my decisions. Might move to Cincinnati for a year and try again next year for financial reasons...

Mar 24, 05 6:52 pm  · 

I'm still waiting on responses as well, but have pretty much decided it will be Cincy unless something amazing comes along (like a full ride to GSD or Columbia-I'm not holding my breath).
Keep me posted on what you decide!

Mar 24, 05 6:55 pm  · 

nancy: good to fear i'm not alone... :) i will have been working almost 2 years when i hit day 1 of grad school.

those of you who've been accepted to columbia msaad, what kind of scholarship did they give you? i still haven't gotten my financial aid package from them, but the letter of admission stipuplated a $9000 scholarship. i hadn't even submitted my fafsa when i got the letter...

Mar 24, 05 7:30 pm  · 

no news from penn here in milwaukee

Mar 24, 05 7:48 pm  · 

I just received a big envelope from upenn filled with good news.

Does anyone recall the title of the thread for top graduate programs?

Mar 24, 05 7:57 pm  · 

heterarchy-columbia offered 12000 (msaad as well). haven't received financial aid info either. still not enough though, considering it's what, 17000 for the three semesters?

Mar 24, 05 9:21 pm  · 

each semester...of course

Mar 24, 05 9:30 pm  · 

ice9--i have a couple friends who went to princeton in recent years and from muy understanding not everyone gets a full ride, be it MArch I or II. Most MArch I people get about 75%, with a few (3 or 4) getting a full ride. With MArch II, its about the same, or a bit less since less are admitted. But I do know my friend who was MArch II got a full ride

Mar 24, 05 9:38 pm  · 

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