
Women that are into architecture

Tim DeCoster

This all seems silly to me. It completely depends on the man and woman who are in a relationship. If the man is an ego-maniac (or the woman for that matter), of course the other person in the relationship will be in that person's shadow. I think this thread has suddenly become overly-Freud-dramatic.

I went out last Fri. with a female arch. student, and must say, that I look up to her. She would not be in my shadow at all; we very much mutually admire/respect one another. I'm attracted to her for reasons beyond architecture, so that argument is out the window. We have everything in common and it's great; and intellectually we relate very well - better than anyone I've dated so far. The last relationship I had was with someone who was in another field and we eventually realized we just didn't have enough in common.

Thought I'd throw that out there for what it's worth.

Mar 15, 05 4:09 pm  · 

Dont talk about architecture with loved ones, its uglytalk and its boring.

Mar 17, 05 3:03 pm  · 

I think most people who are extremely creative are a nightmare to date!!!!

The emotional extremes that are NECESSARY to create powerful work are ALSO what drives people to throw sh*t and tear everything around them to shreds! C/m on people! Get over the romanticised infatuation with inspiration and creative genius!

Mar 17, 05 9:43 pm  · 

office da
a little insiration for tim.
and cellardoorwhore........i fucking love you

Mar 19, 05 2:19 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

i find it appealing for men to be into architecture...this is such a turn on to me...why? discuss.

Mar 19, 05 3:28 pm  · 

haha, nice one lateral!

I have no idea.

Mar 19, 05 6:09 pm  · 

this thread is GAY!
let's talk about feminist architects. or women pioneers in architecture. or sexism in the workplace. ANYTHING but sexuality. sex and architecture do NOT go together, that's gross.

Mar 19, 05 10:46 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster

thanks for the inspiration biomec, it's appreciated.

oe, architecture is a topic that doesn't really even come up.

Mar 19, 05 11:12 pm  · 
this thread is GAY!
let's talk about feminist architects. or women pioneers in architecture. or sexism in the workplace. ANYTHING but sexuality. sex and architecture do NOT go together, that's gross.

right. What's all this talk about architecture spoiling the thread.

I think most people who are extremely creative are a nightmare to date!!!!

The emotional extremes that are NECESSARY to create powerful work are ALSO what drives people to throw sh*t and tear everything around them to shreds! C/m on people! Get over the romanticised infatuation with inspiration and creative genius!

In my experience, emotional & creative extremes (speaking of romance...) do not have to lead to physical wreckage.

and I'm convinced from her typing, that Stephanie looks way better than a chainsaw.

Mar 20, 05 5:23 am  · 
vado retro

hmmmmmmmmm i think bob dylan said it best about how a guy should act with his lady...
i aint lookin to compete with you
cheat or beat or mistreat you
simplify you classify you
deny defy or crucify you.
all i really wanna do
is baby be friends with you.

Mar 20, 05 9:33 am  · 

"sex and architecture do NOT go together, that's gross."

am i the only one that is kinda turned on by sexy projects? hehe
was my girl friend right to freak out when i suggested we should watch a mies van der rohe video?

Mar 20, 05 11:37 am  · 

vado, will next week be an all clay week? not that i think he can one up dylan, but it could be fun.

Mar 20, 05 11:43 am  · 
vado retro

clay or mr. d?

no more sad songs i'm letting it go now
switched on switched off you turned off the light
im gonna be alright
turn off the radio no more sad songs.

clay or mr. d?

so sing your praise of progress
and of the doom machine.
the naked truth is still taboo
whenever it can be seen.
lady luck who shines on me
will tell you where i'm at.
i hate myself for loving you
but i'll soon be over that.

Mar 20, 05 1:16 pm  · 

In any case, what is the ratio of men to women architects these days? I want to find some numbers, but can't.

Mar 20, 05 5:43 pm  · 

not so good in UK, I would guess at 8/2 at best

Mar 20, 05 6:53 pm  · 

See that's why I need to move to Britain. You need me to help balance things out. Plus I am fairly entertaining.

Now all I need to do is grow that money tree so I can afford it....

Mar 20, 05 7:19 pm  · 

Speaking of women & men, sex & architecture, has anyone actually hooked up as a result of meeting on Archinect? Should we start a subportal at We could even make silly commercials about our success know, couples dressed entirely in black with matching German cars and recounts of first dates after an all-nighter.....

Mar 20, 05 7:26 pm  · 

ok ill say it......

in the environment i work in.....women in architecture is probably the 0.033% of the population, very few of those few have an idea or an intention towards sophistication, most of them ive met in school are there because they used to be good at drawing in highschool, and well it sounds nice "architect".
secondly, here most of us architects build our own designs, meaning we are designers + contractors + lawyers + management and what not, i even get softdrinks for my women find this "wholistic" practice much harder to deal with than just drawing at the board all dressed in black.

Now back to the point of the me or to us, it comes to be incredibly attractive to meet a woman in the profession who juggles all these variables and still manages to achieve the good looks, the cool style, the culture, the reading and the design.........theres a rumour that out there, there really exists a woman like that, a woman that bosses around construction workers all day, and arrives for diner on a yuropian car, fresh as a berry, ready to be intellectually stimulating.

..........oh sh.t i woke was going soooo well.

some time ago, i met a woman studying architecture at the glamorous AA of london, she was german, black turttle neck, dark gray trousers, black casual adidas, very posh and cool, speaking of "folding" and "fractal like organization systems".......after a few hours of talk, and some drinks in between, she conffessed to believe that architecture, specially in europe was an extremely hard profession to be succesful at, more for a woman, and that after the AA she would marry this IvyLeague architect and have kids, and enjoy the culture but not get gray hairs from it.

is architecture harder for women ?

Mar 20, 05 7:52 pm  · 
Ms Beary

In my town, we have about 8 female intern architects, 2 male intern architects, 2 female licensed architects, 19 male licensed architects.

Two of them are dating.

Mar 21, 05 7:48 pm  · 

what town is this?

Mar 21, 05 11:27 pm  · 

I have a great concept, Women with money who appreciate architeture... How you say. - Trust Fund

Mar 21, 05 11:33 pm  · 

stephanie, cruising home depot for hotties, in Boisie, good luck finding someone who knows anything more than construction about arch,

Mar 21, 05 11:34 pm  · 

oh yes, Stephanie, can we have a pic?

Mar 21, 05 11:34 pm  · 

for a couple of seconds there, i actually felt jealous, this is crazy.

Mar 22, 05 6:27 am  · 

>>I have a great concept, Women with money who appreciate architeture... >>How you say. - Trust Fund

I have a great concept, Men with money who appreciate architecture...
and respect women who are architects.

Mar 22, 05 10:29 am  · 


Mar 22, 05 10:37 am  · 

Those remarks were... off the cuff... I respect a women's mind and can see myself happiest in life with a partner who i can share love and art; regardless of poverty or wealth.

Mar 22, 05 11:05 am  · 
sweet em

From MauOne : "in the environment i work in.....women in architecture is probably the 0.033% of the population, very few of those few have an idea or an intention towards sophistication, most of them ive met in school are there because they used to be good at drawing in highschool, and well it sounds nice "architect".

"secondly, here most of us architects build our own designs, meaning we are designers + contractors + lawyers + management and what not, i even get softdrinks for my women find this "wholistic" practice much harder to deal with than just drawing at the board all dressed in black."

note to self - never go to LaPaz unless I want to gag to death on testosterone.

Mar 22, 05 2:57 pm  · 

LOL, TRUE, i've been trying to leave for a while now.


Mar 22, 05 3:17 pm  · 

for all Home Depot shoppers
If you cant be handsom, you might as well be handy.
red green

Mar 22, 05 5:39 pm  · 

i was also thinking that all architects, male or female, probably have a good stylistic eye, and probably naturally pay better to their appearance and subtle things like the cut of their clothes, hair style, etc. which can also go a long way towards making someone look good, and consequently sexy.

Mar 24, 05 11:12 am  · 

sweet em:
I would agree with that observation

Mar 24, 05 11:14 am  · 
Nell Lime

Here is another idea...
"'We'll just sit here,' said Barney, 'and if we think of anything worthwile saying we'll say it. Otherwise, not. Don't imagine you're bound to talk to me.'
"'John Foster says,' quoted Valance, 'If you can sit in silence with a person for half an hour and be entirely comfortable, yoou and that person can be friends. If you cannnot, friends you'll never be and you need not waste time trying.'"
-'The Blue Castle', L.M. Montgomery Ch. 21

There is more to finding that architectural man or woman then looks or style or money... how about friendship?

Mar 24, 05 8:53 pm  · 

exactly nell, friends or what ever, there is still a certain amount of attraction there if your human...... phew this post has realy gotten big!

Mar 25, 05 2:38 am  · 
Nell Lime

I just thought that there should be more to life then money or looks... I mean looks fade, money can be lost. Friendship lasts. I mean I would hate to be the person who married for money or looks, and then when they ran out found out that no friendship was there because they focused on those other things.
Yes this is rather long. But there are some interesting points made.

Mar 25, 05 8:37 am  · 

in the end of it all, I have always thought that who better than an architect to understand another architect,, to be able to come back home and still hold a pretty decent and interest observation, and a good conversation.
Who else could understand the actual depth of your work, the long hours invested,, I don´t everh want to hear, how come it takes u so damn long to work, you´re not even a doctor,, what exactly do u do...
At least with my boyfriend i dont have to go for hours explaining what i spend my time on, best of all, he doesn´t mind seeing me fresh and peachy some days, a wreck some others, with grey bags under my eyes holding a cup of coffee..
so yes, being an architect is good most of the time,, good looks, cool clothes, good sense of style, pleasurable chats and much more.

Mar 25, 05 12:17 pm  · 

Q: Why is it hot when a woman is into architecture?

A: Because it is a woman! ;)

Mar 25, 05 11:32 pm  · 

The phrase "women into architecture" should be posted on the Phrases That Make you Cringe thread. It's like saying "I'm into art" If you truly were, you'd is a rather broad ranging topic, don't you think? It sounds like a lame pickup line.

Mar 26, 05 2:15 pm  · 
the cellardoor whore point eggsactly Lena V

Mar 26, 05 3:03 pm  · 

all this talk is making me horny

Mar 28, 05 5:35 am  · 

although women that never even really thought about architecture before (like my wife) are ok too...

great perk: my wife accompanies me on my various architectural pilgrimages and i get to see everything through fresh eyes.

flip side: she can't understand why i'm as concerned about our home environment as she is. baby clothes, window treatments, and pots/pans all require negotiation. 'most men' wouldn't care, apparently.

Mar 28, 05 7:42 am  · 

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