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Maybe announce in class "Six of you cheated on the last tutorial. If you walk into the room tomorrow and your name is written on the board, it means I did not get a revised submission from you by midnight tonight and I'll be taking your cheating to the administration".

That way you'll actually likely get a dozen revised submissions!

Feb 12, 15 12:27 pm  · 

Crime and Punishment!

Feb 12, 15 12:28 pm  · 

Pop Quiz In Class recreating the tutorial (also, if the tutorial is set up in a way to allow it, use different images for each student).  But I see how there are two things at play here:  One - integrity to do your own work, and Two - acquisition of the actual knowledge.  It's a tough one.  Reminds me of the scene in "Chef" from last year where the kid wanted to serve the sandwich that was slightly burnt.  That was  a classic teachable moment.

Feb 12, 15 12:49 pm  · 

Non Seq - Boston area - roof design snow loads are 30-35 psf depending on how far you are from the coast.  We just got between 6 and 7 feet of snow in less than 3 weeks. The region can typically deal with one18-24 inch major storm per season but three in a row (with one over 30 inches) is kind of tough.

Feb 12, 15 1:16 pm  · 

Public stoning. Not the fun kind.

Feb 12, 15 1:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
So far I've decided to AT LEAST have them redo the tutorials with individual images. Such as: to replace the image of a kite in te sky, I found an image of a kite on fire in the sky titled "cheaters crash and burn."

Or to replace the tutorial where they use masking to put a duck in a field of penguins, I found images of crowds and Justin bieber, and I named those files "cheaters just aren't cool."
Feb 12, 15 1:23 pm  · 

Isn't that a bit passive aggressive?

Feb 12, 15 1:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Maybe. A bit. It's also a bit funny.
Feb 12, 15 4:32 pm  · 

Driving into town tomorrow morning and am going to stop at the first decorators showroom I find, go in, ask for the owner, introduce myself, shake hands, then punch that decorator square in the face – for all of us.

Doing a small office build-out for an old friend. Tenant thinks he needs to approve everything I’ve chosen. Did a spec with small pictures, not enough. Blew the pictures up on glossy 8x10 paper, not enough. Wants me to take him “shopping”. Its decorators that have caused this, taking clients around town in their Cadillac’s, shopping bags on arm, going from showroom to showroom looking for that perfect faucet. Don’t think that FLW met any clients at any brick showrooms draping fabrics over samples….don’t think “which do you prefer” was part of his vocabulary and it isn’t in mine.

The best of architecture and the best of interior design happens when clients step back and let the magic happen. Add this to your list of things you need to educate the public about.

(ref - "This is why we can't have nice things")

Feb 12, 15 6:24 pm  · 

True story:

A coworker was detailed to go shopping with one of my father's luxury house clients. While comparing king size bedspreads in mink and chinchilla the wife says something to the effect of "it's too rough".

The good news? The husband went bankrupt in one of the crashes and the heiress wife divorced him. Later her father died after squandering the better part of an unDogly fortune and she spent years in court accusing her relatives of stealing her trust fund.

Feb 12, 15 6:31 pm  · 
Sarah I think your file naming scheme is s great one.
Feb 12, 15 8:17 pm  · 

@Archinect: curious about this #3rdLA thing that popped up on my twitter feed - what is this in reference too:


Paraphrasing , "too often in trying to fix on LA, people lurch between the two extremes of boosterism and apocalypse" 

Feb 13, 15 8:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It's a new day, and I'm kind of over the whole cheating thing.  It was funny yesterday, to upload and rename all the tutorial images, but now it's just work.  8 images needed for each tutorial, and there are like 20 of those tutorials.  Soooo Many Images........

I'm only halfway through.

Feb 13, 15 11:06 am  · 

Damn New England.  Y'all just can't catch a break. Put some chili on, bundle up, and don't forget to shut down the pot greenhouse in the attic, or the lack of snow accumulation will give you up.

Feb 13, 15 11:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

But leave the kidney beans out of it.  That's just weird.  Beans are fine, but it should be pintos, not kidneys.

And it was 32 here this morning.  I wasn't prepared, and walked out of the house in a light jacket.  

Feb 13, 15 12:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Negative 40 here. So cold, I don't need to specify the scale.
Feb 13, 15 1:02 pm  · 

does anyone know when the AIA's 2015 compensation report comes out?

Feb 13, 15 1:20 pm  · 

Woot... just landed an interview with one of my dream architecture firms I've always respected here!  Also for a position that sounds a lot higher than the one I applied for hoping to just use it to work my way up.  I hope I don't blow it....

Feb 13, 15 1:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Feb 13, 15 1:51 pm  · 

Knowing your History mightyaa....HOOT  HOOT HOOT ...

Feb 13, 15 2:15 pm  · 

Good luck, mighty!

Feb 13, 15 2:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mightyaa was an owl?

Feb 13, 15 2:42 pm  · 

good luck mighty!

Feb 13, 15 2:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Miles, I have to tell you, I feel it's my duty, that sideways scrolling websites SUCK on a trackpad.  So much.  It's just sooo fasssttttt.  I almost punched my computer screen.

Oh, and you're welcome....

Feb 13, 15 3:08 pm  · 

guys, I just had to come say, that I'm binge-listening to the Sessions podcasts while I'm working on some rather tedious stuff, and I love it. I love you guys, I love that this is helping me feel more connected to all of you and to the issues of the profession at large in a way I haven't been for years. I knew Donna was going to be great, but I'm not sure I knew what to expect from Ken—your curmudgeonly voice and apathy towards the weekly introduction are a pleasure. 

And good luck, mighty!

Feb 13, 15 4:42 pm  · 

congrats mighty!   good luck!


yes troy - I have moved my operation down to the basement.  actually - i have some fig and olive trees which are currently in the basement.


sarah - last chili I made had fava beans in it because that's all I had in the pantry.  it was actually pretty good.  I usually make vegetarian black-bean chili with a Caribbean twist.  btw - Boston area has a big Caribbean population (mostly Haitian and Dominican), so a lot of those ingredients, and lately some dishes, creep into my cooking.  many of the local neighborhood-focused restaurants have this influence on their menus - our go-to Chinese place down the street is essentially Sichuan meets Haiti - pretty interesting.

Feb 13, 15 5:07 pm  · 
Thank you SO much Erin! It makes me so happy to hear people are enjoying the podcast. And if it's making you feel connected then we're achieving the bigger goal of Archinect, yay!
Feb 13, 15 5:32 pm  · 
And here I thought cheerful misanthrope was a good fit, curmudgeonly voice = brilliant.
Feb 13, 15 7:59 pm  · 
Storm overnight wasn't too bad-only ~6" or so. Main issue is that we're running out of places to put the snow. Had to clear the concentric vent on the roof (attic furnace) by leaning out the skylight w a broom. Stupid drifting snow.
Feb 15, 15 8:08 pm  · 

listening to NPR on my way into work this AM, made me thankful I am not living in NE...! Stay warm all you NE Nectors...

Feb 16, 15 8:40 am  · 

6 here, -10 or so with wind chill. Sounded like hurricane blow last night.

Feb 16, 15 8:46 am  · 

Wicked wind here all day yesterday and cold temps...wind chill was to hit -20 at 3:00 am.  I never crawled out from under the covers at that time of the night cause I was  snug as a bug, under the covers.   Least the Sun is shining today even if it is cold.  We will pick up some passive solar gain on our stone house.  We had a fire in the fireplace on Saturday night but  decided it might not be such a good idea last night with the wind howling, last thing I would want is something to go wrong and have to call the  fire department.

Feb 16, 15 9:02 am  · 

I'm at Tuskegee University right now, about to see some student work then present my talk on non-traditional practice. Nervous, as always before giving a lecture.

Feb 16, 15 9:05 am  · 

we got one of those big blizzards here in the middle.  about an inch.  they need to make it much harder to get a drivers license.  perhaps they can follow IDP as an example.

you'll do great donna!

Feb 16, 15 9:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Donna, I gave a lecture today, too.  The class was slotted for 50 minutes, and I only took up 10.  Wasn't really sure what to do after that, and everybody went back to their rooms to do work.  I'm a little nervous now that I will get into trouble.  Maybe I should talk slower next session.

Feb 16, 15 10:21 am  · 

we got another 18 inches where I am.  Yesterday it was so windy it was impossible to shovel - there were a couple times where it was blowing so hard I couldn't see anything and got disorientated - I got about half done, gave up, and went inside.  It's windy today, but not as bad - but cold, so the stuff from the plows was about a 3 foot-high wall of ice at the end of my driveway - broke a shovel trying to break through.  the blowing snow basically filled in all the paths I had dug - so even though it was 18 inches, we were shoveling maybe 3 or 4 feet of snow out from between the piles.  another 6-12 inches in a couple days.  can't wait.

Feb 16, 15 11:56 am  · 

This is totally random, but lately I've been wondering why Judith Chafee's work has never been published as a monograph. I've been researching it as best as I can, not being in Arizona. I've had to track down a number of different publications to try to understand it.

Feb 16, 15 3:05 pm  · 

Got past the phone interview... going in for coffee tomorrow to meet and greet.  And um... the assistant setting this up is asking for a portfolio.  So how do I portfolio management skillsets and technical expertise?   It's not like I've got something laying around that exemplifies how I solve HR type problems or keep projects on time and progressing.  Also don't really have much about redlining a 'bad detail' into one that works...  No idea what to bring for 'examples'.

Anyone have any ideas short of last minute writing a architectural management book and publishing it online?  I really want this job and want to do more than go in full of bluster and words without the documents they could see to back it up. 

Feb 16, 15 3:05 pm  · 

You can fill half a page with a picture of a building, then have a bit of text below that explaining how that project was successful due to your management skillset.  probably include specific examples, like how a particular project might have been uniquely difficult because of a conflict between the mechanical and structural consultants, but you were able to bridge their differences in such a way as to keep the owner and architect happy.

human resources is probably for human resources to deal with that.  do you expect to use those skillsets in your new position?

Feb 16, 15 3:22 pm  · 

A list of completed projects on your firm's letterhead. Organize them in a way that makes sense, add brief descriptions if you want to bulk it up a bit. 


You're interviewing them. You are the principal in your own firm, not some intern begging for a chance. You should be meeting the principal(s), not some HR flunky.

Feb 16, 15 6:23 pm  · 

What Miles said: YOU ARE INTERVIEWING THEM. Do not EVER enter an interview of any kind in any other fashion. Just think about it as a first date with a potential boyfriend/girlfriend. You could do one of two things:

1) act like you aren't worthy and let them interview you. They will be bored and won't like you.

2) Act like you matter and are trying to find out if they are suitable to meet your criteria. Base your decision upon their responses. They are much more likely to be interested. 

Honestly, why wouldn't you do #2? I mean, the potential consequences of selecting a bad job (or bad boyfriend/girlfriend) are huge. You need to be very aware of what you are getting into. Interview them, not the other way around. Your ability to do this will make you seem much better than any other candidate. 

This is based on my tested field experience. YMMV.

Feb 16, 15 7:35 pm  · 

@gruen what is YMMV... Maybe my new life motto>?

Feb 16, 15 8:49 pm  · 

Your Mileage May Vary

Feb 16, 15 9:07 pm  · 

Agree with above, mightyaa. A few images of cool buildings, then describe to them in person (and/or in a few lines of text) what your role on those projects was. And yes, you are interviewing them. You should know some smart questions to ask them about their firm too - questions that relate to your level of expertise.

jw468, Judith Chafee was AWESOME and so hard to pin down. Possibly her best work was demolished, tragically. She had a huge influence on me.

Feb 16, 15 9:47 pm  · 

Donna, you're talking about her Blackwell House, aren't you? I have been able to find almost nothing about it. There is a tiny floor plan in Judith Chafee, the 16-page monograph published by Civitas Sonoran. I guess it was never published until it was torn down. I had never heard of her until I saw her mentioned on Archinect.

Rieveschl House:

Feb 16, 15 10:31 pm  · 

Yes, Blackwell. I went into it when it was abandoned and windowless but still standing. So sad.

Feb 16, 15 11:31 pm  · 

I think the interview went well.  Spent the whole hour chit-chatting about my history.  I really enjoyed talking to them and felt we're on the same page about a lot of industry and the roles of a senior PM.  I guessed right that they were most interested in my 'jack of all trades' background so I can easily fit into whatever role needs attention whether that be QAQC or contract review or consultant coordination or project oversight or team building or ___.  They told me they'd haul me back for a second interview to meet a few more people.  Basically told me I answered everything right on the money.

Sort of beat around the money thing.  I'm not monetarily motivated, but also don't want to sell myself short or price myself right out of consideration.  So reinforced the kinds of projects they have, and so far the atmosphere of the office and how they approach things has value all on it's own.  Left it up to them to throw a number towards me.

Actually excited about the possibility there.... sort of Donna's Blackwell house; felt abandoned, stripped, etc. and now someone is looking at me again with real interest and appreciation. 

Feb 17, 15 1:12 pm  · 

Great! Good luck ---

Feb 17, 15 1:56 pm  · 

i find it mildly amusing that someone with three times my experience feels the same way going into and returning from an interview, i guess some things never change

Feb 17, 15 9:31 pm  · 
Good luck, mighty! Sounds like it went very well and could be an excellent fit.

Just back from Tuskegee. Exhausted and energized.
Feb 18, 15 6:38 am  · 

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