
Graduate School Decision Dates VI .......


I got half fellowship.
I think it must be due to my lack of working experience. how about your background?

Mar 24, 05 9:48 pm  · 

just to post some anger, heard nothing from gsd until today, i called, apparently they "forgot" to mail my e-ject. apparently all responses have been sent. those of you who have heard nothing, maybe they forgot as well. for $80 you would think we deserve some dignity!

Mar 24, 05 9:50 pm  · 

got the GSD e-ject in the mail today....

Mar 24, 05 10:00 pm  · 

heterarchy, got a 12,000 scholorship to columbia.

Mar 24, 05 10:19 pm  · 

anyone heard from rice yet? Penndesign waitlisted me today which was in a way a relief - a decision is going to be hard enough as it is...although if i get a yes from rice, from what i've heard in regards to their financial support, my decision will be easy...

Mar 24, 05 10:30 pm  · 

I called RISD today to find out when they were mailing letters and they told me I was accepted over the phone.. so if you've applied and are curious just try calling them. Anyone have any thoughts about RISD's mArch program?

still haven't heard from Upenn and i'm in the midwest, i'm hoping tomorrow. also assuming that it's a no-go at GSD b/c i applied mArchI and i have yet to hear anything.

Mar 24, 05 11:26 pm  · 

numbsay> same here on penn + gsd... tomorrow we check the mail!

Mar 25, 05 4:59 am  · 

i also got half. according to the school, marchII students are traditionally given less aid because they are there for less time. i guess that makes sense...if a bit disappointing. regardless, i think i'm going to the MED at yale. there i am well funded and i think the program may be better suited to my goals.

i have a b-arch from syracuse...been working in new york and chicago for four years at various good firms. i think that is about average experience for going back to an marchII.

Mar 25, 05 7:26 am  · 

nancy and monkeyboy: congrats! :) i guess i just wasn't 'double-digit' material. or, technically, quintuple digit...
so then, does everyone admitted to columbia's msaad get a scholarship of some sort? anyone not get one? can anyone beat the 12 grand mark? :) also, if you've been accepted to columbia's msaad, have you gotten your fin aid package yet? i'm still waiting.

Mar 25, 05 8:00 am  · 

nope. havent gotten the packet yet. were yout as surprised as i was to even recieve a scholorship from columbia? I have always been told that they dont give out scholorships because those who want to go there can afford to go there. Hmmm.

Mar 25, 05 8:24 am  · 

Oh yeah thanks heterarchy.... but they should double all our scholarships..dont you agree?

Mar 25, 05 8:24 am  · 

check your inboxes. i got an e-jection from berkeley this a.m. for MArch I. this is sad news, and i'm sad delivering it.

hope yours is happy...

Mar 25, 05 9:41 am  · 


Same here with the Berkeley reject. And on my birthday no less...

Mar 25, 05 10:29 am  · 

ice9 -
I am sorry that u won't go to Princeton.
My choice is a little easier, because princeton's funding is the largest for an international student among almost all schools. (no funding in GSD and Columbia for international students)
But I am still thinking of Harvard. It might be better suited for me since I wanna practice after graduate. Princeton is a little theoretical. how do you think of it?

Mar 25, 05 10:30 am  · 

i may yet go to princeton...hard to say no to. anyway, i don't really think you can go wrong there. word is that stan and paul are slowly moving the school away from the ultra-theoretical esoterics of the past decade. so that should be good for you. ironically, i have a well-rounded undergrad education and a decent amount of experience, so i would prefer the theoretical...
i don't think you can go wrong with the gsd either.

Mar 25, 05 10:45 am  · 

i got the rejection from berkeley as well this morning.

but good news - just got word of acceptance to RISD!!!!!

Mar 25, 05 10:54 am  · 

Karst: The same thing happened to my friend a couple of years ago! And since I haven't heard anything yet, I'm assuming it happened to me. That is ridiculous! Everyone that was forgotten should get their money back.

Mar 25, 05 10:54 am  · 

i called Harvard just now and they said MArch2 responses have been sent out recently and we should hear word very soon.

Mar 25, 05 11:01 am  · 

I called Harvard as well and they said MArch 1 AP decisions went out Wednesday...should be in the mailbox today...

Mar 25, 05 11:04 am  · 

fairchildmj- ugh. sorry. happy birthday anyway.

as for the comments on princeton, i hear the same thing about stan and paul. though i'm not convinced that it's for the better. princeton is really strong in theory and i think the school is so terribly self-conscious about it. why not genuinely embrace your strength, the one thing that differentiates you in the marketplace, rather than run away from it?

Mar 25, 05 11:05 am  · 

Hey its glick's birthday today as well. Mine is tomorrow. So whatever news i get today or tomorrow will determine how much i drink.

Mar 25, 05 11:12 am  · 

and my b-day is on Tuesday. I will be drinking tonight at my b-day dinner, regardless. Hopefully Penn will make it a good night.

Mar 25, 05 11:22 am  · 

funny... I just called Harvard because I have not heard about my M.Arch I status. They told me that decisions have not been mailed yet and that they will "all go out at one time, before the end of the month." And yes, they are mailing hard copies. (There's your dignity, Karst.)

So I said hmm, that's funny, I know about 10 people who have been either accepted or rejected, most of them over a week ago. I was told sorry, all the information we have is that you will receive a decision before the end of the month.

Bah! It seems like everyone but me has already gotten a response. I'm assuming this means that I was rejected but come on, get it over with already. People live in the digital age now, your little admissions ritual is no big secret, folks!!!


Mar 25, 05 11:32 am  · 

maybe all the peeple they really want got contacted first. Do we know if these peeps that got accepted already got sholarships/grants?

I was told by a harvard alum (not arch. and old) yesterday that in heis experience Harvard called in the 11th hour so they can make the last "better" offer. Who knows if this is true.. but is sounded nice.

Mar 25, 05 11:51 am  · 

I guess it's possible that they are holding off on giving me a "hey, if you wanna pay through the nose, I guess you could join us" letter until the last minute...


Mar 25, 05 11:58 am  · 

thats what mine will say too.

Mar 25, 05 12:01 pm  · 

got into risd. where is that penn letter though...? i'm starting to appreciate princeton for emailing and reducing some of the anxiety.

Mar 25, 05 12:06 pm  · 

I got the Harvard MArch I stuff early in the week (in the mail)

Mar 25, 05 12:11 pm  · 

nervous> did you also get a call from Toshiko??

Mar 25, 05 12:16 pm  · 

yes. an an email today with names of people to contact if i have questions

Mar 25, 05 12:18 pm  · 

monkeyboy: i had heard that too.. i was suprised at the scholarship, but even more surprised to have gotten it before they received my fafsa info. certainly though, we all deserve at LEAST double what the gave us... :)
still, until they send out financial aid info, the scholarship doesn't mean much of anything.
i got the columbia acceptance on a friday several weeks ago, so i'm feeling good about getting either the finaid from columbia today, or even better, acceptances from the other three schools i applied to...
nothing like an excuse to celebrate on a friday afternoon. :)

Mar 25, 05 12:32 pm  · 

heterachy: i got mine the same time. Must be casue were so close to one another in the midwest. I just checked out your website. Pretty crazy shit! I would have to say...not what i expected from someone from ball state. That wasnt meant in a derogatory way. I dont even expect that kind of aesthetic from someone at U. of CIncy. It would be cool if we ended up going to the same place. It looks like you could be someone cool to pair up with in studio. I was in Indi a couple of weeks ago for a client visit. I wish i woulda known you were there. Did you have Kevin Klinger when you were at Ball State?

Where else have you got accepted so far (i dont feel like scrolling through the threads again) and where are you going to the open houses?

Mar 25, 05 1:30 pm  · 

I've only posted once here. But I do have a question:

does anyone know when the MIT open house is?

I am away on break and my room mate is somehow missing in action, as he has been recieving my mail for me. I did recieve the package, but he neglected to inform me of the open house date. I have to begin scheduling all this in now...

Mar 25, 05 1:34 pm  · 

ansera: thursday, april 7th

Mar 25, 05 1:37 pm  · 

Just got the acceptance letter for the MArch II at the GSD.
Check you mailboxes.

Mar 25, 05 2:14 pm  · 

did you get an email too?

Mar 25, 05 2:22 pm  · 

No e-mail.
Just a package in the mail.

Mar 25, 05 2:22 pm  · 

monkeyboy: thanks. but crazy shit? my stuff? i only show my conservative stuff on that website... :) but no, ball state doesn't really encourage the kind of work i do (in fact, i'd equate my education to a very difficult uphill battle or maybe a somewhat civilized shouting match...), but there were several of us in my class that formed our own support/criticism/revolution group. i didn't ever have klinger, but heard good things about him. for instance i know he's a juror in the FEIDAD competitions, which is pretty cool. how do you know him? did he teach at cincy?

Mar 25, 05 2:57 pm  · 

yeah he was at cincy until my last year or two before i graduated. i never had him but my friends who did seemed to like him. Dont know how it was at Ball state but usually their was a number of profs who had their own set of "groupies" . I wasnt one of his. I was someone elses groupie..Ha! so funny when you think about it. I am sure most schools are like that. Were you being sarcastic about the conservative stuff? I'd like to see the more liberal stuff. I didnt start trying more experimental forms until later in my schooling. My unfinished website has my portfolio which i can email you if you'd like. I Kinda like the anonymity so far all though i may have already blown that. I dont keep track of what i say sometimes.

So What about the open houses?

Mar 25, 05 3:21 pm  · 

so all of my decisions are I can look at the numbers and make a decision....I think I am favoring MIT....exciting times

Good luck to everyone and remember that no matter where you get it in it only matters what the hell you do at school once you get there. If you are talented and you work hard you will float to the top, doesn't matter where you go to school. Seriously.

Mar 25, 05 3:47 pm  · 

Well, went home for lunch and my Penn rejection letter. Boohoo. I wanted them to want me. Oh well. Now just waiting for my Harvard and MIT rejection letters...

Mar 25, 05 3:54 pm  · 

monkeyboy: oh yeah, forgot about the other schools/open houses part... work makes the mind weak...
i applied to columbia, ucla, upenn, and cornell. so far columbia's the only one to get back to me. based on the info in these threads i'm not worried about penn or cornell (they're backups anyway), but feel a bit put off by ucla. whatevs though. so far then, of course columbia's the only open house i'm planning on going to.
i was mostly kidding/sarcastic about my site being only the conservative stuff. i made it for job interviews, so i chose slightly less abstract images/layout/etc.. you should post your site, everyone should, it would be educational and interesting to compare work vs grad schools we're applying to. or at least it might reinforce grad school stereotypes. :)

Mar 25, 05 4:13 pm  · 

cool, well i'll see you there.
i didnt realize you worked for winka. How was it? I wouldnt mind working for her. I worked for another eisenman desciple for co-op and after graduation.

Mar 25, 05 4:37 pm  · 

that is because monkeyboy thinks winka is hot.

Mar 25, 05 4:45 pm  · 

happy birthday to all you birthday people....

go check your mailboxes and then buy yourself a beer. After what I've seen on these deserve it. Have a good weekend!


Mar 25, 05 4:51 pm  · 

to all of you who got rejections on your birthdays, that sucks!

We all win some and lose some, we just need to make the most of what we have and not stress about what's not within our power to change....

So far:

Columbia: Yes
Harvard: No
Syracuse (Florence):Yes
Pratt: Yes

Foreign student in middle-east, so mail takes 4eva to get here!

Mar 25, 05 4:53 pm  · 

for those of us who have been waitlisted, is there anything we can do? or are we supposed to just sit here twiddling our thumbs waiting to get the prized leftovers.

Mar 25, 05 7:09 pm  · 

ice9- and swell
Thank you for your both information.

After you go to the Open House, can you tell me more about the school? I can't go to US that soon
Thank you!

Mar 25, 05 9:27 pm  · 

I got into yale and am waiting on others, I'd be happy to put my portfolio up if someone can list an easy free site to do it on. I'd also be interested in seeing more people's work

Mar 25, 05 9:55 pm  · 

nancy: just read your post about dragon day, you from cornell? I graduated from there in '03.........are you in thesis? Good luck regardless!

I've been told that if you're waitlisted and you want the school, just to be more patient (like that's EASY). It's best to contact the waitlisting school only if you intend NOT to go there...

In theory, it's a full circle, meaning no school will get 100% of accepted applicants, so places should free up, but ti's best to keep our feet on the ground!

Mar 26, 05 3:41 am  · 

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