Chmelar architekti

Chmelar architekti

Prague, CZ


The Family House in Kramolna

A modern family residence by the studio of David Chmelař, which with its refined division of masses gives users enough privacy and at the same time allows a smooth connection with the garden and unobstructed views of the distant surroundings. The design of this house played an important role in his land, from which in good visibility you can see the Krkonoše Mountains with Sněžka and on the opposite side of the water reservoir Rozkoš near Česká Skalice, so the entire second floor is surrounded by a strip window, from which there are beautiful views of the open countryside. The configuration of the house deliberately follows the slope of the land, with which it is more in harmony. The ground floor of the house is designed to create outdoor, semi-outdoor, and indoor spaces hidden from the eyes of passers-by.
text: Matěj Šišolák

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Status: Built
Location: Kramolna, CZ
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: text: Matěj Šišolák
photography: Ester Havlová