
Ask for comment: my thesis, architecture and car


Hey guy, I'm doing the thesis in topic of architecture that related with human while driving a car.

I started with my interesting that is the experience while driving a car and I would like to research and study the typology of architecture that with car.

the facilities and program of this project is like when you driving in the city, on the very traffic jam road, you can turn to entrance my project for relax or escape the traffic jam for a while, and then return to the same road. The programs in my project are rest area, drive through food, auto-parking for transit interchange. But I'm not really sure about the programs yet.


Site and context: I'm focusing on the abandon area, waste area in city such as waste area under the toll way that car can access from highway or tollway and then return to the same way.

I have attach images that inspired my idea. 


Does you guy have any idea,comment or suggestion, please tell me

Thankyou :) 

Oct 11, 15 10:43 am

Very timely and difficult topic - especially relevant as we're slowly moving away from prioritizing "automobility." You might want to think about space use (how much space cars take up vs. transit, walking, and biking) - big issue in terms of cost - maybe take a critical stance on the politics of car infrastructure - and also explore how car users inadvertently (or sometimes purposefully) oppress vulnerable road users and restrict their mobility.


The challenge will be finding an architectural project that addresses these issues - a lot of it relates to the politics of public ways - and how we've essentially marginalized and criminalized other forms of mobility - how to translate this into a building is going to be challenging.


There is, unfortunately, very little out there in terms of the psychology of car users within things like parking garages and parking lots - but there is some stuff out there in terms of how car users perceive cities and how they treat walkers and bicyclists - and each other..

Oct 11, 15 11:14 am  · 

Thankyou :))))

Oct 12, 15 3:31 am  · 

What happens to your thesis when you assume all the cars are self-driving Google cars, and traffic flows more efficiently, and the car itself becomes a place to relax and escape because you aren't driving it anymore?

What about if you assume each self-driving car has a 3D printer that can print you a pizza, hamburger, bucket of chicken, or cup of coffee and the act of being driven to your destination is now the drive-through/take-out experience? 

What happens to the grocery store when you spend your drive time ordering your groceries from Amazon who can deliver them to your door in less than a couple of hours from the time you order?

What happens if all the auto-oriented billboards and advertisements become obsolete because your commute is now just an extension of home or the office where you are focusing on things other than what is in the forward periphery of the view through the car windshield now that you don't have to focus on the road anymore?

What happens when you no longer own a personal vehicle but instead they are all self-driving Ubers and we no longer need areas devoted to storing our empty cars while we aren't using them?

Oct 12, 15 4:39 pm  · 


What happens when a group of neural net processing robot decides to go HAL on humanity and plugs us in the matrix as power goo?  Cars will be obsolete!!!  and so will your thesis!!! Unless the robots use humans as chauffeurs, I highly doubt they will let you go through the drive through tho, seems unprofessional.  

Oct 12, 15 5:38 pm  · 

 a carpark with other programs in it that it ?

Herzog De Meuron's  project in Miami , have a look

......... next !

Oct 12, 15 10:56 pm  · 

Thank you for all comment :)

I decide to do a intermodal, that is the architecture that combine and link between car, airport rail link, and subway. So people who driving a car in traffic jam condition can decide to entrance, park their car by mechanical parking(may be underneath the airport rail link's rail way) and then change the transportation mode such as rail train or subway. Or people who come from airport rail link can change mode to subway. My project will connect between each transportation.

I'm researching about the theory to support my project 

Now I found - Lebbius woods: parasite architecture,  - Turtles, Termite, and Traffic Jams,  - Archigram


Does you guy have any suggestion.

Thank you :)

Oct 13, 15 3:54 pm  · 

Maybe I don't understand the theory but I have a few issues with the idea. A commuter is not going to sit around a rest stop rather than pushing through and getting home, I don't know anyone with that kind of time. Also say there was an accident that really jammed up the freeway. There would need to be one of these train stop gateways at every exit right? Which would slow down the trains making a stop every 1/4 mile. Is it really saving someone time to pull off and wait in traffic with everyone else trying to get off, then wait up to 30-40 mins for a commuter train to arrive then you get off near your home and what? Buy a single use bus pass wait for a bus 20-40 minutes and then spend the extra time the next morning to come back and get your car? Not buying it I think most people would just push through, if public transportation was a viable option most people would already take it, I don't see much switching between modes because the switch would require a magical sort of instantaneous transfer into a train and then teleportation from the train station to their home to make the user feel as though they are saving time. My suggestion would be to pick a project and make it real with budgets, materials, energy analysis and code and forget this philosophical b.s. They teach you in school. Developers and city planners don't care this type of art does not exist outside of academies 

Oct 14, 15 6:38 pm  · 

agreed with starchitectalpha, no one would do that - once you've committed to driving someplace the last thing you'd want to do is randomly leave your car and then take some kind of magical train the rest of the way.  If you're living in a society with apocalyptic traffic jams with absolutely no hope of escape, it's better if people just carried emergency bikes around in their trunks - no building is going to solve this problem.

if your concern is with "traffic jams," the real goal is to encourage people to not to drive cars as much in the first place - again, not really an architectural problem - this is a planning and policy problem.

Oct 15, 15 9:58 pm  · 
Rochelle Lei

you can check out the Audi automobile urban initiatives, 2014 award, korean team.

Coz i am also doing sth related to the new notion of mobility. i found that useful.

Mine is about social carpark. carpark not as the passive storage building anymore, but as a active space for the community to engage.  

Nov 20, 15 9:15 pm  · 

are you gonna name your thesis : Archcartecture?

Oct 1, 16 9:04 pm  · 

A project is not a thesis. I bet you are from Asia. You are only doing this project so you can graduate as an "architect" and become employed at a sweatshop that will produce the Construction Documents for buildings and spaces designed by Western Architects with real ideas and critical thinking skills.

No offense, but you really gotta take your project and scrap it. Start over and rather than thinking about this "topic" in terms of a project, take an issue related tk cars as they pertain to the society you live in and take a critical stance. Maybe your critique will lead you to a converstation about the role of pollution and how sustainable design and planning is the answer. Your project may end up being a walkable city without cars. Who knows?!

Oct 3, 16 7:35 pm  · 

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