Maureen Shea

Maureen Shea

Brooklyn, NY, US

View of lettering installation announcing the exhibition of competition entries
View of lettering installation announcing the exhibition of competition entries
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Peace Pentagon Competition: A Call to Action

Co-coordination of architecture competition. Art direction and concept for competition website. Coordination of public events including a parade /performance with Storefront for Art and Architecture and presentation of results at the Center for Architecture. Exhibition planning/design. 2008–2010. (website

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Co-Coordinator of Architectural Competition
Additional Credits: Nandini Bagchee RA, Co-Coordinator.

Screenshot from Website:Panorama/Actions in NYC. This action during the RNC was the subject of a lawsuit. NYPD arrested more than 200 participants just as the peaceful march began and held them in a detention facility for several days. New people joined the march at Union Square and it continued up to near the convention location as a protest against the Iraq and Afganistan wars.
Screenshot from Website:Panorama/Actions in NYC. This action during the RNC was the subject of a lawsuit. NYPD arrested more than 200 participants just as the peaceful march began and held them in a detention facility for several days. New people joined the march at Union Square and it continued up to near the convention location as a protest against the Iraq and Afganistan wars.
Exhibition of Submissions at NYPL Mulberry St Branch
Exhibition of Submissions at NYPL Mulberry St Branch