Bingyu Guan

Bingyu Guan

New York, NY, US



My bank is about memory bank.

If we bring the concept of banking into memory, people put memory into vault and retake it when they need it. In reality, this happens in human’s brain. So your brain is a memory bank and my project is about a self-discovery journey. 

I did study about human memory and found out that at the very beginning of memory formation, there is a level called sensory memory, which happened less than 1 sec, but with thousands of information. I was thinking if you remember everything from the beginning, do you think you are the same person, living the same life?

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Status: School Project
Location: Brooklyn, New York, NY, U.S.A.
My Role: Designer
Additional Credits: Core II Studio / Spring 2014 / GSAPP Columbia University
Critic / Christoph a. Kumpusch

Solo Design
Program // Bank, Auditorium
Location //Brooklyn, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Area // 16,200 SF2

Meteriality Topology
Meteriality Topology
Visulized Moments
Visulized Moments
Program Distribution
Program Distribution
Spacial Logics
Spacial Logics
Waving Structure Model
Waving Structure Model
Program Model
Program Model
Massing Model
Massing Model
Structure Model
Structure Model
Final Model_1
Final Model_1
Final Model_2
Final Model_2