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haven't had a car since moving to tokyo.  easy to do it here.  not sure if i would try it in anything but large city with decent public transit. 

Jul 7, 12 11:07 pm  · 

Nam, do you already own a bike or are you thinking of getting one? How long would your average commute be? Any weather to worry about in Gainesville; rain etc.?

I attempted to commute by bike back in school but could never really make it stick. I blame the fact that I still had a car (and therefore an excuse when weather was less than ideal), and various jobs that required late night hours (riding home in the dark wasn't the issue, it was getting enough sleep between work and studio).

Jul 7, 12 11:26 pm  · 

Sarah, what year, how many miles?  Wow, $6k.  The last time I was looking at them they were running $2-3k.  Bummer - doubt I could afford that much.

Jul 8, 12 3:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, it's an 89. It has 162000 miles, and I'm told it's on eBay right now. Seems the guy who bought it is being made to sell it simply because it doesn't have airbags. Guess he's married to a ninny. If you check eBay, it's the silver-blue car, item number 200787473985.

Jul 8, 12 9:06 am  · 

morning all! What a beautiful Sunday...

Brian yes I already have a bike and have used it as my chief form of transportation for first school and now work for years. I just always had a car to for extra large shopping trips, bad weather or visits to friends/family who live further in country. Now that i don't have a car the thought is do i just step up my biking for the small percentage of time i didn't already use it? Or as phil suggested zip car?

The final wrinkle is that my work recently relocated me off campus so that what was once a at most 15 min ride to work is now at least 40 mins. So i would really have to commit and double down on the lifestyle.

That being said I can't agree with Manta more, i love riding and so i think i will at least attempt to get by without a car for next couple of weeks/months and just see how it goes..

Unfortunately i don't have a good transit system to fall back on but do have option of carpooling.

Jul 8, 12 11:44 am  · 

Oh goodness.  I am so exhausted.  This Governor's School gig gets more tiring every year I age - 13 hour days for three weeks with only one day off, really (I did spend that evening off at a drag show, so I got a serious change of pace!).

A few new jobs starting up I need to catch up on, plus the demands of moving back into my real house and schedule after three weeks of living in a dorm room and having meals scheduled in the cafeteria.  Will miss my students - they were such a serious, dedicated bunch this year.

Jul 9, 12 12:52 pm  · 

that sounds pretty cool donna. 

Jul 9, 12 11:10 pm  · 

it really does sound good Donna. I've been teaching a summer studio 3x a week and I was about to loose it but your comment does put things in perspective.

I am under the gun though lots of things to this month before I can really enjoy the summer, no.1 on the list is finish this app for the fellowship (who looses sleep over an application? It's killing me slowly I swear)

Jul 10, 12 1:35 am  · 

@nam - ah - so you're an old hand at getting around by bike... my commute in is a little over 30 minutes and about 40 minutes on the way back (since it's uphill).  It actually doesn't feel that long.

Jul 10, 12 10:31 am  · 

@toast yes, i am it is really just that longer commute and loss of car that has me rethinking. Do you shower at work and keep a change of clothes there?

down here in FL it would be to hot/sweaty to do anything else..

Jul 10, 12 12:02 pm  · 

nam, when I had a 45 minute commute I didn't shower at work but did change my clothes when the weather was warmer and tidy myself up (hair, deodorant, etc). 

Jul 10, 12 12:50 pm  · 

@nam - I just bring a change of undershirt - no showers at work.  I have a towel if I need to do more serious washing up, but the summer weather here is usually very pleasant.  I tend not to bike in wet weather, though (especially if it's dark when I'm heading home)...  but I'm sure if I were totally committed I'd just bring a change of clothes and keep an extra shirt at work for those days.

although - the main reason I bike is because it's faster and more pleasant than driving or taking public transit.  If I drove I'd just be sitting in traffic for an hour.

Jul 10, 12 2:22 pm  · 

Degree project of one of my students from last semester at Woodbury University. 

Jul 10, 12 2:48 pm  · 

If you don't have a shower at work, baby wipes are your friend. You can thank me later.

Jul 10, 12 3:06 pm  · 

thanks Brian!

Jul 11, 12 12:05 pm  · 

Baby Wipes My Ass.....I'm a Real Man.....Sulty Salty Musty Smell that keeps all the women away....and the Guys just don't mind.  I have been spending a great deal of time on site this summer with extremely high humidity levels.  The result alot of sweaty people.  Nice thing about it the drive to the site listening to NPR with the windows rolled down cause the AC shit the pot before summer. Driving thru part of a great part of America makes me greatful for where  I am in Life.

Looking at a new computer....any suggestions?

Jul 11, 12 6:41 pm  · 

hey big green head - people casually throwing out the term "retard" as a put-down is NOT OK.   it's up there with the n word and the c word.

Jul 11, 12 7:54 pm  · 

I have only recently had the pleasure of stumbling upon Bob Borson's "Life of an Architect" blog, so if you remain unaware of his awesome commentary on design, construction, etcetera, check out this post: Master Bath Shower, You Displease Me.  Donna, you in particular will enjoy him, I think!

(btw, I somehow came across him while doing a search for good source for L-shaped tab pulls for cabinets.  I didn't find the answer to my question but I'm glad I found his blog!)

Jul 11, 12 8:38 pm  · 

I did read that Master Bath Shower post awhile back and loved it.  Whenever I read his blog I really enjoy it a lot! but always forget to check it again the next day.

I've been bourbon-free since Sunday.  Or should that be bourbon-less?

Jul 11, 12 9:10 pm  · 

I went in for the obligatory "new employee orientation / fill out some paperwork while we show you your desk" meeting today at my new job. Really excited to start next week. Bad news, I won't be commuting by bike; it would just be too much of a hassle. Good news, my apartment's parking space is probably only 60-80 feet closer to my apartment than it is to the office, so I won't be driving either.

Jul 11, 12 11:17 pm  · 

Just sold a photo of a Coy Howard house I took to J. Paul Getty Trust to be used in a book on L.A. architecture. It wasn't much but I got 75 bucks and will receive the copy of the book next spring.

Jul 11, 12 11:47 pm  · 

Sorry to interupt, but some maybe wonder what Per Corell is now doing after all those years.  

I had these 3 3Dh figures on the fence for to short a time, before some young Graffiti amatures painted it over with boring trivial OldSchool Graffiti, of that sort we have full up and plenty of.

Still I learned to save the good motivs in paintings, under my psynonym "SilverScreen";

So there a great structural idea ended as StreetArt.  Even I am still waiting for NASA's promise, that "such idears ask 20 years, to be accepted". 

Soon I am doing a huge Decor in a public space, and for that we build a laser cutter, so there are still time for me to finaly transform an idea, into a real scale model ;

Please remember I also have a FaceBook page ;

It tell a bit about how it all ended.

Jul 12, 12 8:39 am  · 

Donna I don't know if you read this article... but it made me smile and think this is something you would do  

Jul 12, 12 9:35 am  · 

I think my favorite LoaA post recently is Moving a large tree ... feels good.  He's in my RSS along with Coffee with an Architect (Shit Architects Say really cracks me up).

Jul 12, 12 10:28 am  · 

She's awesome, David, thank you! Just posted it to Facebook.  I took Angus with me to several meetings before leaving for Kentucky, and I'm never afraid to say I can't have a meeting until after I get him on the bus in the mornings.

Jul 12, 12 10:34 am  · 

Thanks David, I enjoyed that article.  She's refreshing!

Jul 12, 12 11:20 am  · 

i have taken my kids to meetings many times.  most of our clients know both of them by name.  it has never been an issue. I bet that it is easier for a guy to do that though than for a woman.

taught final lecture yesterday now just have to wait for papers to grade and from next month get to focus on research again.  love teaching but it sure makes schedules tough to manage.

Jul 12, 12 7:28 pm  · 

I thought about starting a new thread titled;

Too embarrassed to admit  until now

Even though I live in Los Angeles and write about architecture, I still have not seen the auditorium of Disney Concert Hall. 

I have no motivation to see the High Line Park in New York after seeing millions of pictures of it.

I have never been to Eiffel Tower even though I stayed in Paris for a week.

Never seen London.

Jul 13, 12 2:15 am  · 

ha! i bet we all have those lists, orhan. the things we're just a little self-conscious about having missed. then there are the other lists of those things we haven't seen but we also haven't realized are probably/possibly/maybe important and might be good to see: blind spots, sorta. 

Jul 13, 12 7:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I see London, I see France....

Jul 13, 12 8:55 am  · 

I took the students into Eisneman's DAAP again this summer.  The sixth time I've been in that building but somehow I had never made it into the auditorium: WOW! The auditorium/large lecture hall space is amazing.  Just chaotic enough, you really see the intended effect of the overlapping grids, the colors are soothing rather than timid, the acoustics seemed good, it's nicely scaled…just really great.  Funny how that has never come up in all the issues with the building from a maintenance standpoint.  Maybe Eisenman should just be an interior designer instead?

Jul 13, 12 10:40 am  · 
vado retro

i wish there was some architecture around here that i could bother not going to see.

Jul 13, 12 1:45 pm  · 

Woa! A vado sighting. It's gonna be a good day!

Jul 13, 12 2:00 pm  · 

loL....THIS IS A CORTEN KIND OF WEEKEND.... After a couple of months of tossing this around with a number of different people I have concluded.  Go with your gut feeling. I have one Hell of a Welder Lined UP!  Were going to start making this thing Happen!  I'm fricking excited....real baby were diving in to the pool head first, where the bottom is no one knows. 

We were hanging the trimless doors today and yikes I got goose bumps.

Led lights are going in ....and is the high r closed cell soy based insulation...

My task this weekend is the to refine the shit out of it.

Alaskan Yellow cedar should be showing up soon

Stainless steel cable rails came in this week and are being installed....

Damn it was a good Week.



Jul 13, 12 9:49 pm  · 

I thought a vado sighting was a harbinger of doom - like seeing the chupacabra or jersey devil...


speaking of London... I wish we had more erudite mayors in the states like Boris Johnson (and props to him being a hard-core bike commuter).   don't completely agree with him politically, but he's got this bookish disheveled intensity about him that is just really appealing.


oh - and buildings too embarrassed to admit I haven't visited - gropius house.

Jul 13, 12 9:50 pm  · 

snook that sounds like a lovely and exciting project...

Also anyone else feel this way sometimes?

oh and toast my feeling re: Boris is also that i may not agree completely politically but he is at least a pro-technocrat, reality-based kind of British conservative...

Jul 14, 12 11:22 am  · 

I'd like to share my observation that a vado sighting has little to no influence on outcome to any particular day. Sadly. My sample size is small, of course. I just wanted to believe!

My other observation is on lighting and architecture. It was the new immigrants that would completely black out their windows so no light whatsoever would enter their livingrooms  and bedrooms. Now I'm seeing this trend mostly with new money computer types. $5k loft rental in the trendiest place in the city? Make sure no light enters ever!  My sample size is quite large on this one, sadly.

I've said this too many times over the years, but once more (like a toothache): airconditioning and combustion engine killed architecture.

Jul 14, 12 12:43 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

sigh.... longing for the old days. Remember when we used to hang out in archinect 2.0 and could see who had the most posts. I kind of miss that. When I was recovering from my seizure and dislocated shoulders about 6 years ago my post count kerfunkerdoubled... fun times - archinect was my best friend during recovery. 

Happy Sunday y'all

Jul 15, 12 3:01 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm still alive and I still have the most posts!

Jul 15, 12 3:55 pm  · 

sigh.... longing for the old days. Remember when we used to hang out in archinect 2.0 and could see who had the most posts. I kind of miss that. When I was recovering from my seizure and dislocated shoulders about 6 years ago my post count kerfunkerdoubled... fun times - archinect was my best friend during recovery. 

Mouse over your username.

Jul 16, 12 12:42 am  · 

question: How does one wash the windows on all these curvy/angular glass buildings that were built over the past decade?

Jul 16, 12 4:15 pm  · 

a lot of them, especially the towers, have specially designed window washing machines (robots!) that clean the windows... i can't remember who it was, but i saw a lecture sometime in the past few years that actually showed the drawings of the crazy window-washing machine in their lecture...

Jul 16, 12 5:04 pm  · 

Ya there illegal aliens....strung from bunge chords...strange looking machines until you take a closer look. Then you realize Coporate Merica....knows how to keep things in check with the Chinese.

Jul 16, 12 7:17 pm  · 

I may be in New York in September for a few days - anyone want to help me put together a building?

Jul 16, 12 7:33 pm  · 

Here is a little building I did the concept design for with ARKit, landed on a nice little bushy site in Victoria...

Jul 16, 12 7:45 pm  · 

dia, that looks cool. Don't you say the same thing every year about being in NYC in September?

If you do make it over, I'll gladly help out. 

Jul 16, 12 7:54 pm  · 

Yeah, I did last year. This year though its 95% on! 

Jul 16, 12 7:56 pm  · 

a lot of them, especially the towers, have specially designed window washing machines (robots!) that clean the windows


hmm... solution to a problem which was created by advancement in technology is more technology.  so - who gets the robots if they break down somewhere halfway down the structure?  mongooses?  monkey butlers?  and what if they achieve singularity?


I like the bank of england's contingency plan in the event of total financial meltdown:  six bicycles.

Jul 16, 12 8:38 pm  · 

anyone here have any special strategies for paying down the student loans? In the past year I've managed to get out of credit card debt (just cut up two cards today!) and finally have a savings account, and now it feels like it's time to attack the student loans and get them the fuck out of my life. So since I know how common a problem these are for architects, I thought y'all might have some wisdom to share?

Jul 17, 12 4:23 pm  · 

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