It's been fun to watch jla trot out entirely new reasons to be against something every couple of months when the last reason turns out to be ineffective or easily debunked. I see this month's flavor is myocarditis. Can't wait to see what next month is.
Now if I didn't know better I'd say he's letting his conclusions drive his research, instead of the other way around.
The main source of frustration comes from the fact that you often play offense and then pretend its defense. Whether or not you're doing this on purpose I'm still not sure.
There's also a myopia across all of your arguments (In this example: " If you are vaccinated you have little to worry about from the unvaccinated.") that insists on framing everything as a "What's in it for me?" proposition. Many of us in this forum, certainly myself and from what I've read over the years quite a few others, are asking "What's in it for society?" Now, you're free to disagree with or reject that question, but you've yet to even acknowledge the question the rest of us are asking.
Why do I worry about the unvaccinated? Because not everyone who wants to be vaccinated can be, and those who can but choose not to increase the risk of everyday life for those who want to but cannot.
Why do I worry about the unvaccinated? Because hospital beds are filling up with the unvaccinated and people with unrelated health emergencies can't get life-saving treatments.
Why do I worry about the unvaccinated? Because children are sent home from schools that don't have enough healthy staff to remain open.
What is the risk of death for a vaccinated person? Why is "death" the only negative? If my wife gets Covid she almost definitely won't die but a mild fever could damage or kill our unborn child. Close friends of mine have suffered year-long if not life-long debilitations from mild cases of Covid early in the pandemic. There's a whole universe of complications and additional risk factors well short of 'death' and I take them into account every time I leave the house.
You say "Each person ought to have the data to analyze what’s best for themselves and their kids." but ignore how difficult that is for every single one of the literally thousands of choices we make every day. You ignore how difficult it is to analyze data and make proper choices when whole industries exist to cloud and persuade those choices for profit or political gain.
Lofty ideas are well and good but when they crash and burn as soon as they encounter real life scenarios they're not worth a damn.
So you want to have it explained to you? Ok, I am 70+ and have cancer. Everyone poses a risk to me. Unvaccinated people especially. You have no idea the degree and extent to which your immunity to Covid is and pose a greater potential threat to me than a vaccinated person. You are spreading lies, fabrications, falsehoods, half-truths, and conspiracy theories. There are many people who are high risk like me. You and your ilk refuse to get vaccinated and put people like me and everyone else
in danger of getting sick and dying purely out of pecker headed spite. That's why.
What a tangled web. No surprise you can't keep up with the lies.
Jan 20, 22 3:04 pm ·
tdads/tdus was/is right, and we're getting there thanks to Omicron being less harmful/deadly. Spain is already treating COVID as endemic, will consider it like they do the flu, Britain will cancel measures and mandates end of next week as well. There's light at the end of the tunnel...
Jan 20, 22 3:07 pm ·
That light has, thus far, been the headlight of the next variant's surge train.
Jan 20, 22 3:34 pm ·
*holds mirror*
You are choosing to hang onto a narrative that the vaccines are more effective than natural immunity despite the scientific evidence.
This virus once had a survival of about 98% which is bad. Now it’s something like 99.99999% for the vaccinated.
Jan 20, 22 3:36 pm ·
“That light has, thus far, been the headlight of the next variant's surge train.”
So far didn’t hear of any variant taking over omicron (knocks on wood) and it is a very normal situation in the evolution of viruses like this that in order to survive it becomes less harmful. The increase of covid infections here has been dramatic, numbers through the roof, but this is not showing up in hospitalisations and deaths at all (yet) :-)
Jan 20, 22 3:57 pm ·
I honestly can't imagine a scenario where I would rely on statistics to make a medical decision. If a doctor told me there's a 5% chance of death, if I had a procedure, would that change my mind? And conversely, 5% chance it would save my life?? I guess, maybe if I was 80, but I can't see how stats would be relevant.
Jan 20, 22 4:15 pm ·
"That’s not to say that one should get purposely infected instead." That was exactly what you said.
Jan 20, 22 4:15 pm ·
I think Pfizer making any money off the vaccine, is unconscionable, but I can't figure out why you find it bad.
Jan 20, 22 4:18 pm ·
"Politics and profit margins have created an incentive structure that makes it impossible to believe anything coming from the anointed ones."
This view is distorting your perception of reality. You keep looking to confirm it even when it continually fails. The continual failure is the check that lets you know it isn't what you think it is. Most traditional media & government institutions are believable and are staffed by people who care about what they're doing.
Well Non, it's not that black&white with the rona vaccine, at least not for me. Since it wears off so god damn quickly. I've gladly had them stick needles in my kids to protect them for the rest of their lives against all kinds of viruses and diseases, some serious some milder, but with this one...for whose benefit is it when I force them to be vaccinated every couple of months? Their benefit for not getting a little sickish, or others for not getting infected? It seems the biggest benefit of vaccinating kids is not with the kids themselves, not sure I'm okay with that (yet). It's anyhow not possible yet here to vaccinate kids their age, but it is something that needs to be discussed at our house sooner or later I guess.
Jan 21, 22 7:23 am ·
I owe jla an apology - in my reading yesterday I mistook the myocarditis rant as his. Looking back this morning it was Volunteer's. Hard to keep the bullshit straight sometimes but I want say that I was wrong about this one.
Pretty sure I post this reminder roughly annually or so, but -
You know you can block X-jla? And you just won't see their posts anymore. Its like magic, and it makes the forum exponentially better to read. Give it a try, I'm going on about 3-4 years of not having to deal with the trash that gets posted.
As usual, my opinions evolve on this. I've refrained from ignoring him for a variety of reasons (if I've ignored anyone it's always been temporarily, not usually lasting longer than a day or perhaps a week at most). Most recently my own take on not ignoring him has been to at least be someone to call out his bullshit so it's not left sitting there in the forums like the stinking pile of shit that it is. I've never liked the idea that we are all sitting around the room with plugged noses trying to avoid smelling the shit that surrounds us and pretend that it doesn't exist or reflect poorly on the website.
I've also tried to refrain from calling for him to be banned outright from the website. The problem with all this, I'm coming to realize, is that unlike my dog and my kid, potty training doesn't seem to be working with him. I think most people would learn, after being called out on their shit over and over and over again, that they should stop dropping a deuce in the middle of the floor. Sure we can clean up a few turds here and there from a few random users or the newbies who haven't learned yet, but it's different from a regular user. At some point it becomes persistent enough that I think perhaps removal is warranted so everyone doesn't have to ignore the piles of shit the ignored user keeps leaving around.
I think we're past that point with jla, and while I don't like it ... I think he should simply be banned.
I'd also like to note that if I felt he was arguing in good faith I wouldn't be saying any of this. I have no problem with my views and opinions being challenged or engaging in a debate. But that's not what jla is doing here anymore.
I have tried to get him to realize he should leave of his own volition for his own mental state. I don't agree with his politics but those are opinions that don't have much effect on anything that matters. Covid is different. I don't like confrontation. I simply see it as a civic duty to call him out on the ridiculously dangerous comments he makes. This matters. I am tired of playing Scrabble with him. He won't leave on his own and he won't stop posting misinformation on a deadly disease that has killed almost 1 million people in this country in 2 years. He needs to go. I knew when he was let back on it wouldn't take him long before he was doing the same shit. He won't listen to reason and he won't STFU about Covid. He needs to go.
I too agree that x-jla should be banned. He's knowingly spreading misinformation. I don't care that he says he's taking a break - he will come back. I think the current, and any future accounts of this user should be banned from this site.
x-jla, your persistence with pushing your views here is distractingly malignant to the site. You operate from a conspiracy point of view that doesn't align with fact. You overstate some facts and understate others as if those distortions aren't misinformed or just pure inventions; and you present them as if no one can see that they are distortions of fact. From what I can tell from the responses to you, many people see through these distortions. Your notion that the posters here are afraid of truth is so off it's laughable. But in your deluded world of distortion, I can only imagine it somehow makes sense to you. If you need to comfort your ego by telling yourself posters here are arrogant, you go right ahead. It seems you regularly ignore all sorts of inconvenient facts contrary to your worldview.
Don’t just stop social media; stop reading “outrage news” or alternative outlets that pretend at edgy perspective that uncovers THE TRUTH, telling you their independence illustrates their integrity when all it does is show they have zero substance behind their publishing. So much content out there today is hyperbolic purely so that it can be seen & further promoted. Twisting facts until they no longer represent the story. Or, burying the facts below an outrage headline & a provocative 1st/2nd paragraph that intentionally misleads. Twitter isn’t news. Blogging isn’t news. Settle in with the AP for a few months and just ignore the posturing for clicks.
The first couple of days are the weirdest, after that you’ll never want to get back and will have much more time on your hands to spend with your family, cook delicious food and catch up on reading real books made from proper paper. Godspeed!
Jan 21, 22 10:32 am ·
Outside of this site, I've been social media free for a number of years now. It's very nice. Helps to have been born before social media, since the head space is familiar.
Censoring people who ask questions and point out discrepancies in a given proposition does not lead to happy endings.
Some European countries have advised against pregnant women as well as children from getting the COVID vaccines. It takes very little thought to realize that a young pregnant woman who gets the shot is also giving it to her unborn baby. The same thing goes for an unpregnant young woman who becomes pregnant within a few months of receiving the vaccines.
So why does the CDC recommend that pregnant women receive the vaccine while many European countries do not? Is pointing out this discrepancy misinformation? Should a person be banned for asking the question?
Jan 21, 22 11:57 am ·
CDC recommendations align with those from professional medical organizations serving people who are pregnant, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologistsexternal icon and the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine
Your sources "some countries".
The CDC also recommends pregnant women get the flu and whooping cough and other vaccines. Do you have a problem with that?
Should a person be banned for asking the question? No.
Should a person be banned for persistently presenting bad faith arguments and overtaking a conversation with selfishly motivated arguments supported by pretend science and re-iterating known half truths as if they are fact? At a certain point, yes. A community can ask to remove a consistently aggressive thorn with reasonable ethical basis.
Exactly. It's extremely easy to poke holes ad infinitum and hide behind the guise of "just asking questions", but you've made no attempt to construct a counter-narrative. Put in the effort if you want people to take your questions seriously.
Perfect example of distorting reality or using misleading statements/questions to suit a narrative.
"Some European countries have advised against pregnant women [...] from getting the COVID vaccines."
Currently no major European countries are advising pregnant people against it. Some have in the past and that's why the statement is not explicitly false, but it is misleading. The closest this comes to being true at the moment seems to be in the Faroe Islands and North Macedonia where they do not recommend vaccines for pregnant or lactating people with some exceptions. Click through the links for specifics, or view this tracker where you can see all the policy positions and even use the slider to go back in history to see that in the past some have not recommended it for pregnant people.
"It takes very little thought to realize that a young pregnant woman who gets the shot is also giving it to her unborn baby. The same thing goes for an unpregnant young woman who becomes pregnant within a few months of receiving the vaccines."
Ambiguous enough, this statement is probably best understood as false. I haven't found any information indicating that the mRNA vaccines are crossing the placenta and being passed to the baby. Most are saying that those vaccines break down rather quickly and are not a concern with transferring to the baby. What studies are showing is the pregnant person creates antibodies that are transferred to the baby through the placenta (and breastmilk) and that actually helps protect the baby.
"So why does the CDC recommend that pregnant women receive the vaccine while many European countries do not?"
Your question is based on a false premise, as I've shown, and is therefore simply misleading. Should a person be banned for this. No, but the comment should be moderated in my opinion. If the user continues to mislead requiring more and more moderation, then I do think at some point banning is the right call.
Sorry I missed my edit window for the comment above. I should point out that the policy recommendations vary by vaccine. So again the statement that some countries have recommended against getting the vaccines needs more clarity if we want to take it seriously. Which vaccines? Which countries? etc.
For the record I did a *lot* of research into mRNA vaccines (in general and Covid vaccines specifically) and various recommendations for pregnant people. We actually postponed getting pregnant until after me and my wife were both fully vaccinated, because at the time there was still a lot of uncertainty. In the months since, though, that uncertainty has largely disappeared and nearly a year of vaccination has shown essentially zero increased risk of vaccination while pregnant. In fact, we were planning to hold off on my wife receiving her booster shot until the third trimester specifically because recent research has shown that vaccines given later in pregnancies will pass immunity along to the child. Omicron accelerated that, so we're both boosted now.
the WHO has current published opinions on this as well, if you don't like america for whatever reason. it's not even hard. a 20 second search and you could have avoided spreading blatantly misleading information to this forum. you must be so embarrassed.
Austria will have a vaccine mandate (over $4000 fine when refused) but, as Volunteer noted, not for pregnant women or children and also not for people with a medical exemption…just sayin’
tduds- all well and good however, did you all consider the effects of 5g towers? Did you have the microchips removed before or after you all became pregnant? What about the side effects of magnetism? I am just asking questions.
Nah, I have better things to do, I made my point. They advice against a vaccine mandate for pregnant women, children and people with a medical exemption, but will enforce such a mandate for everyone else, that’s all I wanted to share. Do with that information whatever you want.
randomised came in to play the game, moved the goalpost while the rest of us called foul, then kicks the ball into the net and runs out of the stadium screaming, "I am the champion of the world!"
@rando that is what australia says, coming from the australian department of health. if their opinion changes, that's where it would show up. that's different than getting the australian government's opinion from facebook. here's a fun skit for more information
Jan 21, 22 5:26 pm ·
I’m not on Facebook and it’s about Austria…fun fact, the only political party there against forcing people to get a vaccine that works less and less effective against infection (source Pfizer CEO) is the far-right FPÖ
Jan 21, 22 5:44 pm ·
You guys so badly want to have a fight, any fight, that you collectively jump the first person that bumps your elbow and makes you spill your drink a little…come with info that masks don’t fully protect? Get jumped…Dare to mention that it is about aerosols not the bigger droplets that spark infections, so you need to focus on ventilation…get jumped. Dare to mention that you can’t jab yourself out of this pandemic when the vaccine works only temporary and less effective with each new variant? Get jumped. And on top of that rich countries have received about 50 times as many Covid-19 vaccine doses as low-income countries, and that only a little over 1.3% of people living in the poorest parts of the world are fully vaccinated so vaccinating out of this will be next to impossible, the moment everyone will finally have received their first shot it already wore off and your back at square one…and you’ll get jumped by the angry mob. Dare to mention that some countries will have a vaccine mandate but specifically not for pregnant women, children and people with medical exemption? Get jumped… I’m fully vaxxed and boostered and wear a
And you, rando, are the person at the party who jumps into a conversation, pointer finger raised, high-pitched "Well, ACTUALLY..." at the ready. You wonder why everyone rolls their eyes and walks away, suddenly discovering their drinks are needing a refresher. We don't need to get to perfect, and pointing out the unknowns only serves to make you a contrarian, saying a lot but adding little of substance beyond a frustrating love of your own voice.
Well, actually I's this false sense of security that people get from not knowing the entire truth that makes them behave in ways that is costing unnecessary lives.
Can I offer this, because I've been thinking about what has me annoyed with these "skeptics". If they were scientists, with an obvious deep knowledge of epidemiology, and they were still skeptical, I'd say they'd be worth listening to, but they're not, and they armchair this thing like we all do after football games. Even the scientists they cite, are dealing from the bottom of the deck.
I think about climate change skeptics, and those people who say we should listen to them, and the thought that comes to mind is the same here; if 97 scientists say it's so, but 3 don't, do we even listen to counter argument. No, of course not. It's like a client telling me I'm wrong about a particular thing, but their argument comes down to, I'm paying you, so I'm right. Their argument, and the arguments in here are both bad faith, not rooted in any scientific discourse, or experience.
If Trump was actually able to get his scientists to agree that a disinfectant would cure this, I would've been deeply skeptical, but some tried to argue what he really meant was 'x', knowing full well that the orange shitgibbon didn't read a goddamn thing about they were citing.
And in other news, apparently Spotify's live customer support is overwhelmed with complaints and cancelation requests and had to shut it down.
Jan 28, 22 12:47 pm ·
Apparently there's a script for transporting all your likes and playlists from Spotify to Tidal. Pretty smart idea, since inertia
is the main thing keeping me on Spotify at the moment.
I haven't been on any of the music streaming platforms since Pandora like 10 years ago. I was actually thinking of joining one and Spotify was one I was going to look into, but not anymore. To be honest, I'm not really even sure I want to sign up for any of them. I'm still living in my MP3 collection from my college days and CDs and vinyl. If it's not broke ... yada yada yada
I hadn't heard of Tidal ... will definitely look into it though. I've seen others mostly suggesting Apple, Amazon, and Bandcamp (which is apparently much better for the artists).
It's not about the podcast, it's about the platform paying enormous amounts of money to the podcast host who continues to spread misinformation and the platform choosing to let him run with it unchecked, rather than use its money to support artists who don't spread misinformation.
Archinect's advertisements don't make me buy whatever it is that pops up in the banner, but if they started popping misinformation up there, you could count on me pointing it out and boycotting the site if they did nothing about it.
That's not misinformation but simply new insights that came to light, as is very normal and to be expected in science when confronted with a novel virus about which one learns continuously. It would be misinformation only when one refuses to update their information that has become outdated or incorrect ...
Volunteer, how is HALF of what Fauci said turned out to be lies? His only misstep (and a lot of that can be attributed to the Trump administration's total lack of preparedness) was when he said that masks were not as effective to curb the virus.
Well, a letter from Lawrence A. Tabak of the National Institute of Health to Representative James Comer plainly says the NIH was funding gain of function research by "testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model."
That is the definition of 'gain of function'. Fauci denied that this happened. The story, including the letter, is in the New York October 21, 2021.
Jan 28, 22 1:40 pm ·
I didn't realize Dr Fauci had a nine figure podcast deal with Spotify.
"No one is getting de platformed." Yes but
that's what I would like to change.
Jan 28, 22 3:19 pm ·
Well that's enough fun for this week. Back on ignore with you.
Jan 28, 22 3:26 pm ·
Non Sequitur
Garbage in, garbage out. I get it, joe has his character to upheld for all his blind followers. It’s empty but dangerous entertainment because too many take his shit seriously.
Jan 28, 22 3:26 pm ·
My friend put it well: "A neutral platform for a non-neutral selection of guests."
Jan 28, 22 3:34 pm ·
I don't take my medical advice from podcasting comedian martial arts fighting tv presenter actor entertainers but anyone should be free to do so...if people so badly want to win a darwin award, I'd say just let them.
Jan 28, 22 3:43 pm ·
I'm trying to have a society here, y'all.
Jan 28, 22 4:08 pm ·
what a society when surrounded with all that idiocy? embrace the purge!
e.g. my gut says that the same people that are so strongly antivax are voting RepubliQAnon, are anti-BLM, deny climate change, are anti-abortion flatearthers. Let them shoot themselves in the foot if they want to so badly. Might raise the average IQ and will bring down CO2 emissions at the same time!
Jan 28, 22 4:20 pm ·
Non Sequitur
Jan 28, 22 4:21 pm ·
It’s just stupid nationalism. They can’t stand that Spotify is European and better than Tidal, Google or Apple so they want it destroyed and use Rogan as an excuse, to replace the platform with something Merican they can better control and manipulate the sheeple with(!)
"Mike Farzan, an immunology researcher and the discoverer of the SARS receptor, Bob Garry, a virology expert, and Dr. Andrew Rambaut, a British evolutionary biologist, all observed that a particular feature of the virus, the “furin cleavage site,” was peculiar and suggested gain-of-function engineering. Their comments were made during a February 2020 conference call of experts, the notes of which were presented to Fauci and Collins and obtained by congressional Republicans.
One month later, in March 2020, Collins said the lab-leak hypothesis was “outrageous.” Similarly, in May 2020, Fauci told National Geographic that Covid “could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.”
Any letter, and I mean any, signed by Gym Jordan, is suspect. Any ideas referencing such letter, should be treated accordingly; slammed to the mat, and taken to the showers.
"The outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci colluded to suppress alternative opinions about COVID-19 and herd immunity.
Newly released emails exchanged between Collins and Fauci during the height of the pandemic in 2020 show that the health bureaucrats teamed up to discredit information about COVID-19 that contradicted their tyrannical, pro-lockdown approach to curbing the virus.
In early October, experts in biostatics, immunology, public health policy, and more signed and released the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) urging health officials to reconsider the dangerous COVID-19 lockdown policies that “will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.” Shortly after its publication, Collins emailed Fauci to orchestrate a “quick and devastating published take down” of the GBD and the doctors promoting it."
Both Cruz and Cotton have cited the NIH letter to assert that Fauci lied to Congress. Cruz even told Attorney General Merrick Garland that Fauci should be prosecuted. The issue is important because of speculation that the virus that caused the coronavirus pandemic might have been created in a lab. But the NIH letter does not say what they claim — and, in fact, the NIH letter appears to have inaccuracies.
In other news, Mercator projection maps are stupid. Check out how big Canada looks in that map compared to S. America. Then look at how they actually compare when not all distorted.
Fauci not only funded gain of function research he advocated classifying the results.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy had a reply for Fauci:
"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings.
We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions.
Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.
That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control."
Jan 28, 22 3:34 pm ·
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will start treating all your problems like a nail.”
1. The degree of truthiness of a paranoid delusion is equal to the sum of the number of conflated factoids multiplied by the randomness of their relevancy.
2. The specious assumption coffecient is a magical variable number used to make a false equivalency seem plausible.
3. The verisimilitude pallindrom: Truth is projection. Projection is truth. That is all we don't know.
So, Neil Fucking Young simply moved his catalogue to Amazon...of all fucking places. By the way, his entire Harvest album being played right now on KINK Classics via
Jan 31, 22 3:09 pm ·
pick your poison here.. i don't touch anything involved with amazon with a 39 and a half foot pole.
Jan 31, 22 3:42 pm ·
Non Sequitur
NY owns about 50% of his music. Sony (I believe) voluntarily aggreed with the Spotify thing. Would not be surprised if it's them switching ships. Still, Joe is trash and empty intelectualism. Neil is Neil Fucking Young. QED.
Jan 31, 22 4:31 pm ·
"simply moved his catalogue to Amazon" is in no way an accurate description of what happened.
Jeff Bezos may be Dr. Evil, but he HAS NOT propounded vaccine misinformation to Joe Rogaine bros.
Jan 31, 22 4:43 pm ·
at the very least young did promote amazon - i would argue amazon is as harmful if not more than joe rogan (though of course in very different ways, a little bit of a blunt comparison).
that's my poetic license...still think it's silly over a guy having conversations with people he doesn't always agrees with, some even scientists themselves, but that's just me I guess. In the spirit of Art Spiegelman might even tune into his podcast for the first time ever.
Jan 31, 22 4:52 pm ·
JR is a grifter. Blood money podcast. NY is a polio survivor. 60% of his streaming income came from S*****.
Jan 31, 22 5:25 pm ·
"a guy having conversations with people he doesn't always agrees with" similarly inaccurate description of reality.
Jan 31, 22 5:32 pm ·
It would be interesting to see some meta-analysis of all of Rogan's guests and how they break down across different ideologies, especially if that's changed over time in one direction or the other. Someone with more time than me should take that on.
Did he not have real scientist in his early days? I think I recall Dawkins, Plait, NDTyson as guests.
Jan 31, 22 6:17 pm ·
i think one of the really hard parts for JR being "a guy having conversations with people he doesn't always agree with" is that our left leaning friends typically don't listen to talk radio for half their working day, and joe rogan is talk radio that fills half your working day. he's competing in rush limbaugh and glenn beck's space. it would be better if he could get better people to kill a day with, but who has time for that?
Jan 31, 22 7:22 pm ·
curtkram, he put out 1 or 2 a week, anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours each. Not exactly filling up half of a workday, every day. But that's just me being picky. Combat sports are one of my passions so I used to listen to him from time to time, but not for about a year and a half now. It was getting repetitive and exhausting listening to this guy with an IQ of a slug speak for hours with snake oil salesmen
I enjoyed his Miley Cyrus interview. That ran about three hours. She's tougher than him outside of free weights though, which is hard to do when you have conservative guests. I think the alien guests are fun too.
Apparently JR also has real scientists on his podcast, but anyways here's his statement (not altered to make him look gray as CNN would do)
Feb 1, 22 2:28 am ·
Ain't getting my click. Fuck that guy.
Feb 1, 22 2:39 am ·
That’ll show him!
Feb 1, 22 3:50 am ·
More effectively than anything you do.
Feb 1, 22 8:49 am ·
If you want to counter arguments, the least you can do is be aware of their arguments. Sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting lalala might seem effective, but is it?
Feb 1, 22 11:16 am ·
I do not need to hear from a murderer to know I disagree with them. I do not need to hear from a snake oil salesman to know I disagree with them. I do not need to know about Bitcoin to know I disagree with it.
Feb 1, 22 1:27 pm ·
Might be handy to know what you’re actually disagreeing with, not saying participate in a round table at the flatearther convention. But science is not static, it evolves, points of view can change based on new available information. That evolution doesn’t happen when hiding behind your dogmas. Or something…your loss.
Relax, I think that idea mostly resides inside your own head ;-)
Feb 1, 22 8:34 am ·
I would say you're remarkably stupid, but then again I don't want to speak for everyone. You're the tool citing "real scientists".
Feb 1, 22 9:47 am ·
Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago school of public health, calling Rogan “a menace to public health” for airing anti-vaccine ideology.
Feb 1, 22 10:02 am ·
Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago's School of Public Health, who signed the letter. She is part of a community of experts who debunk medical misinformation on social media, and she says she received hundreds of messages from followers about Rogan's Malone interview.
"Their friends and family were sending it to them as evidence that the vaccines are dangerous and that they shouldn't get it," she said. "It provides a sense of false balance, like there's two sides to the scientific evidence when, really, there is not. The overwhelming evidence is that the vaccines are safe and that they're effective."
archfamous, oh my mistake, a viral pandemic didn't mind the words coming out of the scientists mouths. I'm guessing that you need to have the word "novel" coronavirus defined for you too?
Feb 1, 22 11:15 am ·
B3ta, nobody says “that because Rogaine has on scientists, they're supposed experts in everything”…that’s just you projecting.
Feb 1, 22 11:19 am ·
And yet, here's your dumb ass,.sharing a video of Rogaine providing a moral equivalent of just that. With your dipshit narrative of "real scientists". You. Are. A. Dumb. Ass.
Feb 1, 22 11:26 am ·
"I too agree it is very important to never question the experts." No one is saying this.
It would seem to me, all things equal, that the people who feel the need to wildly rephrase statements to align with
whatever point they're trying to make are the ones with the weaker point.
People should be allowed to make stupid choices, e.g. have unprotected sex and get an abortion or get their medical advice from a podcast, eat at McDonalds, refuse to exercise or smoke, etc.
Right up until it affects other people. Your stupid decision to drink and drive has consequences beyond just you. Smoking in a public place affects the health of others. The only way your theory works is if you isolate your decision making to avoid others. Don't want to wear a mask or get the vaccine--more power to you--but don't think you get to hang out at a bar, concert, movie theatre, or sports venue with other decent human beings who have collectively said, 'I care enough to do the right thing for all of us.'
As the old saying goes, your freedom to swing your fist ends at my face.
Feb 1, 22 12:57 pm ·
Private health insurance makes this a really complicated problem, but it's private industry making a small amount of people fabulously wealthy, so let's just not talk about it. Capitalism, y'all! Let the plebes fight in the thunderdome!
Feb 1, 22 1:25 pm ·
Can’t force or mandate people to take a vaccine to protect others…not being vaccinated doesn’t equal to having covid.
Feb 1, 22 2:47 pm ·
What a ridiculous statement. Various vaccinations are required to attend schools.
If the vaccine works why does it matter to you that others don’t want to get it? Before 2020 we were not in a global pandemic and were dealing mostly with preventable diseases where vaccines provided full and permanent protection.
“I have this apparently rare condition where I care about other people.”
You care so much about them that you want to stick needles in them against their will, even when that doesn’t guarantee anything except violating their bodily integrity…
Copy pasting this from gibbost's post above because apparently it's already getting misrepresented even though it was posted only hours ago.
"Don't want to wear a mask or get the vaccine--more power to you--but don't think you get to hang out at a bar, concert, movie theatre, or sports venue with other decent human beings who have collectively said, 'I care enough to do the right thing for all of us.'"
I'm not sure how that turned into sticking needles in people against their will, but trolls gonna troll I guess
People are free to do many things but they are not free from the consequences that arise from the things they choose to do. Seems a whole cohort has forgotten this.
Feb 1, 22 5:15 pm ·
Why do the 'free thinkers' who 'question the establishment' always seem to use the same identical rhetoric?
Feb 1, 22 5:17 pm ·
It's been my experience that the same people claiming that needles in arms violates 'body integrity' are out smoking a pack a day, choking down fast-food, and popping every manufactured pharmaceutical they can get their hands on. This was never about 'my body, my choice'. If it was they might think about reframing their argument for abortion. This was always about 'Don't Tread on Me' . . . 'Liberty or Death'. The misinformation campaign has fooled these people into thinking that standing up to the government on this makes them a patriot. In reality it just makes them an asshole. For all the reasons tduds points out, it's about doing the right thing for humanity. Mandates only become necessary when enough people stop considering others. Just like every other law or rule. Speed limits aren't necessary until the minute you think, 'fuck it, i'm late and in a goddam hurry. get out of my way.'
They just regurgitate whatever they hear that justifies what they already wanted to do. Ass-backwards logic.
Feb 1, 22 5:28 pm ·
Vaccine hesitancy is quite understandable among a number of groups in America, notably those who have a history of oppressive and non-consensual medical experimentation. This is absolutely a failure on the part of the government to work on outreach to build trust in these communities and provide better access to public health information and care. I'm not doubting these groups have legitimate reasons, but I'm also not pretending they in any way represent the vast majority of people who are out there protesting against vaccines and masks. And frankly it's kind of insulting to use those groups as cover for groups who have no excuse and know it.
Is that what your audiobook is about? I didn't listen but it's pretty plainly known to anyone who's read much about American history.
Feb 1, 22 5:37 pm ·
"notably those who have a history of oppressive and non-consensual medical experimentation"
tduds, but isn't it weird that the vaccine hesitancy is actually amongst the group of people that haven't really been oppressed that much? On a recent trip in the south, to a state that, lets say is quite vaccine hesitant - most folks of color at restaurants and other public places were the only ones that were masked. It just seems that the "'Murica" types are using oppression as a reason, while they are actually the people who are historically the oppressors.
Yes, that's my point. It's disingenuous to use a very small group with a real justification for skepticism to paper over the existence of a much larger group with no excuse.
Feb 1, 22 5:45 pm ·
Getting vaccinated doesn’t prevent people from getting covid, and it doesn’t prevent people from spreading covid yet it is being treated as the Multipass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Prevention" is not a possible thing in this or any medicine. Reduction is the goal and it is working.
Feb 2, 22 2:06 pm ·
Vaccinated people are the biggest group of covid spreaders, they think they are protected with all those jabs and counting and go about their day spreading covid, like some antivaxxer Karen until they test positive and are genuinely surprised about the havoc they’ve caused. What IS working is that the virus is reducing in strength, it makes people less sick than earlier variants (but is more infectious).
% positive tests in the Netherlands in January for the unvaccinated was 11.29% with over 89% of people having received at least 1 jab. Over half a million positive tests here last week but ICU nrs are still dropping (from 252 to 206) ever since omicron became dominant…so yes the virus is getting weaker but more infectious.
Feb 3, 22 3:40 pm ·
Getting vaccinated doesn’t prevent people from getting covid, and it doesn’t prevent people from spreading covid yet it is being treated as the Multipass
sure (although a nuanced analysis shows the rate of spread to be much lower than among the unvaccinated...), but it does prevent people from dying at a far higher rate. 20x in fact. do your vaccine ethics not take clear and simple bit of evidence into account?
per usual you are talking in slippery circles, saying many things, but avoiding making any articulate point.
Do your own research, guys! And by that I mean of course listen to one Doctor on Joe Rogan's podcast and then go whine about how the multi-millionaire is being censored when the free market sees him lose value. IT'S SCIENCE.
Just what I thought all along. Displaced anger over losing the election. Don't tell me the rioters were patriots.
Feb 1, 22 9:43 pm ·
Oh no! Putting a disclaimer, or actually vetting what a failed comedian purports to be reasoned science is awfecting my feels...clown. The government isn't drone striking Joe Rogaine's studio, dummy.
Feb 1, 22 9:46 pm ·
You know, you really should stop demonstrating just how stupid, and how ineffective you are at this game.
"The difference between the two versions couldn’t be more dramatic: The mistaken version claimed that ivermectin was effective against omicron in humans; the corrected version claimed that ivermectin showed “antiviral” capabilities against omicron in test tubes. Reuters attributed the news to Kowa Co. Ltd., a Japanese pharmaceutical company.
The antiviral capabilities of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 in a test-tube environment are not a matter of breaking news: Research dating to 2020 showed that “a single dose of ivermectin was able to reduce the replication of an Australian isolate of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero/hSLAM cells by 5000-fold.” There were many reasons, however, for skepticism about how that finding would carry over into real-life treatment."
Feb 2, 22 4:18 am ·
So just to be clear, your citation, of a MSM source, should be believed, and not the WaPo article, because...America? The science in the quote I pulled was infinitely more informative than the Reuters one, the one with the incorrect information...
Feb 2, 22 11:23 am ·
archimonious's comment has been hidden
View comment
Damn NS, you're hitting one nail on the head after another! no one is censoring anyone because the people we censor aren't really people since their views are below ours making them sub-human. brilliant
How does this thing work? Is this where we re-post the censored parts?
1, 22 8:11 PM · ·
"cultural tyranny"? we're talking about silencing (use your
imagination) the people who don't want to or "can't" be
forcefully held down and jabbed with mRNA tech for the greater good
which by the way, we would have used to cure the common cold and aids
a long time ago if it wasn't for the phoking "bio-ethicists".
also, asbestos was safe and probably still is so, use it.
1, 22 8:25 PM · · · REPLY
a pro-insulator I think everyone who doesn't want asbestos in their
building should have it installed by force.
1, 22 7:51 PM · · · REPLY
tasty cancer cotton candy.
1, 22 8:12 PM · ·
the ever-loving fuck? You suck at analogies.
1, 22 8:26 PM · ·
and mild
1, 22 8:27 PM · · · REPLY
your own research, guys! And by that I mean of course listen to one
Doctor on Joe Rogan's podcast and then go whine about how the
multi-millionaire is being censored when the free market sees him
lose value. IT'S SCIENCE.
1, 22 8:29 PM · · · REPLY
what sp said, go listen to the guy who has the 9 original patents on
mrna tech and the most published cardiologist in history and the most
published internalist in the world and then read all the peer
reviewed studies and government data they cite during his interviews
and then, say Phok them! then, make fun of the one person who
platformed them because they have no conflict of interest unlike
reuters and have been removed from twatter and then scream your
hatred of the ideas presented on that platform! and finally, imply
with words in capital letters that exposing yourself to those ideas
isn't research because it isn't. it's exposing yourself to ideas. and
then, you phoking wan*ers, fund your own clinical trial and publish
that sh*t! and then tell Joe Rogan, "hey Joe, we funded our own
research since pfizter has +/-75 more years to turn in all their
clinical data so phok you who need's ya!"
1, 22 8:54 PM · ·
the covidiot.
1, 22 8:55 PM · ·
use Bextra.
1, 22 9:01 PM · ·
yeah, keep calling people you disagree with names like "covidiot"!
perfect. that won't lead to more parked trucks
1, 22 9:03 PM · ·
won't, the cunts with the trucks don't have shit to back up their
1, 22 9:11 PM · ·
right they don't! let em freeze right! phoking fellow human beings.
but what are we doing sitting around in here complaining about what
they won't do when we could be out getting boosted! am i right?
phoking boosters are like vitamins. i feel b etter every time I take
1, 22 9:16 PM · ·
like 2c outside. They racists fucks will be fine outside.
1, 22 9:17 PM · ·
remember that time in history when the people calling for censorship
were the good guys? Nope me either
1, 22 9:18 PM · ·
one is censoring anyone. We’re just calling out nonsense and empty
jive. Not our fault you fell for their empty hooks.
1, 22 9:19 PM · ·
but peaceful!
1, 22 9:23 PM · ·
think we censored the Nazis pretty good, actually.
1, 22 9:24 PM · ·
not good enough, though. *looks at Canadian truck rally*
1, 22 9:25 PM · ·
liberals used to protect speech that they disagree with, including
gross neo nazi marches.
hadn't even thought of calling the anit-mandate crowd Nazis since it
was the Nazis that invented the mandate! phoking genius. all people
who are against the movement have to do is show up with a Nazi flag
somewhere on the periphery of the gathered crowd, snap a shot or two
with Ottowa in the bg & the damage will have been done! clearly,
people will think that the truckers are idiots for thinking that a
Nazi flag would actually rally people to their cause on a continent
where anyone who finds out you are a Nazi will never speak to you
again and rightfully so.
1, 22 9:37 PM · · · REPLY
NS, you're hitting one nail on the head after another! no one is
censoring anyone because the people we censor aren't really people
since their views are below ours making them sub-human. brilliant
1, 22 9:30 PM · 1 · · REPLY
you thumbs upp'd my comment! phoking brilliant!
Childcare, I giggled…it indeed feels like that sometimes.
Feb 2, 22 8:51 am ·
WFH has been the single best way to undermine the capitalistic work place.. i don't understand people who are working more, feels easier than ever to have boundaries.
It's pretty obnoxious how someone trots in here "just asking questions" and everyone puts in a frankly stupid amount of effort to point out reasonable answers / counterpoints to their "questions", and then they get upset and leave because they weren't actually here to have questions answered. Then a few weeks or months later some other asshole trots in "just asking questions" except they're the same fucking questions and it all starts over.
Just read the thread you dolts. This has all been addressed over and over and over. You're not bringing anything new to the table. You're exhausting.
But things don’t stay the same that old arguments can simply be pulled off the shelf again, we now have a variant that breaks through double jabbed and boosted people with ease, for example…CDC’s or equivalent also update their advices etc. so the same questions now might have different outcomes/answers. If it is that exhausting, just don’t participate and save your energy for other things. Or maybe best is to nuke this entire thread, nobody here is a virologist or a medical professional and simply have a link to the CDC as the one and only comment and delete the rest.
Feb 2, 22 3:28 pm ·
Disallowing the discussion of Vaccines and other topics that attract trolls like shit attracts flies would sit fine with me, but that's because I don't actively misapply the Blessed First Amendment Holy Be Its Miconception.
Interesting that elonorchoa joined the forums in July 2021 and posted 9 comments over the course of a month and a half. Then went completely silent and has suddenly returned and made over 40 comments in the past two days.
Those 9 initial comments seem a world away from what we're getting now. Hardly seems like the same person/bot. For example, in half a year they've become much better at English and writing complete sentences.
60 million hours less commuting means more time for Duolingo! Or it is someone that’s blocked here and tried to pass themselves off as someone else by changing their command of the English language…any recent blocks with a particular interest in COVID?
Feb 3, 22 5:32 am ·
draconian lockdowns and such without data to support
anytime you see the phrase "draconian lockdowns," you know it's xlax.
What risks lives is not recommended vitamin d supplements. Deficiency has been correlated to worse outcome and no risk from supplementation.
(health and wellness over scientific consensuses)
White and black are grossly reductive categories. Often imposed. I think that’s what they were try to say. Race is not so black and white.
(emphasis on colorblindness over "wokeness".. also "grossly reductive" is pretty advanced language in such a short amount of time. impressive!)
My goodness this really is religious. JP is an interesting intellectual, very misunderstood but that’s beside the point, because the audio isn’t by JP for the 100th time.
imagine being so desperate to argue about covid on an online architecture forum that you would make multiple alias accounts and fake an english language deficiency.
"anytime you see the phrase "draconian lockdowns," you know it's xlax."
The thing is, you kinda can't. People with the opinions that jlax brings to this forum
often use the same phrasing and the same catch-words, because they get their opinions from the same place(s). There's an astonishing overlap in very specific language among folks pushing certain opinions, and you can tell from the level of adherence to talking points whether they've bothered to form their own opinion or are just parroting whatever grool lights up their dopamine sensors.
edit: and to pre-empt the inevitable comment "bUt tEh lEfT DoEs iT ToO!!" Sure, there's idiocy on all sides. But pointing out others' idiocy does not excuse your own.
too many coincidences - we've seen plenty of others who agree ideologically with xlax, but the word for word same language, syntax, post occurrence etc is uncanny.
COVID - 19 Thread Central
It's been fun to watch jla trot out entirely new reasons to be against something every couple of months when the last reason turns out to be ineffective or easily debunked. I see this month's flavor is myocarditis. Can't wait to see what next month is.
Now if I didn't know better I'd say he's letting his conclusions drive his research, instead of the other way around.
with the occasional lolly-gag into "communist ideology"
I really gotta start betting money.
The main source of frustration comes from the fact that you often play offense and then pretend its defense. Whether or not you're doing this on purpose I'm still not sure.
There's also a myopia across all of your arguments (In this example: " If you are vaccinated you have little to worry about from the unvaccinated.") that insists on framing everything as a "What's in it for me?" proposition. Many of us in this forum, certainly myself and from what I've read over the years quite a few others, are asking "What's in it for society?" Now, you're free to disagree with or reject that question, but you've yet to even acknowledge the question the rest of us are asking.
Why do I worry about the unvaccinated? Because not everyone who wants to be vaccinated can be, and those who can but choose not to increase the risk of everyday life for those who want to but cannot.
Why do I worry about the unvaccinated? Because hospital beds are filling up with the unvaccinated and people with unrelated health emergencies can't get life-saving treatments.
Why do I worry about the unvaccinated? Because children are sent home from schools that don't have enough healthy staff to remain open.
What is the risk of death for a vaccinated person? Why is "death" the only negative? If my wife gets Covid she almost definitely won't die but a mild fever could damage or kill our unborn child. Close friends of mine have suffered year-long if not life-long debilitations from mild cases of Covid early in the pandemic. There's a whole universe of complications and additional risk factors well short of 'death' and I take them into account every time I leave the house.
You say "Each person ought to have the data to analyze what’s best for themselves and their kids." but ignore how difficult that is for every single one of the literally thousands of choices we make every day. You ignore how difficult it is to analyze data and make proper choices when whole industries exist to cloud and persuade those choices for profit or political gain.
Lofty ideas are well and good but when they crash and burn as soon as they encounter real life scenarios they're not worth a damn.
Anyways, I have a busy day.
Xlax accusing anyone of straw man arguments is seriously funny.
So you want to have it explained to you? Ok, I am 70+ and have cancer. Everyone poses a risk to me. Unvaccinated people especially. You have no idea the degree and extent to which your immunity to Covid is and pose a greater potential threat to me than a vaccinated person. You are spreading lies, fabrications, falsehoods, half-truths, and conspiracy theories. There are many people who are high risk like me. You and your ilk refuse to get vaccinated and put people like me and everyone else
in danger of getting sick and dying purely out of pecker headed spite. That's why.
"The virus is endemic." This is true but it's not an argument against vaccines. If anything it's an argument for vaccines.
Many are saying
That is exactly what you said.
Real busy day.
What a tangled web. No surprise you can't keep up with the lies.
tdads/tdus was/is right, and we're getting there thanks to Omicron being less harmful/deadly. Spain is already treating COVID as endemic, will consider it like they do the flu, Britain will cancel measures and mandates end of next week as well. There's light at the end of the tunnel...
That light has, thus far, been the headlight of the next variant's surge train.
*holds mirror*
You are choosing to hang onto a narrative that the vaccines are more effective than natural immunity despite the scientific evidence.
This virus once had a survival of about 98% which is bad. Now it’s something like 99.99999% for the vaccinated.
“That light has, thus far, been the headlight of the next variant's surge train.”
So far didn’t hear of any variant taking over omicron (knocks on wood) and it is a very normal situation in the evolution of viruses like this that in order to survive it becomes less harmful. The increase of covid infections here has been dramatic, numbers through the roof, but this is not showing up in hospitalisations and deaths at all (yet) :-)
I honestly can't imagine a scenario where I would rely on statistics to make a medical decision. If a doctor told me there's a 5% chance of death, if I had a procedure, would that change my mind? And conversely, 5% chance it would save my life?? I guess, maybe if I was 80, but I can't see how stats would be relevant.
"That’s not to say that one should get purposely infected instead." That was exactly what you said.
I think Pfizer making any money off the vaccine, is unconscionable, but I can't figure out why you find it bad.
"Politics and profit margins have created an incentive structure that makes it impossible to believe anything coming from the anointed ones."
This view is distorting your perception of reality. You keep looking to confirm it even when it continually fails. The continual failure is the check that lets you know it isn't what you think it is. Most traditional media & government institutions are believable and are staffed by people who care about what they're doing.
Not vaccinating your kids based on silly world views like JLA's above, is child abuse.
Why won't anyone think of the poor clients who have been unfairly ignored during jla's Very Busy Day?
Well Non, it's not that black&white with the rona vaccine, at least not for me. Since it wears off so god damn quickly. I've gladly had them stick needles in my kids to protect them for the rest of their lives against all kinds of viruses and diseases, some serious some milder, but with this one...for whose benefit is it when I force them to be vaccinated every couple of months? Their benefit for not getting a little sickish, or others for not getting infected? It seems the biggest benefit of vaccinating kids is not with the kids themselves, not sure I'm okay with that (yet). It's anyhow not possible yet here to vaccinate kids their age, but it is something that needs to be discussed at our house sooner or later I guess.
I owe jla an apology - in my reading yesterday I mistook the myocarditis rant as his. Looking back this morning it was Volunteer's. Hard to keep the bullshit straight sometimes but I want say that I was wrong about this one.
Pretty sure I post this reminder roughly annually or so, but -
You know you can block X-jla? And you just won't see their posts anymore. Its like magic, and it makes the forum exponentially better to read. Give it a try, I'm going on about 3-4 years of not having to deal with the trash that gets posted.
As usual, my opinions evolve on this. I've refrained from ignoring him for a variety of reasons (if I've ignored anyone it's always been temporarily, not usually lasting longer than a day or perhaps a week at most). Most recently my own take on not ignoring him has been to at least be someone to call out his bullshit so it's not left sitting there in the forums like the stinking pile of shit that it is. I've never liked the idea that we are all sitting around the room with plugged noses trying to avoid smelling the shit that surrounds us and pretend that it doesn't exist or reflect poorly on the website.
I've also tried to refrain from calling for him to be banned outright from the website. The problem with all this, I'm coming to realize, is that unlike my dog and my kid, potty training doesn't seem to be working with him. I think most people would learn, after being called out on their shit over and over and over again, that they should stop dropping a deuce in the middle of the floor. Sure we can clean up a few turds here and there from a few random users or the newbies who haven't learned yet, but it's different from a regular user. At some point it becomes persistent enough that I think perhaps removal is warranted so everyone doesn't have to ignore the piles of shit the ignored user keeps leaving around.
I think we're past that point with jla, and while I don't like it ... I think he should simply be banned.
I'd also like to note that if I felt he was arguing in good faith I wouldn't be saying any of this. I have no problem with my views and opinions being challenged or engaging in a debate. But that's not what jla is doing here anymore.
All that being said. I'll put him on ignore if we all think that it will make the problem go away.
I have tried to get him to realize he should leave of his own volition for his own mental state. I don't agree with his politics but those are opinions that don't have much effect on anything that matters. Covid is different. I don't like confrontation. I simply see it as a civic duty to call him out on the ridiculously dangerous comments he makes. This matters. I am tired of playing Scrabble with him. He won't leave on his own and he won't stop posting misinformation on a deadly disease that has killed almost 1 million people in this country in 2 years. He needs to go. I knew when he was let back on it wouldn't take him long before he was doing the same shit. He won't listen to reason and he won't STFU about Covid. He needs to go.
I too agree that x-jla should be banned. He's knowingly spreading misinformation. I don't care that he says he's taking a break - he will come back. I think the current, and any future accounts of this user should be banned from this site.
You are aware of the BS you're spreading. You've admitted to it. Try harder. T0. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
x-jla, your persistence with pushing your views here is distractingly malignant to the site. You operate from a conspiracy point of view that doesn't align with fact. You overstate some facts and understate others as if those distortions aren't misinformed or just pure inventions; and you present them as if no one can see that they are distortions of fact. From what I can tell from the responses to you, many people see through these distortions. Your notion that the posters here are afraid of truth is so off it's laughable. But in your deluded world of distortion, I can only imagine it somehow makes sense to you. If you need to comfort your ego by telling yourself posters here are arrogant, you go right ahead. It seems you regularly ignore all sorts of inconvenient facts contrary to your worldview.
Guess who's back, back again...
T0. Try harder.
Don’t just stop social media; stop reading “outrage news” or alternative outlets that pretend at edgy perspective that uncovers THE TRUTH, telling you their independence illustrates their integrity when all it does is show they have zero substance behind their publishing. So much content out there today is hyperbolic purely so that it can be seen & further promoted. Twisting facts until they no longer represent the story. Or, burying the facts below an outrage headline & a provocative 1st/2nd paragraph that intentionally misleads. Twitter isn’t news. Blogging isn’t news. Settle in with the AP for a few months and just ignore the posturing for clicks.
The first couple of days are the weirdest, after that you’ll never want to get back and will have much more time on your hands to spend with your family, cook delicious food and catch up on reading real books made from proper paper. Godspeed!
Outside of this site, I've been social media free for a number of years now. It's very nice. Helps to have been born before social media, since the head space is familiar.
Censoring people who ask questions and point out discrepancies in a given proposition does not lead to happy endings.
Some European countries have advised against pregnant women as well as children from getting the COVID vaccines. It takes very little thought to realize that a young pregnant woman who gets the shot is also giving it to her unborn baby. The same thing goes for an unpregnant young woman who becomes pregnant within a few months of receiving the vaccines.
So why does the CDC recommend that pregnant women receive the vaccine while many European countries do not? Is pointing out this discrepancy misinformation? Should a person be banned for asking the question?
CDC recommendations align with those from professional medical organizations serving people who are pregnant, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologistsexternal icon and the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine
Your sources "some countries".
The CDC also recommends pregnant women get the flu and whooping cough and other vaccines. Do you have a problem with that?
"Some European countries have advised against pregnant women as well as children from getting the COVID vaccines"
Which ones? Why? What's *their* rationale?
Should a person be banned for asking the question? No.
Should a person be banned for persistently presenting bad faith arguments and overtaking a conversation with selfishly motivated arguments supported by pretend science and re-iterating known half truths as if they are fact? At a certain point, yes. A community can ask to remove a consistently aggressive thorn with reasonable ethical basis.
Exactly. It's extremely easy to poke holes ad infinitum and hide behind the guise of "just asking questions", but you've made no attempt to construct a counter-narrative. Put in the effort if you want people to take your questions seriously.
Perfect example of distorting reality or using misleading statements/questions to suit a narrative.
"Some European countries have advised against pregnant women [...] from getting the COVID vaccines."
Currently no major European countries are advising pregnant people against it. Some have in the past and that's why the statement is not explicitly false, but it is misleading. The closest this comes to being true at the moment seems to be in the Faroe Islands and North Macedonia where they do not recommend vaccines for pregnant or lactating people with some exceptions. Click through the links for specifics, or view this tracker where you can see all the policy positions and even use the slider to go back in history to see that in the past some have not recommended it for pregnant people.
"It takes very little thought to realize that a young pregnant woman who gets the shot is also giving it to her unborn baby. The same thing goes for an unpregnant young woman who becomes pregnant within a few months of receiving the vaccines."
Ambiguous enough, this statement is probably best understood as false. I haven't found any information indicating that the mRNA vaccines are crossing the placenta and being passed to the baby. Most are saying that those vaccines break down rather quickly and are not a concern with transferring to the baby. What studies are showing is the pregnant person creates antibodies that are transferred to the baby through the placenta (and breastmilk) and that actually helps protect the baby.
"So why does the CDC recommend that pregnant women receive the vaccine while many European countries do not?"
Your question is based on a false premise, as I've shown, and is therefore simply misleading. Should a person be banned for this. No, but the comment should be moderated in my opinion. If the user continues to mislead requiring more and more moderation, then I do think at some point banning is the right call.
Sorry I missed my edit window for the comment above. I should point out that the policy recommendations vary by vaccine. So again the statement that some countries have recommended against getting the vaccines needs more clarity if we want to take it seriously. Which vaccines? Which countries? etc.
For the record I did a *lot* of research into mRNA vaccines (in general and Covid vaccines specifically) and various recommendations for pregnant people. We actually postponed getting pregnant until after me and my wife were both fully vaccinated, because at the time there was still a lot of uncertainty. In the months since, though, that uncertainty has largely disappeared and nearly a year of vaccination has shown essentially zero increased risk of vaccination while pregnant. In fact, we were planning to hold off on my wife receiving her booster shot until the third trimester specifically because recent research has shown that vaccines given later in pregnancies will pass immunity along to the child. Omicron accelerated that, so we're both boosted now.
the WHO has current published opinions on this as well, if you don't like america for whatever reason. it's not even hard. a 20 second search and you could have avoided spreading blatantly misleading information to this forum. you must be so embarrassed.
Austria will have a vaccine mandate (over $4000 fine when refused) but, as Volunteer noted, not for pregnant women or children and also not for people with a medical exemption…just sayin’
tduds- all well and good however, did you all consider the effects of 5g towers? Did you have the microchips removed before or after you all became pregnant? What about the side effects of magnetism? I am just asking questions.
We actually had extra 5G chips implanted. Hoping for a cyborg boy.
randomised, that's not what Volunteer noted, and you know it ... just sayin'
That’s how I read it, they advise against a vaccine mandate for pregnant women (and children and people with medical exemptions)…
Read again and ask yourself where the word "mandate" shows up in Volunteer's post (hint: it doesn't).
A vaccine mandate is different from advising a group to receive a vaccine, which is different from advising that group against receiving a vaccine.
But why are they advising against a vaccine mandate for pregnant women…
I don't know. I can speculate and probably get close, but I'm not interested in doing that.
Why don't you go to the Austrian government's website, find out, and come back with details instead of whatever it is you think you're doing here?
Nah, I have better things to do, I made my point. They advice against a vaccine mandate for pregnant women, children and people with a medical exemption, but will enforce such a mandate for everyone else, that’s all I wanted to share. Do with that information whatever you want.
the unresearched gotcha...
plus the self-certified re-iteration
ok, gotcha
"Do with that information whatever you want." But then we'd be no better than your uninformed ass.
randomised came in to play the game, moved the goalpost while the rest of us called foul, then kicks the ball into the net and runs out of the stadium screaming, "I am the champion of the world!"
Gee, thanks for playing.
Just helped to fill in some gaps in your info, or so I thought…mandate schmandate.
Your first error is assuming you *thought*.
pretty sure this is the australian link randomised has better things to than click.
I don’t think so…
@rando that is what australia says, coming from the australian department of health. if their opinion changes, that's where it would show up. that's different than getting the australian government's opinion from facebook. here's a fun skit for more information
I’m not on Facebook and it’s about Austria…fun fact, the only political party there against forcing people to get a vaccine that works less and less effective against infection (source Pfizer CEO) is the far-right FPÖ
You guys so badly want to have a fight, any fight, that you collectively jump the first person that bumps your elbow and makes you spill your drink a little…come with info that masks don’t fully protect? Get jumped…Dare to mention that it is about aerosols not the bigger droplets that spark infections, so you need to focus on ventilation…get jumped. Dare to mention that you can’t jab yourself out of this pandemic when the vaccine works only temporary and less effective with each new variant? Get jumped. And on top of that rich countries have received about 50 times as many Covid-19 vaccine doses as low-income countries, and that only a little over 1.3% of people living in the poorest parts of the world are fully vaccinated so vaccinating out of this will be next to impossible, the moment everyone will finally have received their first shot it already wore off and your back at square one…and you’ll get jumped by the angry mob. Dare to mention that some countries will have a vaccine mandate but specifically not for pregnant women, children and people with medical exemption? Get jumped…
I’m fully vaxxed and boostered and wear a
mask (N95 or equivalent)
my apologies. i linked australia because i read to fast. this is from austria:
it's the deliberate misinformation that people don't like.
And you, rando, are the person at the party who jumps into a conversation, pointer finger raised, high-pitched "Well, ACTUALLY..." at the ready. You wonder why everyone rolls their eyes and walks away, suddenly discovering their drinks are needing a refresher. We don't need to get to perfect, and pointing out the unknowns only serves to make you a contrarian, saying a lot but adding little of substance beyond a frustrating love of your own voice.
Well, actually I's this false sense of security that people get from not knowing the entire truth that makes them behave in ways that is costing unnecessary lives.
Would you excuse me? My drink needs a refresher.
Can I offer this, because I've been thinking about what has me annoyed with these "skeptics". If they were scientists, with an obvious deep knowledge of epidemiology, and they were still skeptical, I'd say they'd be worth listening to, but they're not, and they armchair this thing like we all do after football games. Even the scientists they cite, are dealing from the bottom of the deck.
I think about climate change skeptics, and those people who say we should listen to them, and the thought that comes to mind is the same here; if 97 scientists say it's so, but 3 don't, do we even listen to counter argument. No, of course not. It's like a client telling me I'm wrong about a particular thing, but their argument comes down to, I'm paying you, so I'm right. Their argument, and the arguments in here are both bad faith, not rooted in any scientific discourse, or experience.
If Trump was actually able to get his scientists to agree that a disinfectant would cure this, I would've been deeply skeptical, but some tried to argue what he really meant was 'x', knowing full well that the orange shitgibbon didn't read a goddamn thing about they were citing.
Ask yourselves: "Does this pass the Steve test?"
The problem is in my opinion that one side is arguing reason and the other side is arguing emotion.
No amount of evidence or common sense is going to convince them otherwise.
It is their way of getting even for losing the election.
The problem is in my opinion that one side is arguing reason and the other side is not arguing at all
It's not even an argument. It's people spreading misinformation and other people correcting it.
Both of those work.
Can you imagine if they’d won…oh my!
If you have Prime membership, the free Amazon Music catalog isnt too bad either. Or youtube with the adblocker on lol
Uncle Neil > Rogan
Joe Rogaine.
And in other news, apparently Spotify's live customer support is overwhelmed with complaints and cancelation requests and had to shut it down.
Apparently there's a script for transporting all your likes and playlists from Spotify to Tidal. Pretty smart idea, since inertia is the main thing keeping me on Spotify at the moment.
I haven't been on any of the music streaming platforms since Pandora like 10 years ago. I was actually thinking of joining one and Spotify was one I was going to look into, but not anymore. To be honest, I'm not really even sure I want to sign up for any of them. I'm still living in my MP3 collection from my college days and CDs and vinyl. If it's not broke ... yada yada yada
I hadn't heard of Tidal ... will definitely look into it though. I've seen others mostly suggesting Apple, Amazon, and Bandcamp (which is apparently much better for the artists).
I'm speaking with my dollars. This is capitalism at its finest.
That's a dumb analogy.
Curiosity, how many full plates of clams have you eaten?
EA... Vinyl you say... well, I wonder which Neil Young record I should spin this afternoon.
Lol, as if people are forced to listen to certain podcasts…
It's not about the podcast, it's about the platform paying enormous amounts of money to the podcast host who continues to spread misinformation and the platform choosing to let him run with it unchecked, rather than use its money to support artists who don't spread misinformation.
Archinect's advertisements don't make me buy whatever it is that pops up in the banner, but if they started popping misinformation up there, you could count on me pointing it out and boycotting the site if they did nothing about it.
Half of what Fauci has said has turned out to be 'misinformation'. Should he be silenced as well?
That's not misinformation but simply new insights that came to light, as is very normal and to be expected in science when confronted with a novel virus about which one learns continuously. It would be misinformation only when one refuses to update their information that has become outdated or incorrect ...
EA, it would be more troublesome if the platform would interfere with the content of certain podcasts in my opinion.
So it was OK to originally silence people who thought the leak came from a lab, but now they can be 'unsilenced' now that seems to be what happened.
no it's not ok to silence people
It is if they're spreading lies that harm others
You can not silence someone and also not pay them $100 million to lie.
Volunteer, how is HALF of what Fauci said turned out to be lies? His only misstep (and a lot of that can be attributed to the Trump administration's total lack of preparedness) was when he said that masks were not as effective to curb the virus.
You need to stop hearing Joe Rogaine's podcast.
Well, a letter from Lawrence A. Tabak of the National Institute of Health to Representative James Comer plainly says the NIH was funding gain of function research by "testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model."
That is the definition of 'gain of function'. Fauci denied that this happened. The story, including the letter, is in the New York October 21, 2021.
I didn't realize Dr Fauci had a nine figure podcast deal with Spotify.
Volunteer - provide a list that quantifies half of what Fauci said about COVID was a lie. Also provide sources that back up your claims.
Don't take the bait. He's whatabouting.
Deplatforming is not censorship. No one is entitled to a platform.
"No one is getting de platformed." Yes but that's what I would like to change.
Well that's enough fun for this week. Back on ignore with you.
Garbage in, garbage out. I get it, joe has his character to upheld for all his blind followers. It’s empty but dangerous entertainment because too many take his shit seriously.
My friend put it well: "A neutral platform for a non-neutral selection of guests."
I don't take my medical advice from podcasting comedian martial arts fighting tv presenter actor entertainers but anyone should be free to do so...if people so badly want to win a darwin award, I'd say just let them.
I'm trying to have a society here, y'all.
what a society when surrounded with all that idiocy? embrace the purge!
e.g. my gut says that the same people that are so strongly antivax are voting RepubliQAnon, are anti-BLM, deny climate change, are anti-abortion flatearthers. Let them shoot themselves in the foot if they want to so badly. Might raise the average IQ and will bring down CO2 emissions at the same time!
It’s just stupid nationalism. They can’t stand that Spotify is European and better than Tidal, Google or Apple so they want it destroyed and use Rogan as an excuse, to replace the platform with something Merican they can better control and manipulate the sheeple with(!)
"Mike Farzan, an immunology researcher and the discoverer of the SARS receptor, Bob Garry, a virology expert, and Dr. Andrew Rambaut, a British evolutionary biologist, all observed that a particular feature of the virus, the “furin cleavage site,” was peculiar and suggested gain-of-function engineering. Their comments were made during a February 2020 conference call of experts, the notes of which were presented to Fauci and Collins and obtained by congressional Republicans.
One month later, in March 2020, Collins said the lab-leak hypothesis was “outrageous.” Similarly, in May 2020, Fauci told National Geographic that Covid “could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.”
Yahoo News. January 11, 2022
Any letter, and I mean any, signed by Gym Jordan, is suspect. Any ideas referencing such letter, should be treated accordingly; slammed to the mat, and taken to the showers.
"The outgoing National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci colluded to suppress alternative opinions about COVID-19 and herd immunity.
Newly released emails exchanged between Collins and Fauci during the height of the pandemic in 2020 show that the health bureaucrats teamed up to discredit information about COVID-19 that contradicted their tyrannical, pro-lockdown approach to curbing the virus.
In early October, experts in biostatics, immunology, public health policy, and more signed and released the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) urging health officials to reconsider the dangerous COVID-19 lockdown policies that “will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.” Shortly after its publication, Collins emailed Fauci to orchestrate a “quick and devastating published take down” of the GBD and the doctors promoting it."
The Federalist, December 20, 2021
Both Cruz and Cotton have cited the NIH letter to assert that Fauci lied to Congress. Cruz even told Attorney General Merrick Garland that Fauci should be prosecuted. The issue is important because of speculation that the virus that caused the coronavirus pandemic might have been created in a lab. But the NIH letter does not say what they claim — and, in fact, the NIH letter appears to have inaccuracies.
Here is the Great Barrington Declaration. Read it and note the people who signed it and their positions and tell me which ones should be censored.
You've got to love this site. It reads like a 9/11 truther map.
The majority of signatories from one country, care to guess?
In other news, Mercator projection maps are stupid. Check out how big Canada looks in that map compared to S. America. Then look at how they actually compare when not all distorted.
Fauci not only funded gain of function research he advocated classifying the results.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy had a reply for Fauci:
"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings.
We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions.
Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.
That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control."
"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will start treating all your problems like a nail.”
Vaccinations and Omicron
Some Laws of the Conspiratorial Universe
1. The degree of truthiness of a paranoid delusion is equal to the sum of the number of conflated factoids multiplied by the randomness of their relevancy.
2. The specious assumption coffecient is a magical variable number used to make a false equivalency seem plausible.
3. The verisimilitude pallindrom: Truth is projection. Projection is truth. That is all we don't know.
These words are much too big for the people that need to understand it.
Imagine reading this two years ago?
it would've made almost as much sense to me then as it does now.
Do you not have Wordle or Omicron over there, or a rash of sourdough breadmaking early in the pandemic?
There was a yeast and flour shortage indeed, which was annoying but didn’t know wordle was so big.
So, Neil Fucking Young simply moved his catalogue to Amazon...of all fucking places. By the way, his entire Harvest album being played right now on KINK Classics via
pick your poison here.. i don't touch anything involved with amazon with a 39 and a half foot pole.
NY owns about 50% of his music. Sony (I believe) voluntarily aggreed with the Spotify thing. Would not be surprised if it's them switching ships. Still, Joe is trash and empty intelectualism. Neil is Neil Fucking Young. QED.
"simply moved his catalogue to Amazon" is in no way an accurate description of what happened.
Jeff Bezos may be Dr. Evil, but he HAS NOT propounded vaccine misinformation to Joe Rogaine bros.
at the very least young did promote amazon - i would argue amazon is as harmful if not more than joe rogan (though of course in very different ways, a little bit of a blunt comparison).
regardless, you have to see the irony in leaving spotify for a cause and then promoting amazon on the other side..
that's my poetic license...still think it's silly over a guy having conversations with people he doesn't always agrees with, some even scientists themselves, but that's just me I guess. In the spirit of Art Spiegelman might even tune into his podcast for the first time ever.
JR is a grifter. Blood money podcast. NY is a polio survivor. 60% of his streaming income came from S*****.
"a guy having conversations with people he doesn't always agrees with" similarly inaccurate description of reality.
It would be interesting to see some meta-analysis of all of Rogan's guests and how they break down across different ideologies, especially if that's changed over time in one direction or the other. Someone with more time than me should take that on.
Did he not have real scientist in his early days? I think I recall Dawkins, Plait, NDTyson as guests.
i think one of the really hard parts for JR being "a guy having conversations with people he doesn't always agree with" is that our left leaning friends typically don't listen to talk radio for half their working day, and joe rogan is talk radio that fills half your working day. he's competing in rush limbaugh and glenn beck's space. it would be better if he could get better people to kill a day with, but who has time for that?
curtkram, he put out 1 or 2 a week, anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours each. Not exactly filling up half of a workday, every day. But that's just me being picky. Combat sports are one of my passions so I used to listen to him from time to time, but not for about a year and a half now. It was getting repetitive and exhausting listening to this guy with an IQ of a slug speak for hours with snake oil salesmen
I enjoyed his Miley Cyrus interview. That ran about three hours. She's tougher than him outside of free weights though, which is hard to do when you have conservative guests. I think the alien guests are fun too.
Apparently JR also has real scientists on his podcast, but anyways here's his statement (not altered to make him look gray as CNN would do)
Ain't getting my click. Fuck that guy.
That’ll show him!
More effectively than anything you do.
If you want to counter arguments, the least you can do is be aware of their arguments. Sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting lalala might seem effective, but is it?
I do not need to hear from a murderer to know I disagree with them. I do not need to hear from a snake oil salesman to know I disagree with them. I do not need to know about Bitcoin to know I disagree with it.
Might be handy to know what you’re actually disagreeing with, not saying participate in a round table at the flatearther convention. But science is not static, it evolves, points of view can change based on new available information. That evolution doesn’t happen when hiding behind your dogmas. Or something…your loss.
I really am growing weary of this idea that because Rogaine has on scientists, they're supposed experts in everything.
This guy slams Robert Malone to the ground.
Relax, I think that idea mostly resides inside your own head ;-)
I would say you're remarkably stupid, but then again I don't want to speak for everyone. You're the tool citing "real scientists".
Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago school of public health, calling Rogan “a menace to public health” for airing anti-vaccine ideology.
Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago's School of Public Health, who signed the letter. She is part of a community of experts who debunk medical misinformation on social media, and she says she received hundreds of messages from followers about Rogan's Malone interview.
"Their friends and family were sending it to them as evidence that the vaccines are dangerous and that they shouldn't get it," she said. "It provides a sense of false balance, like there's two sides to the scientific evidence when, really, there is not. The overwhelming evidence is that the vaccines are safe and that they're effective."
All those items you cited were from the previous administration.
archfamous, oh my mistake, a viral pandemic didn't mind the words coming out of the scientists mouths. I'm guessing that you need to have the word "novel" coronavirus defined for you too?
B3ta, nobody says “that because Rogaine has on scientists, they're supposed experts in everything”…that’s just you projecting.
And yet, here's your dumb ass,.sharing a video of Rogaine providing a moral equivalent of just that. With your dipshit narrative of "real scientists". You. Are. A. Dumb. Ass.
"I too agree it is very important to never question the experts." No one is saying this.
It would seem to me, all things equal, that the people who feel the need to wildly rephrase statements to align with whatever point they're trying to make are the ones with the weaker point.
Interesting, there is a law in there somewhere. The trapezoidal point maybe.
Kind of a mis-application of reductio ad absurdum, I think.
I have great hair, thank you very much.
People should be allowed to make stupid choices, e.g. have unprotected sex and get an abortion or get their medical advice from a podcast, eat at McDonalds, refuse to exercise or smoke, etc.
Right up until it affects other people. Your stupid decision to drink and drive has consequences beyond just you. Smoking in a public place affects the health of others. The only way your theory works is if you isolate your decision making to avoid others. Don't want to wear a mask or get the vaccine--more power to you--but don't think you get to hang out at a bar, concert, movie theatre, or sports venue with other decent human beings who have collectively said, 'I care enough to do the right thing for all of us.'
As the old saying goes, your freedom to swing your fist ends at my face.
Private health insurance makes this a really complicated problem, but it's private industry making a small amount of people fabulously wealthy, so let's just not talk about it. Capitalism, y'all! Let the plebes fight in the thunderdome!
Can’t force or mandate people to take a vaccine to protect others…not being vaccinated doesn’t equal to having covid.
What a ridiculous statement. Various vaccinations are required to attend schools.
"Can’t force or mandate people to take a vaccine to protect others"
We can, and have, and still do. This was extremely uncontroversial until 2020. I wonder why?
If the vaccine works why does it matter to you that others don’t want to get it? Before 2020 we were not in a global pandemic and were dealing mostly with preventable diseases where vaccines provided full and permanent protection.
I have this apparently rare condition where I care about other people.
We've already been over this.
“I have this apparently rare condition where I care about other people.”
You care so much about them that you want to stick needles in them against their will, even when that doesn’t guarantee anything except violating their bodily integrity…
Copy pasting this from gibbost's post above because apparently it's already getting misrepresented even though it was posted only hours ago.
"Don't want to wear a mask or get the vaccine--more power to you--but don't think you get to hang out at a bar, concert, movie theatre, or sports venue with other decent human beings who have collectively said, 'I care enough to do the right thing for all of us.'"
I'm not sure how that turned into sticking needles in people against their will, but trolls gonna troll I guess
People are free to do many things but they are not free from the consequences that arise from the things they choose to do. Seems a whole cohort has forgotten this.
Why do the 'free thinkers' who 'question the establishment' always seem to use the same identical rhetoric?
It's been my experience that the same people claiming that needles in arms violates 'body integrity' are out smoking a pack a day, choking down fast-food, and popping every manufactured pharmaceutical they can get their hands on. This was never about 'my body, my choice'. If it was they might think about reframing their argument for abortion. This was always about 'Don't Tread on Me' . . . 'Liberty or Death'. The misinformation campaign has fooled these people into thinking that standing up to the government on this makes them a patriot. In reality it just makes them an asshole. For all the reasons tduds points out, it's about doing the right thing for humanity. Mandates only become necessary when enough people stop considering others. Just like every other law or rule. Speed limits aren't necessary until the minute you think, 'fuck it, i'm late and in a goddam hurry. get out of my way.'
They just regurgitate whatever they hear that justifies what they already wanted to do. Ass-backwards logic.
Vaccine hesitancy is quite understandable among a number of groups in America, notably those who have a history of oppressive and non-consensual medical experimentation. This is absolutely a failure on the part of the government to work on outreach to build trust in these communities and provide better access to public health information and care. I'm not doubting these groups have legitimate reasons, but I'm also not pretending they in any way represent the vast majority of people who are out there protesting against vaccines and masks. And frankly it's kind of insulting to use those groups as cover for groups who have no excuse and know it.
Is that what your audiobook is about? I didn't listen but it's pretty plainly known to anyone who's read much about American history.
"notably those who have a history of oppressive and non-consensual medical experimentation"
tduds, but isn't it weird that the vaccine hesitancy is actually amongst the group of people that haven't really been oppressed that much? On a recent trip in the south, to a state that, lets say is quite vaccine hesitant - most folks of color at restaurants and other public places were the only ones that were masked. It just seems that the "'Murica" types are using oppression as a reason, while they are actually the people who are historically the oppressors.
Sorry if this ruflles some feathers
Yes, that's my point. It's disingenuous to use a very small group with a real justification for skepticism to paper over the existence of a much larger group with no excuse.
Getting vaccinated doesn’t prevent people from getting covid, and it doesn’t prevent people from spreading covid yet it is being treated as the Multipass ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Prevention" is not a possible thing in this or any medicine. Reduction is the goal and it is working.
Vaccinated people are the biggest group of covid spreaders, they think they are protected with all those jabs and counting and go about their day spreading covid, like some antivaxxer Karen until they test positive and are genuinely surprised about the havoc they’ve caused. What IS working is that the virus is reducing in strength, it makes people less sick than earlier variants (but is more infectious).
Citation needed on all of the above.
Do your own research!
Show your work!
% positive tests in the Netherlands in January for the unvaccinated was 11.29% with over 89% of people having received at least 1 jab. Over half a million positive tests here last week but ICU nrs are still dropping (from 252 to 206) ever since omicron became dominant…so yes the virus is getting weaker but more infectious.
Getting vaccinated doesn’t prevent people from getting covid, and it doesn’t prevent people from spreading covid yet it is being treated as the Multipass
sure (although a nuanced analysis shows the rate of spread to be much lower than among the unvaccinated...), but it does prevent people from dying at a far higher rate. 20x in fact. do your vaccine ethics not take clear and simple bit of evidence into account?
per usual you are talking in slippery circles, saying many things, but avoiding making any articulate point.
I told you so!
As a pro-insulator I think everyone who doesn't want asbestos in their building should have it installed by force.
It’s tasty cancer cotton candy.
What the ever-loving fuck? You suck at analogies.
Do your own research, guys! And by that I mean of course listen to one Doctor on Joe Rogan's podcast and then go whine about how the multi-millionaire is being censored when the free market sees him lose value. IT'S SCIENCE.
found the covidiot.
It won't, the cunts with the trucks don't have shit to back up their nonsense.
It’s like 2c outside. They racists fucks will be fine outside.
No one is censoring anyone. We’re just calling out nonsense and empty jive. Not our fault you fell for their empty hooks.
I think we censored the Nazis pretty good, actually.
Maybe not good enough, though. *looks at Canadian truck rally*
Just what I thought all along. Displaced anger over losing the election. Don't tell me the rioters were patriots.
Oh no! Putting a disclaimer, or actually vetting what a failed comedian purports to be reasoned science is awfecting my feels...clown. The government isn't drone striking Joe Rogaine's studio, dummy.
You know, you really should stop demonstrating just how stupid, and how ineffective you are at this game.
From the article;
"The difference between the two versions couldn’t be more dramatic: The mistaken version claimed that ivermectin was effective against omicron in humans; the corrected version claimed that ivermectin showed “antiviral” capabilities against omicron in test tubes. Reuters attributed the news to Kowa Co. Ltd., a Japanese pharmaceutical company.
The antiviral capabilities of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2 in a test-tube environment are not a matter of breaking news: Research dating to 2020 showed that “a single dose of ivermectin was able to reduce the replication of an Australian isolate of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero/hSLAM cells by 5000-fold.” There were many reasons, however, for skepticism about how that finding would carry over into real-life treatment."
So just to be clear, your citation, of a MSM source, should be believed, and not the WaPo article, because...America? The science in the quote I pulled was infinitely more informative than the Reuters one, the one with the incorrect information...
Damn NS, you're hitting one nail on the head after another! no one is censoring anyone because the people we censor aren't really people since their views are below ours making them sub-human. brilliant
How does this thing work? Is this where we re-post the censored parts?
FEB 1, 22 8:11 PM · ·
what "cultural tyranny"? we're talking about silencing (use your imagination) the people who don't want to or "can't" be forcefully held down and jabbed with mRNA tech for the greater good which by the way, we would have used to cure the common cold and aids a long time ago if it wasn't for the phoking "bio-ethicists". also, asbestos was safe and probably still is so, use it.
FEB 1, 22 8:25 PM · · · REPLY
archimonious HISTORY
As a pro-insulator I think everyone who doesn't want asbestos in their building should have it installed by force.
FEB 1, 22 7:51 PM · · · REPLY
Non Sequitur
It’s tasty cancer cotton candy.
FEB 1, 22 8:12 PM · ·
What the ever-loving fuck? You suck at analogies.
FEB 1, 22 8:26 PM · ·
*rare and mild
FEB 1, 22 8:27 PM · · · REPLY
SneakyPete HISTORY
Do your own research, guys! And by that I mean of course listen to one Doctor on Joe Rogan's podcast and then go whine about how the multi-millionaire is being censored when the free market sees him lose value. IT'S SCIENCE.
FEB 1, 22 8:29 PM · · · REPLY
yeah what sp said, go listen to the guy who has the 9 original patents on mrna tech and the most published cardiologist in history and the most published internalist in the world and then read all the peer reviewed studies and government data they cite during his interviews and then, say Phok them! then, make fun of the one person who platformed them because they have no conflict of interest unlike reuters and have been removed from twatter and then scream your hatred of the ideas presented on that platform! and finally, imply with words in capital letters that exposing yourself to those ideas isn't research because it isn't. it's exposing yourself to ideas. and then, you phoking wan*ers, fund your own clinical trial and publish that sh*t! and then tell Joe Rogan, "hey Joe, we funded our own research since pfizter has +/-75 more years to turn in all their clinical data so phok you who need's ya!"
FEB 1, 22 8:54 PM · ·
Non Sequitur
found the covidiot.
FEB 1, 22 8:55 PM · ·
and use Bextra.
FEB 1, 22 9:01 PM · ·
and yeah, keep calling people you disagree with names like "covidiot"! perfect. that won't lead to more parked trucks
FEB 1, 22 9:03 PM · ·
Non Sequitur
It won't, the cunts with the trucks don't have shit to back up their nonsense.
FEB 1, 22 9:11 PM · ·
damn right they don't! let em freeze right! phoking fellow human beings. but what are we doing sitting around in here complaining about what they won't do when we could be out getting boosted! am i right? phoking boosters are like vitamins. i feel b etter every time I take one
FEB 1, 22 9:16 PM · ·
Non Sequitur
It’s like 2c outside. They racists fucks will be fine outside.
FEB 1, 22 9:17 PM · ·
Hey, remember that time in history when the people calling for censorship were the good guys? Nope me either
FEB 1, 22 9:18 PM · ·
Non Sequitur
No one is censoring anyone. We’re just calling out nonsense and empty jive. Not our fault you fell for their empty hooks.
FEB 1, 22 9:19 PM · ·
Trucky but peaceful!
FEB 1, 22 9:23 PM · ·
I think we censored the Nazis pretty good, actually.
FEB 1, 22 9:24 PM · ·
Maybe not good enough, though. *looks at Canadian truck rally*
FEB 1, 22 9:25 PM · ·
Actually, liberals used to protect speech that they disagree with, including gross neo nazi marches.
FEB 1, 22 9:32 PM · ·
FEB 1, 22 9:35 PM · ·
Edit Comment
I hadn't even thought of calling the anit-mandate crowd Nazis since it was the Nazis that invented the mandate! phoking genius. all people who are against the movement have to do is show up with a Nazi flag somewhere on the periphery of the gathered crowd, snap a shot or two with Ottowa in the bg & the damage will have been done! clearly, people will think that the truckers are idiots for thinking that a Nazi flag would actually rally people to their cause on a continent where anyone who finds out you are a Nazi will never speak to you again and rightfully so.
FEB 1, 22 9:37 PM · · · REPLY
archimonious HISTORY
Damn NS, you're hitting one nail on the head after another! no one is censoring anyone because the people we censor aren't really people since their views are below ours making them sub-human. brilliant
FEB 1, 22 9:30 PM · 1 · · REPLY
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and you thumbs upp'd my comment! phoking brilliant!
FEB 1, 22 9:39 PM · · · REPLY
Are we supposed to thank you?
interesting, nah. Just capitalism.
They forgot to add the category “Arguing on the internet with complete strangers”
for some, it's part of primary job.
random, I consider that childcare. You okay puddums, or do you need Joe Rogaine to buck you up?
Childcare, I giggled…it indeed feels like that sometimes.
WFH has been the single best way to undermine the capitalistic work place.. i don't understand people who are working more, feels easier than ever to have boundaries.
I'm working more at home but that's because we're busy as fuck.
Jon Hopkins is a great musician, Johns Hopkins is a great institution.
It's pretty obnoxious how someone trots in here "just asking questions" and everyone puts in a frankly stupid amount of effort to point out reasonable answers / counterpoints to their "questions", and then they get upset and leave because they weren't actually here to have questions answered. Then a few weeks or months later some other asshole trots in "just asking questions" except they're the same fucking questions and it all starts over.
Just read the thread you dolts. This has all been addressed over and over and over. You're not bringing anything new to the table. You're exhausting.
But things don’t stay the same that old arguments can simply be pulled off the shelf again, we now have a variant that breaks through double jabbed and boosted people with ease, for example…CDC’s or equivalent also update their advices etc. so the same questions now might have different outcomes/answers. If it is that exhausting, just don’t participate and save your energy for other things. Or maybe best is to nuke this entire thread, nobody here is a virologist or a medical professional and simply have a link to the CDC as the one and only comment and delete the rest.
Disallowing the discussion of Vaccines and other topics that attract trolls like shit attracts flies would sit fine with me, but that's because I don't actively misapply the Blessed First Amendment Holy Be Its Miconception.
Interesting that elonorchoa joined the forums in July 2021 and posted 9 comments over the course of a month and a half. Then went completely silent and has suddenly returned and made over 40 comments in the past two days.
Those 9 initial comments seem a world away from what we're getting now. Hardly seems like the same person/bot. For example, in half a year they've become much better at English and writing complete sentences.
It's someone's alter-ego account... likely just to troll out nonsense for lols... can't imagine someone is really that dumb to believe that jive.
60 million hours less commuting means more time for Duolingo! Or it is someone that’s blocked here and tried to pass themselves off as someone else by changing their command of the English language…any recent blocks with a particular interest in COVID?
draconian lockdowns and such without data to support
anytime you see the phrase "draconian lockdowns," you know it's xlax.
ya'll fell for it, yet again.
some other favorite hits:
What risks lives is not recommended vitamin d supplements.
Deficiency has been correlated to worse outcome and no risk from supplementation.
(health and wellness over scientific consensuses)
White and black are grossly reductive categories. Often imposed. I think that’s what they were try to say. Race is not so black and white.
(emphasis on colorblindness over "wokeness".. also "grossly reductive" is pretty advanced language in such a short amount of time. impressive!)
My goodness this really is religious. JP is an interesting intellectual, very misunderstood but that’s beside the point, because the audio isn’t by JP for the 100th time.
(fan of Jordan Peterson.. what a coincidence!)
I think he has several aliases including archfamous. Good grief.
Ban him.
imagine being so desperate to argue about covid on an online architecture forum that you would make multiple alias accounts and fake an english language deficiency.
until next time..
"anytime you see the phrase "draconian lockdowns," you know it's xlax."
The thing is, you kinda can't. People with the opinions that jlax brings to this forum often use the same phrasing and the same catch-words, because they get their opinions from the same place(s). There's an astonishing overlap in very specific language among folks pushing certain opinions, and you can tell from the level of adherence to talking points whether they've bothered to form their own opinion or are just parroting whatever grool lights up their dopamine sensors.
edit: and to pre-empt the inevitable comment "bUt tEh lEfT DoEs iT ToO!!" Sure, there's idiocy on all sides. But pointing out others' idiocy does not excuse your own.
something was once said about planks and motes?
too many coincidences - we've seen plenty of others who agree ideologically with xlax, but the word for word same language, syntax, post occurrence etc is uncanny.
It's funny, you keep making them, and they keep getting wiped.
time to nuke the thread, I think.
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