AWA Lighting Designers

AWA Lighting Designers Diversity Badge

Asian/Pacific Islander owned

New York, NY | Mumbai, India | New Delhi, India


Ark of Return

“Acknowledge the Tragedy, Consider the Legacy, Lest We Forget”

These three distinct phrases individually and collectively were established as the theme for the competition and form the inspiration for the design of the Permanent Memorial at the United Nations in Honour of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade.”

“The Ark of Return” memorial is a sacred space that is designed to psychologically and spiritually transport visitors to a place where acknowledgement, education, reflection and healing can take place.

The memorial’s exterior form is constructed in a fashion to reflect the image of a vessel or ship in acknowledgement of the millions of African people transported on slave ships to different parts of the world during the “Middle Passage.” Images of maps depicting the “Triangular Slave Trade” influenced the use of the triangle as a primary element in designing the memorial’s shape.

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Status: Built
Location: New York City, US
Firm Role: Lighting Designer
Additional Credits: Architect: Rodney Leon Architects