Maureen Shea

Maureen Shea

Brooklyn, NY, US

Lettering on Window
Lettering on Window
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Arrow Pharmacy

Pharmacy renovation. Design, construction documents and construction administration for a Manhattan pharmacy which has been in use as a pharmacy continuously since the 1920's. The perimeter of the space retained most of the original cabinetry. The project consisted of relocating the work area and inserting interior fittings to make a comfortable experience for customers. There is a 2 way mirror behind the main shelving unit, which allows the pharmacists to view the main area while they are working. The custom ceiling fixtures were made from off-the-shelf components. Mosaic tiles line the window opening.  The lettering on the window was custom-made.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, NY, US
My Role: Designer

General View
General View
Detail of Tiles Lining the Window
Detail of Tiles Lining the Window
Physical Model
Physical Model
The Interior Shelves Form Screen at Work Area
The Interior Shelves Form Screen at Work Area