
Sci-ARC, Making+Meaning (Brian Ha)



Aug '05 - Aug '05

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    the projects...

    By B-Ha
    Aug 16, '05 3:24 AM EST

    to answer the first comment, i only went to the ER once, there has been two other accidents as well. and for the other comment, i'll definitely try to be as honest as possible; i think that most everything i will say in this blog is more or less common knowledge so i don't that i'll be offending anyone.

    so the projects. after a couple of brief drawing exercices, we recieved our first problem the second or third day. it was a drawing that consisted of several different marking systems and a cutout system. simple enough... but little did we know that it would be the basis for EVERY single project thereafter, which were:
    3 paper cubes,
    36 homasote cubes,
    1 wooden folly/hut/teahouse (a meditative space),
    1 landscape/site for previous hut,
    1 plaster model of the previous site,
    1 metal tower.
    alot of people got pretty frustrated with the projects. the one common thing i've been hearing is that if people had known that the initial drawing was going to be the basis for everything else, the drawing would have been done differently. to a certain extent i can understand that b/c some drawings were just too simple for any interesting concepts to arise. but overall i liked the idea of surprising the way they did b/c it got me to think about things differently and have to rethink something that i had already done.
    the projects overall were all pretty interesting in my opinion. i don't really want to get into any of the details of each b/c it would take much too long. by the last couple projects things became less abstract, less about concepts and design, and we started to really deal with inhabitable spaces and such. the only thing that really bothered me in these projects was the homasot cubes. the problem was to fabricate 36 identical 3x3 cubes. why the hell did we have to make 36?? i can understand the idea of mass production and the feasibility of producing something in mass quantities, but that could be have been easily conveyed through fabricating 16, 25. what a waste of homasote in my opinion (somewhere where they can save some money next time...). it's great that they're getting us to try out a whole bunch of different materials and allow us to be introduced and start to understand what it means to build with certain materials over others.
    like i said, it's a really intensive design studio, so we've definitely been building a crap load of stuff over the past 4 weeks. i'll try to include some pictures of some of the work i've done so that people can have an idea of what gets done.



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