
What do you do when work is slow?

Mountain Magic

Running out of meaningful project work - this has been an issue at all but one of the offices I've worked at, even as I've progressed to basically a Project Architect level (5+ years) and gotten pretty darn good at Revit. I usually complain about it, and I usually get the impression that the implicit expectation is to find some busy work that they can bill for. But I find this to be a) miserable and boring, b) not a good path to professional development, and c) possibly unethical. What am I missing here? I know the more common complaint is to be buried with work, and I have experienced that also, but I'm sure a lot of people must run across slow patches too, and it seems that it doesn't bother most people so much?? Should I just be sitting at my desk with a trashy novel or what? Honestly, I don't mind coasting when things are slow, but the timesheet part makes it feel so much more complicated ...

Feb 15, 23 3:19 pm

Research work, it's a rabbit hole. Writing or model building might be a nice long change of pace if your firm allows it.

Feb 15, 23 3:24 pm  · 
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IMO, downtimes are gold mines for new skill requisition, which benefit both you AND your firm.  

The first time around 7 years ago, I used it to learn Dynamo for Revit.  If you are already great at Revit, Dynamo could super charge your interest and open up new ways for you leverage Revit to higher potential (I've applied to both sexy design challenges like parametric design, and boring things like automating tagging and scheduling things out of box Revit couldn't).  

The second time, I took a few courses on graphic story telling.  At the time, it felt unrelated to task at hand, but I've since applied it to win a design competition for my firm, and leveraged the technique in interviews and proposals.  

The most recent down time, I learned Blender and has been using it to produce animations both for fun and for work.  

Next up: python!  

There are so many learning resources today, you could easily turn an interest or curiosity into skill.  Slow times are gold mines!

Feb 15, 23 4:27 pm  · 
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Feb 15, 23 4:34 pm  · 
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Wood Guy


It's best to do marketing when times are good/busy, but the second best time is when things are slow.

Feb 15, 23 4:42 pm  · 
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Refresh your resume.

Feb 15, 23 9:55 pm  · 
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My advice is to enjoy those moments. Take many long lunches. Go on walks. Sketch. Go on sketch walks. Get coffee numerous times. Daydream.

Feb 16, 23 2:18 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

slow? Can’t remember the last time I used that word when describing work load. 

Feb 16, 23 7:44 am  · 
Wood Guy

Around 2008-2009 the company I worked for had to lay a few architects off. I got to stay but recall having 2-3 days where I didn't have much to do, so I collected images, a'la Houzz or Pinterest before those were things. I haven't had a slow day since then, but it might be coming?...

Feb 16, 23 10:28 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I graduated M.arch in 2009 summer. I guess I timed that well.

Feb 16, 23 10:53 am  · 
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if the amount of projects is reduced because of economic trends, it’s a good time to think of ways to expand upon the scope/services of the projects that you have.   

Feb 16, 23 10:46 am  · 


I'll research products, software, building types, ect.  

I'll also look at possible new projects, ie try to find more work.  

Sometimes I'll work on my own little projects for myself.  

Feb 16, 23 12:49 pm  · 
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I also have a 10year goal project that I work on when slow.  It’s a ground up studio office set in a mini botanical garden for clients to experience.  I Just need about 1million spare bucks to build this thing :)

Feb 16, 23 4:18 pm  · 

When work is slow you go down to the corner bash Trans men and women. We all know it.

Feb 16, 23 5:32 pm  · 
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Your evidence for this is what?

Feb 16, 23 5:35 pm  · 

Your writing. If you're not doing that you're busy pissing into the unhoused cups.

Feb 16, 23 7:13 pm  · 
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Lol. You are too low iq to understand the nuance. The gender ideology shit is not about real trans people, who are a small small percentage of the population. The ideology is about munchausen biproxy adults offering confusing identity solutions to attention seeking confused teens who all naturally have identity issues by virtue of their age. The adults get attention for being woke. “Look at me I’m so tolerant!” Sacrificing the young for their own attention seeking reasons…what’s the result? Suicide rates among teen girls that are higher than ever before. Fact. A rate of gender dysphoria and depression from this social contagion that’s far beyond anything anywhere at anytime in the universe. Good job. You are part of the

Feb 16, 23 7:58 pm  · 
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But it’s funny how anyone who disagrees with b3 is bad. And anyone who agrees is good. The narcissism and self importance is thick out there. It’s at the root of all this stuff.

Feb 16, 23 8:02 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

X, you're a far greater part of the problem than you think.

Feb 16, 23 8:48 pm  · 
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X: "What is your evidence that I hate trans people?"

X: "Gender ideology shit" 

Lol get fucked, jla.

Feb 17, 23 8:21 am  · 
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Low IQ jovan, those are not synonymous things just like black people are not synonymous with identity politics…but you rabid leftists can only support your shit ideas by accusing opposition of malicious intent. Quite the opposite actually. Seems like even The NY Times is now realizing the damage this has done. All I’m guilty of is being quicker with my awareness and reason.

Feb 17, 23 10:16 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

You're guilty of many things X, but being wiser and more reasonable is most certainly not one of those things.

Feb 17, 23 10:23 am  · 
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Just put truth and reason over all else and you too can have a high batting average like me. Anyone can do it.

Feb 17, 23 10:38 am  · 
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You don't have a high batting average though. 

You state an opinion as a fact, get upset when people call you out on your opinions. 

When people provide evidence that your opinion is not based in fact you get pissed.  The same thing happens when it's verified that you said something you've been denying saying. 

You then say that only you really know what's going on. When people provide proof that that is a lie you then say you were just trolling. 

You're predictable and laughably obtuse.   

Feb 17, 23 10:42 am  · 
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Your lies are so funny.

Feb 17, 23 10:49 am  · 
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You're just upset how predictable you are.

Try harder little bigot.  

Feb 17, 23 10:49 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

I think I need to make an edit to my classic medical chart.

X will be revised to sub creationist.

Feb 17, 23 11:06 am  · 
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Balkins isn't that bad. He's just verbose.

Feb 17, 23 11:09 am  · 
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Chad Chad. You are dishonest and incapable of reasoned debate. You love citations huh. Cite any bigotry in any of my posts. Go on citation boy. Cite your sources.

Feb 17, 23 11:10 am  · 
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Also, cite a topic that I was wrong on.

Feb 17, 23 11:13 am  · 
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You said the Proud Boys didn't have white supremacist ideology.

 You said vaccines don't work. 

 You said that COVID was a hoax. 

 You said that COVID was created by the Chinese.

You said that all homeless chose to be so. 

Feb 17, 23 11:32 am  · 
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Citations Chad. Those are not citations

Feb 17, 23 11:34 am  · 
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And those are inaccurate.

Feb 17, 23 11:36 am  · 
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They aren't inaccurate. You've said all of those things.

Feb 17, 23 11:38 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

X, see your inane comment about "identity solutions" for confused people. That alone is enough to label you as an ignorant fool. If work is so slow for you, perhaps spend some time updating your website. Seems the projects there have not changed much over these last few years.

Feb 17, 23 11:38 am  · 
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Chad, then cite them. That’s your reductionist interpretation of what I said.

Feb 17, 23 11:39 am  · 
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Non, all teenagers struggle with identity and are confused, especially girls. This is well known.

Feb 17, 23 11:42 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

^ignorant fool

Feb 17, 23 11:44 am  · 
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Good thing Sweden and some Nordic countries now understand that genital mutilation and drugs is a grown up decision.

Feb 17, 23 11:45 am  · 
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“Ignorant fool”. So you think kids and teenagers are mature enough
to consent to genital mutilation?

Feb 17, 23 11:46 am  · 
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My list of things you've said that have been proven false aren't inaccurate. 

You've said all those things. I'm not going through your vast post history. Besides - you tend to delete (or admins delete it) after you've been shown that your wrong. 

I don't care though. Members of this site know and agree that you've posted all the above. They also agree that your posts all follow the same pattern: 

You state an opinion that you pass off as fact. People disagree with you and ask for supporting evidence. That's not ad hominem. You then get upset when the facts don't align with your view. You then devolve into insulting people and finally say that you were just trolling and you're the only one who isn't a sheep. 

Ever wonder why people here think you're a dishonest, homophobic, racist, bigot? It's not because there is a conspiracy to lie about you. It's because you make posts that convey those ideals and views. 

 You’ve admitted that you spend a lot of time here defending your posts: " every time I [you] post I [you] have to defend what [you] wrote, dozens of times" 

You know you’re not convincing anyone here of your opinions. You say you’re looking for a debate but we all know you just want to anonymously post your dishonest, homophobic, racist, and bigoted ideals here because you’re too much of a pathetic coward to say these things in person.

Feb 17, 23 11:49 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

Ignorant fool. You'd deserve ridiculous if your point of views weren't so fucking tragic. You're the problem.

Feb 17, 23 11:49 am  · 
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Non Sequitur wrote: 

"X, see your inane comment about "identity solutions" for confused people. That alone is enough to label you as an ignorant fool. If work is so slow for you, perhaps spend some time updating your website. Seems the projects there have not changed much over these last few years."  

You're right. I haven't looked at his companies website in a couple of years. It' hasn't changed at all. Update your work x-jal.

Feb 17, 23 11:53 am  · 
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There is no evolutionary bottle neck causing disproportionate numbers of kids claiming to be trans. It’s a fad. A social contagion. It’s an attention seeking behavior reinforced by attention seeking adults. No different than the huge uptick in kids claiming to have Tourette’s. Social contagions are well documented in psychology literature. It’s all whatever until medical gouls predate upon this to sell life altering drugs and surgeries. Then it’s time to lock some mf’ers up.

Feb 17, 23 11:54 am  · 
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And If im bad for not bending to ridiculous demands by ridiculous people like calling fishermen “fishertheys” then I don’t give a flying fuck

Feb 17, 23 11:56 am  · 
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There is that pattern again - state opinion as fact, get called out for it, get shown that the facts don't support your opinion, get upset, call names, they say that you're the only one who isn't a sheep. Dear god man, how can you be this stupid and predictable? I think I know why all your work looks the same and you haven't updated your firm's' portfolio in over two years.

Feb 17, 23 12:00 pm  · 
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“You've said all those things. I'm not going through your vast post history. Besides - you tend to delete (or admins delete it) after you've been shown that your wrong. ”. This is such a bs lie, and a waste of time to converse with you. Anyways, toodles and stay warm with your comfort blanket of lies and illusions.

Feb 17, 23 12:00 pm  · 
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More predictable behavior. Just remember you're not fooling anyone here or in person. We all know that you're a dishonest fool who wants to be openly homophobic, racist, and bigoted but are just too cowardly to do so. Go work on your firm's website and update your 'work'.

Feb 17, 23 12:03 pm  · 
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“Ever wonder why people here think you're a dishonest, homophobic, racist, bigot? ”. I know why, because you are all in the cult, and the blasphemous are wicked or something like that.

Feb 17, 23 12:03 pm  · 
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I wish I could peruse Archinect on any given work day without encountering hate toward me and people like me. It gets exhausting having to read through threads about inane subjects only to find that X has decided to spread transphobia and other bigotry.

Feb 17, 23 12:06 pm  · 
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I thought you were leaving. Predictable. So predictable. Why not spend this 'energy' for something productive? Work on your firm's website, go protest with Wetero Church. I hear Russia need some more conscripts. That your you could you know, be a decent person.

Feb 17, 23 12:07 pm  · 
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You are racist, homophobic and sexist, because you’re unwilling to challenge destructive ideology which negatively affects those groups. I am willing to challenge that ideology because I want to best for individuals of any identity. Get off your high horse.

Feb 17, 23 12:07 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Hey Jovan, at least take solace that X's "work" day consists only of moving around cacti and rocks. Expressing his ignorance and stupidity is the only joy he gets.

Feb 17, 23 12:08 pm  · 
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I thought you were leaving? Predictable. So predictable. Aren't you the one who thinks they are NEVER wrong. How can you be that way and still think that you're challenging anything. I'm wrong all the time. Being wrong is vital to growing and learning as a person. That's what's required to challenge anything.  

Feb 17, 23 12:09 pm  · 
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Are you going to cite proof of where I said those things? Go ahead archinect and please put back up all of the things I’ve said in here. I’m not saying that everything is correct, but I can confidently say that I never post anything racist Or homophobic. Unless “blm is embezzling money” is “racist”. Turned out to be true. OR “the virus was likely made in the Wuhan lab or virology” is “racist” Still a likely-highly probable possibility…

Feb 17, 23 12:11 pm  · 
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YOU are the one always with personal attacks. Intolerance towards other opinions. You act like you own the site. Like a bully who controls the sand box. You are just a user like everyone else on here. Get over yourself. People are not their opinions. Opinions are evolving ways of seeing the world, and challenges to opinions, among creatives, should be welcomed.

Feb 17, 23 12:15 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

We're only intolerant towards poorly thought out or dumb-ass ignorant shit opinions like yours. Not our fault we're all better than you.

Feb 17, 23 12:23 pm  · 
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“Aren't you the one who thinks they are NEVER wrong.”. I never said that. I was wrong about the proud boys thing and admitted that. I was uninformed about their affiliations with white supremacy. I didn’t know too much about them. I don’t care about admitting when I’m wrong. That said, I didn’t defend the proud boys. I believe I said that they were just trouble makers and reactionary assholes. More like soccer hooligans.

Feb 17, 23 12:26 pm  · 
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“We're only intolerant towards poorly thought out or dumb-ass ignorant shit opinions like yours. Not our fault we're all better than you.”. What opinion. Citation required

Feb 17, 23 12:27 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Your comments are enough to demonstrate my above statement.

Feb 17, 23 12:34 pm  · 
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No they are not. You are intentionally taking what I write out of context and/or interpreting it in a reductionist way. Then you present it as fact. Then they delete my posts so that I can’t cite what I actually wrote. Not very fair that folks on here can make false claims about my deleted posts and I can’t cite what I actually wrote. That’s bs.

Feb 17, 23 12:39 pm  · 
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I thought you were leaving x-jla? So predictable. 

You state an opinion that you pass off as fact. People disagree with you and ask for supporting evidence. That's not ad hominem. You then get upset when the facts don't align with your view. You then devolve into insulting people and finally say that you were just trolling and you're the only one who isn't a sheep. 

You know where your wrote that you needed to "defend what [you] wrote, dozens of times" Ever wonder why that keeps happening?

Feb 17, 23 12:51 pm  · 
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The one your blame seeks is yourself. Yodatect

Feb 17, 23 12:53 pm  · 
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You state an opinion that you pass off as fact. People disagree with you and you ask for supporting evidence from your approved reading list. Then you get upset when the facts don't align with your view and resort to ad hominem attacks.

Feb 17, 23 12:57 pm  · 
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This is how it usually goes. All rooted in the unearned and arrogant notion that your “official narrative” is the baseline of truth. Then, you make ridiculous novel claims and demand the burden of proof on those opposing said claims. Typically, ideas that are radical and “progressive” would bear the evidentiary burden of

Feb 17, 23 1:06 pm  · 
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*evidentiary burden

Feb 17, 23 1:07 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

X, you must be one of the most insufferable and miserable characters I've even seen. I can't imagine how anyone can bare your presence when you spout such uneducated and hateful opinions. You're wrong in your assumptions and you're wrong in your beliefs. Go spend some time with your rock gardens and try to learn something other than your idiotic politics.

Feb 17, 23 1:08 pm  · 
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For example——progressive: “remove penalties for theft and crime will go down”. Conservative “ that’s not going to work”. Progressive “prove it bigot!”

Feb 17, 23 1:09 pm  · 
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I’m out of here. You guys suck at debate and I’m bored.

Feb 17, 23 1:20 pm  · 
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Somewhere out there in the outer reaches of the internet there must be an ad from a right wing nut think tank that pays people to shit post. That would explain why this troll craps so much and so often.

Feb 17, 23 1:22 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

X, you suck at formulating anything worth debating.

Feb 17, 23 1:23 pm  · 
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You made your quota for the day, now fuck off.

Feb 17, 23 1:25 pm  · 
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Theorist: “Electrons are not binary ! There are 72 types of electrons! “. Established scientific community: “what is the proof that sounds ridiculous?” Theorist: “where is the proof that it’s not right and you need to accept it until you show me ze evidence and you MUST change all ze maths!”

Feb 17, 23 6:41 pm  · 

Everything is a construct. Even your rampant idiocy, a construct based on the delusion that you're a reasoned individual. You're a bootlicking fash.

Feb 17, 23 6:52 pm  · 
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For the record, humans are not electrons.

Feb 17, 23 6:56 pm  · 
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Instead of actually shit posting on a thread you could have just said when work is slow I shit post on threads.

Feb 17, 23 7:10 pm  · 
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“Everything is a construct”. Not religious and humancentric at all.

Feb 17, 23 11:37 pm  · 

Humans are animals. They have the same amount of genders at chimpanzees and goats.

Feb 17, 23 11:38 pm  · 

^ Found the direct proof of your transphobia and screenshotted for future record. Thank you for your contribution.

Feb 18, 23 2:25 am  · 
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There are 2 genders because there are 2 sexes. If you believe that you are in the wrong body that is gender dysphoria, not a misplaced gender soul. I understand that there are folks who are gender dysphoric and I do not have a phobia of them or think any less of them as a human. I want them to have equal rights and all that, which they do. Being a biological male who wants to box biological women is not a right. Forcing people to change the language to suit you is not a right. Where is the “phobia” Jovan?

Feb 18, 23 10:03 am  · 

Who is forcing you, cuck? Just like no one is forcing you wear a swastika, even though you dress like a Libertarian, yet present as fash.

Feb 18, 23 10:12 am  · 

What is fasc about what I said? Fascism is a governmental system. Biology is not fascism just because you don’t like biology. That’s like saying gravity is ableist because it prevents me from flying with my arms.

Feb 18, 23 11:12 am  · 

I never said anything about trans people being given any less liberty. Libertarianism is light years ahead of your dumb spectrum nonsense. Take that to the logical end and you have 7 something billion gender expressions - synonymous with individualism. You still have 2 biological genders though, and a bell curve distribution of gender normative behaviors

Feb 18, 23 11:16 am  · 
Non Sequitur

…and still going strong. X, have you considered that the reason you can’t find a dance partner to this intellectual travesty you call a debate is because you’re way over your head in shit and no one wants to get their shoes dirty.

Feb 18, 23 12:03 pm  · 
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Meh. How a person identifies has nothing whatsoever to do with your freedom to be a fash. Just wear your swastika with pride, whyte pride that is. There could be 5 billion genders on the planet, and it still would have zero impact on your life., except for the fact that you still wouldn't be able to find a dance partner.

Feb 18, 23 12:09 pm  · 

Hey, shut the fuck up.

Feb 20, 23 12:22 pm  · 

Do you mean x-jla or b3ta?

Feb 20, 23 3:59 pm  · 
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See Tim Urbans distinction between echo chambers and idea labs. This is an echo chamber.

Feb 20, 23 9:16 pm  · 
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“2 kinds of intellectual culture:

Idea Lab: a safe space for people, a dangerous space for ideas.

Echo Chamber: a safe space for a sacred set of ideas and people who express them, a dangerous space for opposing ideas and people who express them.”

Feb 20, 23 9:17 pm  · 
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“Idea Labs see argumentation as play. Echo Chambers see it as fighting.

“Idea labs inflict humility on you. Echo Chambers breed unearned conviction.

Idea Labs are an intellectual gym. Echo Chambers are an intellectual candy store.” - Tim Urban.

Feb 20, 23 9:20 pm  · 
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Get over yourself. There is nothing high minded about anything you say. Your purpose is to contribute to the deep state conspiracy theory and the erosion of the societal contract between the governed and the government under the guise of just "asking questions".

Feb 20, 23 10:11 pm  · 
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You are busted fucker, now go away.

Feb 20, 23 10:17 pm  · 
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Feed arch2 some candy so it can stop crying

Feb 20, 23 10:39 pm  · 
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“Your purpose is to contribute to the deep state conspiracy theory and the erosion of the societal contract between the governed and the government under the guise of just "asking questions".”. Sorry for noticing the actual conspiracies that turned out to be true and ruining your blissful ignorance

Feb 20, 23 10:41 pm  · 
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Feb 20, 23 10:53 pm  · 

Everyone rambling here, shut the f--- up. It's off-topic to a thread about "what do you do when work is slow". Keep inflammatory comments off this forum. If you want us to behave by the rules and social customs, lets stop being a bunch of jackasses. I'm flagging every comment in this strand including my own (if I can).

Feb 21, 23 12:05 am  · 
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Apparently not (flagging myself), oh well.

Feb 21, 23 12:27 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Ricky, best to leave X’s ignorance and bigotry available for all to see.

Feb 21, 23 5:54 am  · 

You mean blasphemy non. That’s the word you are looking for.

Feb 21, 23 9:38 am  · 
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Non Sequitur

blasphemy is a victimless crime. I did not use the wrong words.

Feb 21, 23 10:16 am  · 
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Words are not x-jla's strength. Probably why he's so dishonest here.

Feb 21, 23 10:59 am  · 
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The victim of your behavior is liberal society, the only victim of mine is your egos and sloppy ideas.

Feb 21, 23 11:32 am  · 
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Try harder little troll.

Feb 21, 23 11:53 am  · 
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"Ricky, best to leave X’s ignorance and bigotry available for all to see." 

You're acting like a child. You are as wrong as x-jla. It's not even the ignorance or bigotry. It's the off-topic derailment. You, x-jla, and others had derailed the discussion a bit and filling it with garbage because you're wasting your time against an anonymous asshole. Really, who is x-jla? (rhetorical question not meant tobe answered) x-jla can change his alias and reinvent himself or herself. However, you are using your real name. What you say or write will be linked to your real name and has lasting consequences. 

NOTE: I am not implying any form of agreement or disagreement with the content of x-jla or Chad's posts or that of others in this strand of the discussion. It is admonition about derailing the discussion with off-topic argument. That's where the two of you and others are wrong because it didn't belong in this thread. On other forums, this may be moved to another thread or even a thread created to move the off-topic noise.

Feb 21, 23 2:43 pm  · 

I'm still seeing a whole lot of not shutting the fuck up in here.

Feb 21, 23 2:49 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Ricky, we're just reminding X that his opinions are shit. Nothing wrong with that even though our responses may be off topic. Otherwise, a non-regular may come across the topic and run away thinking we're tolerant of bigots and racists.

Feb 21, 23 3:07 pm  · 

I take it that Ricky's comment was based at me even though Non wrote the quoted text. I post with my real name because I'm not ashamed of anything I say and stand behind what I say. I've had to deal with people like x-jla before in person.  I have no problem with or am concerned with the "lasting consequences" of being known to have called out the junk that x-jla posts.  

Feb 21, 23 3:12 pm  · 

Non, funny thing is that You haven’t been able to quote a single line of mine that is racist or bigoted, yet you keep using that page from the old tired play book. Where in this thread was something bigoted or racist?

Feb 21, 23 3:17 pm  · 

RB, go to the top of the thread. You will see that the derailment came from b3, the most sanctimonious of all.

Feb 21, 23 3:23 pm  · 
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Sorry, yes, the quote was of N.S. and I apologized there. I'm criticizing the derailment not whether the post is shit or not because it is really off-topic. Chad, yes, it was directed towards you and misquoted N.S. quote with your own, albeit sounding very much in the same mindset. Albeit, parts of my points does apply to others as well. I think the goal is we should be striving to follow the rules and appropriate community standards like not derailing threads. I understand te intent you, N.S., and others were about. 

X-jla, stop responding to people that disagree with you when you are in someone else's thread and such debates will likely result in derailment. X-jla, the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to private internet web forum. Private web forums are not required to uphold freedom of speech of its members. 

The Freedom of speech says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

 Government refers to the Federal and State Government and the sub-political bodies of the State (cities, counties, parishes). It does not apply to private persons and private entities. 

This means you can't assume a web forum's admin and moderators will not remove your posts or impose some disciplinary actions like suspension or banning of your account. So, yes, they can make the forum an echo chamber. They can make it so only posts that they agree or aligns with their views. If it is such that you can't accept, there is nothing requiring you to be here. You can go to other forums. It's not like you have to use this forum. However, forum users should not be harassing other forum users even if their opinions differ. They should issue their complaints directly via email to Archinect staff and let the moderators and/or admin address those matters.

Feb 21, 23 3:51 pm  · 

"Ricky, we're just reminding X that his opinions are shit. Nothing wrong with that even though our responses may be off topic. Otherwise, a non-regular may come across the topic and run away thinking we're tolerant of bigots and racists." 

So what? Actually, it is wrong to derail the discussion. I've been criticized of that. Are you a forum moderator appointed by the site admin? 

If not, it is not your job to police the forum and you are actually harassing. Bigotry and racism is not illegal. Additionally, it's not your house. It's Paul Petrunia's "house". Let Paul and his moderators deal with it. 

If you are a moderator, then perhaps. Then you'd should have simply shut down his posting privileges in the thread without necessarily nuking the comment but have done it right away days ago. However, citing a written and published forum rule would be appropriate.

Feb 21, 23 4:02 pm  · 

Not to derail the derailment, but I hate how much scrolling I have to do when I return to check on the status of this trainwreck. Can we just nip this crap in the bud and just transplant it to TC or a dedicated debates/landfill thread?

Feb 21, 23 4:10 pm  · 
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"RB, go to the top of the thread. You will see that the derailment came from b3, the most sanctimonious of all." 

x-jla, yes I did. My points to N.S., Chad, and others, as well as you, also applies to b3ta. I don't care who started it. It's time to knock it off. I'm not publically judging if your statement was racist or bigoted. My point is fair and reasonable complaint.

Feb 21, 23 4:13 pm  · 

RB, you are the Norfolk Southern or derailments.

Feb 21, 23 4:20 pm  · 
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ill_will, I would recommend we wait for them. I might even create such a thread for that.

Feb 21, 23 4:20 pm  · 
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You and I had agreed to abide by forum rules and community standards within the past month.

Feb 21, 23 4:28 pm  · 

RB, I made a similar post in TC about the debate thread earlier. I am almost more inclined towards a metaphorical parking lot so that people can "take it outside".

Feb 21, 23 4:31 pm  · 
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Thread has been created. Also, a place to move off-topic noise, too.

Feb 21, 23 4:39 pm  · 
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Neato, hope it works. I wouldn't mind some concentrated chaos.

Feb 21, 23 4:42 pm  · 
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Work on ways to improve workflow for both me and the studio.

Learn new visualization tools.

Research best practice for documentation. 

Build practice area marketing collateral.

Feb 16, 23 9:12 pm  · 

Usually I review our revit family library... I've rebuilt our casework and door families more times than I care to admit in the name of progress.

Feb 17, 23 8:22 am  · 
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Best use of slow times is preparing for busy times.

Feb 17, 23 12:54 pm  · 

1) marketing development -- reinvest in finding work

2) professional education improvement & continuing ed

after, go outside & enjoy a little free time

Feb 17, 23 2:08 pm  · 
Mountain Magic

Thanks for some good thoughts here folks. (No thanks to the weird culture war shouting match). I guess what I'm really asking though is a somewhat narrower question - what is the most constructive way to communicate with management around this issue. In terms of what I might say directly, what they might see me doing at my desk, and how I might fill out my timesheet. Again, the business model of architecture offices being what it is - I've generally gotten the impression that they just want me to go away and find something to do that is plausibly billable; which leaves me feeling caught in the middle of whatever less-than-ideal arrangement has been negotiated with the client(s). Obviously the best time to discuss this is during the interview, but they always sound so confident that they have abundant work lined up as far as the eye can see. My sense is that there is some unwritten rule to all this that I just haven't grasped ... do people just blatantly write billable time and then study their own interests, take long lunches etc? Write down 30 hours a week of non-billable time and see how long it takes the boss to start complaining?

Feb 18, 23 2:13 pm  · 
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Yes, yes they do. All the time. It's not recommended if you can avoid it, but it's likely going to happen to everybody. A much better way to deal with that situation is to ask for more work. It may not seem important to you, but it can be important to the firm as those statistics can inform profitability, staff expenses, work allocation, scheduling, etc etc.

Feb 20, 23 6:01 pm  · 
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Yes, you are right. The non-billable stuff as suggested by many here gets old after a couple of weeks, especially if you are in a intermediate/senior position. The tricky part is to have them assign you on billable work but not make too big a deal of not being busy, I guess. Better to be proactive as bowling_ball suggests, and ask for work or explicitly inform them of what training/skill you are getting adept at, while waiting for more work. This way your worth to the firm is not diminished.

And please, keep your resume refreshed.

Feb 20, 23 8:58 pm  · 
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If you are someone on a salary, then you're paid whether you work 40 hours or 80 hours a week. The thing is if you don't have enough hours of billable work to fill 40 hours a week, you are going to need to do something even if unbillable. They can't simply have you only work 20 hours a week. Especially if you are contractually fixed to a full-time schedule UNLESS the employment contract allows the employer to temporarily reduce your work to less than full-time with a pro-rated adjustment to hours worked. If you are on a wage, then you'll probably be asked to work fewer days or shorter work days. Eventually, there are layoffs. SOD is right, keep your resume refreshed.

Feb 21, 23 12:25 am  · 

up until a year ago, I was tired of my Revit production pigeon hole - most of the office on the design side is using Rhino and a year ago, I invested in a Rhino license and after a year, have become fairly proficient at it and am learning grasshopper. Will I be able to get a break into the design studio to use Rhino and Sketchup ? sure, if I present an overwhelming case and prove to a very strict studio head that I have what it takes. normally, if you want to break out of your pigeonhole, you need to change jobs and or freelance your way.

 The key is to find out how people got the jobs that you want and then do everything they did to get there - there is no easy way - you gotta make your own breaks

Feb 19, 23 1:52 pm  · 

I'd repeat what others have said.  I'll add one more thing. 

Staying at a firm that's not providing you with work that is fulfilling and promotes growth is generally not a good thing.  You're not learning and growing as an architect.  My opinion is that this is just as bad as being unemployed.   

Feb 21, 23 11:05 am  · 

Work is slowing down at the firm I'm at. I'm coming to the end of my role on a project team too. I have one other research based project that I am trying to work into my schedule, but I've been encouraged to not bill too many hours to it. 

If things actually get slow, I'm thinking of learning twin-motion. Otherwise, I'll just ask people if I can help with miscellaneous project work. 

Feb 21, 23 11:28 am  · 

I gotta say, as someone who's only used Enscape as my 3D rendering engine, I really dislike twinmotion's handling and navigation. But since it comes bundled with Revit now, might be worth a shot to learn...

Feb 21, 23 11:38 am  · 
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Our Vis team is considering it for the animations alone

Feb 21, 23 11:43 am  · 

And have you seen the quixel mega scans? its unreal (haha get it?)

Feb 21, 23 11:45 am  · 
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It comes bundled with Revit? News to me, whats the licensing like for it? From which version onward ?

Feb 21, 23 12:00 pm  · 

RVT 2023.1 includes twinmotion bundled into the base subscription price.

Feb 21, 23 12:06 pm  · 
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It was offered free w/ archicad couple yrs ago & then rhino the following one -- i've never figured out how to use it effectively. Interesting they have made a deal with autodesk now

any good explainers out there? youtube channels, blog or otherwise? (not the clickbait full-render-in-30mins stuff)

Feb 21, 23 12:20 pm  · 
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