

Have your say. Segregated cities? Ingrained racism? Divided nation? 

If I see any liberal yuppie and millennial gentrified urban fucking dweller starting to mop and clean the streets of Baltimore as if nothing happened, I will be mad.

Apr 28, 15 5:26 pm

looked like the people who live there were cleaning it up this morning

this video was somewhat appropriate, or inappropriate if you want to see it that way

Apr 28, 15 6:59 pm  · 

Thugs man... Another excuse to loot and cause mischief... Disgraceful...

Apr 28, 15 10:14 pm  · 

Welcome back, klan. I'm surprised it took you this long. I was waiting for you.

Apr 28, 15 10:50 pm  · 

bulgar was referring to the huntington beach, CA thugs right?

Apr 28, 15 11:03 pm  · 

Doubt it. BulKKKar has a history of suggesting that black people in this country should act a certain way, when they get shot, or brutalized by cops, but has no problem when stupid fucking white people commit random acts of violence, like in your video.

Apr 28, 15 11:33 pm  · 

Nuthin' but thugs here.

Apr 28, 15 11:37 pm  · 

Blacks and whites both riot...asians win

Apr 28, 15 11:40 pm  · 

You guys are hilarious...

Apr 28, 15 11:40 pm  · 

those must be italians...regular whites dont riot...

Apr 28, 15 11:54 pm  · 

naw, non-com whites are all about tea and crumpets.

Apr 29, 15 12:02 am  · 

Notice how I made absolutely no reference to race above... You guys just crack me up... You are the like the cocoroaches that swarm when the lights get turned off... Good night fellas!

Apr 29, 15 12:12 am  · 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Except one thing, dummy, it's easy to find your Klantastic posts. Sleep well. BTW, your white sheets, what's the thread count?

Apr 29, 15 12:21 am  · 

White on Brown Violence Part 1

Death Toll: 95,000,000 to 114,000,000

White on Brown Violence Part 2

 30 to 60 million Africans died being enslaved

White on Brown Violence Part 3

1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters.

White on Brown Violence Part 4

A later study, published in 2011, found that approximately 500,000 Iraqis had died as a result of the conflict since the invasion.

Should I go on?

Apr 29, 15 6:45 am  · 

This post by someone named Miriam Harris came across my Facebook today and I find it painfully resonant and true:

I'm just tired of seeing white people talk about being "heartbroken" about "their city". You weren't heartbroken when people's homes were being boarded up. You weren't heart broken when Hopkins bought people out of their neighborhoods. You weren't heart broken when kids couldn't (and still can't) drink out of water fountains at school for fear of lead poisoning. You don't care about Baltimore. You care about crabs and fells point and hon and the orioles and all that other white shit that we barely have access to. Fuck. Outta. here.

This is, IMO, exactly the issue. Decades of slow corrosion to the equal rights and dignity of communities of people in lower economic classes. I bolded the one sentence above because how many people in our country would say that it's at all acceptable to allow a risk of lead poisoning in a school, yet how many people are quick to call for cutting taxes and disinvesting in public infrastructure and asking of folks who live in a crappy neighborhood "Well why don't they just move?"

Apr 29, 15 9:14 am  · 

Fuck yeah. The above is why gentrification is fucked. If some stupid, white hipsters were to start taking root in Baltimore, anyone think they'd put up with lead in the water, the paint? Fuck no. Investment in these cities only when governments can "clean" up the "problem".


* police antagonism

* black people


You know what the big news is in Baltimore today? The Orioles and White Sox will play baseball, without a crowd of stupid, drunk fans. Apparently that's never happened in the history of baseball. Whoop-dee-fucking-do. However, it does say volumes about the inability of police to walk and chew gum at the same time, and directs the anger of rich, entitled white people at poor, disenfranchised black people. Guess who wins in that violent collision?

Apr 29, 15 9:32 am  · 

The truth is: I do care, but I also don't care. 

I care as far as I wish things were different. This is not the world I want to live in. 

I don't care, because I know I can't make a difference. Doing some community service here and there won't do shit. Writing a letter to the president or a congresswoman won't do shit. Showing up to a PEACEFUL rally won't do shit. As a society, we have a serious problem. We believe that if everyone does a little here and there, that somehow our big problems will be solved. WRONG- serious problems have to be dealt with in serious ways.

The painful truth is that you can't teach a pig how to play the violin. Without active change from the communities themselves, change will never be possible. You can show someone how to eat well, but you can't make them. You can show someone how and what to read, but you can't oblige them. You can show someone how to be a gentleman, but you can't change them. And the catch 22 is that every time you try, you are met with criticism similar to: "Why do we have to follow white manners, white culture? Why can't we just be the way we are?" For me it's not a race issue, just as moral values are not a race issue. Right and wrong is just as clear to me as black and white. You just do things because they are the right thing to do- not because those things have been inculcated into the daily lives of more white people than others. 

I don't know how you refer to this Donna, but I call this idea good mentorship and good breeding. At the end of the day, for me it's also about good parenting. Government can't address this, no matter how many programs are funded. You can show someone the ropes, but unless you inculcate values into their lives they simply have no reason to continue down that road. 

Apr 29, 15 9:37 am  · 

btw- I find it ironic that bullets are made out of lead and that water in poor neighborhoods has lead... maybe because its because of all the bullets that fly haha... just kidding... 

Apr 29, 15 9:38 am  · 

You're a simplistic, fucking idiot.

Apr 29, 15 9:57 am  · 

why can't the truth be simple?

Apr 29, 15 10:01 am  · 

Well, there we have; truth is, you're an idiot. Is that simple enough?

Apr 29, 15 10:02 am  · 

pretty sure lead pollution is strongly correlated with violent crime

Apr 29, 15 10:03 am  · 

ken- go play with barbie.

Apr 29, 15 10:06 am  · 

suellmi, if that's true, you would think the city would make it a priority to protect kids from that kind of exposure in their schools.

bulgar, if we're going to implement a eugenics strategy, i don't think i would want your genetic goo passing to another generation.

We believe that if everyone does a little here and there, that somehow our big problems will be solved.

i believe that, without a doubt, if everyone did a little bit, most of our problems would go away.  the problem is that only some people do a little bit to help, and lot of people do a lot to make things worse.

The painful truth is that you can't teach a pig how to play the violin.

but with a little investment you could teach kids in baltimore to play violin, regardless of race or 'breeding.'

You can show someone how to eat well,

it would be a good start.  you could also repair their infrastructure so there isn't lead in the public water supply.  find a way to fix the economy so they can get jobs with a living wage so they can afford to eat well.  eliminate food deserts, so they can get affordable produce close to home.  lots could be done to help here, but neither the problem or solution will be as simple as 'play with barbie.'

You can show someone how to be a gentleman, but you can't change them.

we can show you how to be a decent human being.  that might start with not assuming a person's race determines what they could be capable of or what opportunities should be available to them.

Right and wrong is just as clear to me as black and white.

racism is on the 'wrong' side of that

good mentorship and good breeding.

i'm sure we could all use a bit better mentoring, regardless of our 'breeding.'  people can tell you why trying to fix things through eugenics is bad, but if you don't want to be moral, or a gentleman, or a good parent, nobody can force you. . .

Apr 29, 15 10:35 am  · 

Can't tell you this is "true" but it is probably more trustworthy than a good portion of the internet

if Baltimore gets a shit ton of money out of this the people in Detroit are going to be PISSED

Apr 29, 15 10:41 am  · 

BuKKKar, btw, what is the thread count on your white sheets, er hoods?

Apr 29, 15 10:41 am  · 

Bulgar, why don't we meet up, and you show me how to play with Barbies, given your vast knowledge, asshat.

Apr 29, 15 10:43 am  · 

Bulgar, you said this: Government can't address this, no matter how many programs are funded.

...and in response I'm going to repeat one things I said above: Decades of slow corrosion to the equal rights and dignity of communities of people in lower economic classes

Government is exactly how we have slowly, over decades, gotten to this situation; government can, over a long hard process, get us out of it. I feel confident the situation we are in right now can be pinned to the movement of manufacturing jobs overseas and the loss of stable, real middle class income options across most of the country.

Apr 29, 15 10:57 am  · 

no - eugenics is not what I had in mind. By "breeding" what I meant was "nurturing". 

Obviously- nature (race, sex, etc) has nothing to do with how someone behaves. 

Apr 29, 15 11:36 am  · 

I just don't understand why good parenting is soo freaking hard... just raise kids to have good values no matter what their race is and stop making excuses about everything. 

Apr 29, 15 11:46 am  · 
You don't understand, or don't want to understand? Were you raised in cave?
Apr 29, 15 12:28 pm  · 

No- I wasn't raised in a cave. I just don't understand- the US IS the land of opportunity for immigrants... and they have to go through the extra hurdles of paperwork. Rather than bitching about whether or not there is opportunity, impoverished people should realize that the opportunities are there and they should just get their shit together and work like the rest of us to get to a level that deserves the appropriate award. 

Apr 29, 15 12:56 pm  · 

See, this bullshit drivel you post, only proves you were raised by wolves. Fuck, you give wolves a bad name. Why don't you figure a loathsome animal, that is raised blind and stupid.

Apr 29, 15 12:59 pm  · 

BB, you're confusing easy with simple, and even then I'm not sure you're correct.

Apr 29, 15 1:43 pm  · 

Didn’t read everything here, but think the REASON this stuff happens is missing (I think).

Friend of mine writes for a medium size paper…few days ago he thought he’d look into this question. He interviewed the police and many in the black community, and while he came away with a lot of thoughts, the one he thought stood out as a solution was police body-cams. He wrote about it in the newspaper a couple of days ago along with other ways to prevent police abuse in the black community, was a good article….then he emailed me and said “took a lot of heat on that one”. I wrote back asking “heat from whom? The police or the black community?” Here is what he wrote back – “No, all the negative feedback has all come from white people who think I'm a cop-hater and I'm being too soft on the black community.”

With that, I don’t see a solution on the horizon.

Apr 29, 15 2:33 pm  · 

i believe that, without a doubt, if everyone did a little bit, most of our problems would go away.  the problem is that only some people do a little bit to help, and lot of people do a lot to make things worse.

Well said Curt!

I agree...But Its like the problem with plastic bags...if everyone just stoped using them the problem would be completely irradicated...very simple yet a nearly impossible goal to achieve...because.... 

A. most people simply don't give a shit... B. many stores don't make paper bags available...

One one end you have to change the mindset of the individual, on the other, you need to change the structural issues so that the individuals can exercise free choice...Every societal problem is part individual and part structural. 

Apr 29, 15 2:35 pm  · 
The building has structural issues, are we going to blame the poor black mother of four, for not finding a better place to live? How about we fix the structural issues, and maybe the mom will have an easier time raising her kids in a safer place?
Apr 29, 15 2:51 pm  · 

Rioting in Baltimore is very different than Ferguson or other recent places, this has more to do with economic class as Baltimore PD, City Government, and the city population as a whole are not majority white.

This was a skirmish in the growing class war, revolt or revolution, Look to Pre revolutionary France for some striking similarities to sentiments and conditions we are seeing today.

As for good Parenting, yes that makes a difference when parents have the means to be parents, if they commute from Baltimore to Washington to work 1-2 jobs and commute home how do they have the time to be good parents.


Over and OUT

Peter N

Apr 29, 15 3:00 pm  · 
Spot on.
Apr 29, 15 3:04 pm  · 

As for good Parenting, yes that makes a difference when parents have the means to be parents, if they commute from Baltimore to Washington to work 1-2 jobs and commute home how do they have the time to be good parents.


Apr 29, 15 3:06 pm  · 

body cams aren't really the solution.  the cops who have been on camera gunning down people in the street or letting them die in custody got off without reprimand (with the exception of the guy in south carolina).  part of the solution is to recognize that it's not ok to kill people like that, even if they are black.

buldgar, are you suggesting black people should be forcibly sterilized?

Apr 29, 15 3:14 pm  · 
Of course he is. Because no self respecting white person would ever have kids if they had two jobs, or no jobs.
Apr 29, 15 3:21 pm  · 
You can't argue with the Klan, it's Klantastic.
Apr 29, 15 3:22 pm  · 

The building has structural issues, are we going to blame the poor black mother of four, for not finding a better place to live? How about we fix the structural issues, and maybe the mom will have an easier time raising her kids in a safer place?

Agree ^ but there are people in the community who are just fucking stupid...For instance...There was an abandoned lot in my old neighborhood that was turned into a community garden by the community...the majority of people respected it and said..."thats a nice garden better not step on the flowers..."  A minority of people actually tended to it and kept it up....and another minority of the community had no respect and sprayed gang shit all over the walls...sold drugs from it...etc...essentially ruined it and turned it into a place most people would avoid...There are assholes in any community...and they tend to ruin it for the majority...  I knew a lot of hopeless could fix all the worlds problems and tomorrow they would be out there trying to ruin it all again...Why?  because its easier to be destructive for some people...Really that simple.. This is just reality.  I know some people that still act like idiots...34,35 years old...I know others from the same neighborhood, same race, same economic class, who are extremely successful, some who are professionals, some who just work a regular job for their families, some who are flat out brilliant...The few idiots, are the ones that make the area stigmatized as a "bad area."  The majority, whom are good people, go completely unnoticed.  

That said...Cops tend to be assholes...on the job at least...Probably half of them...I think this is because they were assholes before taking the job and were attracted to the power.. That needs to change...They need to recruit from a different gene pool.

Apr 29, 15 3:24 pm  · 

...impoverished people should realize that the opportunities are there and they should just get their shit together and work like the rest of us...

Bulgar, real question: who taught you to do this? I'm assuming it was your parents. What if your parents did not teach you this, how do you think you would have learned it?

Apr 29, 15 3:26 pm  · 

First of all- being black has nothing to do with being responsible. That's exactly what I'm talking about... Race has nothing to do with anything... people just THINK it does... 

Apr 29, 15 3:26 pm  · 
whatever dumb ass. You seem to think that black people have some kind of magical ability to forget 400 years of continued oppression, because somehow, the past is passed, and it's no longer a problem for you, so black people, get over it.

There's a special word, for people as touched in the brain as you, special.
Apr 29, 15 3:39 pm  · 

they should... and I still stand by that argument; but that's because I don't believe Race has anything to do with anything... 

Apr 29, 15 3:43 pm  · 

Had a guy last year drive into a young woman’s front porch in the inner city, and smash the brick steps (can’t find picture), the lady looked at it, and when all the excitement was over she went back inside and didn’t call the landlord, she called 211 (United Way) and demanded they find and provide her with another house because she couldn’t get into this one….drove by, it had a back door.

Apr 29, 15 3:51 pm  · 

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