Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo

Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo

Charlotte, NC


Christopher Newport University - Freeman Center

Terrazzo can exhibit a floor in a way the shows off its creativity and professionalism. At the CNU Freeman Center, Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo does just that. Implementing a variety of epoxy colors with unique aggregates such as fresh water mother of pearl, pearl gray and blue gray among other stones, this floor creates a classic style that will be the highlight of the center over the decades. Focusing on the compass design in the middle of the building, Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo used 1/4″ by 3/8″ zinc divider strips to create the outline of this marvelous piece of art. Terrazzo design is open to any designer’s imagination, making terrazzo a timeless and versatile floor finish. As a terrazzo contractor in the Southern United States, Doyle Dickerson Terrazzo helps architects with their mix designs prior to installation.

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Status: Built
Location: Newport News, VA, US
Firm Role: Terrazzo Contractor
Additional Credits: General Contractor: Stone Corporation
Architect: Glave & Holmes Associates