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It's also fun to look at how poor planning could make you really regret your test taking decisions in 4.0 if you can't finish before they retire 4.0 in 2018. 

You could pass PPP, BDCS, SS, BS, and SD in 4.0. That will give you no credit for any divisions in 5.0. If you are then forced to transition to 5.0 in 2018, you'd have to take all six divisions and you'd end up passing 11 tests in the end. At that point you might as well just move into the Prometric testing center. 

Aug 26, 16 1:00 pm  · 

So happy that isn't my problem anymore. Aside from wanting to get registered ASAP and get myself out of a years-long career plateau, this was my biggest incentive for finishing the exams. The more I learned about ARE 5.0 the more I knew I didn't want to get caught up in the transition.

Aug 26, 16 1:26 pm  · 

My mindset was very much the same last year David. I had plenty of time to finish 4.0 before 5.0 was even released so it made a lot of sense to stick with 4.0 and not even worry about the transition. 

The difference for me now is that I procrastinated for a year and didn't take any tests. That put me a lot closer to the release of 5.0 so it's actually a feasible plan without having to really wait that much. They are basically saying the content is still the same (just reorganized) so I'm still planning on studying the content that is out there for the current test. At least until more info comes out for 5.0. 

The other thing, and this is the big one, is that early next year I'm going to be getting a pretty significant change in my life, and I'm not going to want to be studying and taking any tests for awhile after that comes along.

Aug 26, 16 1:48 pm  · 

If you have good working experience, running thru the tests shouldn't be too much trouble.  I would encourage you to take one per month.  Once I did SD, BDCS, then SS.  Once I passed SS, I stopped studying the guides.  I knew I had them in the bag- I studied the vignettes only.

You can do it- Your good enough, your smart enough and gosh darn it, people like you.

Aug 26, 16 2:21 pm  · 

I figured new study guides were likely to be not especially useful and expensive, so made sure to finish before the transition.  I've been trying to get the rest of the office hear to do the same

Aug 26, 16 3:09 pm  · 

It is replace water heater!

Aug 26, 16 7:27 pm  · 

Time,  fun weekend ahead.

Aug 26, 16 7:30 pm  · 

I'm sure I could do it either way (finish under 4.0 or take the chance under 5.0) and be just fine. I'm just trying to figure out the path of least resistance. 

Aside from study guides and whether or not they are useful or expensive, there is always the prospect of establishing the cut score for the new tests. It could mean that you have to wait quite a bit in order to find out if you've passed. Probably not a deal breaker for me. I'm not necessarily looking to save time in the overall licensing process, I just want to get the tests done quickly (and maybe not have to take so much time off work to test). Again, trying to find the path of least resistance. 

Aug 26, 16 8:00 pm  · 

you know, looking for least resistance never works out well.  don't try to do it fast, or easy, or whatever.  just do it.

rub mud on the wounds and walk it off and all that.

Aug 26, 16 9:09 pm  · 

i'm with curt if it's advise for Tduds.  wait for the right gig, you have the skills.

Aug 26, 16 9:33 pm  · 
I bought a new car tonight! White 2016 Toyota Prius C. My old 2001 Pontiac Grand Am started to cost too much in repairs compared to what it was worth and started being more and more unreliable.

Now I have to sell my old car.
Aug 26, 16 11:12 pm  · 

Just curious. Mainly reading about "The Education Alternative for Certification" which starts on page 12. 

Aug 26, 16 11:20 pm  · 


tempting.... tempting.... I'll have to ponder about it for a bit.

Aug 27, 16 12:05 am  · 

Rick...that document says:

Step 2: Education Alternative Eligibility
To be eligible for the Education Alternative, you must hold a current registration from a U.S. jurisdiction and have architectural experience as a registered architect for a minimum of three years without disciplinary action.

You are not registered, therefore not eligible for this program.

Aug 27, 16 10:46 am  · 


I understand that part. I think you are misunderstanding me. I am assuming that getting initial license is part of the process.

I'm sure this is going to stabilize for awhile after this implemented and goes through the administrative fine tuning. 

Aug 27, 16 11:53 am  · 

quondom - compiled list via internet links for John Hejduk

John Hejduk Works (cooper link, no poetry books)

Such Places as Memory

Wiki's list, don't see your journal or Such Places of Memory in that list, and see below

  • Lines: No Fire Could Burn (1999)
  • Education Of An Architect A Point Of View (1988, 1999)
  • Pewter Wings Golden Horns Stone Veils: Wedding in a Dark Plum Room (1997)
  • Adjusting Foundations (1995)
  • Architectures In Love (1995)
  • Security (1995)
  • Berlin Night (1993)
  • Soundings (1993)
  • Práce (Practice) (1991)
  • The Riga Project (1989)
  • Vladivostok (1989)
  • Bovisa (1987)
  • Mask of Medusa (1985)
  • Fabrications (1974)
  • Three Projects (1969)


more below not in the wiki list (some journals, excluding the illustrations for others)

John Hejduk, 7 houses: January 22 to February 16, 1980 (Catalogue - Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies ; 12)

Lancaster - Hanover Masque

John Hejduk: The Collapse of Time

Sanctuaries The Last Works of John Hejduk by K Michael Hays and John Hejduk

others, sitting on my shelf, includes text or input (didn't purchase all books with Hejduk intro's or parts, so technically that is incomplete)

Between Spaces: Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architecture

House of the Book: Building Zvi Hecker

not including (don't own it anyway, maybe I should)

Five Architects: Eisenman, Graves, Gwathmey, Hejduk, Meier

Excluded any non-English books

Aug 27, 16 12:50 pm  · 

Rick this is about the fourth time you've posted this NCARB thing.  The rest of us all get NCARB's news too and this was first announced as in development 3 years ago.  Some boards have already decided they won't adopt this as a route to reciprocal registration in their states. Others probably will.  What is the attention that you want about it?  If you're going to pursue it then just go do it.  Or if you're not then don't. 

Aug 27, 16 1:44 pm  · 

I thought the purpose of your question was to understand which books are our there?  (it obviously never was, we all know that, and therefore I will leave you hanging)

Aug 27, 16 2:21 pm  · 

Rick this is about the fourth time you've posted this NCARB thing.  The rest of us all get NCARB's news too and this was first announced as in development 3 years ago.  Some boards have already decided they won't adopt this as a route to reciprocal registration in their states. Others probably will.  What is the attention that you want about it?  If you're going to pursue it then just go do it.  Or if you're not then don't. 


Aug 27, 16 3:38 pm  · 


You are the "Over flowing don't give a shit shelf".

Aug 27, 16 4:02 pm  · 
Quondam, you added a lot of interesting info to the Nouvel police campus thread if I recall.

Balkins adds nothing to anything ever. He is a bot, cia misinformant, aibds shill, troll. And general useless meat bag.
Aug 27, 16 5:34 pm  · 

if we keep it strictly architecute Q is one of the experts. tamuzz was same amd in general Olaf as well. whenever it gets into other things i woulf say all 3 do not do so well.

Aug 27, 16 5:45 pm  · 
I like what Quondam posts, even if I find him, well. Rikki, I never like anything he posts. Mind-numbing.
Aug 27, 16 8:31 pm  · 


Then why do you reply or read them? I find your reasoning to not be true. I think your reasons are more drama than it is anything else. If you don't like what I say, why would you read what I write and even reply to them. If you don't like anything I write, you would not read anything I write or reply to any of them. 

Aug 27, 16 8:41 pm  · 
Because you aren't passively ignorant, you're actively ignorant. Big difference, with serious consequences as shown in the AIBD thread.
Aug 27, 16 9:08 pm  · 

Rikki, I don't read them; they are mind-numbing.

Aug 27, 16 9:43 pm  · 


You just did, again. Thank you for proving my point.

PS: I never thought that I would be that irresistible.

Aug 27, 16 10:26 pm  · 

This is what this feels like ....

Aug 27, 16 10:46 pm  · 

to Bench's point, an overly exagerated analogy so that Ricki understands why people occassionally respond - all of richard balkins post with regard to architecture is propoganda that is analogous to the propoganda produced by holocaust deniers. most of what richard says is just not true and to passively allow absolutely false claims to be propogated on the internet would be lazy on our parts and detrimental to differianiating the truth from absolute bull shit.

Aug 28, 16 10:15 am  · 

Are Rick's comments (which are frequently riddled with offensively ignorant errors) really that similar to a flippant comment Olaf made about the number of books someone does or does not own? Really?

Rick has literally put lives in danger through his work. I'm not too concerned about ODN's personal library causing any fatalities.

Aug 28, 16 11:18 am  · 

hey q come on over, the list i made was pretty clear. did you catch the part about whats on my bookshelf and whats not. i reference your discussion with beta here and your "issues" . its interesting you cannot discern between inconsequential minutia and rickis comments. heading to the gym to go bench 225x15 and then burn out. care to spot me so you are convinced. and i have a story i wrote when i was 8, i used a type writer. also did Bratton get back to you on your diagram issue? and what else has Rem not said or really done (this is my parallel between you and rick, arm chair quarterback with regard to architecture.) as you know we all live lives outside of architecture including you. should i film my gym workout sessiom for you?

Aug 28, 16 11:30 am  · 

yes, rick should be banned from posting

Aug 28, 16 11:37 am  · 

If he's threatening life safety then report him to applicable authorities. Don't interact with him about it at all - just do it.  If he's trying to pester this forum just pledge not to interact. Render him invisible.

Aug 28, 16 1:58 pm  · 

I had a gaggle of architects and design-related folk over last night for a dinner party. Our dining table, which Brian made out of wood repurposed from the dumb "Japan-inspired" trim boards the previous house owner installed in the family room, is pretty scratched-up. So I ran a role of 18" wide trace down the center of it and tossed some Sharpies on the table. It was a big hit, of course!

Aug 28, 16 2:00 pm  · 

That sounds like a good dinner party project Donna.  But do the sharpies bleed through the trace? 

Aug 28, 16 2:13 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Donna, was it canary-yellow trace or the boring white type?

Aug 28, 16 4:26 pm  · 

Non, are you some kind of tracist? ;)

Aug 28, 16 4:40 pm  · 
Non Sequitur


I despise white trace.  It's yellow or nothing.

Aug 28, 16 4:42 pm  · 

White trace, but it's upcycled from the house of a hoarder and was destined for the trash. So it's eco-trace. Sharpie never bleeds through trace, does it?

Aug 28, 16 5:50 pm  · 

thank god for ken and donna sanity.

Aug 28, 16 7:18 pm  · 

hey q i was holding out but was thinking it would be funny if rikky reported you as a double agent.

Aug 28, 16 7:23 pm  · 


i've only ever had the tears of the non-believers bleed through trace.

Aug 28, 16 7:57 pm  · 

Olaf or Chris Teeter (or WTF), 

Do you think I give a shit or two about meaningless butt heads like yourself?

As the next recession that comes about, I may very well put architectural career pursuit & building design business on to the back burners. 

Aug 28, 16 10:30 pm  · 

I don't know if sharpie can ever bleed through trace.  It's good to know it didn't.  In my office the children of an employee used sharpies to draw on plotter paper, which of course bled through, so our conference table has Frozen princesses on it.

Aug 28, 16 10:47 pm  · 







Aug 28, 16 10:52 pm  · 

"Tracist" is my new favorite word. Thanks b3ta.

I've never seen anything bleed through trace. I've even formed little cups out of trace to hold water for painting before. It get's a little soggy after a while, but I don't think it ever leaked.

Aug 29, 16 12:28 pm  · 

Interesting approach to a job posting; Appeal to the soul and only require that candidates are passionate and willing to put up with intense, aggressive training. My favorite is the 6 second sound clip of FLW. 

Aug 29, 16 3:05 pm  · 
"Passionate and willing to put up with intense aggressive training." Translation. "Naive, willing to accept minimum wage and put up with insufferable asshole of a boss."
Aug 29, 16 3:30 pm  · 

Translation. "Naive, willing to accept minimum wage and put up with insufferable asshole of a boss [who thinks they are the next FLW]."


Aug 29, 16 4:25 pm  · 
EI, another good use for trace in model-building: glue it to a balsa wood frame, spray it to almost dripping with water, let it dry. It tightens up like a drum skin.
Aug 29, 16 5:31 pm  · 

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