
Archinect, please boycott Israel (its about time!)


Donna Sink, I'm referring to Russia and Ukraine. The things that are happening over there. Had there be no war, the plane wouldn't go down. How about bringing awareness about bigger countries bullying on smaller countries.

Jul 20, 14 11:11 pm  · 

I like turtles. 

Jul 21, 14 12:32 am  · 
chatter of clouds

From Applause for the academic boycott of Israel :

There are sound reasons that U.S. citizens should respond to the Palestinians' appeal for support: Our country is Israel's principal — and often sole — defender in the international arena. Our diplomats have vetoed more than 40 U.N. Security Council resolutions critical of Israeli practices, including illegal settlement of the West Bank. Former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice, upon leaving office, described shielding Israel as a "huge part" of her work.

...Allegations of Israel's human rights violations, including torture, home demolitions, extrajudicial killings, detentions without trial, excessive force, use of human shields, and deliberate attacks on civilian persons and facilities, have been amply documented by respected human rights groups and our own State Department. More than 50 Israeli laws either privilege Jews or discriminate against Palestinians, according to Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel.

Jul 21, 14 1:05 am  · 

Tammuz, don't take their attacks so personally.  They may have been popular and mainstream 5 years ago, but times have changed and Israel's popularity has taken a serious dive around the world including the U.S.   BDS is working and has gained a momentum that would have been unprecedented in the first decade of this century.  The "anti-semitism" accuser bandwagon parade has more or less fizzled out; reality is finally making an appearance as we move away from the specter of WW2 and people learn the differences between the Jewish people, Israelis, & Zionists.

 Americans and their politicians, unfortunately, are still under the spell of powerful lobby groups like AIPAC that have infiltrated the "academic" debate regarding this issue not just at the public education level but also the University level (as you see manifested here in this forum by the die hard Israel supporters).  Our own Congress that bickers about every little bipartisan issue voted just 4 days ago UNANIMOUSLY (100 Senators) to support Israel's campaign against the Palestinian people.  Fear of losing AIPAC lobby money or support is too high of a threat to the political careers of our politicians.  Open criticism of Israel in the United States is considered political suicide (note the 180 degree flip Obama did on the issue in the year leading up to his first presidential campaign).

Obama cannot and will not criticize Israel's murder of Palestinians unless he wishes to spend the last two years of his presidency being humiliated by The Lobby.  BDS is the only way forward for those in the West, and any responsible citizen unable to challenge the Lobby in our democracy can at least offset the role their income taxes have played in oppression by joining the BDS movement.

To learn more about the lobby, I recommend this short YouTube Dutch documentary complete with interviews with high ranking Washington officials:


You won't find much support or even discussion regarding this political issue on Archinect since it is mainly American users who still (even with the progress) find any discussion about Israel to be a serious taboo that makes them uncomfortable and sweat at night.


As for those that have been made uncomfortable by this topic, simply filter out the Politics section and move along.

Jul 21, 14 6:10 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I've been following this discussion silently... wonderful criticism here. Too often people fear accusations of racism when criticizing a certain country's action because said particular country happens to hold a certain "cherished" religion... I do not respect's one's claim to anything based on nonsensical things like religion... for either parties in this discussion but, regardless of one's superstitious tendencies, one still has the right to exist.

This reminds me of a fellow graduate colleague many years ago who tried to tackle this coexistence of Israel and Palestine as a thesis subject. Granted the author had strong ties to Israel, that person tried to work up a piece-meal style division of land in the same way children split up Halloween candy. I remember pointing out that partitioning a country along religious boundaries has never worked in the past and will only heighten the tensions since it's assured that neither would be happy in the end. My solution was to flood everything that was precious to either party and let them start anew without any silly relics.

Nevertheless, but good stuff TAMMUZ.

Jul 21, 14 8:02 am  · 

Thank you responding to other post T a m m u z, will respond here to save the dual posting. I don't do politics but can do philosophy and from what I can tell you are quite crafty with the rhetoric, and obviously quite convincing. You are so crafty you get normally very intelligent individuals to apologize for those who attack you and your thoughts as if you were a child. Unlike some radical posters your posts at least appear to have convictions behind the text. Your convictions are first painted with a broad brush showing forth your intended beliefs, but when scrutinized you respond in quite the deep liberal thinking fashion to confound and obfuscate those who with open minds are listening. This in counter makes your critics appear aggressive and close minded, when in fact they are matching your proposals eye for an eye. The deep liberal thinking fashion trick is to turn the other cheek, something all westerners applaud without pause as it is essentially ingrained in our DNA for now 2000 + years after Christs birth. My main complaint and critique of your rhetoric is your ability to play on what amounts to essentially deep seeded western morality with regard to freedom of speech and existence to aggressively, although very subtle, push an agenda which in its own deep seeded nature is antisystem - the system in which it is being expressed an heard with no eventual apology or recreation of that system when your agenda succeeds. As an analogy this is the equivalent of shooting a rocket from a preschool where grenades are stored in the basement, to then have the other side retaliate with a rocket landing on the preschool while you setup cameras outside for all the world to see what the other done, to them attract support to fight the other and when the other is under your control you exterminate without apology and erasing history while you are at it. (You can read into that all you want politically, but it really is analogy to your thought process and that is what I mean by that statement)

Jul 21, 14 6:07 pm  · 

social justice warriors, doing everything they can....

from behind their computers.

Jul 21, 14 6:08 pm  · 

good point jdparnell...

another analogy, less politically loaded.

Your philosophical style exhibited within your political debate is the equivalent to:

A wolf in sheep's clothing who has convinced all the other sheep the shepherd really is a wolf.  Once the other sheep agree and abandon or kill their shepherd the wolf ditches the sheep's clothing and kills all the sheep.

Jul 21, 14 6:26 pm  · 

social justice warriors, doing everything they can....

from behind their computers.

The Illusion of activism.

Jul 21, 14 6:50 pm  · 


Pretty much.  How will boycotting Israel on Archinect stop bloodshed in Gaza?  Did #bringbackourgirls stop Boko Haram from terrorizing and enslaving villagers in Africa?  What can I tweet to make the family members of victims of MH17 find peace?  If I upvote a post on reddit about net neutrality, will the FCC keep the internet free and stop Comcast from throttling bandwidth?  At best, I can write my congressmen, senators, and other government officials to let them know my opinion.  I'm a father without means to stop the injustices of the world.  What would you like me to do?

Jul 21, 14 6:55 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Olaf, your last post deteriorated to the level of intangible nonsense. What is not nonsense is so far are the casualties that are in excess of 445 dead Palestinians. What is tangible is the loss of life on a massive scale as Israel creates massacres in Gaza. 

Due to the accident of birth,  I know  more about Hamas and these types of movements that you, Olaf,  do - there is nothing there that is surprising, you possibly know more about Quakers and Evangelists. I know the subcultures within my region more than you would.  I also know more about Israel as I come from a place where news from israel and their oppression of the palestinian people is featured daily (they're right next door) , where the aggression against my own country used to be - until they got their ass kicked in the 2006 war- daily. Random incarcerations, torture, murder, random bombing of name it. This is the modus operandi of Israel.Research its history, how it started with terrorist bands -who were originally themselves fleeing from oppression at the hand of Europe and Russia-  coming from Europe and Russia armed by the British, massacring Palestinians on the way.  This mode of violence and oppression is their mark throughout their history. This is not about how good my arguments are but about how clearly, evidently and indisputably racist they are, how they placed another people under occupation, oppress them daily by all means available, with the  subvention and support of the richest country in the world. Its just that I cannot escape from not knowing Israel, a luxury that you have. 

From your posts, you know little about this and your country (if the US is your country's, and indeed if you live in most Western countries) has brainwashed many into misrepresenting Israel as the only "democracy" - that happens to be killing and throwing people off their land in order to create a Jewish-only state on stolen lands. Please read A.I's post; she very nicely sums up the conundrum the US is in apropos Israel. There is nothing new there; this is now common knowledge. 

A.I; yes I'm aware of influence of AIPAC and the Christians United for Israel on the US, the twin curse of Jewish Zionism and , more primordially, Christian Zionism ie restorationism (i think this is the term in english?). What is read in present also has a past. Both of them owe their existence to European racism, on one hand, and, on the other, to literalist protestant Christian fundamentalism (first in England then in the US in the form of restorationist protestantism that many a US president subscribed to apparently)  and its eschatology on the other who believe that the return of the Jews to Israel in order for the true Christians to be elevated to heavens and everyone else to perish or some nonsense of that order.  It is the ridiculous irony that Zionism is itself the consequence and  the product of anti-semitism, the consequences of the pogroms, persecutions then holocaust on one hand, and the desire of fundamentalist christians to channel the outflux of Jews into Palestine to realize their escahtalogical vision (that has turned into a scatological one).  

This is why I view Judaism as the first victim of Zionism, it has been held hostage by Zionism, twisted and perverted it in the eyes of the Zionists such that they have intrinsically related themselves to a bizzarely Christian dream. At the onset, Zionist was not popular at all with the Jews, in fact, Jews at that time deemed themselves not as a people seperate from their nations but rather belonging to their respective countries. It is only with gaining popularity of racial anthropology and nationalism (which would later reach their fatal peak in Nazism, and thereafter in Zionism which inherits this conflation of ethnicity with nationalism), that largely secular/secularish Jews, inspired by socialist idealism and nationalism, falling for the very trap that pseudoscience had set up in believing that they were indeed a race apart. As such, Zionism and Nazism share the same germanic romanticism-idealism foundation, the same rooting in a pseudo-science of race (knowing well that, for example,  the origin of ashkenazi jews is regarded by many as being non-semitic and harkens back to asian hinterlands, north ofgeorgia and azerbijian). 

As such, Zionism, which exists today in the Zionist establishment of Israel is the direct inheritor of European racism in more ways than one. Religious racism: Christianity racism and self righteousness incurs now into Jewish self-righteousness . Ethnic racism: Aryan self supremacy and racism distinction incurs now Jewish supremacy and racist distinction. A very bizarre and virulent concoction of both secular and religious racism and nationalism, using one of those elements in one context (for instance, aligning with the anti-semitic Christians United for Israel or infiltrating devout Jewish congregations with their Zionist ideology  around the world - who, I remind, were at the onset of the 19th century against Zionism) or the other element, ie nationalism, claiming that it is a "democratic" republic with western values and all that nonsense, all the while colonizing, killing and deporting the real residents of Palestine. Perhaps they are referring to the "western values" that European colonial empires were endowed with rather than contemporary values pertaining to human rights. 

Jul 21, 14 7:44 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Even some Israelis are boycotting Israel...italics added 




Dear Madame/Sir,

We are citizens of Israel who oppose our government's policies of colonialism, occupation and apartheid against the Palestinian people and its actions which may amount to genocide. We write to you following thirteen days of an ongoing massacre, which is being perpetrated by Israel in the besieged Gaza Strip. As the death toll is rising, it now stands at 400 casualties and 3100 injured. The UN has declared, via UNICEF, that over a third of the victims are children. As you well know, this massacre was preceded by a month of massive Israeli violence and political persecution in the occupied West Bank, including the arrest of hundreds of so-called "Hamas-affiliated" men and boys. Meanwhile, Israeli mobs run wild in the streets of our cities, shouting the chilling “Death to the Arabs” chants (as well as "Death to the Leftists").

You cannot ignore the fact, especially during this UN-declared “year of solidarity with the Palestinian people”, that two similar massacres have already been perpetrated by Israel in the short span of six years; that Gaza suffocates under Israel’s hermetic siege; that Israel has been perpetrating an ongoing ethnic cleansing against the indigenous people of Palestine since 1948 and up to this day; and that Israel believes it may exterminate hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza every two years and do so with full impunity. 
The UN states that “Where genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity do occur, the International Criminal Court, which is separate and independent from the UN, is empowered to investigate and prosecute those most responsible if a state is unwilling or unable to exercise jurisdiction over alleged perpetrators.” Israel is well beyond the point of prevention and we, its privileged citizens, are hereby charging it with genocide. 
We demand that your office will do everything in its power to halt Israeli genocide as it is taking place. We demand that you take immediate action to prevent Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people. We will be following your conduct on this matter.

BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS Call from Within

Jul 21, 14 7:48 pm  · 

jdparnell, it wasn't a criticism, just an observation. The best I've been able to come up with is setting an example with my own behavior. We're all role models for someone.

Jul 21, 14 8:34 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

edited: into misrepresenting Israel as the only "democracy in the so-called Middle East

Jul 21, 14 8:41 pm  · 

In our postmodern times it is increasingly irrelevant where the good and the bad reside. Does it matter that the Israeli youth dream with being inventors and scientists, while the youth of Hezbollah and Hamas dream with being martyrs? Apparently not. Does it matter that in Israel children are not taught to hate the Arabs, while among the Arabs, the Protocols of Zion and Mein Kampf are best sellers, and that the Egyptian TV broadcast a repulsive series where the Jews would extract children’s blood for their rituals? Apparently this doesn’t matter either.

Jul 22, 14 12:21 am  · 
chatter of clouds

For those interested in showing your support, please find below a list of protests against the ongoing murder of Palestinians in Gaza by Israel:

Take action: Protests around the world respond to assault on Palestine

Protests are being organized in cities around the world to respond to the ongoing assault on Palestine and the Palestinian people, including the murders of Palestinians (including 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, murdered brutally by Israeli settlers), the bombing of Gaza and the killing of over 300 Palestinians by occupation forces, the mass arrests of over 1000, and the raids, attacks, tear-gassing, invasions and closure that Palestinians are being subjected to. If a rally you know of is not listed, please use this form or email to have it posted!

List your protest here

Upcoming protests (prior protests moved below upcoming events):

Stockton, CA, US
Monday, July 21
1:00 PM
5151 Pacific Avenue, Stockton

Portland, OR, US
Monday, July 21
11:30 AM
Ron Wyden Office
More info:

Toledo, Ohio, US
Monday, July 21
5:00 PM
West Central Ave and Secor Road

Nicosia, Cyprus
Monday, July 21
6:15 PM
Israeli Embassy

Baltimore, MD, US
Monday, July 21
5:00 PM
Mckeldin Square
More info:

Vienna (Wien), Austria
Monday, July 21
6:00 PM
Museum Square/Ecke Mariahilferstrasse
More info:

Padova, Italy
Monday, July 21
12:30 PM
Piazza Delle Erbe
More info:

Wexford, Ireland
Monday, July 21
7:00 PM
Wexford Lockout Memorial Gates
More info:

Naas, Ireland
Monday, July 21
7:00 PM
Court House
More info:

Beirut, Lebanon
Monday, July 21
6:00 PM
Ramlet el Bayda
More info:

Berlin, Germany
Monday, July 21
4 pm
Israeli Embassy in Berlin
more info:

Boston, MA, US
Tuesday, July 22
5:30 PM
Copley Square
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Tuesday, July 22
7:00 PM
1533 Summit Ave
More info:

Honolulu, Hawa’ii
Tuesday, July 22
4:00 PM
Corner of Ala Moana and Atkinson Boulevards
More info:

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tuesday, July 22
12:00 PM
Prime Minister’s Office
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Tuesday, July 22
12:00 PM
500 W. Madison St (Counter-Protest)
More info:

Newcastle, UK
Tuesday, July 22
5:30 PM
Newcastle City Centre
More info:

Berlin, Germany
Tuesday, July 22
4 pm
Berlin, Potsdamer Platz
more info:

London, UK
Tuesday, July 22
5:30 PM
Israeli Embassy
More info:

Reims, France
Tuesday, July 22
7:00 PM
Mairie de Reims

Rimini, Italy
Tuesday, July 22
8:30 PM
Arco d’Augusto
More info:

Athens, Greece
Tuesday, July 22
7:00 PM
Syntagma Square, march to EU
More info:,-7-%CE%BC%CE%BC,-%CE%A3%CF%8D%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B1%CE%B3%CE%BC%CE%B1

Besancon, France
Tuesday, July 22
6:00 PM
Place du 8 Septembre
More info:

Bari, Italy
Tuesday, July 22
10:00 AM
Sala Consiglio Regione Puglia
More info:

Oakland, California, US
Tuesday, July 22
7:30 AM (Standing meditation)
2121 Harrison Street
More info:

Montreal, Quebec
Wednesday, July 23
5:30 PM
Mont-Royal Metro
More info:

Bonn, Germany
Wednesday, July 23
5:00 PM
More info:

Bremen, Germany
Wednesday, July 23
6:00 PM
More info:

Genova, Italy
Wednesday, July 23
6:00 PM
Piazza De Ferrari
More info:

Jersey City, NJ, US
Wednesday, July 23
7:00 PM
Washington Blvd (Counter-protest to Zionists)
More info:

Des Moines, IA, US
Wednesday, July 23
10:00 AM
Federal Building
More info:

Minneapolis, MN
Wednesday, July 23
5:00 PM
Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge
More info:

Austin, TX, US
Wednesday, July 23
5:00 PM
Texas Capitol
More info:

Durham, NC, US
Wednesday, July 23
5:30 PM
Chapel Hill St and Main St
More info:

Berlin, Germany
Wednesday, July 23
3 pm
Egyptian Embassy in Berlin
more info:

Marseille, France
Wednesday, July 23
7:00 PM
Vieux Port (sous l ombriere)
More info:

Bordeaux, France
Wednesday, July 23
6:30 PM
Place de la Victoire
More info:

Paris, France
Wednesday, July 23
6:30 PM
More info:

Lyon, France
Wednesday, July 23
6:00 PM
Lyon Place des Terreaux 1er
More info:

Bradford, UK
Wednesday, July 23
10:30 PM
Centenary Square
More info:

Los Angeles, CA
Thursday, July 24
5:00 PM
Los Angeles City Hall
More info:

Oakland, California, US
Thursday, July 24
4:00 PM
Ron Dellums Federal Building
More info:

Nottingham, UK
Thursday, July 24
5:30 PM
BBC Centre
More info:

Roma, Italy
Thursday, July 24
6:00 PM
Piazza Vittorio
More info:

Des Moines, IA, US
Thursday, July 24
4:00 PM
MLK & Ingersoll Ave
More info:

New York, NY, US
Thursday, July 24
5:00 PM
Lower Manhattan
More info:

Brescia, Italy
Thursday, July 24
7:00 PM
Piazza della Loggia
More info:

Berlin, Germany
Thursday, July 24
11:00 PM
Hermann Square
More info:


New York City, US
Friday, July 25
4:30 PM
Times Square, Corner of 42nd and 7th
More info:

Houston, TX, US
Friday, July 25
3:30 PM
Corner of Westheimer and Post Oak, Houston, TX

Vancouver, Canada (unceded Coast Salish territories)
Friday, July 25
6:15 PM
Vancouver Art Gallery
More info:

Montreal, Quebec
Friday, July 25
5:30 PM
Israeli Consulate
More info:

Pretoria, South Africa
Friday, July 25
1:30 PM
428 Kings Highway
More info:

Durban, South Africa
Friday, July 25
1:30 PM
More info:

London, UK
Friday, July 25
3:00 PM
Duchess Street (behind BBC Broadcasting House), March to US Embassy
More info:

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Friday, July 25
6:00 PM
Alberta Legislative Grounds, 10820 98 Ave, Edmonton

Sacramento, CA, US
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
16th & J Streets

Atlanta, Georgia, US
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
190 Marietta St NW, CNN Center
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
Richard J Daley Center
More info:

Stuttgart, Germany
Friday, July 25
4:30 PM
Lautenschlagerstrasse 2
More info:

Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Friday, July 25
6:00 PM
City Hall
More info:

St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Canada
Friday, July 25
2:30 PM
61 Geneva Street
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
4th and Pine
More info:

Kortrijk, Belgium
Friday, July 25
4:00 PM
Kortrijk St-Jansplein

San Francisco, CA
Saturday, July 26
1:00 PM
United Nations Plaza
More info:

Dearborn, MI
Saturday, July 26
3:30 PM
Dearborn City Hall
More info:

Swansea, UK
Saturday, July 26
11:30 AM/2:30 PM
Castle Sq. Swansea 11.30 AM – 1 PM Info Stall & Protest
Cardiff City Hall 2.30pm for March
More info:

London, UK
Saturday, July 26
12:00 PM
More info:

Rome, Italy
Saturday, July 26
2:30 PM
More info:

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, July 26
2:00 PM
Queens Park Legislative Building
More info:

Edinburgh, Scotland
Saturday, July 26
1:00 PM
The Mound
More info:

Lecce, Italy
Saturday, July 26
8:30 PM
More info:

Memphis, TN, US
Saturday, July 26
4:30 PM
Poplar and Highland
More info:

Paris, France
Saturday, July 26
2:00 PM
More info:

Gießen (Germany) 
Saturday, July 26
2:00 PM
Seltersweg (Drei Schwätzer)

Seattle, WA, US
Saturday, July 26
401 Pine Street
12:00 PM
More info:

Ennis, Ireland
Saturday, July 26
12:00 PM
O’Connell Square
More info:

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Saturday, July 26
7:00 PM
222 Copland Crescent
More info:

Brussels, Belgium
Sunday, July 27
2:00 PM
Bruxelles Gare Du Nord
More info:

Dallas, Texas, US
Sunday, July 27
11:00 AM
3030 Olive Street
More info:

Montreal, Quebec
Monday, July 28
2:00 PM
Israeli Consulate
More info:

New Orleans, LA, US
Friday, August 1
7:30 PM
Carrollton and Canal Streetcar Stop
More info:

Washington, DC, US
Saturday, August 2
1:00 PM
White House
More info:

Austin, TX, US
Saturday, August 2
1:00 PM
Texas State Capitol
More info:

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Saturday, August 9
6:00 PM
Celebration Square
More info:

 Albany, NY, US
Saturday, August 9
1:00 PM
NY State Capital Building
More info:

Jul 22, 14 12:36 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Btw, this is the source for the above listing of protests.

Jul 22, 14 12:41 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Archinect, Paul, Editors, so on,  refusal or reluctance to take down Israeli material (listings of offices, universities, etc) implies that one is:

- either too timid and regressive to take this step towards a just cause because one is worried about the consequences or

- one supports normalcy with a racist murderous colonizing entity via its scholarly and commercial enterprises or, simply

- one does not care


all of those suggest that all the ideals one may have in terms of architects or architectural journalism within the cadre of humanist endeavour is just utter bullshit and all that one cares about is their business remuneration, in any form but moral and humane.  

Jul 22, 14 12:56 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Isn't religion beautiful? Tribalism at its best.

Good to know there is a protest less than 1 block from my office, I will stay indoors to avoid the congestion.

Jul 22, 14 7:32 am  · 


I didn't take it as a criticism.  I was simply reinforcing my point.  I did not mean to come off argumentative towards you.

Jul 22, 14 9:02 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Non Sequitur, it should go without saying that the protests have nothing to do with religious affiliation. They're people from all religions and non. 

Jul 22, 14 9:11 am  · 
chatter of clouds

From the co-founder of the BDS ( the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement), Omar Barghouti :


Is BDS anti-Semitic?

There are many points to answer that. BDS is a human rights movement that believes in equal rights for all humans, irrespective of identity. Being anchored in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we reject all forms of racism. Islamaphobia, anti-black racism, and anti-Semitism. We absolutely, categorically reject anti-Semitism. We will not accept anti-Semites in our ranks, we will never accept any anti-Semitic language, even hints of anti-Semitic language or actions within our platform. In the 9 years of BDS, the Israeli government, the Israel lobby and the Israeli-run media could not find one iota of proof of anti-Semitism. They’re using this to shut down the debate, because our boycott against Israel has absolutely nothing to do with the identity – whether Jewish or other identity. It has everything to do with Israel being an oppressive, colonial, and Apartheid regime. We couldn’t care less if Israel were Islamic, Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Atheist. It matters very little to the oppressed the identity of the oppressor. You don’t care if somebody’s stepping on your neck, whether he’s white, Christian, Muslim, Jew or not. All you care about is his foot is on your neck, and you want to remove that foot off your neck. That’s all that we care about.

Second, saying that a boycott of Israel is anti- Semitic is an anti-Semitic statement itself. It assumes that Israel and the Jews are one and the same. If you’re boycotting Israel, you’re boycotting the Jews. That would be an anti-Semitic, because reducing all Jews to Israel and saying Israel and the Jews are equivalent, is saying that all Jews are monolithic sum that have no human diversity. Anyone who puts all Jews in one basket is an anti-Semite. And, of course, there are many Jewish figures around the world – cultural figures, artists, philosophers, writers, filmmakers – who have come out in support of BDS.

Jul 22, 14 9:18 am  · 
Non Sequitur

TAMMUZ, religion is tied into this regardless of who's killing who. Until that nonsense is dealt with (dealt with ridicule gets my vote), little social progress can be made.


Jul 22, 14 9:40 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Non Sequitir


Religion is indeed tied into this, please read my above post regarding the history of Zionism (if you would like to). As for the BDS movement, it is completely unreligious. As for Hamas and all other resistance factions, religious or not, support is not over their religiousity, its content and so on, but over their right to protect and defend their homeland. People are being massacred in their hundres in Palestinian and people around the world are deciding to take to the streets to protest the barbaric massacres being committed by Israel.

This is not a story of two tribes or two groups of people attacking each other, both culpable. This is the story of one group of colonizers, who came in, stole lands, killed residents, still kills residents in the hope of replacing them with people who share their concept of ethnic-religious nationalism. If you want an Islamic equivalent to Israel, it would not be Hamas, it would be the islamic state of iraq and the levant (ISIL). 

If by tribalism you speak of the coming-together of people around the world -from all sorts of background-into one tribe to protest the actions of murder, oppression, racism and bigotry being practiced against Palestinians, on their homeland, for the sake of stealing their homes....then indeed it is Tribalism at its best.

Equally, we can also speak on Individualism at its worse...when you refuse to be moved by this because youère not involved, when you allow yourself to be cynical and dismissive of the massacres being committed inPalestine - where the support of your country (I assume), the US goes into Israelès weapons and power against Palestinians- when you make snide cynical remarks in response to someone giving people some information that they choose or choose not to use in support of the victims of an ongoing genocide...that is Individualism at its worse, that is where you stand. 

Jul 22, 14 12:17 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

From Statement by Palestinian performing art organizations


We, cultural workers representing the majority of Palestinian performing art organizations, condemn the current Israeli attack and aggression on Gaza, and the indiscriminate killing and maiming of mainly civilians, among them many children and women.

As artists, the most powerful weapon we have is our ability to play, dream and imagine. The oppressive forces fear this weapon because as long as we are able to imagine another kind of reality, we have the power to pursue it – a free and just Palestine.

Israel is portraying the ongoing massacre in Gaza as a war between them and Hamas, as part of an obnoxious media campaign of turning the oppressed into the villains. This latest Israeli attack against Gaza is a crime that must be understood within the context of Israeli occupation and apartheid. For over six decades Palestinians have been systematically bereaved of their lands, their water and their freedom of movement. Settlements continue to be built, a wall is erected on occupied lands and Gaza has been under a suffocating blockade for over six years. These crimes must be condemned and acted upon immediately.

Among our companions are institutions that despite all the hardships continue to work in Gaza, using music, theatre and drama to comprehend, process, educate and mobilize. We stand with them and we ask you to do the same.

While governments are once again turning their backs, people around the world are raising their voices; taking to the streets and refusing to let the people of Gaza suffer in silence. We urge our colleagues, friends and partners not to stay silent and join us in our protest.

We call upon the world to put pressure on Israel to stop the blockade of Gaza.

We particularly call upon our fellow artists and cultural organizations to condemn the current aggressions against Gaza and the occupation of Palestine through petitions, protests and statements. Further to that, we urge you to act by supporting the Palestinian cultural and academic boycott of Israel (PACBI), thereby refusing to be complicit in the ongoing occupation and apartheid.

Together, we can turn hopelessness into determination and the forces of division into unity. It is within our power.

Jul 22, 14 12:24 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Strange creature you are... but it is not cynicism to criticize religion or actions sprung from religious tendencies... it's realism. Two clans want what their imaginary sky-daddies say is theirs and people think everyone ought to take a side.

In the end, it's just another pity argument between two dumb children over the same toy.

Jul 22, 14 12:36 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

what is stranger is that it seems that you're responding but its more evident that you didnt read my post or indeed my previous posts- you afford no criticism but an obstinate repetition of your impertinent belief- and it IS a belief. There is no sense in your belief when held up against what is happening on ground. What you qualify as 'realist" point of view is ignorant hubris up its own ass. 

. this as nothing to do with two clans or Godsfighting it out. this is about an established tradition of colonialism, especially virulent in this case, that oppresses a resident population with historical ties to their land. 

Now, (more than a week ago)

What The Media Isn't Telling You About Israel's Attack On Gaza

Jul 22, 14 12:49 pm  · 
chatter of clouds
Non Sequitur

To your credit TAMMUZ, I've read 1out of 3 of your posts after the first 3 on this tread.

I support no side which thinks armed conflict is the answer and I ridicule anyone who thinks they have divine claims to anything; but even from the small sample of comments here, it's obvious there are fans or either party with tightly worn blinders.

I can hear a little bit of noise from the demonstration in my city at the moment if it is of any comfort.

Jul 22, 14 12:59 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Prof. Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and international law expert at Princeton University, described Israel’s siege of Gaza last year, when it was still not comparable in its severity to the current situation, as follows:

“Is it an irresponsible overstatement to associate the treatment of Palestinians with this criminalized Nazi record of collective atrocity? I think not. The recent developments in Gaza are especially disturbing because they express so vividly a deliberate intention on the part of Israel and its allies to subject an entire human community to life-endangering conditions of utmost cruelty. The suggestion that this pattern of conduct is a holocaust-in-the-making represents a rather desperate appeal to the governments of the world and to international public opinion to act urgently to prevent these current genocidal tendencies from culminating in a collective tragedy.”

Jul 22, 14 5:46 pm  · 

Your rants have been useful t a m m u z, I have deciphered your smell and founded a philosophical foundation for analyzing your smell. Its a shame you can not smell yourself. Every post you make supports my last analogy - you are not meant to understand it - you have already decided to be a character in the analogy and while you are surely gifted intellectually and your English as presumably 2nd language is astounding you have by sheer will (which is blind by nature and action) chosen your destiny and denied proper reflection of your character. You believe your fate to be guided by a conscioussness of peace and justice, but as social feedback suggests it is fate filled with violence and hate and not the kind a Shepherd might deliver to the wolves - which is delivered hate free. Within the wolf and sheep analogy, a nihilist would quit after freeing the sheep from their shepherd, but you are no nihilist, nihilism is just a tactic of rhetoric for you. Don't change the subject - your posts are very much about you and your worldview. You want freedom of speech don't ask others to be silenced.

Jul 22, 14 9:00 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

More nonsense from you Olaf. This is your warped interpretation and your opinion - neither justified nor credible. I come from a totally different background and it is very credible that you are misjudging me on the basis of your inability to see beyond your pseudo philosophical bullshit which is more reflective of you than me.    

 The issue of Israel is not rhetorical for me, it is a very tangible subject thats featured heavily in my background. The amount of suffering that Israel is responsible for throughout its dire racist colonial history - and you will find many a western intellectual, journalist, political scientiest, etc, etc who concur with me on that point because they've done their research and they're not talking out of their behind, as you are- is phenomenal.  That you don't perceive this - although the larger part of what Im doing is transmitting information here from what is going on and by credible sources- suggests that not only are you ignorant but you are so stuck up up your pseudophilosophical ass and have such a great opinion of yourself that dishing out judgement on the basis of this alone suffices for you. 

It is you that is making this about me- because it is not about me. I am a willing tool to bring some information concerning Palestine. Although I have been attacked here by zionist bots, brainwashed pro-israelis and, worse, stupid ignorant arrogant people who have volunteered to stick to my behind like a vexing tail - not taking in one iota of information i've delivered but rather taking this as a pissing context for them instead of intelligently/topically argue against me. Do I enjoy this? Not in the least? But this is not what matters. 

What matters is this: 

Jul 22, 14 9:20 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

From List of the 597 Palestinians Killed Between 7/8 and 7/22


This list is constantly updated due to ongoing Israeli assault on Gaza since July 8th. The following 597 names have been confirmed. At least 4010 Injured.

Baby hit by shrapnel 7/18
Baby hit by shrapnel 7/18

WARNING: Graphic images below this list

At least 4010 Palestinians, including 1213 children, 698 women and 161 elderly, have been injured. Of those killed, at least 161 are children and 69 are women, according to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights. The casualties listed below are victims of Israeli military attacks on Gaza since Tuesday July 8th. Israeli casualties follow, at the end of the list.

Killed Tuesday 7/22
1. Naji Jamal al-Fajm, 26, Khan Younis.
2. Ebtehal Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
3. Yousef Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
4. Eman Ibrahim ar-Remahi, Deir al-Balah.
5. Salwa Abu Manfi 
6. Samira Abu Manfi.
7. Abdullah Ismael al-Baheessy, 27, Deir al-Balah.
8. Mos’ab Saleh Salama, 19, Khan Younis.
9. Ibrahim Nasr Haroun, 38, Nusseirat.
10. Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Sabha, 55, Khan Younis.
11. Khader Baker, 60, Gaza City.
12. Wa’el Jamal Harb, 32, Rafah.
13. Suleiman Abu Daher, 21, Khan Younis.
14. Haitham Samir al-Agha, 26, Khan Younis.
15. Fatima Hasan Azzam, 70, Gaza.
16. Mariam Hasan Azzam, 50, Gaza.
17. Yasmeen Ahmad Abu Mour, 2, Rafah.
18. Samer Zuheri Sawafiri, 29, Rafah.
19. Mohammad Mousa Abu Fayyad, 36.
20. Mona Rami al-Kharwat, 4, Gaza.
21. Soha Na’im al-Kharwat, 25, Gaza.
22. Ahmad Salah Abu Siedo, 17, Gaza.
23. Mohammad Khalil Ahl, 65, Gaza, (remians located, killed during Shuja'eyya Masacre, Sunday).
24. Mahmoud Salim Daraj, 22, Jabalia.
25. Radhi Abu Hweishel, 40, Nusseirat.
26. Obeida Abu Hweishel, Nusseirat.
27. Yousef Abu Mustafa, 27, Nusseirat.
28. Nour al-Islam Abu Hweishel, 12, Nusseirat.
29. Yousef Abu Mustafa, 27, Nusseirat.
30. Hani Awad Sammour, 27, Khan Younis.
31. Ahmad Ibhrahim Shbeir, 24, Nusseirat.
32. Mohammad Jalal al-Jarf, 24, Khan Younis.
33. Raed Salah, 22, Al-Boreij.
34. Ahmad Nassim Saleh, 23, Al-Boreij.
25. Mahmoud Ghanem, 22 Al-Boreij.
26. Mustafa Mohammad Mahmoud Fayyad, 24.
27. Ahmad Issam Wishah, 29, Central District.
28. Ahmad Kamel Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Central District.
59. Raed Abdul-Rahman Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Central District.
60. Nader Abdul-Rahman Abu Mgheiseb, 35, Central District.
61. Ahmad Mohammad Ramadan, 30, Central District
62. Khalaf Atiyya Abu Sneima, 18, Rafah.
63. Khalil Atiyya Abu Sneima, 20, Rafah.
64. Samih Abu Jalala, 64. Rafah.
65. Hakima Nafe’ Abu ‘Adwan, 75, Rafah.
66. Najah Nafe’ Abu Adwan, 85 Rafah.
67. Mohammad Shehada Hajjaj, 31, Rafah.
68. Fawza Saleh Abdul-Rahman Hajjaj, 66, Rafah.
69. Rawan Ziad Jom’a Hajjaj, 28. Gaza City.
70. Mos’ab Nafeth al-Ejla, 30. Shuja’eyya Gaza.
71. Tareq Fayez Hajjaj, 22, Gaza. 
72. Ahmad Ziad Hajjaj, 21 Gaza.
73. Hasan Sha’ban Khamisy, 28 al-Maghazi, Gaza.
74. Ahmad As’ad al-Boudi, 24, Beit Lahia.
75. Ahmad Salah Abu Seedo, 17, Gaza.

Killed Monday 7/21
1. Shahinaz Walid Mohammad Abu Hamad, 1, Khan Younis.
2. Husam Abu Qeinas, 5, Khan Younis.
3. Somoud Nassr Siyam, 26, Gaza City.
4. Bader Nabil Siyam, 25, Gaza City.
5. Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, Gaza City.
6. Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, Gaza City.
7. Ghaida’ Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, Gaza City.
8. Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8 months, Gaza City.
9. Kamal Mahrous Salama Siyam, 27, Gaza City.
10. Mohammad Mahrous Salaam Siyam, 25, Gaza City.
11. Shireen Mahmoud Salaam Siyam, 32, Gaza City.
12. Jowdat Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame’, 24, Khan Younis.
13. Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame’, 5, Khan Younis.
14. Haifa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame’, 9, Khan Younis.
15. Yasmin Ahmad Salama Abu Jame’, 25, Khan Younis.
16. Soheila Bassam Abu Jame’, Khan Younis.
17. Roseanne Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jame’, 14, Khan Younis.
18. Child from Abu Jame’ family, name not yet confirmed
19. Child from Abu Jame’ family, name not yet confirmed.
20. Woman from Abu Jame’ family, name not yet confirmed.
21. Ahmad Suleiman Abu Saoud, 34, Khan Younis.
22. Manwa Abdul-Baset as-Sabe’, 37, Beit Hanoun.
23. Kamal Balal al-Masri, 22, Beit Hanoun.
24. Bilal Jabr Mohammad al-Ashab, 22, Gaza City.
25. Raed Ismail al-Bardawil, 26, Rafah.
26. Zakariya Masoud al-Ashqar, 24, central Gaza.
27. Abdullah Matroud Abu Hjeir, 16, central Gaza.
28. Ahmad Salhoub, 34, central Gaza.
29. Raed Issam Daoud, 30, Gaza City.
30. Younis Ahmad Younis Sheikh al-Eid, 23, Rafah.
31. Raja'e Hammad Mohammad, 38, Gaza.
32. Ahmad Khale Daghmash, 21, Gaza.
33. Mahmoud Hasan an-Nakhala, Gaza.
34. Saleh Badawi, 31, Gaza.
35. Kamal Mas’oud, 21, Gaza.
36. Mohammad Samih al-Ghalban, Gaza.
37. Majdi Mahmoud al-Yazeji, 56, al-Karama, Gaza.
38. Mayar al- Yazeji, 2, al-Karama, Gaza.
39. Anas al- Yazeji, 5, al-Karama, Gaza.
40. Yasmin Naif al-Yazeji, al-Karama, Gaza.
41. Safinaz al-Yazeji, al-Karama, Gaza.
42. Tamer Nayef Jundiyya, 30, Gaza.
43. Kamel Jundiyya, 32, Gaza.
44. Rahma Ahmad Jundiyya, 50.
45. Mohammad Mahmoud al-Maghrebi, 24.
46. Ibrahim Sha’ban Bakron, 37.
47. Yousef Ghazi Hamdiyya, 25, Gaza.
48. Mo’taz Jamal Hamdiyya, 18, Gaza.
49. ‘Aaed Jamal Hamdiyya, 21. Gaza.
50. Yasmin al-Qisas, Gaza City.
51. Lamia Eyad al-Qisas, Gaza City.
52. Nismaa Eyad al-Qisas, Gaza City.
53. Arwa al-Qisas, Gaza City.
54. Aya Yassr al-Qisas, Gaza City.
55. Aisha’ Yassr al-Qisas, Gaza City.
56. Aliya Siyam, Gaza City.
57. Fayza Sabr Siyam, Gaza City.
58. Samia Siyam, Gaza City.
59. Fadi ‘Azmi Buryam, Deir al-Balah.
60. Ayman Salaam Buryam, Deir al-Balah.
61. Salaam Abdul-Majeed Buryam, Deir al-Balah.
62. Karim Ibrahim ‘Atiya Barham, 25, Khan Younis.
63. Nidal Ali Daka’, 26, Khan Younis.
64. Nidal Jamaa’ Abu ‘Asy, 43, Khan Younis.
65. Fatima Ahmad al-Arja, Rafah.
66. Atiya Yusef Dardouna, 26, Jabalia.
67. Ibrahim Deib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53 (father of Yassr, Elias, Susan, Reem & Yasmeen) , Gaza City.
68. Yassr Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 8, Gaza City.
69. Elias Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 4, Gaza City.
70. Susan Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 11, Gaza City.
71. Reem Ibrahim Deib al-Kilani, 12, Gaza City.
72. Yasmeen Ibrahim Deeb al-Kilani, 9, Gaza City.
73. Taghrid Shoeban Mohammad al-Kilani, 45, Gaza City.
74. Aida’ Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 47, Gaza City.
75. Mahmoud Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 37, Gaza City.
76. Sura Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 41, Gaza City.
77. Aynas Shoeban Mohammad Derbas, 30, Gaza City.
78. Fadi Bashir al-Ablala, 22, Khan Younis.

Killed Sunday 7/20
1. Salem Ali Abu Sa'ada, Khan Younis.
2. Mohammad Yusef Moammer, 30, Rafah.
3. Hamza Yousef Moammer, 26, Rafah.
4. Anas Yousef Moammar, 16.
5. Hosni Mahmoud al-Absi, 56, Rafah.
6. Suheib Ali Jom’a Abu Qoura, 21, Rafah.
7. Ahmad Tawfiq Mohammad Za’noun, 26, Rafah.
8. Hamid Soboh Mohammad Fojo, 22, Rafah.
9. Najah Sa’ad al-Deen Daraji, 65, Rafah. 
10. Abdullah Yusef Daraji, 3, Rafah. 
11. Mohammed Raja'a Handam 15, Rafah.
12. Yusef Sha’aban Ziada, 44, Al Bureij. 
13. Jamil Sha’aban Ziada, 53, Al Bureij. 
14. Shoeban Jamil Ziada, 12, Al Bureij (son of Jamil). 
15. Soheiib Abu Ziada, Al Bureij
16. Mohammad Mahmoud al-Moqaddma, 30, Al Bureij.
17. Raed Mansour Nayfa, Shuja’eyya (Gaza City). 
18. Fuad Jaber, Medic, Shuja’eyya (Gaza City). 
19. Mohammad Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 2, al-Rimal (Gaza City).
20. Kenan Hasan Akram al-Hallaq, 6, al-Rimal - Gaza.
21. Hani Mohammad al-Hallaq, 29, al-Rimal (Gaza City).
22. Suad Mohammad al-Hallaq, 62, al-Rimal (Gaza City).
23. Saje Hasan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, al-Rimal (Gaza City).
24. Hala Akram Hasan al-Hallaq, 27, al-Rimal (Gaza City).
25. Samar Osama al-Hallaq, 29, al-Rimal (Gaza City).
26. Ahmad Yassin, al-Rimal (Gaza City).
27. Ismael Yassin, al-Rimal (Gaza City)
28. Aya Bahjat Abu Sultan, 15, Beit Lahia.
29. Rayan Taysir Abu Jame’, 8, Khan Younis.
30. Fatima Mahmoud Abu Jame’, 3, Khan Younis.
31. Suleiman Abu Jame’, Khan Younis.
32. Ibrahim Salem Jom’a as-Sahbani, 20, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
33. ‘Aref Ibrahim al-Ghalyeeni, 26, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
34. Osama Khalil Ismael al-Hayya, 30, Shuja’eyya - Gaza. (father of Umama and Khalil)
35. Hallah Saqer Hasan al-Hayya, 29, Shuja’eyya – Gaza. (mother of Umama and Khalil)
36. Umama Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
37. Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
38. Rebhi Shehta ‘Ayyad, 31, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
39. Yasser Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
40. Esra’ Ateyya Hamdiyya, 28, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
41. Akram Mohammad Shkafy, 63, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
42. Eman Khalil Abed ‘Ammar, 9, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
43. Ibrahim Khalil Abed Ammar, 13, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.*
44. ‘Asem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
45. Eman Mohammad Ibrahim Hamada, 40, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
46. Ahmad Ishaq Yousef Ramlawy, 33, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
47. Ahmad Sami Diab ‘Ayyad, 27, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
48. Fida’ Rafiq Diab ‘Ayyad, 24, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
49. Narmin Rafiw Diab Ayyad, 20, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
50. Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad Abu Za’nouna, 28.
51. Tala Akram Ahmad al-‘Atawy, 7, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
52. Tawfiq Barawi Salem Marshoud, 52, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
53. Hatem Ziad Ali Za’bout, 24, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
54. Khaled Riyadh Mohammad Hamad, 25, Shuja’eyya - Gaza. (Journalist)
55. Khadija Ali Mousa Shihada, 62, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
56. Khalil Salem Ibrahim Mosbeh, 53, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
57. ‘Adel Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
58. Dina Roshdi Abdullah Eslayyem, 2, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
59. Rahaf Akram Ismael Abu Jom’a, 4, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
60. Shadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 15, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
61. Ala Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 11, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
62. Sherin Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
63. ‘Adel Abdullah Salem Eslayyem, 29, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
64. Fadi Ziad Hasan Eslayyem, 10, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
65. ‘Ahed Sa’ad Mousa Sarsak, 30, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
66. Aisha Ali Mahmoud Zayed, 54, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
67. Abed-Rabbo Ahmad Zayed, 58, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
68. Abdul-Rahman Akram Sheikh Khalil, 24, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
69. Mona Suleiman Ahmad Sheikh Khalil, 49.
70. Heba Hamed Mohammad Sheikh Khalil, 13, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
71. Abdullah Mansour Radwan ‘Amara, 23, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
72. Issam Atiyya Sa’id Skafy, 26, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
73. Ali Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 27, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
74. Mohammad Hasan Skafy, 53, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
75. ‘Ala Jamal ed-Deen Barda’, 35, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
76. Omar Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
77. Ghada Jamil Sobhi Hammouda, 10, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
78. Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman ‘Adwan, 39, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
79. Fatima Abdul-Rahim Abu Ammouna, 55, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
80. Fahmi Abdul-Aziz Abu Sa’id, 29, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
81. Ghada Sobhi Sa’adi Ayyad, 9, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
82. Mohammad Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
83. Mohammad Ra’ed Ehsan Ayyad, 6, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
84. Mohammad Rami Fathi ‘Ayyad, 2, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
85. Mohammad Ra’ed Ehsan ‘Akeela, 19, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
86. Mohammad Ziad Ali Za’bout, 23, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
87. Mohammad Ali Mohared Jundiyya, 38, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
88. Marah Shaker Ahmad al-Jammal, 2, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
89. Marwan Monir Saleh Qonfid, 23, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
90. Maisa Abdul-Rahman Sarsawy, 37, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
91. Marwa Salman Ahmad Sarsawy, 13, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
92. Mos’ab el-Kheir Salah ed-Din Skafi, 27, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
93. Mona Abdul-Rahman Ayyad, 42, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
94. Halla Sobhi Sa’dy Ayyad, 25, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
95. Younis Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
96. Yousef Salem Hatmo Habib, 62, Shuja’eyya - Gaza.
97. Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55, Shuja’eyya – Gaza.
98. Ahmad Mohammad Azzam, 19, Shuja’eyya – Gaza.
99. Ismael al-Kordi, Shuja’eyya – Gaza.

Killed Saturday 7/19

1. Yahia Bassam as-Serry, 20, Khan Younis.
2. Mohammad Bassam as-Serry, 17, Khan Younis.
3. Mahmoud Rida Salhiyya, 56, Khan Younis.
4. Mustafa Rida Salhiyya, 21, Khan Younis.
5. Mohammad Mustafa Salhiyya, 22, Khan Younis.
6. Waseem Rida Salhiyya, 15, Khan Younis.
7. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nassr, 13, Khan Younis.
8. Rushdi Khaled Nassr, 24, Khan Younis.
9. Mohammad Awad Faris Nassr, 25, Khan Younis.
10. Ahmad Mahmoud Hasan Aziz, 34, Beit Hanoun
11. Sa’id Ali Issa, 30, Juhr ed-Deek, Central Gaza.
12. Raed Walid Laqan, 27, Khan Younis. 
13. Mohammad Jihad al-Qara’, 29, Khan Younis.
14. Rafat Ali Bahloul, 36, Khan Younis.
15. Bilal Ismail Abu Doqqa, 33, Khan Younis.
16. Mohammad Ismail Sammour, 21, Khan Younis.
17. Eyad Ismael ar-Raqab, 26, Khan Younis.
18. Mohammad Atallah Odah Sa’adat, 25, Beit Hanoun.
19. Mohammad Rafiq ar-Rohhal, 22, Beit Lahia.
20. Mohammad Ziad ar-Rohhal, 6, Beit Lahia.
21. Mohammad Ahmad Abu Za’nouna, 37, Gaza City.
22. Mahmoud Abdul-Hamid al-Zweidi, 23, Beit Lahia. 
23. Dalia Abdel-Hamid al-Zweidi, 37, Beit Lahia. 
24. Rowiya Mahmoud al-Zweidi, 6, Beit Lahia. 
25. Naghm Mahmoud al-Zweidi, 2, Beit Lahia. 
26. Mohammad Khaled Jamil al-Zweidi, 20, Beit Lahia. 
27. Amr Hamouda, 7, Beit Lahia. 
28. Mohammad Riziq Mohammad Hamouda, 18. 
29. Mo’men Taysir al-‘Abed Abu Dan, 24, Central District. 
30. Abdul-Aziz Samir Abu Za’itar, 31, Central District. 
31. Mohammad Ziad Za’bout, 24, Gaza City. 
32. Hatem Ziad Za’bout, 22, Gaza City. 
33. Fadal Mohammad al-Bana, 29, was killed in Jabalia. 
34. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Abu Hamad, 25, Beit Lahia. 
35. Ma’ali Abdul-Rahman Suleiman Abu Zeid, 24, Central District. 
36. Mohammad Ahmad as-Saidi, 18, Khan Younis. 
37. Abdul-Rahman Mohammad Odah, 23, Central District. 
38. Tariq Samir Khalil al-Hatou, 26, Central District. 
39. Mahmoud al-Sharif, 24, Central District. 
40. Mohammad Fathi al-Ghalban, 23, Khan Younis. 
41. Mahmoud Anwar Abu Shabab, 16, Rafah. 
42. Ahmad Abu Thurayya, 25, Central District. 
43. Abdullah Ghazi al-Masri, 30, Central District. 
44. Ayman Hisham an-Na’ouq, 25, Central District. 
45. Aqram Mahmoud al-Matouq, 37, Jabalia. 

Killed Friday 7/18

1. Majdi Suleiman Jabara, 22, Rafah.
2. Faris Juma’ al-Mahmoum, 5 months, Rafah. related article
3. Omar ‘Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah.
4. Nassim Mahmoud Nassier, 22. Beit Hanoun.
5. Karam Mahmoud Nassier, 20, Beit Hanoun.
6. Salmiyya Suleiman Ghayyadh, 70, Rafah.
7. Rani Saqer Abu Tawila, 30, Gaza City.
8. Hammad Abdul-Karim Abu Lehya, 23, Khan Younis.
9. Mohammad Abdul-Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, Khan Younis.
10. Mahmoud Mohammad Fayyad, 25, Khan Younis.
11. Amal Khader Ibrahim Dabbour, 40, Beit Hanoun
12. Ismail Yousef Taha Qassim, 59, Beit Hanoun. 
13. Ahmad Fawzi Radwan, 23, Khan Younis. 
14. Mahmoud Fawzi Radwan, 24, Khan Younis.
15. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23, Khan Younis. 
16. Monther Radwan, 22, Khan Younis. 
17. Hani As'ad Abdul-Karim Shami, 35, Khan Younis.
18. Mohammad Hamdan Abdul-Karim Shami, 35, Khan Younis.
19. Husam Musallam Abu Issa, 26. Gaza. 
20. Ahmad Ismael Abu Musallam, 14, Gaza City. 
21. Mohammad Ismael Abu Musallam, 15, Gaza City. 
22. Wala’ Ismael Abu Musallam, 13, Gaza City. 
23. Naim Mousa Abu Jarad, 23, Beit Hanoun. 
24. Abed Mousa Abu Jarad, 30, Beit Hanoun. 
25. Siham Mousa Abu Jarad, 26, Beit Hanoun. 
26. Raja’ Oliyyan Abu Jarad, 31, Beit Hanoun.
27. Haniyya Abdul-Rahman Abu Jarad, 3, Beit Hanoun.
28. Samih Naim Abu Jarad, 1, Beit Hanoun. 
29. Mousa Abul-Rahman Abu Jarad, 6 months, Beit Hanoun.
30. Ahlam Mousa Abu Jarad, 13, Beit Hanoun.
31. Husam Musallam Abu Aisha, 26, Jahr al-Deek.
32. . Mohammad Sa’ad Mahmoud Abu Sa’da , Khan Younis.
33. Ra’fat Mohammad al-Bahloul, 35, Khan Younis.
34. Wala’ al-Qarra, 20, Khan Younis.
35. Abdullah Jamal as-Smeiri, 17, Khan Younis.
36. Ahmad Hasan Saleh al-Ghalban, 23, Khan Younis.
37. Hamada Abdullah Mohammad al-Bashiti, 21, Khan Younis.
38. Hamza Mohammad Abu Hussein, 27, Rafah.
39. Ala’ Abu Shabab, 23, Rafah.
40. Mohammad ‘Awad Matar, 37, Rafah.
41. Bassem Mohammad Mahmoud Madhi, 22, Rafah.
42. Ahmad Abdullah al-Bahnasawi, 25. Um An-Nasr.
43. Saleh ‘Zgheidy, 20, Rafah.
44. Mahmoud Ali Darwish, 40, Nusseirat, Central Gaza.
45. Yousef Ibrahim al-Astal, 23,Khan Younis. 
46. Imad Hamed E’lawwan, 7, Gaza.
47. Qassem Hamed E’lawwan, 4, Gaza (brother of Imad)>
48. Sarah Mohammad Bustan, 13, Gaza.
49. Rezeq Ahmad al-Hayek, 2, Gaza.
50. Mustafa Faisal Abu Sneina, 32, Rafah.
51. Imad Faisal Abu Sneina, 18, Rafah.
52. Nizar Fayez Abu Sneina, 38, Rafah.
53. Ismail Ramadan al-Loulahi, 21, Khan Younis
54. Ghassan Salem Mousa Abu ‘Azab, 28, Khan Younis.
55. Ahmad Salem Sha’at, 22, Khan Younis.
56. Mohammad Salem Sha’at, 20, Khan Younis
57. Amjad Salem Sha’at, 15, Khan Younis.
58. Mohammad Talal as-Sane’, 20, Rafah.

KIlled Thursday 7/17

1. Mohammad Mahmoud Al-Qadim, 22, Deir al-Balah.
2. Mohammad Abdul-Rahman Hassouna, 67, Rafah.
3. Zeinab Mohammad Sa’id al-‘Abadla, 71, Khan Younis.
4. Ahmad Reehan, 23, Beit Lahia.
5. Salem Saleh Fayyad, 25, Gaza City.
6. Abdullah Salem al-Atras, 27, Rafah.
7. Bashir Mohammad Abdul-'Al, 20, Rafah.
8. Mohammad Ziyad Ghanem, 25, Rafah.
9. Mohammad Ahmad al-Hout, 41, Rafah.
10. Fulla Tariq Shuhaibar, 8, Gaza City. related article
11. Jihad Issam Shuhaibar, 10, Gaza City.related article
12. Wasim Issam Shuhaibar, 9, Gaza City.related article
13. Rahaf Khalil al-Jbour, 4, Khan Younis. related article
14. Yassin al-Humaidi, 4, Gaza City (died of earlier wounds). related article
15. Ismail Youssef al-Kafarneh, Beit Hanoun. 
16. Hamza Hussein al-'Abadala, 29, Khan Younis. 
17. Abed Ali Ntheir, 26, Gaza City. 
18. Mohammad Shadi Ntheir, 15, Gaza City. related article
19. Mohammad Salem Ntheir, 4, Gaza City. related article
20. Salah Saleh ash-Shafe’ey, Khan Younis.

Killed Wednesday 7/16

1. Mohammad Ismael Abu Odah, 27, Rafah.
2. Mohammad Abdullah Zahouq, 23, Rafah.
3. Ahmed Adel Nawajha, 23, Rafah.
4. Mohammad Taisir Abu Sharab, 23, Khan Younis.
5. Mohammad Sabri ad-Debari, Rafah.
6. Farid Mahmoud Abu-Doqqa, 33, Khan Younis.
7. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shanab, 33, Rafah.
8. Khadra Al-Abed Salama Abu Doqqa, 65, Khan Younis.related article
9. Omar Ramadan Abu Doqqa, 24, Khan Younis.related article
10. Ibrahim Ramadan Abu Doqqa, 10, Khan Younis.related article
11. Ahed Atef Bakr, 10, Gaza beach.related article
12. Zakariya Ahed Bakr, 10, Gaza beach.related article
13. Mohammad Ramiz Bakr, 11, Gaza beach.related article
14. Ismail Mahmoud Bakr, 9, Gaza beach. related article
15. Mohammad Kamel Abdul-Rahman, 30, Sheikh 'Ejleen, Gaza City.
16.Husam Shamlakh, 23, Sheikh 'Ejleen, Gaza City. 
17.Usama Mahmoud Al-Astal, 6, Khan Younis. (died of wounds sustained earlier in attack on mosque)
18. Hussein Abdul-Nasser al-Astal, 23, Khan Younis.
19. Kawthar al-Astal, 70, Khan Younis.
20. Yasmin al-Astal, 4, Khan Younis.
21. Kamal Mohammad Abu 'Amer, 38, Khan Younis.
22.Akram Mohammad Abu 'Amer, 34, Khan Younis. (brother of Kamal, injured in same incident, then later same day died of his injuries)
23. Hamza Raed Thary, 6, Jabalia (was injured a few days ago in the incident in which many, including children, were killed while playing in the sand at the beach in Jabalia)
24. Abdul-Rahman Ibrahim Khalil as-Sarhi, 37, Gaza City. 

Killed Tuesday 7/15:
1. Abdullah Mohammad al-‘Arjani, 19, Khan Younis.
2. Suleiman Abu Louly, 33, Rafah.
3. Saleh Sa’id Dahleez, 20, Rafah.
4. Yasser Eid al-Mahmoum, 18, Rafah.
5. Ismael Fattouh Ismael, 24, Gaza City. 
6. Khalil Sh’aafy, Juhr Ed-Deek – Gaza.
7. Sobhi Abdul-hamid Mousa, 77, Khan Younis.

Killed Monday 7/14:

1. Adham Abdul-Fattah Abdul-‘Aal, 27
2. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-‘Araj, 60, Deir al-Balah.
3. Abdullah Mahmoud Baraka, 24, Khan Younis. 
4. Tamer Salem Qdeih, 37, Khan Younis. 
5. Ziad Maher an-Najjar, 17, Khan Younis. 
6. Ziad Salem ash-Shawy, 25, Rafah. 
7. Mohammad Yasser Hamdan, 24, Gaza. 
8. Mohammad Shakib al-Agha, 22, Khan Younis.
9. Ahmed Younis Abu Yousef, 22, Khan Younis.
10. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, Rafah.
11. Omar Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 24, Rafah. 
12. Jihad Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 48, Rafah. 
13. Kamal Atef Yousef Abu Taha, 16, Khan Younis. 
14. Ismael Nabil Ahmad Abu Hatab, 21, Khan Younis. 
15. Boshra Khalil Zo'rob, 53, Rafah.
16. Atwa 'Amira al-'Amour, 63, Khan Younis

Killed Sunday: 7/13

1. Ezzeddin Bolbol, 25, Rafah.
2. Rami Abu Shanab, 25, Deir al-Balah.
3. Fawziyya Abdul-al, 73, Gaza City.
4. Mo’ayyad al-‘Araj, 3, Khan Younis.*
5. Husam Ibrahim Najjar, 14, Jabalia.
6. Hijaziyya Hamed al-Hilo, 80, Gaza City.
7. Ruwaida abu Harb Zawayda, 30, central Gaza.
8. Haitham Ashraf Zo’rob, 21, Rafah.
9. Laila Hassan al-‘Odaat, 41, al-Maghazi.
10. Hussein Abdul-Qader Mheisin, 19, Gaza.
11. Qassem Talal Hamdan, 23, Beit Hanoun.
12. Maher Thabet abu Mour, 23, Khan Younis - related article
13. Mohammad Salem Abu Breis, 65, Deir al-Balah
14. Moussa Shehda Moammer, 60, Khan Younis.
15. Hanadi Hamdi Moammer, 27, Khan Younis.
16. Saddam Mousa Moammer, 23, Khan Younis.

Killed Saturday 7/12

1. Anas Yousef Qandil, 17, Jabalia.
2. Islam Yousef Mohammad Qandil, 27, Jabalia.
3. Mohammad Edrees Abu Sneina, 20, Jabalia.
4. Abdul-Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, Jabalia.
5. Husam Thieb ar-Razayna, 39, Jabalia.
6. Ibrahim Nabil Hamada, 30, at-Tuffah - Gaza City.
7. Hasan Ahmad Abu Ghush, 24, at-Tuffah - Gaza City.
8. Ahmad Mahmoud al-Bal’awy, 26, at-Tuffah - Gaza City.
9. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, at-Tuffah - Gaza City.
10. Mohammad Bassem al-Halaby, 28, western Gaza City.
11. Mohammad Sweity (Abu Askar), 20, western Gaza City.
12. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, Nuseirat refugee camp.
13. Ola Wishahi, 31, Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia.
14. Suha Abu Saade, 38, Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia.
15. Mohammad Edrees Abu Sweilem, 20, Jabalia
16. Rateb Subhi al-Saifi, 22, Sheikh Radwan – Gaza City. 
17. Azmi Mahmoud Obeid, 51, Sheikh Radwan – Gaza City. 
18. Nidal Mahmoud Abu al-Malsh, 22, Sheikh Radwan – Gaza City.
19. Suleiman Said Obeid, 56, Sheikh Radwan – Gaza City. 
20. Mustafa Muhammad Inaya, 58, Sheikh Radwan – Gaza City. 
21. Ghassan Ahmad al-Masri, 25, Sheikh Radwan – Gaza City. 
22. Rif’at Youssef Amer, 36, al-Saftawi. 
23. Rif’at Syouti, western Gaza City.* 
24. Nahedh Na’im al-Batsh, 41, Khan Younis.
25. Baha’ Majed al-Batsh, 28, Khan Younis.
26. Qusai Issam al-Batsh, 12, Khan Younis.
27. Aziza Yousef al-Batsh, 59, Khan Younis.
28. Ahmad No’man al-Batsh, 27, Khan Younis.
29. Mohammad Issam al-Batsh, 17, Khan Younis.
30. Yahia ‘Ala’ Al-Batsh, 18, Khan Younis.
31. Jalal Majed al-Batsh, 26, Khan Younis.
32. Mahmoud Majed al-Batsh, 22, Khan Younis
33. Majed Sobhi al-Batsh, Khan Younis.
34. Marwa Majed al-Batsh, 25, Khan Younis.
35. Khaled Majed al-Batsh, 20, Khan Younis.
36. Ibrahim Majed al-Batsh, 18, Khan Younis.
37. Manar Majed al-Batsh, 13, Khan Younis.
38. Amal Hussein al-Batsh, 49, Khan Younis.
39. Anas Ala’ al-Batsh, 10, Khan Younis.
40. Qusai Ala’ al-Batsh, 20, Khan Younis.
41. Mohannad Yousef Dheir, 23, Rafah.
42. Shadi Mohammad Zo’rob, 21, Rafah.
43. Imad Bassam Zo’rob, 21, Rafah. 
44. Mohannad Yousef Dheir, 23, Rafah.
45. Mohammad Arif, 13, eastern Gaza City.
46. Mohammad Ghazi ‘Arif, 35, eastern Gaza City. 
47. Ghazi Mustafa Arif, 62, eastern Gaza City. 
48. Ahmad Yousef Dalloul, 47, Gaza.
49. Fadi Ya’coub Sukkar, 25, Gaza.
50. Qassem Jaber Odah, 16, Khan Younis.
51. Mohammad Abdullah Sharatha, 53, Jabalia.
52. Mohammad Ahmed Basal, 19, Gaza City.

Killed Friday 7/11

1. Wisam Abdul-Razeq Hasan Ghannam, 31, Rafah.
2. Mahmoud Abdul-Razeq Hasan Ghannam, 28, Rafah.
3. Kifah Shaker Ghannam, 33, Rafah.
4. Ghalia Thieb Ghannam, 57, Rafah.
5. Mohammad Munir ‘Ashour, 26, Rafah.
6. Nour Marwan an-Ajdi, 10, Rafah.
7. Anas Rezeq abu al-Kas, 33, Gaza City (doctor).
8. Abdullah Mustafa abu Mahrouq, 22, Deir al-Balah.
9. Mahmoud Waloud, 26, Jabalia
10. Hazem Ba’lousha, Jabalia.
11. Ala' Abdul Nabi, Beit Lahia.*
12. Ahmed Zaher Hamdan, 24, Beit Hanoun.
13. Mohammad Kamel al-Kahlout, 25, Jabalia.
14. Sami Adnan Shaldan, 25, Gaza City
15. Salem al-Ashhab, 40, Gaza City.
16. Raed Hani Abu Hani, 31, Rafah.
17. Mohammad Rabea Abu- Hmeedan, 65, Jabalia.
18. Shahrman Ismail Abu al-Kas, 42, Al-Bureij.
19. Mazin Mustafa Aslan, 63, Al Bureij.
20. Mohammad Samiri, 24, Deir al-Balah. 
21. Rami Abu Mosa’ed, 23, Deir al-Balah. 
22. Saber Sokkar, 80, Gaza City. 
23. Hussein Mohammad al-Mamlouk, 47, Gaza City. 
24. Nasser Rabah Mohammad Sammama, 49, Gaza City. 
25. Abdul-Halim Abdul-Mo’ty Ashra, 54, Deir al-Balah. 
26. Sahar Salman Abu Namous, 3, Beit Hanoun. 
27. Odai Rafiq Sultan, 27, Jabalia.
28. Jom’a Atiyya Shallouf, 25, Rafah.
29. Bassam Abul-Rahman Khattab, 6, Deir al-Balah

Killed Thursday 7/10:

1. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, Khan Younis. (father of six killed)
2. Bassema Abdul-fatteh Mohammad al-Hajj, 48, Khan Younis. (mother of six killed)
3. Asma’ Mahmoud al-Hajj, 22, Khan Younis.
4. Fatima Mahmoud al-Hajj, 12, Khan Younis
5. Sa’ad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, Khan Younis.
6. Najla’ Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, Khan Younis.
7. Tareq Mahmoud al-Hajj, 18, Khan Younis.
8. Omar Mahmoud al-Hajj, 20, Khan Younis.
9. Baha’ Abu al-Leil, 35, Gaza City.
10. Suleiman Saleem Mousa al-Astal, 17, Khan Younis.
11. Ahmed Saleem Mousa al-Astal, 24, Khan Younis (Suleiman’s brother)
12. Mousa Mohammed Taher al-Astal, 50, Khan Younis.
13. Ibrahim Khalil Qanan, 24, Khan Younis.
14. Mohammad Khalil Qanan, 26, Khan Younis (Ibrahim’s brother).
15. Ibrahim Sawali, 28, Khan Younis.
16. Hamdi Badea’ Sawali, 33, Khan Younis.
17. Mohammad al-‘Aqqad, 24, Khan Younis.
18. Ismael Hassan Abu Jame’, 19, Khan Younis.
19. Hussein Odeh Abu Jame’, 75, Khan Younis.
20. Abdullah Ramadan Abu Ghazal, 5, Beit Hanoun.
21. Mohammad Ehsan Ferwana, 27, Khan Younis.
22. Salem Qandil, 27, Gaza City. 
23. Amer al-Fayyoumi, 30, Gaza City.
24. Ra’ed az-Zourah, 32, Khan Younis

Killed Wednesday 7/9:

1. Hamed Shihab, Journalist – Gaza.
2. Salima al-‘Arja, 53, Rafah.
3. Miriam ‘Atiya al-‘Arja, 9, Rafah.
4. Rafiq al-Kafarna, 30.
5. Abdul-Nasser Abu Kweik, 60.
6. Khaled Abu Kweik, 31.
7. Mohammad Mustafa Malika, 18 months. 
8. Hana’ Mohammed Fu’ad Malaka, 28 (Mohammad’s Mother), 27.
9. Hatem Abu Salem, Gaza City.
10. Mohammad Khaled an-Nimra, 22.
11. Sahar Hamdan (al-Masry), 40, Beit Hanoun.
12. Mohammad Ibrahim al-Masry, 14, Beit Hanoun.
13. Amjad Hamdan, 23, Beit Hanoun.
14. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, Beit Hanoun.
15. Ibrahim Hani Saleh Hamad, 20, Beit Hanoun.
16. Mohammad Khalaf Nawasra, 4, al-Maghazi.
17. Nidal Khalaf Nawasra, 5, al-Maghazi. 
18. Salah Awad Nawasra, 24, al-Maghazi. (father of Mohammad and Nidal)
19. ‘Aesha Najm al-Nawasra, 23, al-Maghazi (mother of Mohammad and Nidal, pregnant in the fourth month).
20. Naifa Mohammed Zaher Farajallah, 80, al-Mughraqa.
21. Amal Yousef Abdul-Ghafour, 20, Khan Younis.
22. Nariman Jouda Abdul-Ghafour, 18 months, Khan Younis.
23. Ibrahim Daoud al-Bal’aawy. 
24. Abdul-Rahman Jamal az-Zamely.
25. Ibrahim Ahmad ‘Abdin, 42, Rafah. 
26. Mustafa Abu Murr, 20, Rafah. 
27. Khaled Abu Murr, 22, Rafah. 
28. Mazin Faraj Al-Jarba. 
29. Marwan Eslayyem.
30. Ra’ed Mohammed Shalat, 37, al-Nussairat.
31. Yasmin Mohammad Matouq, 4, Beit Hanoun.

Killed Tuesday 7/8

1. Mohammad Sha’ban, 24, Gaza.
2. Amjad Sha’ban, 30, Gaza. 
3. Khader al-Basheeleqety, 45, Gaza.
4. Rashad Yassin, 27, Nusseirat.
5. Mohammad Ayman ‘Ashour, 15, Khan Younis.
6. Riyadh Mohammad Kaware’, 50, Khan Younis. 
7. Bakr Mohammad Joudeh, 50, Khan Younis. 
8. Ammar Mohammad Joudeh, 26, Khan Younis. 
9. Hussein Yousef Kaware’, 13, Khan Younis.
10. Bassem Salem Kaware’, 10, Khan Younis. 
11. Mohammad Ibrahim Kaware’, 50, Khan Younis. 
12. Mohammad Habib, 22, Gaza. 
13. Ahmed Mousa Habib, 16, Gaza.
14. Saqr ‘Aayesh al-‘Ajjoury, 22, Jabalia.
15. Ahmad Nael Mahdi, 16, Gaza. 
16. Hafeth Mohammad Hamad, 26, Beit Hanoun.
17. Ibrahim Mohammad Hamad, 26, Beit Hanoun.
18. Mahdi Mohammad Hamad, 46, Beit Hanoun.
19. Fawziyya Khalil Hamad, 62, Beit Hanoun. 
20. Donia Mahdi Hamad, 16, Beit Hanoun. 
21. Soha Hamad, 25, Beit Hanoun.
22. Suleiman Salam Abu Sawaween, 22, Khan Younis.
23. Siraj Eyad Abdul-‘Aal, 8, Khan Younis.
24. Abdul-Hadi Soufi, 24, Rafah.

* the names with an asterisk have not yet been confirmed by Ministry of Health

Israeli soldiers killed by Palestinian resistance

1. Unknown, 38, Erez military base, Tuesday, July 15th.
2. Major Tsafrir Bar-Or, 32, killed Thursday, July 17th
3. Captain Zvika Kaplan, 28, a resident of an illegal Israeli settlement in the West Bank, killed Thursday, July 17th
4. Sergeant Oz Mendelovich, 21, killed Thursday, July 17th
5. Sergeant Nissim Sean Carmeli, 21, killed Thursday, July 17th
6. Sergeant Gilad Yaakobi, 21, killed Thursday, July 17th
7. Eitan Barak, soldier killed Friday July 18th while invading Gaza.
7. Major Amotz Greenberg, 45, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.
8. Sergeant Adar Bersano, 20, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.
9. Second Lieutenant Bar Rahav, 21, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.
10. Sergeant Bnaya Rubel, 20, killed Sat. July 19th while invading Gaza.

One Israeli civilian was killed by a Palestinian shell:
3. Auda al-Wadj, 32, Saturday July 19th


category gaza strip | israeli attacks | news report author email saed at imemc dot org

Baby wounded 7/18
Baby wounded 7/18

Child wounded 7/18
Child wounded 7/18

Yasmin, killed in Israeli airstrike 7/16
Yasmin, killed in Israeli airstrike 7/16

Killed in Israeli ground assault on Shuja'eyya
Killed in Israeli ground assault on Shuja'eyya 

Kids killed in Al-Shuja'eyya Sunday July 20th (image by @AnonymousPalestine on Twitter)
Kids killed in Al-Shuja'eyya Sunday July 20th (image by @AnonymousPalestine on Twitter)

Woman who lost her family (image by Amnesty International)
Woman who lost her family (image by Amnesty International)

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Full Story

Jul 22, 14 9:22 pm  · 

I believe the point tammuz is trying to make is that no palestinian bomb or rocket has done anything like this in Israel...

Jul 22, 14 9:29 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

yes xian, partially, and partially that Palestinians didn't go to Ukraine, Russia, Germany and so on and kicked their residents out of their homes, oppressed them in all ways imaginable, in order to take over their houses and lands whereas the same cannot be said about the Zionist terrorist bandits who created Israel by applying the above mentioned to the Palestinians and continue now to carry on with the same practice. 


despite that... and if you care enough, don't restrain yourself from joining a protest. one can, at least, be an added number. 

Jul 22, 14 9:42 pm  · 

So... you mean it's never happened, right?

I'm just trying to make the point that there are two sides to this.

Jul 22, 14 9:47 pm  · 

I mean, everybody knows that the Palestinians have accepted a two state solution, have agreed to live peacefully side by side with Israel, and the problem is that those damned Israeli’s just can't keep their tanks out of Gaza.

Jul 22, 14 9:54 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

An admirable young journalist tells it like it is

Jul 23, 14 12:48 am  · 
Holy bullshit! This thread is still going? Quit stroking tammuz's ego and let this thread die!
Jul 23, 14 1:33 am  · 

It must be so awkward having to check whether the dead child is from Gaza, Israel or Syria before deciding whether to be morally outraged. 

Jul 23, 14 9:26 am  · 
chatter of clouds

I hope so too Quondam and it is encouraging to see that there is support for this here. It really is a very clear matter - that of a colonial racist implant - and yet around it is thrown a substantial amount of obfuscation , misdirection, lies, pretense of knowledge (when in fact it is nothing but a typically imperial supremist arrogance in assuming to understand the region more than the people of that region - and that, by definition, precludes the imperial colony since it doesn't belong to the region). We can also see how some are ready to defend Israel to the extent of now bringing up the issue of Syria or really anything else that falls within this tactic of misdirection; this is typical of these pro-Zionist zombies. 

These pro-Zionist/Zionist zombies are not able to refute the obvious and evident given that Israel is creating massacre. As such:


- they either attempt to vilify the victims in order to give Israel some "credibility"

- they use this trite and now transparently tired, redundant trite,  cliche that the other side is anti-Semitic (and that they therefore deserve to be exterminated)

- they divert attention from the main reason for all this: that they were and are a colonizing racist entity that has stolen and continues to steal Palestinian lands and oppresses them in everyway. 

- they resort to - sometimes overtly and sometimes by suggestion - racist tropes regarding Arabs and Moslems,pushing the narrative in the direction of the post-9/11 "Western" public mind which is largely still unable to understand the the cultures of the region, which are unable to make distinctions between different Islamic groups (not to speak of how abominable the role of the core anglo-saxonic West -Britain and the US-  has been in fostering extremist Islam to counter progressive independence of the regional states)  I'm not talking about Western governments, think tanks and so on who know much more the makeup of the region and abuse this knowledge to their ends...I'm talking about public opinion. 

- they attempt to portray Israel as being democratic ...which defies itself as a Jewish state! How can a state for jews only, that treats everyone else as a second class citizen, be democratic? How can a state that teaches its army guard dogs to attack someone from another religion upon hearing certain religious expressions (translating as God is Great) be democratic? A state that steals lands , oppresses the true residents, occupies,pillages,murders and tortures? 

and so on. Anything but address this issue in a direct, pertinent manner in face of the direct pertinent massacre and oppression of the Palestinians at the hand of Israel. 

I also hope that Archinect boycotts this racist colony that calls itself Israel. But as long as they don't, they're compromising themselves by supporting normalcy with Israel. Because continuing to maintain normalcy with this racist colony is tantamount to supporting its existence as a racist colony - and tantamount to putting their Western-ism (given that ISrael, like Apartheid South Africa is a Western colony)  over and above the rights of people everywhere not to be oppressed and slaughtered. 

A rhetorical question to Archinect:  had Israel been non-white, non-western of origin, less likely for you to affiliate with it on grounds of ethnicity, culture and simply business opportunities, would you not have been more likely to boycott it by now?

Rise above this deeply ingrained nonchalance that borders on racism that makes you feel uninvolved  ( when clearly your governments are supporting Israel in every way) , sympathize actively with people from other cultures and not just those so closely tied to yours (Israel being a western colony), wake up from your nonchalant stupor (so you don't cry like hypocritical sentimental idiots afterwards - you know, like at Mandela's funeral). Don't fall for these self-absolving tactics in portraying the victim of a long history of oppression with the perpetrator of this oppression. 

Jul 23, 14 1:08 pm  · 

The problem Tammuz, is that too many people on your side sound like hate filled nuts who refuse to listen to any reason. Ok, Israel is so rotten and imperialistic and racist, well, go plant a bomb in one of their schools because they deserve it, right? Well, Israel is going to come and find you, and if you're hiding in Gaza they are not going to care how many Palestinians they have to kill before they get you. Now what have you accomplished?

Maybe the Israeli's would be a little less “racist” if they didn't have to worry about every Palestinian they saw strapping a bomb to themselves...

Jul 23, 14 1:49 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

xian, thats a stupid racist remark and falls well within my last post; I'm not going to bother with your degree of racist pettiness. 

As for Nice:

"They should stop using [fill in with Israeli invention]"

My computer runs on an AMD microprocessor. I don't know if it's worse or better than Intel, but at the time I bought it AMD-based PCs were slightly cheaper than Intel-based ones, and a few bucks more or less do make a difference for us free-lance language professionals.

It now turns out it was a lucky choice. For, according to my Zionist friends, had I bought a computer with an Intel micro, I wouldn't be able to criticize Israel. Why? Because Intel chips were developed at a Haifa facility, and, how could I use an Israeli invention for anti-Zionist purposes?

And that's by no means the only restriction I face. According to my Zio-friends, if I ever get colon cancer, I won't be allowed to use an Israeli-developed colonoscopy device consisting of a microcamera that navigates up your rectum -- unless, that is, I agree to start a pro-Zionist blog and scrap the present one. Likewise, I won't be permitted to drive a hydrogen-powered car (which is based on another Israeli invention) when they become available in Argentina, although the prohibition could be reconsidered if I agree to write at least 10 letters to the editor on the use of human shields by Hamas.

Because, you know, it's not ethical to use the creations of a group of people at the very same time that you trash said group.

The question arises, though: does Israel live up to that standard?

In the first place, they should ban public performances of Wagnerian music. Wait a minute; they're already doing that, you'll say. Yes, but they're cheating. They don't play Wagner but they do play Dvořák, Mahler, Bruckner, Strauss, Elgar, Frank or Berg -- all of them composers influenced by Wagner, and who extensively used his orchestration procedures.

They should use asbestos to build their schools, since the link between asbestos and lung cancer was discovered by the Nazis. I know, I know,they do use asbestos when they build schools for Arabs; but I mean they should use it in schools for Jews.

The Israelis should refrain from using archival information recorded on magnetophonic tape, since the the world's first practical tape recorder, the K1, was first demonstrated in Germany in 1935 -- regrettably for the Israelis, just in time to be considered a Nazi Germany invention.

If I can't use an Intel chip, the Israelis shouldn't have developed it in the first place, since it's part of a computer, and the first functional computer, the Z3, was invented in Nazi Germany (for all their technical ability, they were terrible at naming their inventions, mind you).

No Israeli should use methadone, another Nazi invention, as an inexpensive pain killer.

The Israeli Air Force should never, ever, use jet fighters! It is very well known that the first operational jet fighter was the Messerschmitt Me 262 -- again, developed by the Nazis. Not to mention stealth planes -- the Nazi Horten Ho 229 was the first such aircraft.

And, among countless other inventions, Israelis should of course refrain from using guided missiles, since the first such device was the V2, developed by card-carrying Nazi Wernher von Braun using a 60,000-strong slave force (partly Jewish) who mostly died from overwork at the production facilities in Peenemünde.

So here's my proposal for the Israelis: they don't use any more missiles against the Palestinians. And I promise to stick to AMD for the rest of my life.


Jul 23, 14 1:58 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

The above is a reponse to Nice in terms of pointing out "hypocricies".From the more practical side, a boycott is divised for the maximum possible economic and cultural isolation of Israel. There are varying degrees of boycott from people who are ready to go all the way and indeed use AMD instead of Intel ...and their are people who will simply avoid buying lesser integrated products such as fruits and vegetables from ISrael and its settlement colonies. The boycott not about a idealist religion that required the implementation all edicts for their own ends without resoting to contradictions ----every level of boycotting Israel helps...whether you have an Intel chip in your computer and yet decide to stop buying oranges brought from ISraeli settlement colonies. Everything helps. 

This anti-boycott argument, pointing out an Israeli product that might be for some indispensable , is as misleading and based on false logic meant to open up ambiguities. No, each and every instance of boycotting an Israeli product helps; its not about the product itself, it is about putting restrictions on Israeli economy to force it to dismantle its system of organized racism. Therefore this is about pragmatic measures not idealism. Each of us decides what level of boycott is suitable for them - starting from the products that can easily be replaced to integrated technologies. 

Jul 23, 14 2:13 pm  · 

I'm curious, Tammuz, because I want to understand your thinking on this – how are my comments racist? The problem I see so far is your flat refusal to acknowledge any Palestinian responsibility in any of this, anyone who brings up the subject is racist.

Jul 23, 14 2:16 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

xian, someone who says something of this nature:

"Maybe the Israeli's would be a little less “racist” if they didn't have to worry about every Palestinian they saw strapping a bomb to themselves..."

is obviously being racist in their conception of Palestinians. If you're curious (which,I believe, you're not - this is yet another tactic to drag this towards vilifying the Palestinians and justifying the acts of the racist colony of Israel), refer to the post I have previously referred you to.

As can be seen from xian, the pro-Zionist zombies are ready to justify the killing of one Palestinian child  by Israel every 3 Days for the past 13 years (this not excluding period after April 2013 and certainly not during this last murderous spree), taking fabricated racist alibis to justify their racism:

Official statistics from the Ministry of Information in Ramallah have revealed that 1,518 Palestinian children were killed by Israel’s occupation forces from the outbreak of the second Intifada in September 2000 up to April 2013. That’s the equivalent of one Palestinian child killed by Israel every 3 days for almost 13 years. The ministry added that the number of children injured by the Israelis since the start of the Second Intifada against Israel’s occupation has now reached 6,000.

Jul 23, 14 2:34 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

As for children being killed by Israel during this last war on Palestinians:


Geneva: Palestinian civilians in densely-populated Gaza have no place to hide from Israel's military offensive and children are paying the heaviest price, the United Nations said.

Israel pounded targets across the Gaza Strip, saying no ceasefire was near as US and UN diplomats pursued talks on halting the fighting that has claimed more than 600 lives as the conflict entered its third week.

Israel shells Gaza hospital

Four patients are killed after Israeli strikes on Gaza destroyed the al-Aqsa Hospital, sending the death toll to 600.

The overwhelming majority of people killed so far in the conflict are Palestinians, including 149 Gaza children, the UN's Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs said on Tuesday. Gaza's Health Ministry said 155 children had been killed.


At a United Nations Security Council meeting, the Palestinian envoy to the UN held up photographs of children slain in Gaza and read out the names of the dead as he pleaded for action from the council.

''On behalf of the Palestinian people, we ask: What is the international community doing to stop this bloodletting, to stop Israel's atrocities?'' Riyad Mansour said during a debate on the Gaza crisis on Tuesday.

A Palestinian family watches as rescuers search in the rubble of homes destroyed by an Israeli missile strike, in Gaza City.

A Palestinian family watches as rescuers search in the rubble of homes destroyed by an Israeli missile strike, in Gaza City. Photo: AP

He showed photographs of families overcome with grief and of children's corpses, and read out the names of young victims who lost their lives. ''Umama Al-Hayyeh, age 9; Dima Isleem, age 2; Mohamad Ayyad, age 2; Rahaf Abu Jumaa, age 4 ...''

More than 900 Palestinian children are also reported to have been injured, according to UNICEF

Less than a quarter of all casualties are thought to be Hamas militants, charity Save the Children said.


'This is why we described the ongoing operation as a war on children,'' charity official Osama Damo said.

''According to an assessment by aid workers on the ground, at least 107,000 children need psycho-social support for the trauma they are experiencing such as death, injury or loss of their homes,'' Jens Laerke, spokesman for the UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs, said in Geneva.

Aid agencies point out that, unlike in other wars, Palestinians, enclosed by the security fence around Gaza, cannot flee.

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Jul 23, 14 2:38 pm  · 

Ok, Palestinians always have been, and always will be 100% victims. None of those terrorist attacks ever actually happened, Palestinian rejection of the two state solution never happened, and anybody who brings up any of this is racist. Fair enough, I see your point of view.

Jul 23, 14 2:49 pm  · 

Israel has a much higher level of technological development than Palestine, and when they fight, a lot more Palestinians are going to get killed. Yeah, it's not “fair” but that's just kind of how it is, which is why it's crazy for the Palestinians to insist on continuing this war.

Jul 23, 14 3:04 pm  · 

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