
How do you research building products?

Hi all. How do folks in US/Canada go about researching building products? Do you use any specification software that you'd recommend? Are there any good sites that you use (or rather, trust) to get info and download things like CAD/BIM from manufacturers?

Apr 7, 22 10:36 am

I'll use the manufactures website. 

Speak to the manufactures.  

Speak to contractors. 

Attend seminars (lunch and learns)

Our firm uses SpeckLink.  It's more costly than MasterSpec but it's all online and is updated often so you'll have more current info.  Obviously the manufactures that pay to be in the program are on the top of the products lists but it's still helpful.

Overall product research is challenging. 

Apr 7, 22 11:30 am  · 
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Especially since Google has become an ad revenue dumpster fire.

Apr 7, 22 12:45 pm  · 
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I simply turn off the adds on my searches. Easy.

Apr 7, 22 1:10 pm  · 
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That's not possible without something like an ad blocker, which says a lot about Google's priorities. Even with an ad blocker there's plenty of garbage that uses SEO to bloat the results. Finding good information should be Google's use, not selling products or personal information.

Apr 7, 22 6:08 pm  · 

I don't know what to tell you - I don't seem to have your issue. Sucks to be you.

Apr 7, 22 7:01 pm  · 

You're such a charmer.

Apr 7, 22 7:06 pm  · 

Google PVC Roof. Tell me you don't see ads first, then a blurb, then People also ask, then a result, then roofing contractors in your city, then popular products, and only AFTER that come the results, not in order of helpfulness, but likely in paid order.

Apr 7, 22 7:08 pm  · 
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Also some useless videos and related searches in there.

Apr 7, 22 7:08 pm  · 
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So you don't have an add blocker on your system then. Sucks to be you. Also, you can't use google because of the four adds that are marked as adds? Really sucks to be you. ;) It sounds like you're not very good at using the internet. How do you manage to get to Archinect every day? :)

All joking aside:  an add blocker will do wonders.  Even if you don't have one the few adds aren't much an issue.  My only gripe is when I'm searching for a particular part of an assembly and I get hits on wholesale suppliers instead of the manufactures website. 

Apr 11, 22 1:28 pm  · 

Obligatory post to point out that even though Speclink updates frequently, it doesn't mean the content is up to date. You can see more of my complaints about their product here.

Apr 11, 22 2:31 pm  · 

Very true.

Apr 11, 22 2:36 pm  · 

You can keep on pointing out how to make Google suck less, but I'm of the opinion that google should be the one making Google suck less. I already do everything you suggest, but I'm unwilling to give them a pass. They make my job harder when they suck at their job, so the onus is on them.

Apr 11, 22 3:02 pm  · 

Also you didn't do as I asked or you would see more than "four adds" (SIC)

Apr 11, 22 3:03 pm  · 

Top of first screen: Add number 1

Bottom of first scree:  Adds 2-4 

No adds in the middle . . . .

Apr 11, 22 3:06 pm  · 

You call those single ads when they're bundled and much more numerous, then skip over the related and People also ask garbage. In those two shots, I see a lot of real estate but zero useful information.

Apr 11, 22 3:12 pm  · 

Sneaky's issues with using Google reminds me of . . .

Apr 11, 22 3:13 pm  · 

Just to be clear - I'm just joking with Sneaky. He is right about Google ::shakes fists at sky::

Apr 11, 22 3:31 pm  · 

Simply because YOU do not have an issue with Google does not mean my issue is not valid or connected to some mental deficiency. You can try and convince people I'm senile as much as you like, but it serves only to make you look like a jackass.

Apr 11, 22 3:35 pm  · 

You might be more clear when you're joking. I can take a joke, but I didn't feel you were being funny.

Apr 11, 22 3:38 pm  · 

ironically, the first ad is the one you should be clicking on when searching for PVC roofing

Apr 11, 22 4:29 pm  · 

I never said you senile or had a mental deficiency Sneaky. Just that you had issues with using a search engine and were oddly raging against ads like they made the search results invalid.   You deliberately came back to make this  hill to die on.  

Sorry you find ads so troubling. 

Apr 11, 22 4:50 pm  · 

It's not ads. It's services which ruin their own usefulness in pursuit of greater revenue. Do something. Do it well. That's what troubles me about a lot of things. This is just one aspect of it. Now if you'll excuse me I need to ignore my clients needs in order to finish minting this NFT.

Apr 11, 22 5:25 pm  · 

Have fun yelling at clouds Sneaky.

Apr 11, 22 6:00 pm  · 

At least I can see the sky. With your head in the sand all you'll see is grit.

Apr 11, 22 6:05 pm  · 

Strange hill to die on Sneaky. Have fun with your NTF's.

Apr 11, 22 6:08 pm  · 

Gotta have the last word eh, sport?

Apr 11, 22 6:13 pm  · 

Just replying to you Sneaky. I appreciate the sport comment though. Being 44 years old it's a complement on my youthful appearance. Thanks!

Apr 11, 22 6:24 pm  · 

More of a comment on the maturity level you've shown in this conversation.

Apr 11, 22 6:59 pm  · 

Google now is analogous to Wikipedia circa 2002 when I was in school. I've somehow become the grumpy professor who asks the intern if they researched a building product or spec and when they say "oh I googled it." I go on an unnecessary rant just like SP.

Apr 12, 22 7:30 am  · 

I'd have to agree AA. Just Googling something is NOT research. That's not say that you can't use Google as part of your research though and make an informed opinion.

Apr 12, 22 11:51 am  · 

Sneaky - don't be so grumpy. You're younger than I am and you're acting as if your prostate is bothering you.  

Apr 12, 22 11:52 am  · 

I'm in a massive funk, and your millenialness is rubbing me the wrong way. I don't mean that as an insult, just a frank observation.

Apr 12, 22 12:59 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Funk you say? Well, good thing for you chillipeppers dropped a funk-filled album last week. Just what the Dr (flea) ordered.

Apr 12, 22 1:31 pm  · 

Sneaky - What is malenialness?  Is it the opposite of a Boomer?  

Also, If I'm 44 years old I'm not a millennial. You on the the other hand are a millennial.  Is that why you're in a funk?  Are you self loathing?  Come on Sneaky, don't be so hard on yourself.  Take Non's advice and listen to some RHCP or Pearl Jam.  You'll feel better. 

That or go yell at some more clouds.  Either way I hope you feel better. 

Apr 12, 22 1:44 pm  · 

The absolute blunt nature of your discourse is a hallmark of millennials. I apologize for mislabeling you, as I said it was no insult intended. How old you think I am, by the way?

Apr 12, 22 1:46 pm  · 

I've never been a huge chili peps fan.

Apr 12, 22 1:46 pm  · 
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I think you're either in your late 30's or late 60's. Both age groups tend to have a grumpy, pissed view of everything. The younger one is because they've realized how unfair the world is. The older is because they realized how they're never going to be in a position of influence or power that can change the world

Apr 12, 22 1:50 pm  · 

You say they like you've got it all figured out. If so, congratulations on being one of the gen xers who have managed to harness their disaffected nonchalance for their benefit. I'm a cusper who feels the apathy AND the anger.

Apr 12, 22 1:54 pm  · 

I've harnessed nothing. I simply don't let things that I cannot change bother me. It's a waste of what little time I have left.

What generation are a cusper to?  X?

Apr 12, 22 2:00 pm  · 

Yeah, young xer, old millenial. The ability to be unaffected by things you can't change is a skill whether you acknowledge it or not. The reality of it being a waste of time doesn't change how it affects me, no matter how mindful I am. There's something in my brain that tilts at windmills and can't recover as readily as I would prefer. I've been putting in the work for my entire adult life and it still is the way it is.

Apr 12, 22 2:26 pm  · 

Things still affects me. I had to learn how to not let things that are out of my control consume my life. It's a process that takes tike. It took about 20 years and it's a constant work in progress. Don't be hard on yourself for getting upset about injustices. It means you care! That's a good thing. Just don't be down on yourself because you can't make things better. You're only human.

Apr 12, 22 2:29 pm  · 
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Google is still a dumpster fire.

Apr 12, 22 2:39 pm  · 

Oh it certainly has plenty of room for improvement. It's not that bad though. Maybe if we both yell at it things will improve? That or we both get good add blockers. ;)

Apr 12, 22 5:02 pm  · 

My home setup is pretty bulletproof, but my work PC is not.

Apr 12, 22 5:14 pm  · 

Either the manufactures website or asking around the office. Odds are someone's used something similar at some point.

Apr 7, 22 1:09 pm  · 
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archanonymous is a great resource I've used it extensively. 

I also keep a 3-ring binder with business card inserts in it organized by CSI division, so anytime a rep comes in or a sub does work on a project, I write a note on what they offer, if they are good, any personal info, and slip it in there with the business card. 

This single item is probably 25% of my value as a technical architect in the market I work in.

Apr 7, 22 2:31 pm  · 
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+1 on 4specs

Apr 7, 22 9:58 pm  · 

+2 on 4specs

Apr 11, 22 2:36 pm  · 

In addition to all the above, I would like to add that it can be useful to occasionally go to building product fairs, browse and talk directly to product manufacturers. 

Apr 7, 22 6:58 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

Pre-covid, I get plenty of good contacts at corporate golf tournaments and private hockey-game boxes.  I also ran our office's library for several years when I started out so I learned quickly to tell apart the sleezy salesmen and the genuinely interesting products.

Apr 7, 22 10:07 pm  · 
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The school I am attending offers golf courses. Would you recommend that I add this sport to my skillet, for architectural reasons? :)

Apr 9, 22 12:25 pm  · 
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Non Sequitur

^yes, esp in the corporate world.

Apr 9, 22 7:57 pm  · 

Anyone taken a dive into Deltek/MasterSpec's Specpoint yet for product research? I've tried to use it a few times but it doesn't seem very intuitive.

Apr 11, 22 2:41 pm  · 
atelier nobody

I don't - I only specify products with a proven record of successful installations at least 100 years old.

Apr 11, 22 5:51 pm  · 
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The rule I was always told to follow was to not specify anything that was around less time than its warranty.

Apr 11, 22 5:58 pm  · 
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100 years!? 

Please, you can't be serious, that would rule out nearly all modern roofing membranes, gypsum board, ring shank nails, modern concrete formulations, pretty much every acoustic absorptive material, resilient material, and a good portion of paint, coatings, sealant, and adhesives.

Apr 12, 22 7:32 am  · 
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