gianluca milesi

gianluca milesi

Milano, IT

gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
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Virtual Musum

Virtual Museum
from the museum to the event

Gianluca Milesi Architecture with Cesare Birignani

“A day will come when the art of artists will entirely dissolve into the need of parties of men: the solitary artist, who exhibit his work, will disappear. artists will be those who are inventive in creating pleasure and parties”. Friedrich Nietzsche.
The traditional “museum” was born upon the need to collect-preserve-exhibit works of art; this implies the need of a physical space-holder; architecture is and has been the tool to fulfill this goal;
if the scope of the museum is also one of diffusion-promotion of artistic messages, architecture becomes a limited-weak tool; the artistic message can be diffused-promoted-amplified-enriched-transmitted through a variety of different medias that create an “event”; these medias, which operate with peculiar modes in relation to their specific poetic-expressive potentialities, create a dynamic event. the project is the direction of the event; the event is generated by a structure-network linking the existing forms of communication; as a symphonic orchestra, this structure must be carefully defined and chosen in competences and actors. a transnational team will guarantee the quality of the event, and not an undifferentiated diffusion of the artistic message; the content-maker writes the score of the event, and defines phases, stages, contents and uses of the medias; the content-maker shapes logic and form of the event, and guarantees its meaning and formal consistency; the content-maker writes the score of the event, and defines phases, stages, contents and uses of the medias; the content-maker shapes logic and form of the event, and guarantees its meaning and formal consistency; hese images are a visualization of the process of the event; the volumes are modified and activated in space and time; these “blobs” mirror the multiple effects of the event; this representation is not intended as a real architectural model but as a suggestion for a conceptual space.

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Status: Built
Firm Role: architect, graphic designer
Additional Credits: Cesare Birignani, Architect

gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum
gianluca milesi architecture virtual museum