
New architectural concept looking for architects and investors

olaf design ninja

Holy shit batman, talk about a random thought generator!

So we could build a compound ran by a decendant of a wacko from waco, the fourth coming, and on this compound we'd have a fist sculpture like Ghadafis in Libya, except we replace the USA plane with a dildo, because that's what this country is a dildo on loan to the middle eats and china. Anyway on this compound we'd have pictures of Che in sport illustrated swiimsuits, oh wait I am misreading the Che iconic photo symbol, no?

Anyway this compound would have a drive in theatre where all movies characters are translated into andrews iconic reading of reality. So zuckerberg in Facebook would be what? And man what is Facebook, look forward to your reading?

Every movie would be clay animation porn. The single one sided sex town would all wear the same shit. Women in 1850 homestead dresses and cowboy hats and the men in black tie suits with bank robber ski masks.

They'd be called brotherhoods and sisterhoods. Don't be caught rolling through them late at night on your own..YO!

If you got out of line we'd qoute from the book of Jackass and punish those in offense of lord wacko of waco by the standards of johnny knoxville and bam magerra.

Ok dude, I do have a day job, good luck. I think I have significantly contributed to your idea.

Mar 22, 11 8:05 am  · 

lots of words. intellectual bravado devoid of substance.

i repeat: do you know why you worship doctors and other authority figures?

1. penis and boobie shaped buildings. eg. washington monument and capital. those buildings became a metaphor for your father and mother. your false assumption being the people in those buildings care about you in the same way. delusional. do you trust politicians? usually the answer is no. why do trust the people in those boobie and penis shaped buildings?

2. umbilical cord cut. that is a deep trauma that occurs when you are born. first in bliss, at one with mother. then the trauma transfers trust to authority/doctor.

umbilical cord cut. punched in the gut. you never figured out what you did wrong and never wanted to be wrong again.

Mar 22, 11 9:39 am  · 

screw Trump...

You want Charlie bi-winning, dna of adonis tiger blood Sheen as your investor. He would probably love to help given his marital history and the fact that he is probably also interested in your blow job theory, boobelator thing and this baha driving scheme of yours. Not to mention Cocaine is one hellofa drug and sounds like you have a great hookup down there in AZ.

Mar 22, 11 10:23 am  · 
vado retro
Mar 22, 11 12:58 pm  · 
olaf design ninja

Penius genius, this andrew is.

Orion, hilarious.

Devoid of substance, did you read your original post....

Mar 22, 11 2:54 pm  · 

andrewbb - such a nondescript moniker for a complete nutloop.

Mar 22, 11 6:58 pm  · 
a mouse

andrewbb: how do magnets work?

Mar 22, 11 7:19 pm  · 


a apologize for the way people are responding to you here. Our profession is in a deep recession, and we are all kind of cranky right now.

I wish you all the best with funding your project and any future endeavors.

Mar 22, 11 7:25 pm  · 

Hang on, forget this child sanctuary, im way more interested in "54 Noble truths." I would have never of thought of creating a points system for blowjobs.. its honestly quite brilliant and is useful in at least 9 different situations. I think you should pursue this further. You are more likely to find financial backing. where do i send the check.

Mar 22, 11 7:27 pm  · 

You know I swore I wouldn't be dragged into this but here I am:

or must i marry the woman? then what? sit in a cubicle making 80k/year, come home and watch tv, sleep, and look forward to social security?

YES! Goddammit one thousand times YES this is what a good parent (of either gender) does IF that is what will give their child the best opportunities in life!

For godssake: once you have a child, frankly, you don't matter anymore except as you can exist as a good parent for the next 18 years. Your dreams and desires and hopes and goals for yourself all become far secondary to the good of the child(ren), though if you plan well the two paths can very easily intersect. Giving "financial support" from afar isn't good enough. Not committing to both a personal and a legal relationship with that child (via marriage most easily) is being a lame ass selfish baby yourself.

People: if you don't want to be a parent don't have penile-vaginal intercourse! It really truly is *that* simple. And being a parent is not a decision to enter into while drunk!

PS this rant has nothing to do with being an architect during a recession. I hate crappy whiny self-centered woe-is-me parents. Grow a pair.

Mar 22, 11 8:18 pm  · 

100% return in 6 months (in an otherwise dry field)....BUT WAIT, there's more!!!!

Good luck with your scam.

Mar 22, 11 8:33 pm  · 
olaf design ninja

No andrewbb? Man didn't even last 3 days on archinect, tough crowd, tough crowd.

And I am an asshole even in boom time, everyone sucks all the time - architect mantra #1.

Mar 22, 11 8:59 pm  · 

"People: if you don't want to be a parent don't have intercourse! It really truly is *that* simple. "

I believe that is what the Computer condom is for:

Although the most disturbing one is Age of Aquarius...
"I am the only direct descendant of an ancient very powerful king. In my life, I am an expert snow skier, scuba diver, can fly airplanes and have the potential for a top fighter pilot, driving skills of a race car driver. I have solved business software development and am one of the best software engineers in the world, I solved a major portion of science and proven perpetual energy is possible. I also solved the concept of money and created a solution for the global monetary system. Spiritually, I am the first person in all of history to master the amanita muscaria mushroom on my first attempt. It is a sacred mushroom of the ancients. I have developed an all-encompassing theory of everything in physics (no mathematical proof required). These are a few of my accomplishments and achievements in my life. Despite the above and despite living in the so-called land of opportunity, I have relatively little money and have never had a date in my life. I never get sick, my genetic structure is long-lived and resistant to aging. (Grandfather on the weak side of the family is 96 and quite healthy). From what I understand, my father's side of the family is capable of living beyond 130 years.

The US military's most secret project has been to keep me hidden in the population. Impersonating me as the holy grail bloodline. It appears I am the descendant of Jesus and Isis before. They impersonate me to simply have sex with the hottest women on earth. Spreading their weak seed and killing people who get in the way.

Since learning of the above, I have destroyed the Illuminati and most of the factions that held this pattern through antiquity. Changes are afoot. In their insanity, they have murdered hundreds of millions of women."

Ok, I vote we stop stoking the fire and get the guy help

Mar 22, 11 9:25 pm  · 

wait, if he's never had a date, then how did he father a child... hmmm...


Mar 22, 11 9:27 pm  · 

Who is the archinector responsible for this ruse? I was thinking rusty, but more probably the 'black block'. Its pretty good.

Mar 22, 11 9:47 pm  · 

diabase, your mom and I came up with it last night.

Mar 22, 11 9:50 pm  · 

That's highly unlikely, as the first post is from the the 20th of March, and this would have required at least half a day of planning....

Mar 22, 11 9:51 pm  · 

Unless, of course, that along with destroying the Illuminati and most of the factions that held this pattern through antiquity, you have also mastered time travel and mind control. Probably easy.

Mar 22, 11 9:54 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

I think I have been banned from making new accounts! Every time I try to make a new one, I get this message saying "Your registration requires moderator approval."

Mar 22, 11 9:56 pm  · 

In Japanese, there is no emphatic word for the word "no". "no" in Japanese is "yye". That is phonetically "ee ee ehh...". You might imagine the woman turning her head in avoidance twice, then giving in to the struggle.

How many "no's" equals "yes"?

Mar 22, 11 9:58 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

I mean, I guess it could be a new site wide policy in order to curb spambots and such. But I'm thinking it's more of an IP address block in which case I'd have to use a decent proxy to bypass the block.

But that's far too complicated an affair for archinect.

I'd rather just draw lame buildings in SketchUp for you all to snicker at and bring up deconstructionist foundational arguments to blatant whining.

Mar 22, 11 9:59 pm  · 

diabase, your momma said to smack you in the mouth for talking back.

box- go to local library and create a new account.

Mar 22, 11 10:02 pm  · 

rusty, come here and say that.

Mar 22, 11 10:06 pm  · 

diabase, is it OK if I send over some illuminati in my place?

Mar 22, 11 10:08 pm  · 

Hang on, have you set up a new Illuminati to replace the one you destroyed? Be nice to meet them.

Mar 22, 11 10:12 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

Triple post:

I'm going to ignore most of the craziness, you and others, have brought up in this thread.

And I want to commend you on trying to help the less fortunate. Even perhaps with not the best methods available. My earlier objections to this thread were trying to be more constructive about the many stipulations.

Your "architectural intervention" idea is part of a larger subject on the debate of housing the "at-risk" and "homeless" populations particularly in the west. It really is more specific to the US, though. Our particular country does not tolerate or really handle at-risk and homeless populations very well.

You should really consider the idea and study it.

You're not necessarily the first person, nor will you be the last person, who has tried or succeeded at making money off of helping others. In fact, there's a multi-billion dollar industry focusing on these subjects.

Three things you ought to research:

1) Housing first-- It's a policy that basis the idea that the most important tool in fighting addiction, homelessness and other "at-risk" individuals is securing permanent, normal-person housing. There's been great success in the limited areas this has been instituted. So, it's not necessarily a pipe dream but there's been some resistance to it as some believe that giving apartments to homeless people instantly solves their problems.

2) Research institutional housing on college campuses-- There's plenty of colleges that have segregated and co-ed housing options. Female-only dorms have existed for quite some time. Many universities also have family housing available to married and parent students.

3) Research how these projects are directly and indirectly funded. This data should be widely available and findable on Google Scholar search.

Mar 22, 11 10:12 pm  · 


did you know that basketball was originally a hunting training exercise? toss the ball onto a rhinoceros' head, maybe pop it on his horn.. his head would raise up exposing his jugular for the kill.

Mar 26, 11 10:11 am  · 

Wow, this is a thread on crack :O Keep it those responses coming archinectors :)

Mar 26, 11 6:33 pm  · 

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