

Wellington, New Zealand | Wellington, ME

From Main Road
From Main Road
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The Hub Commercial Building - 74-76 Main Road - Greytown

The Principal idea was the entire recovery of one of the more emblematic and historical buildings that there is in Greytown.

The intervention consisted of removing the existing panels and be replaced by glass panels in their facades with the aim to give a new function to this construction to comply with the new use the this building. This building will offer commercial premises, a Café and Restaurant. This proposal shows the existing building while maintaining the same without modifying or altering their general structure.

This building is 30s and due to their different uses over time, has led to changes in its original facade.

This proposal also incorporated a new two storey building next to the existing building joined by a long central park that will be carried out recreational activities for the community of Greytown. This park also enhances the commercial premises as well as urban in the heart of Greytown.

The new building should continue with the same scale and architectural style typical of Greytown, condition highly requested by planners of South Wairarapa City Council

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Status: Under Construction
Location: 74-76 Main Road - Greytown - New Zealand
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: CASAS DESIGN+

Interior Central park
Interior Central park
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Back entry
Interior Central Park - Galss Varandah roof
Interior Central Park - Galss Varandah roof
From Cafe-Restaurant- interior Central park
From Cafe-Restaurant- interior Central park