Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo

Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo

Charlotte, NC


George Mason University Science & Technology Building

Working with Donley's LLC and Perkins & Will, we were able to install terrazzo at the Science and Technology Building at George Mason University.

Universities have relied on terrazzo in recent years to create an engaging learning environment for its students. At George Mason University's Science and Technology building, Doyle Dickerson installed a terrazzo flooring design that evokes science and math imagery that are heavily associated with the department. Curved lines flow seamlessly throughout the building. Science-related terminology and math symbols were designed in terrazzo on the second floor the the building. Using a  terrazzo mix design that consist primarily of blue and white epoxy resin colors with white porcelain and mirror glass for aggregates, the design creates a warm and inviting space. Also installed with this project were customized tread and riser stair combos.

Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo is "Your Choice in Terrazzo." Contact us at (704) 921-4940 or [email protected]

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Status: Built
Location: Fairfax, VA, US
Firm Role: Terrazzo Installer
Additional Credits: Donley's LLC
Perkins & Will