"… we [the Haganah] adopt the system of aggressive defence; during the assault we must respond with a decisive blow: the destruction of the [Arab] place or the expulsion of the residents along with the seizure of the place." - (Ben-Gurion's advice on 19 December 1947, on the eve of the 1948 war. Cited in Simha Flapan, The Birth of Isarel: Myths and Reality, p.90.)
"The war will give us the land. The concepts of 'ours' and 'not ours' are peace concepts, only, and in war they lose their whole meaning." - (to Yosef Weitz. David Ben-Gurion, Yoman Hamilhamah [War Diary], vol.1, entry dated 7 February 1948, pp.210-11.)
What's your plan(besides killing all the Jews)? Because your hate and racism accomplishes nothing. Whining, throwing out words behind a keyboard accomplishes nothing. This is bokoharam all over again. #bringbackourgirls, don't see that anymore and our girls are still gone. You're plan....A grandstanding, insignificant smear on a web forum. Real powerful stuff. How does anyone have time or energy for an Internet jihad between taking calls and redlining shit for your intern. This is archinect, not 4chan, reddit or aljezeera comment section. Your judgement means nothing. Your words will be buried here at some point and your hate with it. Shouting down anyone who opposes you just shows how weak and powerless you are. You obviously gain some sick, twisted pleasure from this or you wouldn't put all this time and energy into something so insignificant.
The war. Terrible.
The fact that Jews and Muslims can't be neighbors. Terrible.
Your narcissistic crusade to discredit anyone with a different view. Pathetic.
Where do we go from here? Archinect the site hasn't said one peep. Maybe they block Israeli universities and companies, what then? Students can't find out about their programs through one Internet portal. Big victory. Doesn't change the fact that people are being killed. You can keep posting your hate and attacks but nothing will change. All your efforts, all your time(which by the way is all we have in life) is spent judging others on an Internet forum. Sad, sad state of affairs.
"What's your plan(besides killing all the Jews)? Because your hate and racism accomplishes nothing."
When did I state that the plan was to "kill Jews"? When did I show any iota of racism? Supporting anti-zionism is supporting anti-racism; supporting zionism is supporting racism. You support zionism, I support anti-zionism. I have no qualms with anyone over their race and religion provided it doesn't call for the extermination and oppression of people who belong to other races and religions. This could speak for some Jews (Israel), some Moslems (Islamic Bullshit State of Calipha Im-Gonna-Eat-Your-Organs), some Hindus (BJP) , some Buddhsit( extremist in Mynmar), etc. This is compounded in the case of Israel with imperial colonialism. It is a double evil.
"This is bokoharam all over again. #bringbackourgirls"
No, this is now you being bigoted, deliberately trying to project a fanatic and racist allure on other people in order to categorically discount all the information that has been presented here - by very rational, dependable, historically based, non-racists.
"You're plan....A grandstanding, insignificant smear on a web forum. "
Thank you, I love you too.
"Your words will be buried here at some point and your hate with it. "
Firstly, I'm glad to actually see, no matter what consequence this post has or does not have, the increasing support for Palestinians and the increasing awareness of Zionism's racism. Archinect would do itself the honour of joining the humanist BDS campaign and I'm here to remind it of that. As for the significance or insignificance of my post, this is only proportional to the insignificance or significance of Archinect. If Archinect brings in traffic, this call for BDS on Archinect will attract people. Simple as that. As for hate, yes I hate all policies of extermination, colonization, racism and oppression.
"Shouting down anyone who opposes you just shows how weak and powerless you are."
Firstly, I personally am not shutting down anyone. I am personally calling for the shutting down of institutions that profit an entity whose existence relies on shutting down others, exterminating their existence on their lands, tortures them, incarcerates them , cuts food and water off them, etc. I might be weak and powerless -and there is no shame in that- but your hyperbolic accusations and calculated mischaracterizations - show you as irrational (facing the quantity of information furnishes here which you have not contested in the least), fanatic (in your attack against me and your defense of Israel), racist (because you have used sterreotyical assumptions regarding my background to attack me by telling me to strap a suicide belt). Does that make you powerful in front of people who can see transparently through your posts ?
"You obviously gain some sick, twisted pleasure from this or you wouldn't put all this time and energy into something so insignificant. "
Yes, I gain a lot of pleasure for standing up for Palestinians who have been the victims of one of the worse mass persecution and oppression in contemporary history after the Holocaust. You call that sick and twisted, I call you sick and twisted. As is Zionism, as is Israel. Sick ,twisted, racist..
"The fact that Jews and Muslims can't be neighbors. Terrible."
No, the question is not whether Jews and Muslims can be neighbours. The question is whether a racist colonial entity that professes to speak for one religion (when it should and does not) can leave a resident indigenous population in peace, without deporting them, torturing them and so on. Jews, Muslims and Christians have lived for many long years in a state of normalcy within the region without such tragedies? What is different? Its neither Judaism or Islam or Christianity...the difference is setting up the Zionist colonial establishment. Since then, this zionist cancer that calls itself Israel has led to a scale of oppression that exists currently no where else around the world and its existence is highhandedly responsible for the majority of conflicts in the region. Israel is a threat to peace not just on a regional scale.
"Your narcissistic crusade to discredit anyone with a different view. Pathetic."
Again, hyperbolic nonsense. I'm not admiring myself and my posts are not about me. Furthermore, if I discredit you it is because of your fallible logic, your fanatical defense of Israel even when its against reason to do so and your overt racism. On the other hand, I do bother to back-up my statements, I resort to reasoning as opposed to telling people to strap on suicide-belts, I don't use stereotypes associated to people's backgrounds and ethncities here in order to insult. All of this you do and more. Its completely out of place, irrational and exposes you, not me, as the fanatic and the hater.
" Doesn't change the fact that people are being killed. "
The sole reason for the deaths is Israel itself. The overriding majority are Palestinian civilians and, for me, I also place great value on the life of the resistance fighters as well. The massacres being committed by Israel is exactly why we should pursue, as civilians, from across the globe, all measures of boycotting against this anachronistic racist state that should been buried as an idea in the 19th century.
" All your efforts, all your time(which by the way is all we have in life) is spent judging others on an Internet forum. "
Thank you for the evaluation but your opinion on what I do with my time is meaningless to me. Let me also clarify that you're putting quite a lot of time and effort here in exposing your irrationality and fanaticism here. If mine is lost time, yours is time working against you.
Yes, I saw that GraduatedLicensure. Farcical is how much of the US media deflected to speak of Hamas, yada yada....Anything but to face the truth: Israel is massacring Palestinian civilians in their hundreds and the US is just fine and dandy with this (and with the entire sordid history of that racist colony that calls itself Israel) .
I didn't read your response, except for the last paragraph. I spent 4 minutes on the toilet writing that response this morning. You spent what I assume is billable time. I win.
Certain towns were then selected for massacres, usually carried out in small villages which had previously good relations with their Jewish neighbours. These towns were selected with the specific purpose of providing "lessons in toughness" for other Palestinians villages to incite them to leave and not return. Between May 1947 and March 1948, there were 92 cases of Zionist terrorism and massacres against Palestinians, organized by the Haganah in cooperation with the Irgun and Stern Gang. The small villages were chosen to be "victims," to be an example - a terror campaign - to incite fear in the Palestinian population. One such massacre in April of 1948 killed 254 Arab civilians in one village. On top of the massacres, the rape of Arab Palestinian women, whether Christian or Muslim, was also a prominent feature of the more brutal cleansings. When the British left Palestine and the Arab states invaded, they prevented the Zionist forces from occupying the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.[18]
"a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann."
How is this racist? If you are referring to UN Resolution 3379- that resolution (equating Zionism with Racism was revoked by UN Resolition 4686 in 1991).
Sorry Tammuz - Some may agree, but I clearly disagree with you and your views on the subject of Israel.
Bottom Line: The world voted in 1948 to give the Jews a State. It aint ANYONE's fault that the Palestinians (then the Turks and the Arabs living in that region) didn't have enough funds to buy up the land and apply for their own country as the Jews did BECAUSE of the incentives within the Balfour declaration. For those of you on this forum who don't know, the Balfour declaration led the Jewish community in Britain and America into believing that Great Britain would support the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East.
Now, I get it: from a Palestinian Arab point of view, the same area had been promised to them for siding with the Allies in World War One and fighting against the Turks who were fighting on the side of the Germans. Therefore, when Britain was given Palestine to govern as a League of Nation's mandate at the end of the war, both the Jews and the Arabs believed that they had been betrayed as both believed that they had been promised the same piece of land.
Regardless, the Jews increased in numbers to the point where after the Holocaust, it was the WORLD and not solely this mysterious Jewish/Zionist/Racist/what have you entity that decided that it was indeed the right thing to do to give the Jewish people the land in which so many of them had settled on for years.
I just don't get you man- good luck with your crazy views.
My point, Tammuz, is that you listen to anything you read or hear, obviously. It just so happens that everything you read and hear is just a bit biased. If you wanted to form an educated opinion you would get links from both sides before you some spew your ridiculous poop all over our beautiful forum.
you don't need to organize yourself into something that looks like a pack of rabid dogs, one at a time, boys and gals.
In two recent, extraordinary documents — a commentary in London’s The Guardian and an interview with Ha’aretz — Israeli historian Benny Morris prepared the ground for Israel to justify any atrocity, no matter how much it transgresses human rights, law and decency.
"our" beautiful forum just got a little dumber because of you and your equally stupid cohorts, pack of rabid dogs who yelp juvenile stupidity here and everywhere else on this "beautiful" forum.
You need to apply for this if haven't done so already. Seems like all bigots are welcome.
In the mean time this is what your self defending Israel did today.
In the mean time this is what your self defending Israel did today.
i got a 404 error
do we blame forum trolls for war now, instead of blaming the people launching rockets? that is incredibly convenient. if i was a high school teacher, i would totally tell the kids that WWII was caused by an anonymous on 4chan, but the brave members of slashdot teamed up with fark to overthrow the tyranny!
Whether you agree with the tactics of achieving an objective is not the point... as long as those tactics are permissible within the confines of international law.
Israel is a small country and has many enemies. You can disagree with the tactics, but if these tactics achieve the objective of protecting itself, then from a strategic point of view I'd say it's fair game. You believe Israel has no right to use such tactics because their premise is unfounded. You believe that just because something is dubbed "propaganda" it holds no water. Every country uses "propaganda". Sorry to break it to you.
BulgarBLogger, you very well know that you're arguing on the basis of might imakes right. The UN conceded under US pressure and the US has been backing Israel in the UN ever sense. Does my moral compass correpond with what the US-Zionist and associated parties drag the UN to do or not do. No. Simpler than this, I view the displacement and oppression of people as the true magnet for the compass. The Apartheid was accepted and embraced by the major powers around the world, now we view it as having been evil all throughout. To accept at face value what the UN has to say is to ignore that the the US was - and still is- the major player within the UN, and indeed in the post-Soviet world, with vested interest to channel UN directives or lackthereof towards its interests, ISrael being one of them.
As for the quote:
"a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann."
Firstly, the very realization of a "Jewish state" - where Jews are seen as simultaneously a religion, a culture, an ethnicity and a religion- in its very formulation excludes the other religions and ethnicities within this proposed state. This is racist on that many levels.
Secondly, these other religions and ethicities existed with the lands that you want to call "Israeli" now - and I call them Occupied Palestine- as true, indigenous residents with a primordial connection to their homelands, their regional identities and so on - it is not their belonging to the land which is disputable; it is the farcical claim made by Zionists based on a warped mythology.
Thirdly, the majority of Jews who consitituted these colonies were not the regional Jews but were brought from Europe, a continent rich and rife with racism, colonial mindset (specifically the rabid anglosaxonic puritanist one). The Zionists truly belong to the same turf as Nazis in terms of their perception of race and nationality: their race deserves to be a nation. As such, they are racist on self-descriptive terms.
So, the very term "Jewish State", without even referencing the other Zionist quotes that disclose their sense of superiority to arabs, their hatred towards them, their barbaric willingliness to exterminate them (the hubris of barbarians who think they are civilized) - is racist...but on top of it is added yet another evil, that of colonialism.
Now, I get it: from a Palestinian Arab point of view, the same area had been promised to them for siding with the Allies in World War One and fighting against the Turks who were fighting on the side of the Germans. Therefore, when Britain was given Palestine to govern as a League of Nation's mandate at the end of the war, both the Jews and the Arabs believed that they had been betrayed as both believed that they had been promised the same piece of land.
Firstly, what Jews? Palestinians included Palestinian Moslems, Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Jews. No one had any issues. But you're not speaking of then-resident Jews - you're speaking of the influx of Jews in a planned programme of replacing resident Palestinians. These did not have the right to be given or taken a land; they didn't have a land and didn't have the rights over it. Whereas the Arabs - and any other consequently disenfranchised community- had all the right to want to fight against colonialism and attaintheir independence on the lands that they've exsited upon primordially, continuously and integrally.
"I just don't get you man- good luck with your crazy views. "
Because you're brainwashed to read about a region I know very well, I belong to, I understand, whose history is part of my personal history and background- you're brainwashed to read things in a way your country's elites (governments, academics), which has a joint partnership with Israel, has interpreted for you on the basis of an imperialist logic: might makes right.
In that case, perhaps I should come after you with my possy, kick you out of your home, incarcerate your family, then call my family from back home...come y'all...and then, on the terms of your perverse logic, you lose all claim over your home.
Whoa whoa whoa Curt. I'm no internet troll. I have brought valid points to the table. But when I see such ridiculous comments I can't help but make fun.
No. Islam doesnt perceive race. But they are theocratical sectarian states and yes im against that. However, Israel is far far worse because Iran and Saudi Arabia arent colonies, their choice of life is a matter for them to figure out. Try something else and stop resorting to irrelevant points that seem to be tangential and are only introduced to obfuscate.
Actually there is a sect of Islam that says you have to be born into Islam to practice it. So in essence they jihad all over the place because they're the only ones worthy of practicing their own religion.
Firstly which sect?
Secondly, all shiite and sunnite subsects accept conversion and their members are from all races just like christianity. You are now arguing for the sake of argument. First..tell me which sect...secondly, does it define the vast majority of the religion. With no hesitation, I can tell you that Islam doesnt perceive race and defines the umma by belief alone. This neither means that I value this religion over any other. I could care less...but there is such a thing as knowing what you're talking about and arguing logically.
even those ragtag al qaedaesque terrorists come from many "races".
This is getting nonsensical really, you're overtly uneducated and yet you wish to continue arguing for its own sake.
I don't understand the point of this thread. We all have access to the internet, we can read the facts about the war going on. We do not need these page-long texts from TAMMUZ trying to lecture us about how everyone is racist.
How is archinect going to boycott Israel? It is a public forum, people can post whatever they feel like.
Tammuz, Israel had been quite oppressive and has killed some innocent people but they are by no means the only or the worst evil in the world and they certainly cannot be blamed for all the worlds problems.
I'm sure you ever heard of the "devils on horseback". Millions displaced and many many brutally killed. Is Zionism to blame for this too? Point is that there are many tragedies and many horrible regimes in the world that you are ignoring. Why is Israel the only focus? I'm being serious not trying to call anyone out here. Just seems that someone so concerned with oppression and human rights would focus on all cases (especially the most severe like North Korea and Sudan) rather than cherry picking the ones that support your "us vs them" paradox. The sad truth is that oppression, genocide, war, injustice, etc. is not a problem with any singular perpetrator or any single conspiracy. There is no boogie man. This is all just one instance of an on going human problem that has always existed since the Neanderthals fought homoerectis, and unfortunately will probably continue until we all kill ourselves or make our earth uninhabitable. You are too focused on a single incident... and the solution to the problem is far broader and far more philosophical than it is political. Politics is the problem and as I see it the world is full of a bunch of gangs fighting over turf and money and pride with a bunch of innocent people getting caught in the crossfire. To support any one of these gangs is completely missing the point. Hamas is a gang and is making the situation more unbearable for the Palestinian people.
Jla...read me exactingly. I said it was one of the worse. Secondly, I said it is singlehandedly responsible for the major part of the destabilization in the region....which threatens peace not just in the region (and im not saying it is the only threat). Please be topical. My post does not exclude other issues but we should not muddle it up just because theres something else that may be equally tragic. My concern here is to encourage action against the perpetrator of oppression in Palestine. This is not preclusive - in fact, we draw our inspiration from the fight of Africans against the apartheid and others. And it is a fact that the only living contemporary process of colonization in the world, an anachronistic practice, is occurring in Palestine on the hands of the Zionist state and under the watch of the US and its lackies.
Geez... take a look at port moresby in Papua New Guinea. People with little to no contact with the "western world" fighting as they have been for thousands of years. Some People are violent, and just so happens that these are the ones that often get into power because fore and alpha dominance is usually the easiest and quickest way to get into power. It's "lord of the flies" on a global scale. Tammuz, you are ignoring this basic fact and this is why any party that rises to power via violence will eventually rule with violence. We cannot let violent unenlightened people get into power. By supporting Hamas, you are supporting more of the same. You will simply replace one form of oppression with another.
tammuz if i were you i wouldn't answer any of these stupid people. they are not interested in any intelligent argument but wear you down. this whole thread is based on palestine and israel and dumb ass still asking you why you are not talking about papua guinea. we all see how stupid they are. it wouldn't make any difference to them if you were supporting hamas, abbas, nehru, or anybody else. they just can't intellectually challenge you. because they are too stupid.
you said it very well "If mine is lost time, yours is time working against you"
one thing is clear now, archinect forum is populated by dumb and weakly informed cad monkeys who see the intelligent people as threats to their status and washed brains. one of these idiots even posts a cartoon saying "nobody cares". wow. the lowest form one can identify with when children and pregnant women taking a shelter in UN school are blown to pieces in front of tv's and on front page of newspapers.
i also think islamophobia is well and alive among these peabrain nuevo racist and hateful youth. sad thing is they don't know what they are thinking but just pooping their insides all over the place.
this issue is architecturally related in a way. Lets discuss the architectural aspects of the issue rather than the history, military strategy, and geopolitics. We are all architects, designers, artists, etc....as others have said, this is an architecture forum and while architecture is political....politics is not always architectural. It imo would be more productive to focus on the architectural issues that are intertwined with this issue...Issues of centralized infrastructure, housing, development, militarized border zones....etc....
TAMMUZ, If you wanted to have an intelligent argument about this situation, you should have picked a political forum that is comprised of people that are more aligned with a politically-oriented type of thinking. What did you honestly expect to get when you posted this topic to an Architecture forum? That a group of poly-sci majors would jump out of the woodwork?
led signal light, if you are going to try to call everyone on here dumb and weakly informed cad monkeys, then please try and use proper grammar and punctuation while doing so.Although I definitely see both of you as threats to my status and washed brains.
this whole thread is based on palestine and israel and dumb ass still asking you why you are not talking about papua guinea. we all see how stupid they are.
led signal light, your mom is a dumbass. my point was 100% relevant. I was disputing the fact that "this whole thread is based on palestine and Israel" to prove a point that the same problems exist independently across the globe... and to focus only on palestine and Israel is very shortsighted. Its not a problem unique to Zionism but rather a problem of human behavior and the manifestation of all structures of power. You demonize the Zionists...but they are not demons....the average man in an opportunistic position is capable of enough "evil." If hamas had the same technology, and controlled the same land that the Zionists control, there would be 600 dead Israelis rather than 600 dead Palestinians...
People in power oppress people who are not in power and it happens everywhere...
I am not accusing you of racism...I do not think that you are racist Tammuz. I think you do suffer from a case of selective outrage...Are you outraged over any injustices that do not lead back to the western world?
Anyway, I say "selective outrage"...because, while I believe his intentions are good, and outrage on this issue is justified, and that he cares about human rights, he never rails against any non-western offenders... and there are many. Where are you guys when African villages get burned down at the hands of radicals? If these crimes against humanity can not be traced back to the western world or the zionists then does it excite the same rage?
but it does trace to western world, rape of africa> slave trade, and you can't make the connection? literally every western country had a colony in africa. many of africa's problems today stem from that human trade bonanza.
malcolm x had your number.
dumb pooper. poster name Nice too, a pooper so as snoopy. uncheck the box. and why have you been following in the first place and wanted to keep a close tab in the dumb parade?
led signal light, my ultimate plan on archinect is to encourage it to boycott Israel; this is one more added step in fighting against that terrorist racist colony. if on the way, the lies and fabrications get exposed for some, thats added value
On Sunday, more than 74 people were killed in al-Shujayeh, a neighborhood east of Gaza City. According to sources in Gaza’s health ministry, 80 percent of the people killed were children under the age of 18, women, and elderly.
The youngest victim so far has been five-month-old Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, killed by Israeli tank shelling in Rafah. The next two youngest victims were both 18 months old: Mohammed Malakiyeh was killed along with his 27-year-old mother, and Ranim Jawde Abdel Ghafour was killed along with a member of her family in Khan Younis. The three oldest victims were all 80 years old. Naifeh Farjallah was killed in an air strike on the town of Moghraqa, southwest of Gaza City, and Saber Sukkar was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City. Hijaziyah Hamid al-Helou succumbed on Sunday to wounds sustained in the bombing of her home in Gaza City on Saturday night.
Victims’ names and ages were compiled based on information released by the Gaza health ministry, while the circumstances of the deaths were taken from the ministry and local news sources.
Al-Akhbar will update the list as new information is released.
Tuesday, July 8:
1. Mohammed Sha’aban, 24, was killed in a bombing of his car in Gaza City. 2. Ahmad Sha’aban, 30, died in the same bombing. 3. Khadir al-Bashiliki, 45, died in the same bombing. 4. Rashad Yaseen, 27, was killed in a bombing of the Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. 5. Riad Mohammed Kawareh, 50, was killed in a bombing of his family’s home in Khan Younis. 6. Seraj Ayad Abed al-A’al, 8, was wounded in the same bombing and succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday evening. 7. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, 15, died in the same bombing. 8. Bakr Mohammed Joudah, 22, died in the same bombing. 9. Ammar Mohammed Joudah, 26, died in the same bombing. 10. Hussein Yousef Kawareh, 13, died in the same bombing. 11. Mohammed Ibrahim Kawareh, 50, died in the same bombing. 12. Bassim Salim Kawareh, 10, died in the same bombing. 13. Mousa Habib, 16, from Gaza City’s al-Shujayeh neighborhood, was killed along with his 22-year old cousin while the pair were riding a motorcycle. 14. Mohammed Habib, 22, was killed with Mousa Habib. 15. Sakr Aysh al-Ajouri, 22, was killed in an attack on Jabalia, in northern Gaza. 16. Ahmad Na’el Mehdi, 16, from Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, was killed in a bombing that wounded two of his friends. 17. Hafiz Mohammed Hamad, 30, an Islamic Jihad commander, was killed in the bombing of his home in Beit Hanoun, along with five of his family members. 18. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad, 26, died in the same bombing. 19. Mehdi Mohammed Hamad, 46, died in the same bombing. 20. Fawzia Khalil Hamad, 62, died in the same bombing. 21. Dunia Mehdi Hamad, 16, died in the same bombing. 22. Suha Hamad, 25, died in the same bombing. 23. Suleiman Salman Abu Soaween, 22, was killed.
Wednesday, July 9:
24. Abdel Hadi Jamaat al-Sufi, 24, was killed in a bombing near the Rafah crossing. 25. Naifeh Farjallah, 80, was killed in an airstrike on the town of Moghraqa, southwest of Gaza City. 26. Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek, 60, was killed in the bombing of Gaza’s central governorate along with his son. 27. Khaled Abu Kweek, 31, Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek’s son, was killed in the same bombing. 28. Mohammed Areef, 13, died in a bombing in Sha’af. 28. Amir Areef, 10, died in the same bombing. 30. Mohammed Malakiyeh, 18 months old, died in a bombing along with his mother and a young man. 31. Hana Malakiyeh, 27, Mohammed Malakiyeh’s mother, died in the same bombing. 32. Hatem Abu Salem, 28, died in the same bombing. 33. Mohammed Khaled al-Nimri, 22 34. Sahar Hamdan, 40, died in the bombing of her home in Beit Hanoun. 35. Ibrahim Masri, 14, Sahar Hamdan’s son, was killed in the same bombing. 36. Mahmoud Nahid al-Nawasra was killed in a bombing in al-Meghazi. 37. Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra, 4, was killed in the same bombing and arrived at the hospital “in shreds.” 38. Nidal Khalaf al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 5, was killed in the same bombing. 39. Salah Awwad al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 6, was killed in the same bombing. His body was found under the rubble of the house. 40. Aisha Nijm al-Meghazi, 20, was killed in the same bombing. 41. Amal Youssef Abdel Ghafour, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis. 42. Ranim Jawde Abdel Ghafour, an 18-month-old girl, was killed in the same bombing. 43. Rashid al-Kafarneh, 30, was killed when the motorcycle he was riding was bombed. 44. Ibrahim Daoud al-Balawi, 24 45. Abdel Rahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22 46. Ibrahim Ahmad Abideen, 42 47. Mustafa Abu Mar, 20 48. Khalid Abu Mar, 23 49. Mazen Farj al-Jarbah, 30, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah. 50. Marwan Slim, 27, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah. 51. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun along with his son Ibrahim. 52. Ibrahim Hamad, 20, was killed in the same bombing. 53. Salima Hassan Musallim al-Arja, 60, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded five others. 54. Maryam Atieh Mohammed al-Arja, 11, was killed in the same bombing. 55. Hamad Shahab, 37 56. Ibrahim Khalil Qanun, 24, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis. 57. Mohammed Khalil Qanun, 26, was killed in the same attack. 58. Hamdi Badieh Sawali, 33, was killed in the same attack. 59. Ahmad Sawali, 28, was killed in the same attack. 60. Suleiman Salim al-Astal, 55, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis. 61. Mohammed al-Aqqad, 24 62. Ra’ed Shalat, 37, was killed in a bombing that wounded 6 others.
Thursday, July 10:
63. Asma Mahmoud al-Hajj, 22, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis that killed eight members of the same family and wounded 16 other people. 64. Basmah Abdel Fattah al-Hajj, 57, was wounded in the bombing and succumbed to her injuries shortly afterwards. 65. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, died in the same bombing. 66. Tarek Mahmoud al-Hajj, 18, died in the same bombing. 67. Sa’ad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, died in the same bombing. 68. Najla Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, died in the same bombing. 69. Fatima Mahmoud al-Hajj, 12, died in the same bombing. 70. Omar Mahmoud al-Hajj, 20, died in the same bombing. 71. Ahmad Salim al-Astal, 24, was killed in the bombing of a beach house in Khan Younis that critically wounded more than 15 people. 72. Mousa Mohammed al-Astal, 50, was killed in the same bombing. The two bodies were recovered four hours after the bombing. 73. Ra’ed al-Zawareh, 33, succumbed to his wounds and died. The location of his death was unreported. 74. Baha’ Abu al-Leil, 35, was killed in a bombing. 75. Salim Qandil, 27, was killed in the same bombing. 76. Omar al-Fyumi, 30, was killed in the same bombing. 77. Abdullah Ramadan Abu Ghazzal, 5, was killed in a bombing in Beit Lahiya. 78. Ismail Hassan Abu Jamah, 19, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis that injured two children, one critically. 79. Hassan Awda Abu Jamah, 75, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis. 80. Mohammed Ahsan Ferwanah, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis. 81. Yasmin Mohammed Mutawwaq, 4 was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun. 82. Mahmoud Wulud, 26, was killed in a bombing of a civilian vehicle in northern Gaza. His remains were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabalia. 83. Hazem Balousha, 30, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital. 84. Nour Rafik Adi al-Sultan, 27, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital. 85. Ahmad Zaher Hamdan, 24, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun. 86. Mohammed Kamal al-Kahlout, 25, was killed in a bombing in Jabalia. 87. Sami Adnan Shaldan, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City. 88. Jamah Atieh Shalouf, 25, was killed in a bombing in Rafah. 89. Bassem Abdel Rahman Khattab, 6, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah. 90. Abdullah Mustafa Abu Mahrouk, 22, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
Friday, July 11:
91. Anas Rizk Abu al-Kas, 33, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City. 92. Nour Marwan al-Najdi, 10, was killed in a bombing in Rafah. 93. Mohammed Mounir Ashour, 25, was killed in a bombing on the al-Ghanam family home in Rafah. 94. Ghalia Deeb Jabr al-Ghanam, 7, was killed in the same bombing. 95. Wasim Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 23, was killed in the same bombing. 96. Mahmoud Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 26, was killed in the same bombing. 97. Kifah Shahada Deeb al-Ghanam, 20, was killed in the same bombing. 98. Ra’ed Hani Abu Hani, 31, was killed in a bombing in Rafah. 99. Shahraman Ismail Abu al-Kas, 42, was killed in a bombing in a refugee camp in central Gaza. 100. Mazen Mustafa Aslan, 63, was killed in the same bombing. 101. Mohammed Rabih Abu Humeidan, 65, was killed in shelling that struck northern Gaza. 102. Abdel Halim Ashra, 54, was killed in an airstrike on Wednesday in the area of Birka Deir al-Balah, but his body wasn’t discovered until Friday. 103. Saher Abu Namous, 3, was killed in an airstrike on his home in northern Gaza. 104. Hussein al-Mamlouk, 47, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City. 105. Saber Sukkar, 80, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City. 106. Nasser Rabih Mohammed Samamah, 49, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
Saturday, July 12:
107. Rami Abu Massaad, 23, was killed in a strike on Deir al-Balah. 108. Mohammed al-Samiri, 24, was killed in the same attack. 109. Houssam Deeb al-Razayneh, 39, was killed in an attack on Jabalia. 110. Anas Youssef Kandil, 17, was killed in the same attack. 111. Abdel Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, was killed in the same attack. 112. Youssef Mohammed Kandil, 33, was killed in the same attack. 113. Mohammed Idriss Abu Saninah, 20, was killed in the same attack. 114. Hala Wishahi, 31, was killed in an attack on the Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia. 115. Suha Abu Saade, 38, was killed in the same attack. 116. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, was killed in a strike on western Gaza City. 117. Mohammed Bassem al-Halabi, 28, was killed in the same strike. 118. Mohammed al-Sowayti, 20, was killed in the same strike. 119. Ibrahim Nabil Humaide, 30, was killed in a bombing in the Tufah neighborhood in eastern Gaza City. 120. Hassan Ahmed Abu Ghoush, 24, was killed in the same attack. 121. Ahmed Mahmoud al-Ballaoui, 26, was killed in the same attack. 122. Ratib Sabahi al-Sifi, 22, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with five others. 123. Azmi Mahmoud Abid, 51, was killed in the same attack. 124. Nidal Mahmoud Abu al-Malish, 22, was killed in the same attack. 125. Suleiman Said Abid, 56, was killed in the same attack. 126. Ghassan Ahmad al-Masri, 25, was killed in the same attack. 127. Mustafa Mohammed Anaieh, 58, was killed in the same attack. 128. Rafa’at Youssef Amer, 36, succumbed to wounds sustained in a bombing in Gaza City. 129. Ghazi Mustafa Areef, 62, died when his home in Gaza City was bombed. His son sustained serious injuries. 130. Mohammed Adriss Abu Sulim, 20, was killed in a bombing in Jabaliya. 131. Fadi Yaqub Sakr, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City. 132. Qassem Jaber Adwan Awdeh, 16, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis. 133. Mohammed Ahmad Bassal, 19, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City. 134. Muhannad Youssef Dhahir, 23, was killed in a bombing in Rafah. 135. Mahmoud Abdallah Shratiha, 53, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza. 136. Shadi Mohammed Zarb, 21, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded three others. 137. Imad Bassam Zarb, 21, was killed in the same bombing. 138. Nahid Ta’im al-Batash, 41, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with 16 family members. Dozens more were wounded in the same attack. 139. Baha Majid al-Batash, 28, was killed in the same bombing. 140. Qassi Isam al-Batash, 12, was killed in the same bombing. 141. Aziza Youssef al-Batash, 59 was killed in the same bombing. 142. Mohammed Isam al-Batash, 17 was killed in the same bombing. 143. Ahmad Naman al-Batash, 27 was killed in the same bombing. 144. Yahya Alaa al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing. 145. Jalal Majid al-Batash, 26 was killed in the same bombing. 146. Mahmoud Majid al-Batash, 22 was killed in the same bombing. 147. Marwa Majid al-Batash, 25 was killed in the same bombing. 148. Majid Subhi al-Batash was killed in the same bombing. 149. Khalid Majid al-Batash, 20 was killed in the same bombing. 150. Ibrahim Majid al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing. 151. Manar Majid al-Batash, 14 was killed in the same bombing. 152. Amal Hassan al-Batash, 49 was killed in the same bombing. 153. Anas Alaa al-Batash, 10 was killed in the same bombing. 154. Qassi Alaa al-Batash was killed in the same bombing.
Sunday, July 13:
155. Rami Abu Shanab, 25, succumbed to wounds sustained several days ago in Deir al-Balah. 156. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, was killed in a bombing in Nusseirat. 157. Mohammed Ghazi Areef, 35, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City. 158. Ahmad Youssef Daloul, 47, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City. 159. Hijaziyah Hamid al-Helou, 80, succumbed to wounds sustained in the bombing of her home in Gaza City on Saturday night. 160. Fawzia Abdel A’el, 73, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City. 161. Haitham Ashraf Zarb, 21, succumbed to wounds sustained during an attack on Rafah on Saturday that killed two other members of the Zarb family. 162. Leila Hassan al-Awdat, 41, was killed in an attack on Meghazi that wounded four others. 163. Hussam Ibrahim al-Najjar, 14, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza. His remains were taken to Beit Hanoun Hospital. 164. Rawidah Abu Harb al-Zwaida, 31, was killed. 165. Samer Tallal Hamdan was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun. 166. Hussein Abd al-Qadir Muheisen, 19, succumbed to wounds sustained in Gaza City. 167. Maher Thabit Abu Mar, 24, was killed in a bombing in Rafah. 168. Mohammed Salim Abu Bureis, 65, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah. 169. Saddam Moussa Moamar, 23, was killed in Khan Younis. 170. Mousa Shehade Moamar, 60, was killed in Khan Younis. 171. Hanadi Hamadi Moamar, 27, was killed in Khan Younis. 172. Adham Mohammed Abed al-Fatah Abed al-Al was killed in Gaza.
Monday, July 14:
173. Qassem Tallal Hamdan, 23, was killed in Beit Hanoun. 174. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj Deir al-Balah, 60. 175. Abdullah Mahmoud Barakah, 24, was killed in Khan Younis. 176. Tamer Salem Kodeih, 37, was killed in Khan Younis. 177. Ziad Maher al-Najjar, 17, was killed in Khan Younis. 178. Ziad Salem al-Shawi, 25, was killed in Rafah. 179. Mohammed Yasser Hamdan, 24, was killed in Gaza. 180. Mohammed Shakib al-Agha, 22, was killed in Khan Younis. 181. Mohammed Younis Abu Youssif, 25, was killed in Khan Younis. 182. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, was killed in Rafah. 183. Omar Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 24, was killed in Rafah. 184. Jihad Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 48, was killed in Rafah. 185. Kamal Ated Youssif Abu Taha, 16, was killed in Khan Younis. 186. Ismail Nabil Ahmad Abu Hatab, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
Tuesday, July 15:
187. Ahmad Younis Abu Youssif, 28, was killed in Khan Younis. 188. Bushra Khalil Zoarob, 53, was killed in Rafah. 189. Atwa Amira al-Maamour, 63, was killed in Khan Younis. 190. Ismail Salim al-Najjar, 46, was killed in Khan Younis. 191. Mohammed Ahmad Ibrahim al-Najjar, 49, was killed in Khan Younis. 192. Suleiman Abu Louli, 33, was killed in Khan Younis. 193. Sobhi Abdel Hamid Moussa, 77, was killed in Khan Younis. 194. Ismail Ftouh, 24, was killed in Gaza. 195. Saleh Said Dahliz Rafah, 20, was killed in Rafah. 196. Yasser Abdel Mahmoun, 18, was killed in Rafah. 197. Ibrahim Khalil al-Asaafi, 66, was killed in Jiher el-Deek. 198. Mohammed Abdullah al-Zahouk, 23, was killed in Rafah. 199. Mohammed Ismail Abu Awda, 27, was killed in Rafah.
Wednesday, July 16:
200. Mohammed Sabri al-Dibari, 20, was killed in Rafah. 201. Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah al-Irjani, 19, was killed in Khan Younis. 202. Ahmad Adel Ahmad al-Niwajha, 23, was killed in Rafah. 203. Mohammed Tayseer Sharab, 23, was killed in Khan Younis. 204. Farid Mohammed Abu Daqa, 33, was killed in Khan Younis. 205. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shanab, 33, was killed in Rafah. 206. Khadra al-Abd Salama Abu Daqa, 65, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis. 207. Omar Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 24, was killed in the same attack. 208. Ibrahim Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 10, was killed in the same attack. 209. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Khalil al-Sarkhi, 37, was killed in an attack on Gaza City. 210. Ahed Atef Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza. 211. Zakaria Ahed Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza. 212. Mohammed Ramez Bakr, 11, was killed on a beach in Gaza. 213. Ismail Mohammed Bakr, 9, was killed on a beach in Gaza. 214. Hamza Ra’ed Thari, 6, succumbed to wounds sustained “a few days ago” and passed away. 215. Mohammed Akram Abu Amer, 34, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis. 216. Kamal Mohammed Abu Amer, 38, Mohammed’s brother, was reported seriously injured and then dead in the same attack. 217. Raqia al-Astal, 70, was killed in the bombing of a mosque in Khan Younis which killed at least three others and critically wounded several children. 218. Yasmin al-Astal, 4, was killed in the same attack. 219. Hussein Abdel Nasser al-Astal, 23, was killed in the same attack. 220. Usama Mahmoud al-Astal, 6, was critically wounded in the same attack and succumbed to his wounds shortly afterwards. 221. Hossam Shamlakh, 23, succumbed to wounds sustained in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin. 222. Mohammed Kamal Abdel Rahman, 30, was killed in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin.
Thursday, July 17:
223. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Qadim, 22, succumbed to wounds sustained in Deir al-Balah. 224. Zeinab Mohammed Saeed al-Abadleh, 70, died of her wounds in the Gaza European hospital. 225. Mohammed Abdel Rahman Hassouneh, 67, was killed in an attack on Rafah. 226. Mohammed Ahmad al-Hout, 41, was killed in the same attack while on his way to morning prayers. 227. Ahmad Rihan, 23, was killed in an attack on North Gaza. 228. Salam Salah Fayyad, 25, succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Gaza’s central province. 229. Abdallah al-Akhras, 27, was killed in an attack on Rafah. 230. Bashir Abd al-A’el, 20, was killed in the same attack. 231. Mohammed Ziyad Ghanem, 25, was killed in the same attack. 232. Fulla Tarek Shaheber, 8, was killed along with two child relatives in an airstrike on their home in Gaza City. 233. Jihad Issam Shaheber, 10, was killed in the same strike. 234. Wassim Issam Shaheber, 9, was killed in the same strike. 235. Yassin al-Humaideh, 4, died of wounds suffered in an earlier attack on Gaza City. 236. Rahaf Khalil al-Jabbour, 4, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis. 237. Hamza Houssam al-Abadaleh, 29, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis. 238. Abed Ali Natiz, 26, was killed in Gaza. 239. Mohammed Salem Natiz, 4, was killed in Gaza City. 240. Mohammed Shadi Natiz, 15, was killed in Gaza City. 241. Salah Salah al-Shafiai was killed in Khan Younis. 242. Majdi Suleiman Salamah Jabarah, 22, was killed in Rafah. 243. Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, 5 months old, was killed in Rafah.
Friday, July 18:
244. Nassim Mahmoud Nassir was killed in an attack on Beit Hanoun. 245. Karam Mahmoud Nassir was killed in the same attack. 246. Omar Ayyad al-Mahmoum, 18, from Rafah, was killed in an attack on al-Shawka. 247. Salmiah Suleiman Ghayyad, 70, was killed in an attack east of Rafah. 248. Rami Saqqer Abu Tawila was killed in an attack east of al-Shujayeh that wounded 7 of his family members. 249. Hamad Abu Lahyia, 23, was killed in an attack east of Qarara that critically wounded several others. 250. Bassem Mohammed Mahmoud Madi, 22, was killed in an attack east of Rafah that wounded 11 others. 251. Mohammed Abdel Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, was killed in Khan Younis. 252. Mahmoud Mohammed Fayyad, 25, was killed in Khan Younis. 253. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis. 254. Mundhir Radwan, 22, was killed in the same attack. 255. Ahmad Fawzia Radwan, 23, was killed in the same attack. 256. Mahmoud Fawzia Radwan, 24, was killed in the same attack. 257. Ismail Youssef Taha Qassim, 59, was killed in an attack in Beit Hanoun that wounded 25 others. 258. Amal Khadir Ibrahim Badour, 40, was killed in the same attack. 259. Hani As’ad Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis that killed his nephew and wounded 4 others. 260. Mohammed Hamdan Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in the same attack. 261. Hussam Muslim Abu Eissa, 26, was killed in Jahr al-Dik. 262. Walaa Abu Ismail Muslim,12, was killed in Abraj al-Nada. 263. Mohammed Abu Muslim, 13, was killed in Abraj al-Nada. 264. Ahmad Abu Muslim, 14, was killed in Abraj al-Nada. 265. Ahmed Abdullah al-Bahnasawi, 25, was killed in the village of Om al-Nasr in Gaza. 266. Saleh Zaghidi, 20, was killed in Rafah. 267. Alaa Abu Shbat, 23, was killed in Rafah. 268. Ahmed Hasan Saleh al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in al-Fakhari. 269. Hamada Abdallah al-Bashiti, 21, was killed in al-Fakhari. 270. Abdullah Jamal al-Samiri, 17, was killed in Khan Younis. 271. Mahmoud Ali Darwish, 40, was killed in Nusseirat. 272. Wila al-Qara, 20, was killed in Khan Younis. 273. Raafat Mohammed al-Bahloul, 35, was killed in Khan Younis. 274. Mohammed Awad Matar, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia. 275. Hamza Mohammed Abu al-Hussein, 27, was killed in Rafah. 276. Imad Hamed Alouwein, 7, was killed in a strike in Gaza City. 277. Qassem Hamed Alouwein, 4, was killed in the same strike. 278. Sara Mohammed Boustan, 13, was killed in a strike in Gaza City. 279. Rizk Ahmed al-Hayek, 2, was killed in Gaza City. 280. Mohammed Saad Mahmoud Abu Saade, 26, was killed in Khan Younis. 281. Naim Moussa Abu Jarad, 24, was killed in tank shelling on his home in Beit Hanoun along with seven members of his family. 282. Abed Moussa Abu Jarad, 30, was killed in the same attack. 283. Siham Moussa Abu Jarad, 15, was killed in the same attack. 284. Rijaa Alyan Abu Jarad, 31, was killed in the same attack. 285. Ahlam Naim Abu Jarad, 13, was killed in the same attack. 286. Hania Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 3, was killed in the same attack. 287. Samih Naim Abu Jarad, 1, was killed in the same attack. 288. Moussa Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 6, was killed in the same attack. 289. Moustafa Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in an air strike on Rafah along with two relatives. 290. Imad Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in the same attack. 291. Nizar Fayez Abu Sanina, 38, was killed in the same attack. 292. Ghassan Salem Moussa, 28, was killed in Khan Younis. 293. Mohammed Salem Shaat, 20, was killed in Khan Younis. 294. Ahmed Salem Shaat, 22, was killed in the same attack. 295. Amjad Salem Shaat, 15, was killed in the same attack. 296. Mohamed Talal al-Sanaa, 20, was killed in Rafah.
Saturday, July 19:
297. Ayad Ismail al-Rakib, 26, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis. 298. Yehya Bassam al-Sirri, 20, was killed in Khan Younis. 299. Mohammed Bassam al-Sirri, 17, was killed in the same attack. 300. Mahmoud Redda Salhia, 56, was killed in Khan Younis. 301. Moustafa Redda Salhia, 21, was killed in the same attack. 302. Mohammed Moustafa Salhia, 22, was killed in the same attack. 303. Wissam Redda Salhia, 15, was killed in the same attack. 304. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nasser, 13, was killed in Khan Younis. 305. Ahmed Mahmoud Hassan Aziz, 34, Khan Younis. 306. Said Ola Issa, 30, was killed in the central disrict. 307. Mohammed Awad Fares Nassar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis. 308. Mohammed Jihad al-Kara, 29, was killed in Khan Younis. 309. Rashdi Khaled Nassar, 24, was killed in the same Khan Younis. 310. Raed Walid Likan, 27, was killed in Khan Younis. 311. Raafat Ali Bahloul, 36, was killed in Khan Younis. 312. Bilal Ismail Abu Daqqah, 33, was killed in Khan Younis. 313. Mohammed Ismail Samour, 21, was killed in Khan Younis. 314. Ismail Ramadan al-Lawalhi, 21, was killed in Khan Younis. 315. Mohammed Ziad al-Rahhel, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia. 316. Mohammed Ahmed Abu Zaanounah, 36, was killed in Gaza. 317. Mohammed Rafic al-Rahhel, 22, was killed in Beit Lahia. 318. Fadel Mohammed al-Banna, 29. was killed in Jbalia. 319. Mohammed Atallah Awdeh Saadat, 25, was killed in Beit Hanoun. 320. Mohammed Abedel Rahman Abu Hamad, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia. 321. Maali Abedel Rahman Suleiman Abu Zayed, 24, al-Wista. 322. Mahmoud Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 23, was killed in Beit Lahia. 323. Dalia Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia. 324. Ruaia Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia. 325. Nagham Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 2, was killed in Beit Lahia. 326. Amer Hamoudah, 7, was killed in Beit Lahia. 327. Mahmoud Rizk Mohammed Hamoudah, 18, was killed in Beit Lahia. 328. Mohammed Khaled Jamil al-Zuweidi, 20, was killed in Beit Lahia. 329. Mohammed Ahmad al-Saidi, 18, was killed in Khan Younis. 330. Abdel Rahman Mohammed Awdah Barak, 23, al-Wista. 331. Tarek Samir Khalil al-Hitto, 26, was killed in al-Wista. 332. Mahmoud al-Sharif, 24, was killed in al-Wista. 333. Mohammed Fathi al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in Khan Younis. 334. Mahmoud Anwar Abu Shabab, 16, was killed in Rafah. 335. Mo’men Taysir al-Abed Abu Dan, 24, was killed in al-Wista. 336. Abdel Aziz Samir Abu Zeiter, 31, was killed in al-Wista. 337. Mohammed Ziad Zaabout, 24, was killed in Gaza. 338. Hatem Ziadah Zaabout, 22, was killed in Gaza. 339. Ahmad Maher Mohammed Abu Thuria, 25, was killed in al-Wista. 340. Abdullah Ghazi Abdullah al-Masri, 30, was killed in al-Wista. 341. Ayman Hisham al-Naaouq, 25, was killed in al-Wista. 342. Akram Mahmoud al-Matwouk, 37, was killed in Jabalia. 343. Salem Ali Abu Saadah was killed in Khan Younis.
Sunday, July 20:
344. Hosni Mahmoud al-Absi, 56, was killed in Rafah. 345. Mohammed Mahmoud Moamar, 30, was killed in Rafah, 346. Hamza Mahmoud Moamar, 21, was killed in Rafah. 347. Anas Mahmoud Moamar, 17, was killed in rafah. 348. Mohammed Ali Jundieh, 38, was killed in Gaza. 349. Mohammed Khalil al-Hayyah 350. Osama Khalil al-Hayyah 351. Khalil Osama al-Hayyah 352. Hala Saqer Abu Hin 353. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Wista. 354. Ahmad Tawfiq Zannoun, 26, was killed in Rafah. 355. Sohaib Ali Jomaa Abu Qoura, 21, was killed in Rafah. 356. Homeid Sobh Mohammed Abu Foujo, 22, was killed in Rafah. 357. Toufic Marshoud, 52, was killed in Gaza. 358. Ibrahim Khalil Abd Ammar, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 359. Ibrahim Salim Joumea al-Sahbani, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 360. Ibrahim Arrif Ibrahim al-Ghalayini, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 361. Osama Khalil Ismail al-Hayya, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 362. Osama Roubhi Shahta Ayyad, 31, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 363. Isra Yassir Atieh Hamidieh, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 364. Akram Mohammed Ali al-Skafi, 63, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 365. Iman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 366. Iman Mohammed Ibrahim Hamadeh, 40, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 367. Ahmad Ishaq Youssef al-Ramlawi, 33, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 368. Ahmad Sammi Diab Ayyad, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 369. Ahmad Mohammed Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 370. Imama Isama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 371. Talla Akram Ahmad al-Atwi, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 372. Tawfiq Ibrawi Salem Marshoud, 52, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 373. Hatim Ziad Ali al-Zabout, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 374. Khalid Riyad Mohammed Hamad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 375. Khadija Ali Moussa Shahadi, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 376. Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 377. Khalil Salim Ibrahim Mousbah, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 378. Dima Adil Abdullah Aslim, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 379. Dina Rushdi Omar Hamadi, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 380. Rahaf Akram Ismail Abu Joumea, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 381. Saji Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 382. Samia Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 3, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 383. Soad Mohammed Abdel Razik al-Hallaq, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 384. Samar Osama Khalil al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 385. Shadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 386. Shireen Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 387. Adil Abdullah Salim Aslim, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 388. Assem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 389. Ahed Saed Moussa al-Sirsik, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 390. Ayisha Ali Mahmoud Zayid, 54, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 391. Abdel Rahman Akram Mohammed al-Skafi, 22, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 392. Abdel Rahman Abdel Razak Abdel Rahman al-Shaykh Khalil, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 393. Abdullah Mansour Radwan Ammara, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 394. Abed Rabboh Ahmad Mohammed Zayid, 58, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 395. Isam Atieh Said al-Skafi, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 396. Ola Ziad Hassan Aslim, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 397. Alaa Jamal al-Din Mohammed Bourda, 35, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 398. Ali Mohammed Hassan al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 399. Omar Jamil Soubhi Hammouda, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 400. Ghada Soubhi Sa’adi Ayyad, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 401. Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman Udwan, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 402. Fadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 403. Fatima Abdel Rahim Abdel Qadir Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 404. Fida’a Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 405. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Sa’ed Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 406. Qinan Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 407. Maysa Abdel Rahman Said al-Sirsawi, 37, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 408. Mohammed Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 409. Mohammed Hassan Mohammad al-Skafi, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 410. Mohammed Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 411. Mohammed Ra’ed Ihsan Aqqila, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 412. Mohammed Ziad Ali al-Zabbout, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 413. Mohammed Mohammed Ali Muharrib Jundiyah, 38, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 414. Mohammed Hani Mohammad al-Halaq, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 415. Marrah Shakil Ahmad al-Jammal, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 416. Marwan Mounir Saleh Qunfud, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 417. Marwa Salman Ahmad al-Sirsawi, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 418. Moussaeb al-Khayr Salah al-Din Said al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 419. Mona Suleiman Ahmad al-Sheikh Khalil, 49, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 420. Mona Abdel Rahman Mahmoud Ayyad, 42, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 421. Nirmin Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 422. Hala Akram Hassan al-Hallaq, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 423. Hala Soubhi Saidi Ayyad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 424. Hala Saqr Hassan al-Hayya, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 425. Hani Mohammed Ahmad al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 426. Hiba Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 427. Youssef Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 428. Youssef Salim Hamto Habib, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 429. Unknown 430. Mohammed Ayman al-Shaer, 5, was killed in Khan Younis. 431. Leila Hasan al-Shaer, 33, was killed in Khan Younis. 432. Salah Saleh al-Shaer, in his forties, was killed in Khan Younis. 433. Hibatullah Akram al-Shaer, 7, was killed in Khan Younis. 434. Youssef Sha’aban Ziyadeh, 44, was killed in al-Barij. 435. Jamil Sha’aban Ziyadeh, 53, was killed in the same attack. 436. Sha’aban Jamil Ziyadeh, 12, was killed in the same attack. 437. Omar Sha’aban Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack. 438. Muftiya Mohammed Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack. 439. Bayyan Abdel Latif Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack. 440. Ismail al-Qurdi 441. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Muqadama, 30, was killed in the same attack. 442. Najah Sa’ad al-Din Daraji, 65, was killed in Rafah. 443. Abdullah Youssef Daraji, 3, was killed in the same attack. 444. Mohammed Baghdar al-Dughma, 20, was killed in Beni Soheileh. 445. Mohammed Raja’ Mohammed Handam, 15, was killed in Rafah. 446. Aya Bahjat Abu Sultan, 15, was killed in Beit Lahya. 447. Hani Mohammed al-Halaq, 29, was killed in al-Ramal. 448. Suad Mohammed al-Halaq, 62, was killed in the same attack. 449. Qinan Akram al-Halaq, 5, was killed in the same attack. 450. Samar Osama al-Halaq, 29, was killed in the same attack. 451. Saji al-Halaq was killed in the same attack. 452. Ibrahim Khalil Ammar was killed in the same attack. 453. Ahmad Yassin was killed in the same attack. 454. Rayan Taysir Abu Jamea, 8, was killed in Khan Younis. 455. Fatima Mahmoud Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack. 456. Sabah Tawfiq Mahmoud Abu Jamea, 38, was killed in the same attack. 457. Rozan Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 14, was killed in the same attack. Her body was recovered from the rubble on Monday. 458. Jawdat al-Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 24, was killed in Khan Younis. 459. Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 5, was killed in the same attack. 460. Haifa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 9, was killed in the same attack. 461. Yasmin Ahmad Salama Abu Jamea, 25, was killed in the same attack. 462. Suheila Bassam Ahmad Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack. 463. Shahinaz Walid Ahmad Abu Jamea, 1, was killed in the same attack. 464. Hossam Hossam Abu Qaynas, 5, was killed in the same attack. 465. An unidentified woman was killed in the same attack. 466. An unidentified woman in her 30s was killed in the same attack. 467. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack. 468. Ahmad Suleiman Mahmoud Sahmoud, 34, was killed in the same attack. 469. Minwa Abdel Bassit Ahmad al-Sabea, 37, was killed in Beit Hanoun. 470. Mahmoud Moussa Abu Anzar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis. 471. Turkiyah al-Abed al-Biss 472. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital. 473. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital. 474. Abdullah Omar al-Maghribi was killed in Rafah. 475. Najah al-Maghribi was killed in the same attack. 476. Bassem al-Brayim was killed in Khan Younis. 477. Ra’ed Mansour Nayfeh was killed in Gaza City. 478. Fuad Jaber was killed in Gaza City. 479. Mohammed Mahmoud Hussein Moammar was killed in Rafah. 480. Hamza Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack. 481. Anas Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack. 482. Bilal Jaber Mohammed al-Ashhab, 22, was killed in al-Mughraqa. 483. An unidentified body was recovered along with Bilal. 484. Ra’ed Ismail al-Bardawil, 26, was killed in Rafah. 485. Unknown 486. Unknown 487. Unknown 488. Unknown 489. Unknown 490. Unknown 491. Unknown 492. Unknown
Monday, July 21:
493. Sumoud Nasr Siyam, 26, was killed in Rafah. 494. Mohammed Mahrous Salam Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack. 495. Badr Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack. 496. Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, was killed in the same attack. 497. Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, was killed in the same attack. 498. Ghaydaa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack. 499. Shireen Mohammed Salam Siyam, 32, was killed in the same attack. 500. Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack. 501. Kamal Mahrous Salama Siyam, 27, was killed in the same attack. 502. Abdullah Trad Abu Hjeir, 16, was killed in Nusseirat. 503. Ahmad Moussa Shaykh al-Eid, 23, was killed in Rafah. 504. Zakariah Massoud al-Ashqar, 24, was killed in Gaza City. 505. Kamal Talal Hassan al-Masri, 22, was killed in Beit Hanoun. 506. Ra’ed Isam Daoud, 30, was killed in al-Zeitoun. 507. Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 508. Ahmad Mohammed Azzam, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 509. Mahmoud Hassan al-Nakhala was killed in Gaza. 510. Kamal Massoud, 21, was killed in al-Zeitoun. 511. Saleh Badawi, 31, was killed in al-Zeitoun. 512. Unidentified body in the Gaza European hospital. 513. Majdi Mahmoud al-Yazaji, 56, was killed in Gaza City. 514. Mohammed Samih al-Ghalban was killed in Gaza City. 515. Karam Ibrahim Atieh Barham, 25, was killed in Khan Younis. 516. Nidal Ali Abu Daqqa, 26, was killed in Khan Younis. 517. Nidal Joumea Abu Assi, 43, was killed in Khan Younis. 518. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 24, was killed in Khan Younis. 519. Mayar al-Yazaji, 2, was killed in al-Karama. 520. Yasmin al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack. 521. Wajdi al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack. 522. Safinaz al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack. 523. Unidentified child, 5, was killed in the same attack. 524. Mahran Kamel Jondeyah, 32, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 525. Tamer Nayef Jondeyah, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 526. Rahma Ahmad Jondeyah, 50, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 527. Ibrahim Shaaban Bakroun, 37, was killed in al-Shaaf 528. An unidentified person was killed in the Israeli shelling of Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. The attack killed three others and wounded 50. 529. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack. 530. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack. 531. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack. 532. Youssef Ghazi Hamidieh, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 533. Moataz Jamal Hamidieh, 18, was killed in the same attack. 534. Aed Jamal Hamidieh, 21, was killed in the same attack. 535. Aya Yasser al-Qassas was killed in Gaza City. 536. Aesha Yasser al-Qassas was killed in the same attack. 537. Nasma Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack. 538. Lamyaa Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack. 539. Israa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack. 540. Yasmin al-Qassas was killed in the same attack. 541. Arwa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack. 542. Aliaa al-Syam was killed in Gaza City. 543. Fayza al-Syam was killed in Gaza City. 544. Soumaya al-Syam was killed in Gaza City. 545. Fatima Ahmad al-Arja was killed in Rafah. 546. Atieh Youssef Dardouna, 26, was killed in Jabalia. 547. Unidentified was killed in Rafah. 548. Unidentified was killed in Rafah. 549. Unidentified was killed in Rafah. 550. Fadi Azmi Brayaem was killed in Deir al-Balah. 551. Othman Salem Brayaem was killed in the same attack. 552. Salem Abdel Majeed Brayaem was killed in the same attack. 553. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City. 554. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City. 555. Ibrahim Dib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53, was killed in a strike on Israa tower in Gaza City along with his wife and their five children. Four members of his wife’s family were also killed in the attack. 556. Taghrid Shaaban Mohammed al-Kilani, 45, was killed in the same attack. 557. Yaser Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 8, was killed in the same attack. 558. Elias Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 4, was killed in the same attack. 559. Sawsan Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 11, was killed in the same attack. 560. Rim Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 12, was killed in the same attack. 561. Yaseen Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 9, was killed in the same attack. 562. Mahmoud Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 37, was killed in the same attack. 563. Aida Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 47, was killed in the same attack. 564. Soura Shaaban mohammed Derbas, 41, was killed in the same attack. 565. Inas Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 30, was killed in the same attack. 566. Jihad Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 22, was killed in Khan Younis. 567. Fadi Bashir al-Abadleh, 22, was killed in Khan Younis. 568. Unknown 569. Unknown 570. Unknown
Tuesday, July 22:
571. Wael Jamal Harb, 32, was killed in Gaza. 572. Hasan Khodor Bakr, 60, was killed in Gaza. 573. Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Sobha, 55, was killed in Khan Younis. 574. Abdullah Ismail al-Bahisi, 27, was killed in Deir al-Balah. 575. Misaab Saleh Salameh, 19, was killed in Khan Younis. 576. Mohammed Nasr Haroun, 38, was killed in al-Nsayrat. 577. Naji Jamal al-Fajm, 26, was killed in Khan Younis. 578. Ibtihal Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah. 579. Youssef Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah. 580. Iman Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah. 581. Salwa Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah. 582. Samira Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah. 583. Haytham Samir al-Agha, 26, was killed in Khan Younis. 584. Walid Suleiman Abu Daher, 21, was killed in Khan Younis. 585. Yasmin Ahmad Abu Mor, 25, was killed in Rafah. 586. Sameh Zahir al-Sowafiri, 29, was killed in Rafah. 587. Mohammed Moussa Abu Fayad, 36, was killed in Rafah. 588. Fatima Hasan Azzam, 70, was killed in al-Zaytoun. 589. Maryam Hasan Azzam, 50, was killed in al-Zaytoun. 590. Unknown 591. Unknown 592. Unknown 593. Unknown 594. Unknown 595. Unknown 596. Unknown 597. Unknown 598. Unknown 599. Unknown 600. Unknown 601. Unknown 602. Unknown 603. Unknown 604. Unknown 605. Unknown 606. Soha Naim al-Kharwat, 25, was killed in north Gaza along with her daughter Mona. She was pregnant. 607. Mona Rami al-Kharwat, 4, was killed in the same attack. 608. Ahmad Salah abu Sido, 17, was killed in al-Mahatta. 609. Mahmoud Slim Mostafa Daraj, 22, was killed in Jabalia. 610. Ibrahim Sobhi al-Firi, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia. 611. Ahmad Assaad al-Boudi, 24, was killed in Beit Lahia. 612. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia. 613. Unknown was killed in al-Braij camp. 614. Unknown was killed in al-Braij camp. 615. Unknown was killed in al-Braij camp. 616. Hasan Shaaban Khamisi, 28, was killed in al-Maghazi camp. 617. Tareq Fayeq Hajjaj, 22, was killed in Gaza. 618. Ahmad Ziad Hajjaj, 21, was killed in the same attack. 619. Mohammed Shahadeh Hajjaj, 31, was killed in the same attack. 620. Fayza Saleh Abdul Rahman Hajjaj, 66, was killed in the same attack. 621. Rawan Ziad Hajjaj, 15, was killed in the same attack. 622. Youssef Mohammed Hajjaj, 28, was killed in the same attack. 623. Hakema Nafea Abu Edwan, 75, was killed in Rafah. 624. Najah Nafea Abu Edwan, 85, was killed in the same attack. 625. Misaab Nafeth al-Ajala, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh. 626. Khalaf Atieh Abu Sanima, 18, was killed in Rafah. 627. Khalil Atieh Abu Sanima, 20, was killed in the same attack.
Led, Archinect has a very educated group of followers, from both sides of this argument. Just because not everyone here agrees with the same thing as you doesn't make us uneducated. Thank you.
Archinect, please boycott Israel (its about time!)
Same source:
"… we [the Haganah] adopt the system of aggressive defence; during the assault we must respond with a decisive blow: the destruction of the [Arab] place or the expulsion of the residents along with the seizure of the place." - (Ben-Gurion's advice on 19 December 1947, on the eve of the 1948 war. Cited in Simha Flapan, The Birth of Isarel: Myths and Reality, p.90.)
"The war will give us the land. The concepts of 'ours' and 'not ours' are peace concepts, only, and in war they lose their whole meaning." - (to Yosef Weitz. David Ben-Gurion, Yoman Hamilhamah [War Diary], vol.1, entry dated 7 February 1948, pp.210-11.)
What's your plan(besides killing all the Jews)? Because your hate and racism accomplishes nothing. Whining, throwing out words behind a keyboard accomplishes nothing. This is bokoharam all over again. #bringbackourgirls, don't see that anymore and our girls are still gone. You're plan....A grandstanding, insignificant smear on a web forum. Real powerful stuff. How does anyone have time or energy for an Internet jihad between taking calls and redlining shit for your intern. This is archinect, not 4chan, reddit or aljezeera comment section. Your judgement means nothing. Your words will be buried here at some point and your hate with it. Shouting down anyone who opposes you just shows how weak and powerless you are. You obviously gain some sick, twisted pleasure from this or you wouldn't put all this time and energy into something so insignificant.
The war. Terrible.
The fact that Jews and Muslims can't be neighbors. Terrible.
Your narcissistic crusade to discredit anyone with a different view. Pathetic.
Where do we go from here? Archinect the site hasn't said one peep. Maybe they block Israeli universities and companies, what then? Students can't find out about their programs through one Internet portal. Big victory. Doesn't change the fact that people are being killed. You can keep posting your hate and attacks but nothing will change. All your efforts, all your time(which by the way is all we have in life) is spent judging others on an Internet forum. Sad, sad state of affairs.
"What's your plan(besides killing all the Jews)? Because your hate and racism accomplishes nothing."
When did I state that the plan was to "kill Jews"? When did I show any iota of racism? Supporting anti-zionism is supporting anti-racism; supporting zionism is supporting racism. You support zionism, I support anti-zionism. I have no qualms with anyone over their race and religion provided it doesn't call for the extermination and oppression of people who belong to other races and religions. This could speak for some Jews (Israel), some Moslems (Islamic Bullshit State of Calipha Im-Gonna-Eat-Your-Organs), some Hindus (BJP) , some Buddhsit( extremist in Mynmar), etc. This is compounded in the case of Israel with imperial colonialism. It is a double evil.
"This is bokoharam all over again. #bringbackourgirls"
No, this is now you being bigoted, deliberately trying to project a fanatic and racist allure on other people in order to categorically discount all the information that has been presented here - by very rational, dependable, historically based, non-racists.
"You're plan....A grandstanding, insignificant smear on a web forum. "
Thank you, I love you too.
"Your words will be buried here at some point and your hate with it. "
Firstly, I'm glad to actually see, no matter what consequence this post has or does not have, the increasing support for Palestinians and the increasing awareness of Zionism's racism. Archinect would do itself the honour of joining the humanist BDS campaign and I'm here to remind it of that. As for the significance or insignificance of my post, this is only proportional to the insignificance or significance of Archinect. If Archinect brings in traffic, this call for BDS on Archinect will attract people. Simple as that. As for hate, yes I hate all policies of extermination, colonization, racism and oppression.
"Shouting down anyone who opposes you just shows how weak and powerless you are."
Firstly, I personally am not shutting down anyone. I am personally calling for the shutting down of institutions that profit an entity whose existence relies on shutting down others, exterminating their existence on their lands, tortures them, incarcerates them , cuts food and water off them, etc. I might be weak and powerless -and there is no shame in that- but your hyperbolic accusations and calculated mischaracterizations - show you as irrational (facing the quantity of information furnishes here which you have not contested in the least), fanatic (in your attack against me and your defense of Israel), racist (because you have used sterreotyical assumptions regarding my background to attack me by telling me to strap a suicide belt). Does that make you powerful in front of people who can see transparently through your posts ?
"You obviously gain some sick, twisted pleasure from this or you wouldn't put all this time and energy into something so insignificant. "
Yes, I gain a lot of pleasure for standing up for Palestinians who have been the victims of one of the worse mass persecution and oppression in contemporary history after the Holocaust. You call that sick and twisted, I call you sick and twisted. As is Zionism, as is Israel. Sick ,twisted, racist..
"The fact that Jews and Muslims can't be neighbors. Terrible."
No, the question is not whether Jews and Muslims can be neighbours. The question is whether a racist colonial entity that professes to speak for one religion (when it should and does not) can leave a resident indigenous population in peace, without deporting them, torturing them and so on. Jews, Muslims and Christians have lived for many long years in a state of normalcy within the region without such tragedies? What is different? Its neither Judaism or Islam or Christianity...the difference is setting up the Zionist colonial establishment. Since then, this zionist cancer that calls itself Israel has led to a scale of oppression that exists currently no where else around the world and its existence is highhandedly responsible for the majority of conflicts in the region. Israel is a threat to peace not just on a regional scale.
"Your narcissistic crusade to discredit anyone with a different view. Pathetic."
Again, hyperbolic nonsense. I'm not admiring myself and my posts are not about me. Furthermore, if I discredit you it is because of your fallible logic, your fanatical defense of Israel even when its against reason to do so and your overt racism. On the other hand, I do bother to back-up my statements, I resort to reasoning as opposed to telling people to strap on suicide-belts, I don't use stereotypes associated to people's backgrounds and ethncities here in order to insult. All of this you do and more. Its completely out of place, irrational and exposes you, not me, as the fanatic and the hater.
" Doesn't change the fact that people are being killed. "
The sole reason for the deaths is Israel itself. The overriding majority are Palestinian civilians and, for me, I also place great value on the life of the resistance fighters as well. The massacres being committed by Israel is exactly why we should pursue, as civilians, from across the globe, all measures of boycotting against this anachronistic racist state that should been buried as an idea in the 19th century.
" All your efforts, all your time(which by the way is all we have in life) is spent judging others on an Internet forum. "
Thank you for the evaluation but your opinion on what I do with my time is meaningless to me. Let me also clarify that you're putting quite a lot of time and effort here in exposing your irrationality and fanaticism here. If mine is lost time, yours is time working against you.
The question is whether a racist colonial entity that professes to speak for one religion (when it should not and does not)
Yes, I saw that GraduatedLicensure. Farcical is how much of the US media deflected to speak of Hamas, yada yada....Anything but to face the truth: Israel is massacring Palestinian civilians in their hundreds and the US is just fine and dandy with this (and with the entire sordid history of that racist colony that calls itself Israel) .
I didn't read your response, except for the last paragraph. I spent 4 minutes on the toilet writing that response this morning. You spent what I assume is billable time. I win.
Again, whats happening in Gaza is part of a long term Zionist strategy whose deployment started with its inception.
Organized Terror and Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine
Certain towns were then selected for massacres, usually carried out in small villages which had previously good relations with their Jewish neighbours. These towns were selected with the specific purpose of providing "lessons in toughness" for other Palestinians villages to incite them to leave and not return. Between May 1947 and March 1948, there were 92 cases of Zionist terrorism and massacres against Palestinians, organized by the Haganah in cooperation with the Irgun and Stern Gang. The small villages were chosen to be "victims," to be an example - a terror campaign - to incite fear in the Palestinian population. One such massacre in April of 1948 killed 254 Arab civilians in one village. On top of the massacres, the rape of Arab Palestinian women, whether Christian or Muslim, was also a prominent feature of the more brutal cleansings. When the British left Palestine and the Arab states invaded, they prevented the Zionist forces from occupying the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.[18]
I never thought I'd miss that stupid thread Why won't you design what we (the public) want?
"a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann."
How is this racist? If you are referring to UN Resolution 3379- that resolution (equating Zionism with Racism was revoked by UN Resolition 4686 in 1991).
Sorry Tammuz - Some may agree, but I clearly disagree with you and your views on the subject of Israel.
Bottom Line: The world voted in 1948 to give the Jews a State. It aint ANYONE's fault that the Palestinians (then the Turks and the Arabs living in that region) didn't have enough funds to buy up the land and apply for their own country as the Jews did BECAUSE of the incentives within the Balfour declaration. For those of you on this forum who don't know, the Balfour declaration led the Jewish community in Britain and America into believing that Great Britain would support the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East.
Now, I get it: from a Palestinian Arab point of view, the same area had been promised to them for siding with the Allies in World War One and fighting against the Turks who were fighting on the side of the Germans. Therefore, when Britain was given Palestine to govern as a League of Nation's mandate at the end of the war, both the Jews and the Arabs believed that they had been betrayed as both believed that they had been promised the same piece of land.
Regardless, the Jews increased in numbers to the point where after the Holocaust, it was the WORLD and not solely this mysterious Jewish/Zionist/Racist/what have you entity that decided that it was indeed the right thing to do to give the Jewish people the land in which so many of them had settled on for years.
I just don't get you man- good luck with your crazy views.
Could we just petition that Archinect remove all associated posts and just start over like this shitshow never happened?
you don't need to organize yourself into something that looks like a pack of rabid dogs, one at a time, boys and gals.
In two recent, extraordinary documents — a commentary in London’s The Guardian and an interview with Ha’aretz — Israeli historian Benny Morris prepared the ground for Israel to justify any atrocity, no matter how much it transgresses human rights, law and decency.
In a 9 January interview with Ari Shavit of Ha’aretz, Morris went further than he ever did in describing the 1948 exodus of Palestinians as the result of deliberate “transfer” by the Zionist militias. Far from being horrified, however, Morris said: “There are circumstances in history that justify ethnic cleansing.” He admitted that a “Jewish state would not have come into being without the uprooting of 700,000 Palestinians. Therefore it was necessary to uproot them. There was no choice but to expel that population. It was necessary to cleanse the hinterland and cleanse the border areas and cleanse the main roads … (and) the villages from which our convoys and our settlements were fired on.”
...right because there is only 1 authority on what goes on in Israel and there is no such thing as an extremist/racist Israeli...
You picked 1 out of 7 something million Israelis to make your argument... that's like using Rush Limbaugh as a source...
I'm telling you, you have some pretty skewed points of view man...
"our" beautiful forum just got a little dumber because of you and your equally stupid cohorts, pack of rabid dogs who yelp juvenile stupidity here and everywhere else on this "beautiful" forum.
You need to apply for this if haven't done so already. Seems like all bigots are welcome.
In the mean time this is what your self defending Israel did today.
unbroken link
In the mean time this is what your self defending Israel did today.
i got a 404 error
do we blame forum trolls for war now, instead of blaming the people launching rockets? that is incredibly convenient. if i was a high school teacher, i would totally tell the kids that WWII was caused by an anonymous on 4chan, but the brave members of slashdot teamed up with fark to overthrow the tyranny!
Led Signal Light-
Whether you agree with the tactics of achieving an objective is not the point... as long as those tactics are permissible within the confines of international law.
Israel is a small country and has many enemies. You can disagree with the tactics, but if these tactics achieve the objective of protecting itself, then from a strategic point of view I'd say it's fair game. You believe Israel has no right to use such tactics because their premise is unfounded. You believe that just because something is dubbed "propaganda" it holds no water. Every country uses "propaganda". Sorry to break it to you.
BulgarBLogger, you very well know that you're arguing on the basis of might imakes right. The UN conceded under US pressure and the US has been backing Israel in the UN ever sense. Does my moral compass correpond with what the US-Zionist and associated parties drag the UN to do or not do. No. Simpler than this, I view the displacement and oppression of people as the true magnet for the compass. The Apartheid was accepted and embraced by the major powers around the world, now we view it as having been evil all throughout. To accept at face value what the UN has to say is to ignore that the the US was - and still is- the major player within the UN, and indeed in the post-Soviet world, with vested interest to channel UN directives or lackthereof towards its interests, ISrael being one of them.
As for the quote:
"a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann."
Firstly, the very realization of a "Jewish state" - where Jews are seen as simultaneously a religion, a culture, an ethnicity and a religion- in its very formulation excludes the other religions and ethnicities within this proposed state. This is racist on that many levels.
Secondly, these other religions and ethicities existed with the lands that you want to call "Israeli" now - and I call them Occupied Palestine- as true, indigenous residents with a primordial connection to their homelands, their regional identities and so on - it is not their belonging to the land which is disputable; it is the farcical claim made by Zionists based on a warped mythology.
Thirdly, the majority of Jews who consitituted these colonies were not the regional Jews but were brought from Europe, a continent rich and rife with racism, colonial mindset (specifically the rabid anglosaxonic puritanist one). The Zionists truly belong to the same turf as Nazis in terms of their perception of race and nationality: their race deserves to be a nation. As such, they are racist on self-descriptive terms.
So, the very term "Jewish State", without even referencing the other Zionist quotes that disclose their sense of superiority to arabs, their hatred towards them, their barbaric willingliness to exterminate them (the hubris of barbarians who think they are civilized) - is racist...but on top of it is added yet another evil, that of colonialism.
Now, I get it: from a Palestinian Arab point of view, the same area had been promised to them for siding with the Allies in World War One and fighting against the Turks who were fighting on the side of the Germans. Therefore, when Britain was given Palestine to govern as a League of Nation's mandate at the end of the war, both the Jews and the Arabs believed that they had been betrayed as both believed that they had been promised the same piece of land.
Firstly, what Jews? Palestinians included Palestinian Moslems, Palestinian Christians and Palestinian Jews. No one had any issues. But you're not speaking of then-resident Jews - you're speaking of the influx of Jews in a planned programme of replacing resident Palestinians. These did not have the right to be given or taken a land; they didn't have a land and didn't have the rights over it. Whereas the Arabs - and any other consequently disenfranchised community- had all the right to want to fight against colonialism and attaintheir independence on the lands that they've exsited upon primordially, continuously and integrally.
"I just don't get you man- good luck with your crazy views. "
Because you're brainwashed to read about a region I know very well, I belong to, I understand, whose history is part of my personal history and background- you're brainwashed to read things in a way your country's elites (governments, academics), which has a joint partnership with Israel, has interpreted for you on the basis of an imperialist logic: might makes right.
In that case, perhaps I should come after you with my possy, kick you out of your home, incarcerate your family, then call my family from back home...come y'all...and then, on the terms of your perverse logic, you lose all claim over your home.
Saudia Arabia and Iran are rule by Islamic Law- is that racist?
No. Islam doesnt perceive race. But they are theocratical sectarian states and yes im against that. However, Israel is far far worse because Iran and Saudi Arabia arent colonies, their choice of life is a matter for them to figure out. Try something else and stop resorting to irrelevant points that seem to be tangential and are only introduced to obfuscate.
Firstly which sect? Secondly, all shiite and sunnite subsects accept conversion and their members are from all races just like christianity. You are now arguing for the sake of argument. First..tell me which sect...secondly, does it define the vast majority of the religion. With no hesitation, I can tell you that Islam doesnt perceive race and defines the umma by belief alone. This neither means that I value this religion over any other. I could care less...but there is such a thing as knowing what you're talking about and arguing logically. even those ragtag al qaedaesque terrorists come from many "races". This is getting nonsensical really, you're overtly uneducated and yet you wish to continue arguing for its own sake.
I don't understand the point of this thread. We all have access to the internet, we can read the facts about the war going on. We do not need these page-long texts from TAMMUZ trying to lecture us about how everyone is racist.
How is archinect going to boycott Israel? It is a public forum, people can post whatever they feel like.
Tammuz, Israel had been quite oppressive and has killed some innocent people but they are by no means the only or the worst evil in the world and they certainly cannot be blamed for all the worlds problems.
I'm sure you ever heard of the "devils on horseback". Millions displaced and many many brutally killed. Is Zionism to blame for this too? Point is that there are many tragedies and many horrible regimes in the world that you are ignoring. Why is Israel the only focus? I'm being serious not trying to call anyone out here. Just seems that someone so concerned with oppression and human rights would focus on all cases (especially the most severe like North Korea and Sudan) rather than cherry picking the ones that support your "us vs them" paradox. The sad truth is that oppression, genocide, war, injustice, etc. is not a problem with any singular perpetrator or any single conspiracy. There is no boogie man. This is all just one instance of an on going human problem that has always existed since the Neanderthals fought homoerectis, and unfortunately will probably continue until we all kill ourselves or make our earth uninhabitable. You are too focused on a single incident... and the solution to the problem is far broader and far more philosophical than it is political. Politics is the problem and as I see it the world is full of a bunch of gangs fighting over turf and money and pride with a bunch of innocent people getting caught in the crossfire. To support any one of these gangs is completely missing the point. Hamas is a gang and is making the situation more unbearable for the Palestinian people.
Jla...read me exactingly. I said it was one of the worse. Secondly, I said it is singlehandedly responsible for the major part of the destabilization in the region....which threatens peace not just in the region (and im not saying it is the only threat). Please be topical. My post does not exclude other issues but we should not muddle it up just because theres something else that may be equally tragic. My concern here is to encourage action against the perpetrator of oppression in Palestine. This is not preclusive - in fact, we draw our inspiration from the fight of Africans against the apartheid and others. And it is a fact that the only living contemporary process of colonization in the world, an anachronistic practice, is occurring in Palestine on the hands of the Zionist state and under the watch of the US and its lackies.
Geez... take a look at port moresby in Papua New Guinea. People with little to no contact with the "western world" fighting as they have been for thousands of years. Some People are violent, and just so happens that these are the ones that often get into power because fore and alpha dominance is usually the easiest and quickest way to get into power. It's "lord of the flies" on a global scale. Tammuz, you are ignoring this basic fact and this is why any party that rises to power via violence will eventually rule with violence. We cannot let violent unenlightened people get into power. By supporting Hamas, you are supporting more of the same. You will simply replace one form of oppression with another.
"Force and alpha dominance" edit.
tammuz if i were you i wouldn't answer any of these stupid people. they are not interested in any intelligent argument but wear you down. this whole thread is based on palestine and israel and dumb ass still asking you why you are not talking about papua guinea. we all see how stupid they are. it wouldn't make any difference to them if you were supporting hamas, abbas, nehru, or anybody else. they just can't intellectually challenge you. because they are too stupid.
you said it very well "If mine is lost time, yours is time working against you"
one thing is clear now, archinect forum is populated by dumb and weakly informed cad monkeys who see the intelligent people as threats to their status and washed brains. one of these idiots even posts a cartoon saying "nobody cares". wow. the lowest form one can identify with when children and pregnant women taking a shelter in UN school are blown to pieces in front of tv's and on front page of newspapers.
i also think islamophobia is well and alive among these peabrain nuevo racist and hateful youth. sad thing is they don't know what they are thinking but just pooping their insides all over the place.
this issue is architecturally related in a way. Lets discuss the architectural aspects of the issue rather than the history, military strategy, and geopolitics. We are all architects, designers, artists, etc....as others have said, this is an architecture forum and while architecture is political....politics is not always architectural. It imo would be more productive to focus on the architectural issues that are intertwined with this issue...Issues of centralized infrastructure, housing, development, militarized border zones....etc....
TAMMUZ, If you wanted to have an intelligent argument about this situation, you should have picked a political forum that is comprised of people that are more aligned with a politically-oriented type of thinking. What did you honestly expect to get when you posted this topic to an Architecture forum? That a group of poly-sci majors would jump out of the woodwork?
led signal light, if you are going to try to call everyone on here dumb and weakly informed cad monkeys, then please try and use proper grammar and punctuation while doing so. Although I definitely see both of you as threats to my status and washed brains.
this whole thread is based on palestine and israel and dumb ass still asking you why you are not talking about papua guinea. we all see how stupid they are.
led signal light, your mom is a dumbass. my point was 100% relevant. I was disputing the fact that "this whole thread is based on palestine and Israel" to prove a point that the same problems exist independently across the globe... and to focus only on palestine and Israel is very shortsighted. Its not a problem unique to Zionism but rather a problem of human behavior and the manifestation of all structures of power. You demonize the Zionists...but they are not demons....the average man in an opportunistic position is capable of enough "evil." If hamas had the same technology, and controlled the same land that the Zionists control, there would be 600 dead Israelis rather than 600 dead Palestinians...
People in power oppress people who are not in power and it happens everywhere...
led signal light, your mom is a dumbass.
here is a real idiot not even knowing;
mom=someone has nothing to do with this thread. a female.
go ahead poop more.
I am not accusing you of racism...I do not think that you are racist Tammuz. I think you do suffer from a case of selective outrage...Are you outraged over any injustices that do not lead back to the western world?
led signal light, your mom is a dumbass.
now playing therapist to tammuz.
selective outrage...!!??
this issue on front page of every newspaper, news blogs, tv and in any congregation of politically engaged people for weeks now. Selective..?
you are dumb.
yea when cannot comprehend, poop on my mom... real man you are.
mom haters unite!
Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party called for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to "little snakes."
"They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists," Shaked said, adding, "They are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists.”
you are dumb.
yup. Im dumb. Good!
Anyway, I say "selective outrage"...because, while I believe his intentions are good, and outrage on this issue is justified, and that he cares about human rights, he never rails against any non-western offenders... and there are many. Where are you guys when African villages get burned down at the hands of radicals? If these crimes against humanity can not be traced back to the western world or the zionists then does it excite the same rage?
led signal light,
calls me a name and then gets offended at a yo momma reply? durp!
If I want to stop receiving email notifications on this thread, how do I do that? does anyone know how to turn it off? Thanks
but it does trace to western world, rape of africa> slave trade, and you can't make the connection? literally every western country had a colony in africa. many of africa's problems today stem from that human trade bonanza.
malcolm x had your number.
dumb pooper. poster name Nice too, a pooper so as snoopy. uncheck the box. and why have you been following in the first place and wanted to keep a close tab in the dumb parade?
led signal light, my ultimate plan on archinect is to encourage it to boycott Israel; this is one more added step in fighting against that terrorist racist colony. if on the way, the lies and fabrications get exposed for some, thats added value
Updated July 22 at 6:45 pm: The Gaza health ministry has confirmed the deaths of 627 Palestinians so far in the besieged strip since Israel began its relentless assault on July 8. Among those killed, at least 158 were aged 18 or younger.
On Sunday, more than 74 people were killed in al-Shujayeh, a neighborhood east of Gaza City. According to sources in Gaza’s health ministry, 80 percent of the people killed were children under the age of 18, women, and elderly.
The youngest victim so far has been five-month-old Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, killed by Israeli tank shelling in Rafah. The next two youngest victims were both 18 months old: Mohammed Malakiyeh was killed along with his 27-year-old mother, and Ranim Jawde Abdel Ghafour was killed along with a member of her family in Khan Younis. The three oldest victims were all 80 years old. Naifeh Farjallah was killed in an air strike on the town of Moghraqa, southwest of Gaza City, and Saber Sukkar was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City. Hijaziyah Hamid al-Helou succumbed on Sunday to wounds sustained in the bombing of her home in Gaza City on Saturday night.
Victims’ names and ages were compiled based on information released by the Gaza health ministry, while the circumstances of the deaths were taken from the ministry and local news sources.
Al-Akhbar will update the list as new information is released.
Tuesday, July 8:
1. Mohammed Sha’aban, 24, was killed in a bombing of his car in Gaza City.
2. Ahmad Sha’aban, 30, died in the same bombing.
3. Khadir al-Bashiliki, 45, died in the same bombing.
4. Rashad Yaseen, 27, was killed in a bombing of the Nusseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.
5. Riad Mohammed Kawareh, 50, was killed in a bombing of his family’s home in Khan Younis.
6. Seraj Ayad Abed al-A’al, 8, was wounded in the same bombing and succumbed to his injuries on Tuesday evening.
7. Mohammed Ayman Ashour, 15, died in the same bombing.
8. Bakr Mohammed Joudah, 22, died in the same bombing.
9. Ammar Mohammed Joudah, 26, died in the same bombing.
10. Hussein Yousef Kawareh, 13, died in the same bombing.
11. Mohammed Ibrahim Kawareh, 50, died in the same bombing.
12. Bassim Salim Kawareh, 10, died in the same bombing.
13. Mousa Habib, 16, from Gaza City’s al-Shujayeh neighborhood, was killed along with his 22-year old cousin while the pair were riding a motorcycle.
14. Mohammed Habib, 22, was killed with Mousa Habib.
15. Sakr Aysh al-Ajouri, 22, was killed in an attack on Jabalia, in northern Gaza.
16. Ahmad Na’el Mehdi, 16, from Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, was killed in a bombing that wounded two of his friends.
17. Hafiz Mohammed Hamad, 30, an Islamic Jihad commander, was killed in the bombing of his home in Beit Hanoun, along with five of his family members.
18. Ibrahim Mohammed Hamad, 26, died in the same bombing.
19. Mehdi Mohammed Hamad, 46, died in the same bombing.
20. Fawzia Khalil Hamad, 62, died in the same bombing.
21. Dunia Mehdi Hamad, 16, died in the same bombing.
22. Suha Hamad, 25, died in the same bombing.
23. Suleiman Salman Abu Soaween, 22, was killed.
Wednesday, July 9:
24. Abdel Hadi Jamaat al-Sufi, 24, was killed in a bombing near the Rafah crossing.
25. Naifeh Farjallah, 80, was killed in an airstrike on the town of Moghraqa, southwest of Gaza City.
26. Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek, 60, was killed in the bombing of Gaza’s central governorate along with his son.
27. Khaled Abu Kweek, 31, Abdel Nasser Abu Kweek’s son, was killed in the same bombing.
28. Mohammed Areef, 13, died in a bombing in Sha’af.
28. Amir Areef, 10, died in the same bombing.
30. Mohammed Malakiyeh, 18 months old, died in a bombing along with his mother and a young man.
31. Hana Malakiyeh, 27, Mohammed Malakiyeh’s mother, died in the same bombing.
32. Hatem Abu Salem, 28, died in the same bombing.
33. Mohammed Khaled al-Nimri, 22
34. Sahar Hamdan, 40, died in the bombing of her home in Beit Hanoun.
35. Ibrahim Masri, 14, Sahar Hamdan’s son, was killed in the same bombing.
36. Mahmoud Nahid al-Nawasra was killed in a bombing in al-Meghazi.
37. Mohammed Khalaf al-Nawasra, 4, was killed in the same bombing and arrived at the hospital “in shreds.”
38. Nidal Khalaf al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 5, was killed in the same bombing.
39. Salah Awwad al-Nawasra al-Meghazi, 6, was killed in the same bombing. His body was found under the rubble of the house.
40. Aisha Nijm al-Meghazi, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
41. Amal Youssef Abdel Ghafour, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
42. Ranim Jawde Abdel Ghafour, an 18-month-old girl, was killed in the same bombing.
43. Rashid al-Kafarneh, 30, was killed when the motorcycle he was riding was bombed.
44. Ibrahim Daoud al-Balawi, 24
45. Abdel Rahman Jamal al-Zamli, 22
46. Ibrahim Ahmad Abideen, 42
47. Mustafa Abu Mar, 20
48. Khalid Abu Mar, 23
49. Mazen Farj al-Jarbah, 30, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
50. Marwan Slim, 27, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
51. Hani Saleh Hamad, 57, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun along with his son Ibrahim.
52. Ibrahim Hamad, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
53. Salima Hassan Musallim al-Arja, 60, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded five others.
54. Maryam Atieh Mohammed al-Arja, 11, was killed in the same bombing.
55. Hamad Shahab, 37
56. Ibrahim Khalil Qanun, 24, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis.
57. Mohammed Khalil Qanun, 26, was killed in the same attack.
58. Hamdi Badieh Sawali, 33, was killed in the same attack.
59. Ahmad Sawali, 28, was killed in the same attack.
60. Suleiman Salim al-Astal, 55, was killed in a bombing of Khan Younis.
61. Mohammed al-Aqqad, 24
62. Ra’ed Shalat, 37, was killed in a bombing that wounded 6 others.
Thursday, July 10:
63. Asma Mahmoud al-Hajj, 22, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis that killed eight members of the same family and wounded 16 other people.
64. Basmah Abdel Fattah al-Hajj, 57, was wounded in the bombing and succumbed to her injuries shortly afterwards.
65. Mahmoud Lutfi al-Hajj, 58, died in the same bombing.
66. Tarek Mahmoud al-Hajj, 18, died in the same bombing.
67. Sa’ad Mahmoud al-Hajj, 17, died in the same bombing.
68. Najla Mahmoud al-Hajj, 29, died in the same bombing.
69. Fatima Mahmoud al-Hajj, 12, died in the same bombing.
70. Omar Mahmoud al-Hajj, 20, died in the same bombing.
71. Ahmad Salim al-Astal, 24, was killed in the bombing of a beach house in Khan Younis that critically wounded more than 15 people.
72. Mousa Mohammed al-Astal, 50, was killed in the same bombing. The two bodies were recovered four hours after the bombing.
73. Ra’ed al-Zawareh, 33, succumbed to his wounds and died. The location of his death was unreported.
74. Baha’ Abu al-Leil, 35, was killed in a bombing.
75. Salim Qandil, 27, was killed in the same bombing.
76. Omar al-Fyumi, 30, was killed in the same bombing.
77. Abdullah Ramadan Abu Ghazzal, 5, was killed in a bombing in Beit Lahiya.
78. Ismail Hassan Abu Jamah, 19, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis that injured two children, one critically.
79. Hassan Awda Abu Jamah, 75, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
80. Mohammed Ahsan Ferwanah, 27, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
81. Yasmin Mohammed Mutawwaq, 4 was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
82. Mahmoud Wulud, 26, was killed in a bombing of a civilian vehicle in northern Gaza. His remains were taken to Kamal Adwan Hospital in Jabalia.
83. Hazem Balousha, 30, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital.
84. Nour Rafik Adi al-Sultan, 27, was killed in the same bombing. His remains are at Kamal Adwan Hospital.
85. Ahmad Zaher Hamdan, 24, was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
86. Mohammed Kamal al-Kahlout, 25, was killed in a bombing in Jabalia.
87. Sami Adnan Shaldan, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
88. Jamah Atieh Shalouf, 25, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
89. Bassem Abdel Rahman Khattab, 6, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
90. Abdullah Mustafa Abu Mahrouk, 22, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
Friday, July 11:
91. Anas Rizk Abu al-Kas, 33, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
92. Nour Marwan al-Najdi, 10, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
93. Mohammed Mounir Ashour, 25, was killed in a bombing on the al-Ghanam family home in Rafah.
94. Ghalia Deeb Jabr al-Ghanam, 7, was killed in the same bombing.
95. Wasim Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 23, was killed in the same bombing.
96. Mahmoud Abd al-Rizk Hassan al-Ghanam, 26, was killed in the same bombing.
97. Kifah Shahada Deeb al-Ghanam, 20, was killed in the same bombing.
98. Ra’ed Hani Abu Hani, 31, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
99. Shahraman Ismail Abu al-Kas, 42, was killed in a bombing in a refugee camp in central Gaza.
100. Mazen Mustafa Aslan, 63, was killed in the same bombing.
101. Mohammed Rabih Abu Humeidan, 65, was killed in shelling that struck northern Gaza.
102. Abdel Halim Ashra, 54, was killed in an airstrike on Wednesday in the area of Birka Deir al-Balah, but his body wasn’t discovered until Friday.
103. Saher Abu Namous, 3, was killed in an airstrike on his home in northern Gaza.
104. Hussein al-Mamlouk, 47, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
105. Saber Sukkar, 80, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
106. Nasser Rabih Mohammed Samamah, 49, was killed in an airstrike on Gaza City.
Saturday, July 12:
107. Rami Abu Massaad, 23, was killed in a strike on Deir al-Balah.
108. Mohammed al-Samiri, 24, was killed in the same attack.
109. Houssam Deeb al-Razayneh, 39, was killed in an attack on Jabalia.
110. Anas Youssef Kandil, 17, was killed in the same attack.
111. Abdel Rahim Saleh al-Khatib, 38, was killed in the same attack.
112. Youssef Mohammed Kandil, 33, was killed in the same attack.
113. Mohammed Idriss Abu Saninah, 20, was killed in the same attack.
114. Hala Wishahi, 31, was killed in an attack on the Mabarra association for the disabled in Jabalia.
115. Suha Abu Saade, 38, was killed in the same attack.
116. Ali Nabil Basal, 32, was killed in a strike on western Gaza City.
117. Mohammed Bassem al-Halabi, 28, was killed in the same strike.
118. Mohammed al-Sowayti, 20, was killed in the same strike.
119. Ibrahim Nabil Humaide, 30, was killed in a bombing in the Tufah neighborhood in eastern Gaza City.
120. Hassan Ahmed Abu Ghoush, 24, was killed in the same attack.
121. Ahmed Mahmoud al-Ballaoui, 26, was killed in the same attack.
122. Ratib Sabahi al-Sifi, 22, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with five others.
123. Azmi Mahmoud Abid, 51, was killed in the same attack.
124. Nidal Mahmoud Abu al-Malish, 22, was killed in the same attack.
125. Suleiman Said Abid, 56, was killed in the same attack.
126. Ghassan Ahmad al-Masri, 25, was killed in the same attack.
127. Mustafa Mohammed Anaieh, 58, was killed in the same attack.
128. Rafa’at Youssef Amer, 36, succumbed to wounds sustained in a bombing in Gaza City.
129. Ghazi Mustafa Areef, 62, died when his home in Gaza City was bombed. His son sustained serious injuries.
130. Mohammed Adriss Abu Sulim, 20, was killed in a bombing in Jabaliya.
131. Fadi Yaqub Sakr, 25, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
132. Qassem Jaber Adwan Awdeh, 16, was killed in a bombing in Khan Younis.
133. Mohammed Ahmad Bassal, 19, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
134. Muhannad Youssef Dhahir, 23, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
135. Mahmoud Abdallah Shratiha, 53, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza.
136. Shadi Mohammed Zarb, 21, was killed in a bombing in Rafah that wounded three others.
137. Imad Bassam Zarb, 21, was killed in the same bombing.
138. Nahid Ta’im al-Batash, 41, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City along with 16 family members. Dozens more were wounded in the same attack.
139. Baha Majid al-Batash, 28, was killed in the same bombing.
140. Qassi Isam al-Batash, 12, was killed in the same bombing.
141. Aziza Youssef al-Batash, 59 was killed in the same bombing.
142. Mohammed Isam al-Batash, 17 was killed in the same bombing.
143. Ahmad Naman al-Batash, 27 was killed in the same bombing.
144. Yahya Alaa al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing.
145. Jalal Majid al-Batash, 26 was killed in the same bombing.
146. Mahmoud Majid al-Batash, 22 was killed in the same bombing.
147. Marwa Majid al-Batash, 25 was killed in the same bombing.
148. Majid Subhi al-Batash was killed in the same bombing.
149. Khalid Majid al-Batash, 20 was killed in the same bombing.
150. Ibrahim Majid al-Batash, 18 was killed in the same bombing.
151. Manar Majid al-Batash, 14 was killed in the same bombing.
152. Amal Hassan al-Batash, 49 was killed in the same bombing.
153. Anas Alaa al-Batash, 10 was killed in the same bombing.
154. Qassi Alaa al-Batash was killed in the same bombing.
Sunday, July 13:
155. Rami Abu Shanab, 25, succumbed to wounds sustained several days ago in Deir al-Balah.
156. Khawla al-Hawajri, 25, was killed in a bombing in Nusseirat.
157. Mohammed Ghazi Areef, 35, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
158. Ahmad Youssef Daloul, 47, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
159. Hijaziyah Hamid al-Helou, 80, succumbed to wounds sustained in the bombing of her home in Gaza City on Saturday night.
160. Fawzia Abdel A’el, 73, was killed in a bombing in Gaza City.
161. Haitham Ashraf Zarb, 21, succumbed to wounds sustained during an attack on Rafah on Saturday that killed two other members of the Zarb family.
162. Leila Hassan al-Awdat, 41, was killed in an attack on Meghazi that wounded four others.
163. Hussam Ibrahim al-Najjar, 14, was killed in a bombing in north Gaza. His remains were taken to Beit Hanoun Hospital.
164. Rawidah Abu Harb al-Zwaida, 31, was killed.
165. Samer Tallal Hamdan was killed in a bombing in Beit Hanoun.
166. Hussein Abd al-Qadir Muheisen, 19, succumbed to wounds sustained in Gaza City.
167. Maher Thabit Abu Mar, 24, was killed in a bombing in Rafah.
168. Mohammed Salim Abu Bureis, 65, was killed in a bombing in Deir al-Balah.
169. Saddam Moussa Moamar, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
170. Mousa Shehade Moamar, 60, was killed in Khan Younis.
171. Hanadi Hamadi Moamar, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
172. Adham Mohammed Abed al-Fatah Abed al-Al was killed in Gaza.
Monday, July 14:
173. Qassem Tallal Hamdan, 23, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
174. Hamid Suleiman Abu al-Araj Deir al-Balah, 60.
175. Abdullah Mahmoud Barakah, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
176. Tamer Salem Kodeih, 37, was killed in Khan Younis.
177. Ziad Maher al-Najjar, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
178. Ziad Salem al-Shawi, 25, was killed in Rafah.
179. Mohammed Yasser Hamdan, 24, was killed in Gaza.
180. Mohammed Shakib al-Agha, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
181. Mohammed Younis Abu Youssif, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
182. Sara Omar Sheikh al-Eid, 4, was killed in Rafah.
183. Omar Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 24, was killed in Rafah.
184. Jihad Ahmad Sheikh al-Eid, 48, was killed in Rafah.
185. Kamal Ated Youssif Abu Taha, 16, was killed in Khan Younis.
186. Ismail Nabil Ahmad Abu Hatab, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
Tuesday, July 15:
187. Ahmad Younis Abu Youssif, 28, was killed in Khan Younis.
188. Bushra Khalil Zoarob, 53, was killed in Rafah.
189. Atwa Amira al-Maamour, 63, was killed in Khan Younis.
190. Ismail Salim al-Najjar, 46, was killed in Khan Younis.
191. Mohammed Ahmad Ibrahim al-Najjar, 49, was killed in Khan Younis.
192. Suleiman Abu Louli, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
193. Sobhi Abdel Hamid Moussa, 77, was killed in Khan Younis.
194. Ismail Ftouh, 24, was killed in Gaza.
195. Saleh Said Dahliz Rafah, 20, was killed in Rafah.
196. Yasser Abdel Mahmoun, 18, was killed in Rafah.
197. Ibrahim Khalil al-Asaafi, 66, was killed in Jiher el-Deek.
198. Mohammed Abdullah al-Zahouk, 23, was killed in Rafah.
199. Mohammed Ismail Abu Awda, 27, was killed in Rafah.
Wednesday, July 16:
200. Mohammed Sabri al-Dibari, 20, was killed in Rafah.
201. Abdullah Mohammed Abdullah al-Irjani, 19, was killed in Khan Younis.
202. Ahmad Adel Ahmad al-Niwajha, 23, was killed in Rafah.
203. Mohammed Tayseer Sharab, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
204. Farid Mohammed Abu Daqa, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
205. Ashraf Khalil Abu Shanab, 33, was killed in Rafah.
206. Khadra al-Abd Salama Abu Daqa, 65, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
207. Omar Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 24, was killed in the same attack.
208. Ibrahim Ramadan Hassan Abu Daqa, 10, was killed in the same attack.
209. Abdel Rahman Ibrahim Khalil al-Sarkhi, 37, was killed in an attack on Gaza City.
210. Ahed Atef Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
211. Zakaria Ahed Bakr, 10, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
212. Mohammed Ramez Bakr, 11, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
213. Ismail Mohammed Bakr, 9, was killed on a beach in Gaza.
214. Hamza Ra’ed Thari, 6, succumbed to wounds sustained “a few days ago” and passed away.
215. Mohammed Akram Abu Amer, 34, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
216. Kamal Mohammed Abu Amer, 38, Mohammed’s brother, was reported seriously injured and then dead in the same attack.
217. Raqia al-Astal, 70, was killed in the bombing of a mosque in Khan Younis which killed at least three others and critically wounded several children.
218. Yasmin al-Astal, 4, was killed in the same attack.
219. Hussein Abdel Nasser al-Astal, 23, was killed in the same attack.
220. Usama Mahmoud al-Astal, 6, was critically wounded in the same attack and succumbed to his wounds shortly afterwards.
221. Hossam Shamlakh, 23, succumbed to wounds sustained in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin.
222. Mohammed Kamal Abdel Rahman, 30, was killed in an attack on Sheikh Ajlin.
Thursday, July 17:
223. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Qadim, 22, succumbed to wounds sustained in Deir al-Balah.
224. Zeinab Mohammed Saeed al-Abadleh, 70, died of her wounds in the Gaza European hospital.
225. Mohammed Abdel Rahman Hassouneh, 67, was killed in an attack on Rafah.
226. Mohammed Ahmad al-Hout, 41, was killed in the same attack while on his way to morning prayers.
227. Ahmad Rihan, 23, was killed in an attack on North Gaza.
228. Salam Salah Fayyad, 25, succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Gaza’s central province.
229. Abdallah al-Akhras, 27, was killed in an attack on Rafah.
230. Bashir Abd al-A’el, 20, was killed in the same attack.
231. Mohammed Ziyad Ghanem, 25, was killed in the same attack.
232. Fulla Tarek Shaheber, 8, was killed along with two child relatives in an airstrike on their home in Gaza City.
233. Jihad Issam Shaheber, 10, was killed in the same strike.
234. Wassim Issam Shaheber, 9, was killed in the same strike.
235. Yassin al-Humaideh, 4, died of wounds suffered in an earlier attack on Gaza City.
236. Rahaf Khalil al-Jabbour, 4, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis.
237. Hamza Houssam al-Abadaleh, 29, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
238. Abed Ali Natiz, 26, was killed in Gaza.
239. Mohammed Salem Natiz, 4, was killed in Gaza City.
240. Mohammed Shadi Natiz, 15, was killed in Gaza City.
241. Salah Salah al-Shafiai was killed in Khan Younis.
242. Majdi Suleiman Salamah Jabarah, 22, was killed in Rafah.
243. Fares Jomaa al-Mahmoum, 5 months old, was killed in Rafah.
Friday, July 18:
244. Nassim Mahmoud Nassir was killed in an attack on Beit Hanoun.
245. Karam Mahmoud Nassir was killed in the same attack.
246. Omar Ayyad al-Mahmoum, 18, from Rafah, was killed in an attack on al-Shawka.
247. Salmiah Suleiman Ghayyad, 70, was killed in an attack east of Rafah.
248. Rami Saqqer Abu Tawila was killed in an attack east of al-Shujayeh that wounded 7 of his family members.
249. Hamad Abu Lahyia, 23, was killed in an attack east of Qarara that critically wounded several others.
250. Bassem Mohammed Mahmoud Madi, 22, was killed in an attack east of Rafah that wounded 11 others.
251. Mohammed Abdel Fattah Rashad Fayyad, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
252. Mahmoud Mohammed Fayyad, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
253. Bilal Mahmoud Radwan, 23, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis.
254. Mundhir Radwan, 22, was killed in the same attack.
255. Ahmad Fawzia Radwan, 23, was killed in the same attack.
256. Mahmoud Fawzia Radwan, 24, was killed in the same attack.
257. Ismail Youssef Taha Qassim, 59, was killed in an attack in Beit Hanoun that wounded 25 others.
258. Amal Khadir Ibrahim Badour, 40, was killed in the same attack.
259. Hani As’ad Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in an attack in Khan Younis that killed his nephew and wounded 4 others.
260. Mohammed Hamdan Abd al-Karim al-Shami, 35, was killed in the same attack.
261. Hussam Muslim Abu Eissa, 26, was killed in Jahr al-Dik.
262. Walaa Abu Ismail Muslim,12, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
263. Mohammed Abu Muslim, 13, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
264. Ahmad Abu Muslim, 14, was killed in Abraj al-Nada.
265. Ahmed Abdullah al-Bahnasawi, 25, was killed in the village of Om al-Nasr in Gaza.
266. Saleh Zaghidi, 20, was killed in Rafah.
267. Alaa Abu Shbat, 23, was killed in Rafah.
268. Ahmed Hasan Saleh al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in al-Fakhari.
269. Hamada Abdallah al-Bashiti, 21, was killed in al-Fakhari.
270. Abdullah Jamal al-Samiri, 17, was killed in Khan Younis.
271. Mahmoud Ali Darwish, 40, was killed in Nusseirat.
272. Wila al-Qara, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
273. Raafat Mohammed al-Bahloul, 35, was killed in Khan Younis.
274. Mohammed Awad Matar, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia.
275. Hamza Mohammed Abu al-Hussein, 27, was killed in Rafah.
276. Imad Hamed Alouwein, 7, was killed in a strike in Gaza City.
277. Qassem Hamed Alouwein, 4, was killed in the same strike.
278. Sara Mohammed Boustan, 13, was killed in a strike in Gaza City.
279. Rizk Ahmed al-Hayek, 2, was killed in Gaza City.
280. Mohammed Saad Mahmoud Abu Saade, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
281. Naim Moussa Abu Jarad, 24, was killed in tank shelling on his home in Beit Hanoun along with seven members of his family.
282. Abed Moussa Abu Jarad, 30, was killed in the same attack.
283. Siham Moussa Abu Jarad, 15, was killed in the same attack.
284. Rijaa Alyan Abu Jarad, 31, was killed in the same attack.
285. Ahlam Naim Abu Jarad, 13, was killed in the same attack.
286. Hania Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 3, was killed in the same attack.
287. Samih Naim Abu Jarad, 1, was killed in the same attack.
288. Moussa Abdel Rahman Abu Jarad, 6, was killed in the same attack.
289. Moustafa Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in an air strike on Rafah along with two relatives.
290. Imad Faysal Abu Sanina, 18, was killed in the same attack.
291. Nizar Fayez Abu Sanina, 38, was killed in the same attack.
292. Ghassan Salem Moussa, 28, was killed in Khan Younis.
293. Mohammed Salem Shaat, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
294. Ahmed Salem Shaat, 22, was killed in the same attack.
295. Amjad Salem Shaat, 15, was killed in the same attack.
296. Mohamed Talal al-Sanaa, 20, was killed in Rafah.
Saturday, July 19:
297. Ayad Ismail al-Rakib, 26, was killed in an attack on Khan Younis.
298. Yehya Bassam al-Sirri, 20, was killed in Khan Younis.
299. Mohammed Bassam al-Sirri, 17, was killed in the same attack.
300. Mahmoud Redda Salhia, 56, was killed in Khan Younis.
301. Moustafa Redda Salhia, 21, was killed in the same attack.
302. Mohammed Moustafa Salhia, 22, was killed in the same attack.
303. Wissam Redda Salhia, 15, was killed in the same attack.
304. Ibrahim Jamal Kamal Nasser, 13, was killed in Khan Younis.
305. Ahmed Mahmoud Hassan Aziz, 34, Khan Younis.
306. Said Ola Issa, 30, was killed in the central disrict.
307. Mohammed Awad Fares Nassar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
308. Mohammed Jihad al-Kara, 29, was killed in Khan Younis.
309. Rashdi Khaled Nassar, 24, was killed in the same Khan Younis.
310. Raed Walid Likan, 27, was killed in Khan Younis.
311. Raafat Ali Bahloul, 36, was killed in Khan Younis.
312. Bilal Ismail Abu Daqqah, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
313. Mohammed Ismail Samour, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
314. Ismail Ramadan al-Lawalhi, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
315. Mohammed Ziad al-Rahhel, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia.
316. Mohammed Ahmed Abu Zaanounah, 36, was killed in Gaza.
317. Mohammed Rafic al-Rahhel, 22, was killed in Beit Lahia.
318. Fadel Mohammed al-Banna, 29. was killed in Jbalia.
319. Mohammed Atallah Awdeh Saadat, 25, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
320. Mohammed Abedel Rahman Abu Hamad, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia.
321. Maali Abedel Rahman Suleiman Abu Zayed, 24, al-Wista.
322. Mahmoud Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 23, was killed in Beit Lahia.
323. Dalia Abdel Hamid al-Zuweidi, 37, was killed in Beit Lahia.
324. Ruaia Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 6, was killed in Beit Lahia.
325. Nagham Mahmoud al-Zuweidi, 2, was killed in Beit Lahia.
326. Amer Hamoudah, 7, was killed in Beit Lahia.
327. Mahmoud Rizk Mohammed Hamoudah, 18, was killed in Beit Lahia.
328. Mohammed Khaled Jamil al-Zuweidi, 20, was killed in Beit Lahia.
329. Mohammed Ahmad al-Saidi, 18, was killed in Khan Younis.
330. Abdel Rahman Mohammed Awdah Barak, 23, al-Wista.
331. Tarek Samir Khalil al-Hitto, 26, was killed in al-Wista.
332. Mahmoud al-Sharif, 24, was killed in al-Wista.
333. Mohammed Fathi al-Ghalban, 23, was killed in Khan Younis.
334. Mahmoud Anwar Abu Shabab, 16, was killed in Rafah.
335. Mo’men Taysir al-Abed Abu Dan, 24, was killed in al-Wista.
336. Abdel Aziz Samir Abu Zeiter, 31, was killed in al-Wista.
337. Mohammed Ziad Zaabout, 24, was killed in Gaza.
338. Hatem Ziadah Zaabout, 22, was killed in Gaza.
339. Ahmad Maher Mohammed Abu Thuria, 25, was killed in al-Wista.
340. Abdullah Ghazi Abdullah al-Masri, 30, was killed in al-Wista.
341. Ayman Hisham al-Naaouq, 25, was killed in al-Wista.
342. Akram Mahmoud al-Matwouk, 37, was killed in Jabalia.
343. Salem Ali Abu Saadah was killed in Khan Younis.
Sunday, July 20:
344. Hosni Mahmoud al-Absi, 56, was killed in Rafah.
345. Mohammed Mahmoud Moamar, 30, was killed in Rafah,
346. Hamza Mahmoud Moamar, 21, was killed in Rafah.
347. Anas Mahmoud Moamar, 17, was killed in rafah.
348. Mohammed Ali Jundieh, 38, was killed in Gaza.
349. Mohammed Khalil al-Hayyah
350. Osama Khalil al-Hayyah
351. Khalil Osama al-Hayyah
352. Hala Saqer Abu Hin
353. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Wista.
354. Ahmad Tawfiq Zannoun, 26, was killed in Rafah.
355. Sohaib Ali Jomaa Abu Qoura, 21, was killed in Rafah.
356. Homeid Sobh Mohammed Abu Foujo, 22, was killed in Rafah.
357. Toufic Marshoud, 52, was killed in Gaza.
358. Ibrahim Khalil Abd Ammar, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
359. Ibrahim Salim Joumea al-Sahbani, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
360. Ibrahim Arrif Ibrahim al-Ghalayini, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
361. Osama Khalil Ismail al-Hayya, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
362. Osama Roubhi Shahta Ayyad, 31, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
363. Isra Yassir Atieh Hamidieh, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
364. Akram Mohammed Ali al-Skafi, 63, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
365. Iman Khalil Abed Ammar, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
366. Iman Mohammed Ibrahim Hamadeh, 40, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
367. Ahmad Ishaq Youssef al-Ramlawi, 33, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
368. Ahmad Sammi Diab Ayyad, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
369. Ahmad Mohammed Ahmad Abu Zanouna, 28, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
370. Imama Isama Khalil al-Hayya, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
371. Talla Akram Ahmad al-Atwi, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
372. Tawfiq Ibrawi Salem Marshoud, 52, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
373. Hatim Ziad Ali al-Zabout, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
374. Khalid Riyad Mohammed Hamad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
375. Khadija Ali Moussa Shahadi, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
376. Khalil Osama Khalil al-Hayya, 7, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
377. Khalil Salim Ibrahim Mousbah, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
378. Dima Adil Abdullah Aslim, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
379. Dina Rushdi Omar Hamadi, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
380. Rahaf Akram Ismail Abu Joumea, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
381. Saji Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
382. Samia Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 3, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
383. Soad Mohammed Abdel Razik al-Hallaq, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
384. Samar Osama Khalil al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
385. Shadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 15, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
386. Shireen Fathi Othman Ayyad, 18, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
387. Adil Abdullah Salim Aslim, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
388. Assem Khalil Abed Ammar, 4, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
389. Ahed Saed Moussa al-Sirsik, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
390. Ayisha Ali Mahmoud Zayid, 54, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
391. Abdel Rahman Akram Mohammed al-Skafi, 22, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
392. Abdel Rahman Abdel Razak Abdel Rahman al-Shaykh Khalil, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
393. Abdullah Mansour Radwan Ammara, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
394. Abed Rabboh Ahmad Mohammed Zayid, 58, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
395. Isam Atieh Said al-Skafi, 26, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
396. Ola Ziad Hassan Aslim, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
397. Alaa Jamal al-Din Mohammed Bourda, 35, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
398. Ali Mohammed Hassan al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
399. Omar Jamil Soubhi Hammouda, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
400. Ghada Soubhi Sa’adi Ayyad, 9, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
401. Ghada Ibrahim Suleiman Udwan, 39, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
402. Fadi Ziad Hassan Aslim, 10, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
403. Fatima Abdel Rahim Abdel Qadir Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
404. Fida’a Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 24, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
405. Fahmi Abdel Aziz Sa’ed Abu Said, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
406. Qinan Hassan Akram al-Hallaq, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
407. Maysa Abdel Rahman Said al-Sirsawi, 37, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
408. Mohammed Ashraf Rafiq Ayyad, 6, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
409. Mohammed Hassan Mohammad al-Skafi, 53, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
410. Mohammed Rami Fathi Ayyad, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
411. Mohammed Ra’ed Ihsan Aqqila, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
412. Mohammed Ziad Ali al-Zabbout, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
413. Mohammed Mohammed Ali Muharrib Jundiyah, 38, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
414. Mohammed Hani Mohammad al-Halaq, 2, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
415. Marrah Shakil Ahmad al-Jammal, 11, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
416. Marwan Mounir Saleh Qunfud, 23, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
417. Marwa Salman Ahmad al-Sirsawi, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
418. Moussaeb al-Khayr Salah al-Din Said al-Skafi, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
419. Mona Suleiman Ahmad al-Sheikh Khalil, 49, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
420. Mona Abdel Rahman Mahmoud Ayyad, 42, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
421. Nirmin Rafiq Diab Ayyad, 20, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
422. Hala Akram Hassan al-Hallaq, 27, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
423. Hala Soubhi Saidi Ayyad, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
424. Hala Saqr Hassan al-Hayya, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
425. Hani Mohammed Ahmad al-Hallaq, 29, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
426. Hiba Hamid Mohammed al-Shaykh Khalil, 13, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
427. Youssef Ahmad Younis Mustafa, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
428. Youssef Salim Hamto Habib, 62, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
429. Unknown
430. Mohammed Ayman al-Shaer, 5, was killed in Khan Younis.
431. Leila Hasan al-Shaer, 33, was killed in Khan Younis.
432. Salah Saleh al-Shaer, in his forties, was killed in Khan Younis.
433. Hibatullah Akram al-Shaer, 7, was killed in Khan Younis.
434. Youssef Sha’aban Ziyadeh, 44, was killed in al-Barij.
435. Jamil Sha’aban Ziyadeh, 53, was killed in the same attack.
436. Sha’aban Jamil Ziyadeh, 12, was killed in the same attack.
437. Omar Sha’aban Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
438. Muftiya Mohammed Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
439. Bayyan Abdel Latif Ziyadeh was killed in the same attack.
440. Ismail al-Qurdi
441. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Muqadama, 30, was killed in the same attack.
442. Najah Sa’ad al-Din Daraji, 65, was killed in Rafah.
443. Abdullah Youssef Daraji, 3, was killed in the same attack.
444. Mohammed Baghdar al-Dughma, 20, was killed in Beni Soheileh.
445. Mohammed Raja’ Mohammed Handam, 15, was killed in Rafah.
446. Aya Bahjat Abu Sultan, 15, was killed in Beit Lahya.
447. Hani Mohammed al-Halaq, 29, was killed in al-Ramal.
448. Suad Mohammed al-Halaq, 62, was killed in the same attack.
449. Qinan Akram al-Halaq, 5, was killed in the same attack.
450. Samar Osama al-Halaq, 29, was killed in the same attack.
451. Saji al-Halaq was killed in the same attack.
452. Ibrahim Khalil Ammar was killed in the same attack.
453. Ahmad Yassin was killed in the same attack.
454. Rayan Taysir Abu Jamea, 8, was killed in Khan Younis.
455. Fatima Mahmoud Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack.
456. Sabah Tawfiq Mahmoud Abu Jamea, 38, was killed in the same attack.
457. Rozan Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 14, was killed in the same attack. Her body was recovered from the rubble on Monday.
458. Jawdat al-Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
459. Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 5, was killed in the same attack.
460. Haifa Tawfiq Ahmad Abu Jamea, 9, was killed in the same attack.
461. Yasmin Ahmad Salama Abu Jamea, 25, was killed in the same attack.
462. Suheila Bassam Ahmad Abu Jamea was killed in the same attack.
463. Shahinaz Walid Ahmad Abu Jamea, 1, was killed in the same attack.
464. Hossam Hossam Abu Qaynas, 5, was killed in the same attack.
465. An unidentified woman was killed in the same attack.
466. An unidentified woman in her 30s was killed in the same attack.
467. An unidentified child was killed in the same attack.
468. Ahmad Suleiman Mahmoud Sahmoud, 34, was killed in the same attack.
469. Minwa Abdel Bassit Ahmad al-Sabea, 37, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
470. Mahmoud Moussa Abu Anzar, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
471. Turkiyah al-Abed al-Biss
472. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital.
473. Unidentified body in Kamal Adwan Hospital.
474. Abdullah Omar al-Maghribi was killed in Rafah.
475. Najah al-Maghribi was killed in the same attack.
476. Bassem al-Brayim was killed in Khan Younis.
477. Ra’ed Mansour Nayfeh was killed in Gaza City.
478. Fuad Jaber was killed in Gaza City.
479. Mohammed Mahmoud Hussein Moammar was killed in Rafah.
480. Hamza Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack.
481. Anas Mahmoud Hussein Moammer was killed in the same attack.
482. Bilal Jaber Mohammed al-Ashhab, 22, was killed in al-Mughraqa.
483. An unidentified body was recovered along with Bilal.
484. Ra’ed Ismail al-Bardawil, 26, was killed in Rafah.
485. Unknown
486. Unknown
487. Unknown
488. Unknown
489. Unknown
490. Unknown
491. Unknown
492. Unknown
Monday, July 21:
493. Sumoud Nasr Siyam, 26, was killed in Rafah.
494. Mohammed Mahrous Salam Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack.
495. Badr Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 25, was killed in the same attack.
496. Ahmad Ayman Mahrous Siyam, 17, was killed in the same attack.
497. Mustafa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 12, was killed in the same attack.
498. Ghaydaa Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack.
499. Shireen Mohammed Salam Siyam, 32, was killed in the same attack.
500. Dalal Nabil Mahrous Siyam, 8, was killed in the same attack.
501. Kamal Mahrous Salama Siyam, 27, was killed in the same attack.
502. Abdullah Trad Abu Hjeir, 16, was killed in Nusseirat.
503. Ahmad Moussa Shaykh al-Eid, 23, was killed in Rafah.
504. Zakariah Massoud al-Ashqar, 24, was killed in Gaza City.
505. Kamal Talal Hassan al-Masri, 22, was killed in Beit Hanoun.
506. Ra’ed Isam Daoud, 30, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
507. Fatima Abu Ammouna, 55, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
508. Ahmad Mohammed Azzam, 19, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
509. Mahmoud Hassan al-Nakhala was killed in Gaza.
510. Kamal Massoud, 21, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
511. Saleh Badawi, 31, was killed in al-Zeitoun.
512. Unidentified body in the Gaza European hospital.
513. Majdi Mahmoud al-Yazaji, 56, was killed in Gaza City.
514. Mohammed Samih al-Ghalban was killed in Gaza City.
515. Karam Ibrahim Atieh Barham, 25, was killed in Khan Younis.
516. Nidal Ali Abu Daqqa, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
517. Nidal Joumea Abu Assi, 43, was killed in Khan Younis.
518. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 24, was killed in Khan Younis.
519. Mayar al-Yazaji, 2, was killed in al-Karama.
520. Yasmin al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
521. Wajdi al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
522. Safinaz al-Yazaji was killed in the same attack.
523. Unidentified child, 5, was killed in the same attack.
524. Mahran Kamel Jondeyah, 32, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
525. Tamer Nayef Jondeyah, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
526. Rahma Ahmad Jondeyah, 50, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
527. Ibrahim Shaaban Bakroun, 37, was killed in al-Shaaf
528. An unidentified person was killed in the Israeli shelling of Al Aqsa Martyrs Hospital. The attack killed three others and wounded 50.
529. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
530. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
531. An unidentified person was killed in the same attack.
532. Youssef Ghazi Hamidieh, 25, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
533. Moataz Jamal Hamidieh, 18, was killed in the same attack.
534. Aed Jamal Hamidieh, 21, was killed in the same attack.
535. Aya Yasser al-Qassas was killed in Gaza City.
536. Aesha Yasser al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
537. Nasma Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
538. Lamyaa Iyad al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
539. Israa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
540. Yasmin al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
541. Arwa al-Qassas was killed in the same attack.
542. Aliaa al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
543. Fayza al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
544. Soumaya al-Syam was killed in Gaza City.
545. Fatima Ahmad al-Arja was killed in Rafah.
546. Atieh Youssef Dardouna, 26, was killed in Jabalia.
547. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
548. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
549. Unidentified was killed in Rafah.
550. Fadi Azmi Brayaem was killed in Deir al-Balah.
551. Othman Salem Brayaem was killed in the same attack.
552. Salem Abdel Majeed Brayaem was killed in the same attack.
553. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City.
554. Unidentified was killed in al-Shamaa mosque in Gaza City.
555. Ibrahim Dib Ahmad al-Kilani, 53, was killed in a strike on Israa tower in Gaza City along with his wife and their five children. Four members of his wife’s family were also killed in the attack.
556. Taghrid Shaaban Mohammed al-Kilani, 45, was killed in the same attack.
557. Yaser Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 8, was killed in the same attack.
558. Elias Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 4, was killed in the same attack.
559. Sawsan Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 11, was killed in the same attack.
560. Rim Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 12, was killed in the same attack.
561. Yaseen Ibrahim Dib al-Kilani, 9, was killed in the same attack.
562. Mahmoud Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 37, was killed in the same attack.
563. Aida Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 47, was killed in the same attack.
564. Soura Shaaban mohammed Derbas, 41, was killed in the same attack.
565. Inas Shaaban Mohammed Derbas, 30, was killed in the same attack.
566. Jihad Mahmoud al-Maghribi, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
567. Fadi Bashir al-Abadleh, 22, was killed in Khan Younis.
568. Unknown
569. Unknown
570. Unknown
Tuesday, July 22:
571. Wael Jamal Harb, 32, was killed in Gaza.
572. Hasan Khodor Bakr, 60, was killed in Gaza.
573. Mahmoud Suleiman Abu Sobha, 55, was killed in Khan Younis.
574. Abdullah Ismail al-Bahisi, 27, was killed in Deir al-Balah.
575. Misaab Saleh Salameh, 19, was killed in Khan Younis.
576. Mohammed Nasr Haroun, 38, was killed in al-Nsayrat.
577. Naji Jamal al-Fajm, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
578. Ibtihal Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
579. Youssef Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
580. Iman Ibrahim al-Rimahi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
581. Salwa Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
582. Samira Abu Monifi was killed in Deir al-Balah.
583. Haytham Samir al-Agha, 26, was killed in Khan Younis.
584. Walid Suleiman Abu Daher, 21, was killed in Khan Younis.
585. Yasmin Ahmad Abu Mor, 25, was killed in Rafah.
586. Sameh Zahir al-Sowafiri, 29, was killed in Rafah.
587. Mohammed Moussa Abu Fayad, 36, was killed in Rafah.
588. Fatima Hasan Azzam, 70, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
589. Maryam Hasan Azzam, 50, was killed in al-Zaytoun.
590. Unknown
591. Unknown
592. Unknown
593. Unknown
594. Unknown
595. Unknown
596. Unknown
597. Unknown
598. Unknown
599. Unknown
600. Unknown
601. Unknown
602. Unknown
603. Unknown
604. Unknown
605. Unknown
606. Soha Naim al-Kharwat, 25, was killed in north Gaza along with her daughter Mona. She was pregnant.
607. Mona Rami al-Kharwat, 4, was killed in the same attack.
608. Ahmad Salah abu Sido, 17, was killed in al-Mahatta.
609. Mahmoud Slim Mostafa Daraj, 22, was killed in Jabalia.
610. Ibrahim Sobhi al-Firi, 25, was killed in Beit Lahia.
611. Ahmad Assaad al-Boudi, 24, was killed in Beit Lahia.
612. Unknown was killed in Beit Lahia.
613. Unknown was killed in al-Braij camp.
614. Unknown was killed in al-Braij camp.
615. Unknown was killed in al-Braij camp.
616. Hasan Shaaban Khamisi, 28, was killed in al-Maghazi camp.
617. Tareq Fayeq Hajjaj, 22, was killed in Gaza.
618. Ahmad Ziad Hajjaj, 21, was killed in the same attack.
619. Mohammed Shahadeh Hajjaj, 31, was killed in the same attack.
620. Fayza Saleh Abdul Rahman Hajjaj, 66, was killed in the same attack.
621. Rawan Ziad Hajjaj, 15, was killed in the same attack.
622. Youssef Mohammed Hajjaj, 28, was killed in the same attack.
623. Hakema Nafea Abu Edwan, 75, was killed in Rafah.
624. Najah Nafea Abu Edwan, 85, was killed in the same attack.
625. Misaab Nafeth al-Ajala, 30, was killed in al-Shujayeh.
626. Khalaf Atieh Abu Sanima, 18, was killed in Rafah.
627. Khalil Atieh Abu Sanima, 20, was killed in the same attack.
Norwegian Doctor exposes banned Israeli Weapons used in Gaza
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Israel and Palestine An Easy Animated Explanation
3000 People Attend Gaza “Die In” in Reykjavík
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