
the worst sh*t you've seen: sites pre-demo


im still a newbie, but had to survey the basement at a site where there was literally 1/2" of rat shit covering the floor, and i had to sing the whole time so that the rodents would know i was there and would stay hidden. i think it was an illegal squat at some point.

anyway, what's the worst you've ever seen?

someday, i hope to look back fondly upon this 'war story', but right now im gonna go burn the clothes i wore.

Feb 24, 05 3:01 pm

you might die of the plague!

Feb 24, 05 3:14 pm  · 

suture, i thought that YOU were the plague?

: )

Feb 24, 05 3:16 pm  · 

ok, I was measuing a building on the west side of chicago. The interior had burned some time back. The neighborhood was as shit as you can imagine. So we opened the back door to the basement to find that then entire floor was covered in bottles, needles, rat shit and various other shit. Now at some point a crew had come by and started to patch and replace joists, but I guess the job died. So what was left above the basement were two floors of open wood joists with scattered sheets of plywood to bridge them. So we started to measure the basement only to find that a sewer line had ruptured some time ago leaving a nice little funk puddle. Also as I was going to the top floor a few stairs broke out from under me leaving me with one foot jammed in the debris handing over that funk covered basement. At that I called it a day and just made up the measurments for the top floor.

Feb 24, 05 3:25 pm  · 

abandoned medical waste storage facility.

imagine the worst, and you'll be close.

Feb 24, 05 3:30 pm  · 

i just measured a place on the north-west side of milwaukee, real old(1903). i had to rip plywood off of a window and climb in to find all sorts of old dentist equipment with what used to be food all over the place. I planned to start in the basement and work my way up, but soon discovered there were no stairs, i guess they were used to fuel a bums fire.

Feb 24, 05 4:05 pm  · 

Yeah but have you ever had to dodge trains????
The wonderful souls I once worked for didn’t think it wise to pay professionals to survey the track wall of a Subway station that was active at the time of our adventure. They also did not think it wise to notify the Client who would have provided flagman who is responsible for stopping the train and or notifying you to flee.

So we did it ourselves and had to pull each other of the tracks if we heard a train coming.
I did it once and shamefully let the old project manager who was confident that this is the way it should be done do it.

Feb 24, 05 4:17 pm  · 

Try doing a survey of this tough guy:

Feb 24, 05 4:33 pm  · 


Feb 24, 05 4:40 pm  · 

dam-what the hell is that? Friend of mine worked on the old ovaltine factory west of Chicago - 1/4 mile long factory abandoned and all the sub basements filled up with water and sugar to grade and sat there for 25 years - festered into a biohazard, an offical cesspool by epa and I believe the feds had to stimulate redevelopment finally in the 90's with clean up $ for local guv. Got more, just ask....

Feb 24, 05 5:08 pm  · 

keep it coming..
I need to feel better about myself.

Feb 24, 05 5:24 pm  · 
juan moment

my brother, who works for a property managment company in san francisco, recently discovered an apartment of a woman who had been missing for a couple of months that stored all of her urine in hundreds of bottles that she left scattered all over the apartment floor. she also kept all of her feces on plates in her room and the entire place is covered in cobwebs. they are trying to find the safest way to clean the apartment without alarming the neighbors. there is also the possibility that the woman may actually be somewhere in the apartment.

Feb 24, 05 5:25 pm  · 

juan moment,
sorry but i dont believe you man

Feb 24, 05 5:35 pm  · 

I did a residential renovation back in the 80's where the carpet was absolutely filthy, mushy and maggot filled in the middle of the living room. I turns out the mushy bug and maggot filled carpet was from where the old guy had fallen out of his wheel chair and was stuck on the floor alone for 5 days before someone found him (still alive) and he had diarrhea all over the carpet for days while laying in it!

There were pigeons living on top of and inside the moldy food and roach filled kitchen cabinets and they were drenched with bird poop dripping onto the countertops and cook-top. The old guy who had lived there was actually using the kitchen to store food and cook!

I about vomited at the smell and the grossness BUT, it was MY project and I got the place for a screaming deal as no other buyers would even preview it. I doubled my money in 8 months after all my renovation expenses to gut and rebuild the place so I had the last laugh.

Feb 24, 05 5:45 pm  · 

Coach house on Southside of Chicago skirting engelwood. Went to field measure and there was a disgusting poverty scene with filth everywhere, people and children milling about, upstairs a fat bedridden old lady with kids jumping on her. Yeah - get the sill hieght behind that bed- also guy who may have been dying of aids in the next room - didnt ask. I dont know how all these people could live in this place - oh yeah, dogs too.

Feb 24, 05 6:02 pm  · 

sounds like you guys are exchanging script ideas for the sequel to se7en.

Feb 24, 05 6:16 pm  · 
juan moment

sameolddoctor - yes it sounds quite unbelievable, but it's true. they are cleaning it today.

Feb 24, 05 6:20 pm  · 

You guys forcing long repressed memories back into my conscience…for that I thank you.

This one just came flooding back.

I was working for a firm on the ground floor of a two story residential house.
My boss owned the house and decides to kick out the tenant. Upon going up to the apartment he sees some bugs and does a bug fog spray on the place.
We come back the next day and not only are there cockroaches over every surface of the downstairs of the office the rental unit was the most vile disgusting thing I have ever witnessed, carnage on a biblical level.
Those things must have infested every nook and cranny of that place

Fun Fun Fun.

Feb 24, 05 10:30 pm  · 

A friend of mine worked for a firm that was dong rehab work on these old armories in Brooklyn. There was one that they were measuring that had had pidgins roosting in its tower for like fifty years so the tower floor was several inches deep in pidgin shit and dead pidgins. They were dealing with it I guess (many beers after work) until one particularly hot, muggy summer day the two guys sent out to survey failed to return.

They called later from the emergency room after being overcome by the heat and fumes to the pint where one guy passed out.

Feb 24, 05 10:43 pm  · 

i once had to survey a knackers yard, for those of you who dont know the knackers is where all the bits and pieces that dont get used in the slaughter house go to. The stench was truly awful and i manged to step on a pigs ear which made me slip over and covered me in chicken feathers. i promptly returned home, showered in swarfega and burned my shoes.

just for good measure we got to survey the slaughterhouse the week after too.

Feb 25, 05 12:06 pm  · 

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