
New architectural concept looking for architects and investors


I am looking for an investor with access to $1 million to pay for the architect, engineering, legal, finance, and website on a creative new building. The investor cashes out as soon as the interim financing is secured (inside 6 months). The investor will make $1 million at that time, and the project can continue into 50-100 additional cities. Long term financing is provided by pooling education grants and loans. Interim (20 year) financing is provided by notes sold to the community (similar to a bond, but without the paperwork).

The building is a safe place for single mothers and their children while mothers go to school. No men are allowed in the building, including the caterers and cleaning crew.

Indoor lighting from reflected sunlight. A sun/star clock on the roof with a pool. An indoor pool with spotlights for tanning (reflected sunlight). Chutes throughout the building for kids to slide through. Some would be transparent as the kids slid through the common areas and moms could hold up signs saying "time for dinner".

Each floor will be modular with observation windows where mothers can study or eat or talk while they watch the kids in the center. Day care would happen naturally as the mothers share time to watch. If mothers wish to go out and party, the kids have a slumber party in a common area. Mothers and kids in the neighborhood are also allowed in during the day.

A toy fund can be spent freely by the kids and replenished once a year. This will teach the kids and mothers budgeting. It will be invested in gold and silver bullion. That toy fund can be used for anything and any costs they cut will be rolled into that fund.

Management will be performed by the residents and largely automated through state of the art software (see below for more on corporate structure).

6% commission ($60,000) to the person who finds the right investor. The investor can continue with more buildings in other cities with a potential for $50-100 million (local builders and architects).

FYI, patents on the lighting system, bond, and project architecture are in the works.

1. partnership of the investor(s), architect, builder, accountant, web developer, and perhaps others as decided later.
2. partnership is dissolved upon completion of the building.
3. individual notes are sold to the general public in tiers: $100k, $10k, $1k, and $100. notes are paid back over 20 years without interest.
4. management of the building is performed internally with a corporation. the women living in the building select one or more of themselves as officers of that corporation. Six month terms with a 2 term limit for all officers.
5. two bank accounts: one collects money from the financial aid office to pay the note holders, utilities, taxes, catering, cleaning, etc. the other is a "profit" account forming a slush fund that can be spent by the building. kids always have final say on where that money is spent.

The corporation owns the building until ownership is transferred to the kids after they move out and assuming good behavior.

Each position within the corporation is filled internally with a mother and kid as co-officers. The mother and child can not be related.

Some offices have been identified:
- Security officer
- Information officer
- Health officer

Note: Traumologists must be EMT-certified or in the process of obtaining such (pre-med, nursing, or other students).

For further details, please contact me. This project is ready to go as soon as the right investor is located.

Andrew Bransford Brown
+1 480 406 1401
[email protected]

Physical address:
1100 E Lemon Street, B108
Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA

Mailing address:
3370 N Hayden Road, 123-734
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 USA

Mar 21, 11 1:58 am
Humulus Lupulus

Sounds familiar - Are you also a barrister representing the widow of the late Mobutu Sese Seko?

Mar 21, 11 2:33 am  · 

lol... no. I am offering:

-- an architecturally creative opportunity
-- the possibility for some investors to receive a good return
-- building a healthy, holistic community in various cities

fyi, the investor(s) and I would select the right people on the project. It isn't a handout or a lottery.

Mar 21, 11 2:41 am  · 

Hi Andrew,

I think real estate investors on this web site would definitively be interested in an opportunity like this one. But first, can you give us more info? On another website your sales pitch included the following:

"I have the capstone designed. My name will not be on the building. I cash out when the bond is sold and before construction begins. "

Can you share the design of the capstone with us? I think it's an important detail that we would love to see.

Also, on your personal blog you talk about 'trans-structural time travel' and 'nearly free energy machine'. Are these technologies going to be incorporated in this project as well?

Thanks for the feedback!

Mar 21, 11 3:49 am  · 


tapping the single mother money market is a brilliant idea. Do you mind if I borrow the concept for a current project I am working on? Don't worry, our sundial pool is not on the roof.


Mar 21, 11 3:53 am  · 

nah.. those are some scientific theories I have. Up for discussion and argument.

the capstone is something like the logo on my card:

Mar 21, 11 5:01 am  · 

rustystuds: what is your current project if don't mind me asking?

Mar 21, 11 5:03 am  · 
St. George's Fields

Patent a bond?

That's improbable. At least in the US. The case In re Bilski has made it nearly impossible for a single entity to patent a business method in regards to financial securities, funds, bonds and hedging the former.

Things can more or less only be patentable if they operate on or from an apparatus-- e.g., materials can be patented because proprietary machines manufacture them and formulas in software can be patented because it's specific code working with the confines of a program on a computer.

Mar 21, 11 5:18 am  · 
St. George's Fields

And, uhh, lastly...

"The building is a safe place for single mothers and their children while mothers go to school. No men are allowed in the building, including the caterers and cleaning crew."

While I do not disagree with the idea, you're going to find it hard to pry a dime from the cold dead hand of government to build something de facto segregationist.

"individual notes are sold to the general public in tiers: $100k, $10k, $1k, and $100. notes are paid back over 20 years without interest."

Bwahahhahaha. I haven't heard of the general public buying development bonds since like 1981. Seriously, no one is going to buy an non-interest-bearing general bond. You couldn't even sell them currently if they paid 5% interest.

"partnership of the investor(s), architect, builder, accountant, web developer, and perhaps others as decided later."

The United States, both federally and in most states, has no laws supporting or denying the formation of building societies and cooperatives.

"It will be invested in gold and silver bullion."

Let's not even touch this one with a 12-foot long pole.


And I'm not even sure you know the murky depths of the complications arising with DOE and HUD funding in public housing schemes.

Mar 21, 11 5:29 am  · 

I think you'd be surprised. The architectural designs of the building will be updated in real-time to a public website. That will be quite effective at encouraging community interest and serve as advertising for the notes.

Those notes are an interest-free loan of a relatively small dollar amount. Many would see it as charity.

Mar 21, 11 5:38 am  · 

andrew you have way to much time on your hands..

Mar 21, 11 8:48 am  · 

Andrew why is your mailing address a UPS Store?

Mar 21, 11 9:03 am  · 

Let me grab my checkbook...a cool million you say? Are you sure you don't want a little more up front?

Mar 21, 11 9:11 am  · 

andrew, I do appreciate the notion of a cooperative living situation for single mothers and kids. They make a huge population that isn't well-served, not just in physical housing, but in the support structures that all single-parent households need (hell, even double-parent households need more societal support than is common in our world).

My biggest question for you, however, is this: how do the single mothers and kids factor into your decision making and the ultimate success of this project? Are they your clients, or are they a commodity, or something else? Have you spoken to any of them to ask what they might actually need (I mean, tanning booths? Really?), or are you imagining this utopia where every lady and baby is exactly alike and will act as you predict they will, sort of like a herd of cows you (being, no doubt, the only male allowed into this facility) can watch from afar?

If you're serious about how actual people combine resources, you might want to check out the various co-housing groups around the world. The key difference there is co-housing tends to be groups of people who choose to come together and build a community, and decide themselves how that community will function. Your proposal, frankly, sounds like you feel you can solve everyone else's problems if they will simply act like you tell them to - in other words, like a cult.

You're proposing a big architectural solution to a problem that, honestly, doesn't need a building, it needs a system of social structures.

Mar 21, 11 9:26 am  · 


Do you have a parcel of land secured? It is in Superior or Bumble Bee Arizona?

Mar 21, 11 9:33 am  · 

It's a MILF Mall isnt it you cheeky bastard

Mar 21, 11 10:21 am  · 


the cornerstone link you shared with us contains following post by you written in August:

"54 Noble Truths
Between the years of 14 and 23 (from conception date, not birth date), a woman can give 54 blow jobs outside of a committed relationship. Those blow jobs might be metaphorical or physical and arranged to fit her personality."

Now my question is, will you be implementing such policy for your compound, and if so, how will your building be fortified against federal agents? Also, will you be screening out the potential tenants with personality tests?


Mar 21, 11 12:01 pm  · 

Oh for fuckssake, rusty, is that for real?!

So the mild accusations of misogyny that I was directing at the OP (which 2step very neatly summed up in a quip) are far deeper and more apt than I imagined?!?

Good god. I need a freaking shower. Goodbye to this thread.

Mar 21, 11 3:50 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

Dear Ms Sink, I may know of someone who has a facility for sexy moms to shower at and possibly bake delicious pastry treats.

Mar 21, 11 4:24 pm  · 

No... this is a way for young single mothers to NOT be taken advantage of. I have a 2 year old son. His mother and I are not married. She is taking care of him and is a difficult position. Although I support her financially, she has expressed much interest in gaining freedom from being a full time stay at home mother. That is largely the source of the design.

Remember, men are not allowed in the building. It is not a utopia. It is a solution. A safe place for single mothers and their children.

No other rules will be set in that building other than "men are not allowed". The reason for that rule is to provide a non-sexual safe place where men aren't acting their way into the other mothers' pants.

Donna, single mothers are not a commodity, nor are they clients. Their only responsibility is to go to school and make good grades. In this solution, they won't have to work, they will have more free time because cooking is taken care of for them and they can share daycare among the people in the building.

For me, as the project architect and general partner, I make money from the building's construction. I am a single father with a child and mother to support.

Mar 21, 11 7:42 pm  · 

holy shit, an honest to goodness batshit crazy idea! where do i sign up? i'll take 20% fee, that is if i can get a new iPad 2, you know, just for my troubles.

perhaps you are aware, although i'm betting you don't, where in the code, do you think anything like this harebrained idea, would be remotely permissible?

Mar 21, 11 8:27 pm  · 

permissable by who?

i have experience in mortgage, construction, finance, corporate law, and the various related concerns.

it is possible. no one to prevent it.

i can't offer you an iPad, but I can offer you $60,000 if you find the right investor.

the right investor is someone down-to-earth and doesn't take advantage of people. it could be a group of investors also.

Mar 21, 11 8:36 pm  · 
olaf design ninja

Olaf is down only if Charlie Sheen is our marketing spokes person.

You posted on archinect, not sure I should take you seriously...maybe you need a little FABULA. I am thinking first I must reference my Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman books to check the legitimacy of your proposal.

I bill 200 hour, just spent half hour thinking about your proposal, going to write a 4 hour letter and take half hour walking to the post office as I stop by at the bar for some invoice in mail - 1000 bucks with 1.5 percent monthly compounding interest.

Mar 21, 11 8:48 pm  · 

i was thinking Donald Trump is the man for that job.

great leverage for zoning his hotels and casinos.

Mar 21, 11 9:00 pm  · 
olaf design ninja

Donald Trump does FABULA? Well fuck me a runnin sideways as you call me babe ruth.

Mar 21, 11 9:06 pm  · 

i don't know what fabula is.

he would be perfect for the spokesperson/celebrity partner though.

Mar 21, 11 9:10 pm  · 
olaf design ninja

So call up Donald Trump then? But just let me put this in perspective for you, you are having conversations on an architecture forum with anonymous people looking for support, pretty sure Donald Trump does not hang out ever in discussion forms when looking for real business,. If it really was a good idea you wouldn't need to post or ask for help, you'd be doing it.

But then again my name is olaf design ninja, a figment of imagination

Mar 21, 11 9:24 pm  · 

as the title of my post says:

"New architectural concept looking for architects and investors"

olaf, you are not interested in either one. so what is your purpose in posting?

Mar 21, 11 10:17 pm  · 

From that capstone website:

This is a device for the prevention and treatment of post-mammoplasty fibrosis. I came up with the idea while in bed with my girlfriend who had recently had her breasts done. She told me her doctor recommended frequent massage to soften her breasts. I thought a good solution would be a massage device worn like a bra. With the intention of selling it on late night infomercials, and in the spirit of Ron Ronko, I named it the Booberator.

I had the idea in 1999, but it wasn't until 2009 that I designed two versions:
1. plastic triad massage arms to gently knead the breasts
2. fluid-filled bra with various chambers positioned on the muscle of the breasts. The chambers expand and contract at points where fibrosis occurs.

Both versions would also work for natural breasts by providing a soothing massage that will tone and firm. Interestingly, someone suggested a fluid version might also work as a clitoral stimulus device that could be worn anywhere. "

This person might be the new, all-american per-corell. Archinect gods, please, please do not ban him under any circumstances.

Mar 21, 11 10:26 pm  · 

Oh, my check is in the mail.

Mar 21, 11 10:29 pm  · 

what does post-mammoplasty fibrosis have to do with architecture?

Mar 21, 11 10:31 pm  · 

'No... this is a way for young single mothers to NOT be taken advantage of. I have a 2 year old son. His mother and I are not married. She is taking care of him and is a difficult position. Although I support her financially, she has expressed much interest in gaining freedom from being a full time stay at home mother. That is largely the source of the design'

maybe you should be a better father

Mar 21, 11 11:23 pm  · 
go do it

step your game up!!

Mar 21, 11 11:25 pm  · 

how do you just i become a better father mdler?

must i marry the woman?

Mar 21, 11 11:38 pm  · 

how do you suggest i become a better father mdler?

Mar 21, 11 11:39 pm  · 

my plan is to make a decent amount of cash in this so-called "land of opportunity", and set her up in an upper-middle class lifestyle. she and i will share custody of my son.

or must i marry the woman? then what? sit in a cubicle making 80k/year, come home and watch tv, sleep, and look forward to social security?

Mar 21, 11 11:41 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

"look forward to social security?"


You should rephrase that as "looking forward at looking forward to social security.""

Mar 21, 11 11:46 pm  · 

A new tack...

what about a single fathers building? can do the same thing with Stafford loans and others.

Women are not allowed in the building.

Modular sound systems.
State of the art video games.
Centralized computer system for easy upgrades.
Driving simulators with Recaro seats, stick shifts from Audi, BMW, or Ferraris.

You get the idea.

Single fathers and their kids only. Mothers get their full freedom.

No child support.
No mommy support either.

If mom wants to drop by and pick up the kid to go shopping, she is free to do so.

Mar 22, 11 12:19 am  · 

any single fathers want to be a doctor or lawyer (or anything else)?

I recommend Intellectual Property law for lawyers.
Future doctors get EMT-certified and become the building's Traumologists.

Any father with a kid can get in the building during the day. Free childcare for fathers in the neighborhood.

Mar 22, 11 12:22 am  · 

andrewbb, it was from your site. Im just suggesting that you might be a flake.

Mar 22, 11 2:12 am  · 

your suggestion might be wrong

Mar 22, 11 3:29 am  · 

andrewbb, what kind of drugs do you take? I think I would like to try them, too...

Mar 22, 11 4:39 am  · 

none. with very few exceptions i haven't done drugs since college about 25 years ago.

i did try Paxil and Zoloft about 5-7 years ago.

Mar 22, 11 4:48 am  · 

SSRIs are dangerous. I suggest you read this before trying them:

Mar 22, 11 4:54 am  · 

errrrrrrrrr Holy shit Rusty wasn't making that up

Andrew when is the last time you spoke with your doctor?

Mar 22, 11 5:56 am  · 

this is what archinect needed right now.
andrewbb is going to be even more entertaining than per.

Mar 22, 11 6:13 am  · 

My adoptive father is an MD. I spoke with him last week.

Mar 22, 11 6:32 am  · 

I expected some intelligent people here. I guess I was wrong.

Mar 22, 11 6:34 am  · 

fyi, do you know why you worship doctors and other authority figures?

1. penis and boobie shaped buildings. eg. washington monument and capital. those buildings became a metaphor for your father and mother. your false assumption being the people in those buildings care about you in the same way. delusional. do you trust politicians? usually the answer is no. why do trust the people in those boobie and penis shaped buildings?

2. umbilical cord cut. that is a deep trauma that occurs when you are born. first in bliss, at one with mother. then the trauma transfers trust to authority/doctor.

umbilical cord cut. punched in the gut. you never figured out what you did wrong and never wanted to be wrong again.

Mar 22, 11 6:37 am  · 
olaf design ninja

On a serious note your ideas are more retarded than communism meets porn...wait one of those is a good a idea, I am giving you too much credit.

I explained to you that you posted on archinect, pay attention already, and none of this gibberish can be reviewed under the guidelines of jacques derrida and peter eisenman and therefore is barely worth most of our intellectual time....although you are seriosly entertaining for a wack job.

You psychological analysis is telling, by my" Jacques Derrida drink a belgium beer Arnold Schoenberg music love me some Kwinter and Foster" standards you are pretty pathetic, but then again I have high standards.

So for me to talk down to your level Andrew I need you to clarify a few things first:

If this place would be built what social forces would the architecure accumulate and express as a time capsule? What sexual body part is clearly iconic of this era and architecture you intend on building? Why bother with architecrture as the virtual eliminates the real? Why are delusions more real than butter? Why not charlie sheen?

Mar 22, 11 7:46 am  · 
olaf design ninja

Oh and andrew, we are architects, we worship ourselves, duh.

Mar 22, 11 7:47 am  · 

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