Aug '05 - Aug '05
sorry i've been away for so long... needed some well earned R&R after the program finished up on friday.
so even though it's been done for over a week, M+M is still staying with me. i also have so much more to say...
so i know that 5 weeks is much too little time to pass any judgements, but i have to admit that after finishing M+M i don't know if i'm anymore closer to applying to sci-ARC. as i've said before the student life and the student community is amazing and to my very limited knowledge, completely unique to anything i've witnessed before. that's definitely a pro.
on the other hand, none of the faculty, whether it be instructors or presenters, really wowed me. sure there were some pretty interesting characters and great architects, but no one that really was awe-inspiring. the instructor i thought was best was also considered by most to be an arrogant jackass, which he was (yes i'm talking about our friendly neighborhood argentinian friend alexis). at first it's rather off-putting and makes you want to disregard him, but once you talk to him you do realize that he has great sensibilities. people thought he was disrespectful of the students because he criticized them and made a bunch of them cry (yes he did, and one person twice...), but i actually thought that his bluntness and raw honesty was one of his more "attractive" qualities. i mean c'mon, do you really expect that after 5 weeks of architecture studio that any of us students are going to be arch gods?? we're all still babies and need to crit and pushes to get us to where we want to go. so the one good instructor we had was also a jackass-so he pretty much negates himself in terms of the awe-inspiring category. and the other instructor who came in close second to alexis was ron, but he doesn't teach at sci-arc.
also, i haven't heard one good thing from anyone at sci-arc about e.o. moss the director, and i have to say that that fact is not pushing me towards the "apply to sci-arc" box.
so all in all, i'm still on the fence. i like the school's approach to arch, their facilities, and most of all the students. on the other hand, i'm still unsure about faculty and admin (and of course resources). it's hard to say what will happen next for me and sci-arc.
it's been 2 days since the program has been over... and i have no idea what to do with all this free time. anyways, after sleeping for two days, i have finally managed to get back to the blog. our final reviews went quite well. i ended up not seeing much of the morning reviews b/c i had to print... View full entry
so to stop with the review of the program and actually have a real blog, i just wanted to talk briefly about the last day (tomorrow). i just finished building my 3ft steel tower, and now can start getting ready for tomorrrow's final reviews. these should prove to be quite interesting since they... View full entry
to answer the first comment, i only went to the ER once, there has been two other accidents as well. and for the other comment, i'll definitely try to be as honest as possible; i think that most everything i will say in this blog is more or less common knowledge so i don't that i'll be offending... View full entry
okay, so i guess it's a little late for a blog, since there's only a week left in the program, so i apologize for getting this started so late in the game. but let's think of this as a personal review of Sci-ARC's Making+Meaning program 2005. brief overview of the program: 5 week intensive studio... View full entry