Chmelar architekti

Chmelar architekti

Prague, CZ




A stay in this area should be like being on an ocean liner sailing through an industrial landscape with unparalleled views. The land is between the Smíchov train station tracks to the west and the main road to the east. Historically it served as an imperial meadow, later as a parking lot for freight transport. Nearby is the Vltava River with the recreational island Císařská louka, with moorings for houseboats and a harbor for small boats. According to the city planning, the narrow area between Nádražní and Strakonická Streets should be filled by a development based on the development of the old Smíchov. Both blocks will be residential, with commercial space on the ground floor facing Nádražní Street. The compactness of the buildings is supported by monochromatic colors and the use of uniform materials. The materials and volume of the buildings are inspired by the industrial landscape of the surrounding area to create an artistic intention and integrate the buildings into the space. From the upper floors, there will be views of Prague Castle, Vyšehrad, Pankrác, and the Maiden Castles.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Prague, CZ
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: visualization: neoVISUAL, Prague Based