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We are all doomed...

Article from The Atlantic>  The New Intolerance of Student Activism

I see traces of similar attitudes here when students come on here soliciting "help", and crying abuse when they're (rightly) not given what they want.  I saw it happening in my own studio in school when behavior normal behavior by some students was deemed as creating a harmful environment by others, followed by a demand for apologies, all the while those same students were ACTUALLY causing harm to other student's work.  The frequency of which these mountains of outrage are built is astonishing.  The U.S.A. will be taken down by this type of stuff before any form of violent attack from a foreign power ever would...

Nov 10, 15 2:38 pm  · 

^ Bullshit.

I was wondering when someone would link to that article.

Nov 11, 15 12:45 am  · 

Please inform us as to how the zeitgeist permeating student life today is a positive thing. Every argument in support is based solely on emotions, purely subjective standards.  There's an abundance of articles out there that investigate this movement in a logical manner using actual psychological methods, none of which I've seen that conclude that what we're seeing on college campuses today is a good thing.  There are real issues that need to be dealt with, but actually getting to those seems a hopeless task in today's atmosphere.

Nov 11, 15 10:04 am  · 
vado retro

don't think i'll mention David Ruy's appointment to Sci-Arc to my girlfriend. They attended St. John's together and he visited us in the mid 90's. Rather than say, a  good for himmoment. I think it will be more a , when the hell are you going to get your shit together moment. i have enough of those already.

Nov 11, 15 1:32 pm  · 

Please inform us as to how the zeitgeist permeating student life today is a positive thing. 

Please inform us how it's a new thing.

"An additional problem that affects the current generation of college students even more is that it is so easy for these contretemps to balloon so quickly into national debates. That’s extremely unfortunate. One of the purposes of college is to articulate stupid arguments in stupid ways and then learn, through interactions with fellow students and professors, exactly how stupid they are. Anyone who thinks that the current generation of college students is uniquely stupid is either an amnesiac or willfully ignorant. As a professor with 20 years of experience, I can assure you that college students have been saying stupid things since the invention of college students."

Nov 11, 15 2:08 pm  · 

I'm afraid this phenomena manifests itself far beyond campus, the current Starbucks holiday cup outrage is a perfect example of that.  It's the social norms being learned on campus brought over into these people's working lives which will create real problems.

Nov 11, 15 2:53 pm  · 

lots of outrage on facebook over minor things, meanwhile important stuff is forgotten.  today most of my facebook is devoted to veterans, which is nice, but I'm guessing tomorrow it will be back to raising the minimum wage and whatever Bernie and trump are up to. 

Would be nice to see more talk about how good things are in the world compared to even 20 years ago

Nov 11, 15 3:06 pm  · 

You know what, it's not the students fault these issues are continually rehashed, it's not their fault for "white girls only" parties, fraternities singing racist songs, failing to admit more than just white guys in their fraternities, it's not their fault sexual assault not being paid more attention to, not their fault that faculty diversity is in the shitter, not their fault for police killing young black men, not their fault for president's of universities telling black students that they're the problem, or that confederate flag racists taunting, or threatening students are not important enough to take seriously, or that student debt would be lower if they just got better jobs.

Not students fault.

Nov 11, 15 6:21 pm  · 

All of what you say is true, beta. But I also think it's true that college students are in many ways deeply stupid. I certainly was.  Teenagers are also stupid. And simultaneously teenagers are the most interesting, complex, and wonderful humans in the US.

Mr Wiggin the Starbucks cup deelio is a perfect example. 

Nov 11, 15 6:31 pm  · 

TC, I need advice!


I have been interviewing for jobs... got an offer I'm pretty excited about from a smaller firm (I had been looking to downsize after a stint at a corporate firm). Good projects (and lots of them) notable principals, great reputation in the city I work in...

They work in AutoCAD.  Just now making the transition to Revit And worst of all, are using Revit for conceptual/ massing studies.  I prefer a Rhino (with Grasshoper) to Revit workflow. Say what you will about "script kiddies" using Grasshopper (and similar) in careless ways, but it lets me do "BIM light" style concept studies to generate area, FAR, floor #s, heights, shadow studies, etc in 1/4 the time Revit takes to do the same. It is more iterative, easier and faster, and still allows you to jump into Revit for DD and CD production.

I bristle at the thought of having to do everything in Revit. (and yes, I know Dynamo)

Opinions? Advice? 

Am entering at the same level as person who is dictating the all-Revit workflow.

Nov 11, 15 8:01 pm  · 

@arch I know you in real life but since you share more with the interwebs than me via face, i'll respond here.

I don't think software platform should ever be a single determining factor for going to a new firm. You can change the culture, just make sure they're willing to purchase a rhino and vray license. singular software firms are insane. it's like if we insisted everyone used pens and no pencils in 1970s. 

ALSO, I feel like we both have a strong understanding of grasshopper, but i've delved more into dynamo recently and I think you're missing the beauty of it. I totally get where you're coming from, but It's evolved heavily in the last several months. It's extremely easy to access custom nodes and packages via their repository (because Rutten doesn't want to have to deal with the logistics behind one for gh, or because i'm pretty sure he's Banksy), and ... the most important item... content created in dynamo after it is baked is not dumb - it retains parametric values. I would give revit a second go as there's nothing more powerful than knowing both platforms equally well. I loathe revit evangelists just as much as you do, but don't swing to the opposite spectrum. 

Nov 11, 15 10:28 pm  · 

offtopic but I thought Ivorykeyboard was referring to knowing me for real for a second and almost shat my pants.

Nov 13, 15 5:05 am  · 

My husband just updated his website with lots of very cool new projects. The Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY piece they just completed isn't shown yet; Marc has to put the official marketing package together first.

My favorite picture is this one:

That's their custom hotrodded fork lift loading the ten foot tall banana they made. They eventually put it on a hydraulic lift in the truck bed so when the rental company whose logo it is parks their maintenance truck in front of a property to do work they can lift the banana fully upright as a sign. This was their workaround for the city not allowing them to install the banana due to sign regulations LOL.

Nov 13, 15 9:40 am  · 

DONNA, that banana. That banana. 

The outrage over outrage - I see a lot of it manufactured at the click bait level - wonder if any real person was outraged over a red cup. Or say, one person was, and then the click bait wonders told us that everyone was. It sure got a lot of clicks. Starbucks probably made some money here, maybe they did it. 

Nov 13, 15 3:12 pm  · 

When they first installed the banana someone started a Reddit thread about it.

I wish I worked for my husband. Alas, health insurance makes that impossible for now.

Nov 13, 15 3:54 pm  · 

We are headed to Lexington Kentucky today to pick up our new baby: a rescue bull terrier coming from South Carolina. It's a very cool system of transport volunteers who each take a leg and drive her an hour or so over the course of the day - one of those things that social media made possible. I'm so excited about my new girl! Will post pictures after we get her.

Nov 14, 15 10:32 am  · 

Aparently "grunge" is making a comeback -both fashion and music. The music appears to be twinged with 70s glam rock, psychadelica, and 80s hair metal - at least what I've been hearing at the hipster coffee shops lately.

Nov 14, 15 12:46 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

People HAVE been wearing flannel for a while.

Nov 14, 15 6:15 pm  · 

Its amazing how fast you can work when you have a "Oh fuck, I did it wrong/ I miss something important" moment.

Nov 16, 15 5:28 am  · 

Good_Knight just pushed me over the edge. Goddammit.

Nov 16, 15 8:01 pm  · 

So here is my new baby to take the bad taste out of my mouth.

Nov 16, 15 8:03 pm  · 

Looks grumpy. Not you, you sound grumpy. Good luck with the pup. 

Nov 16, 15 8:55 pm  · 

She's giving my husband the stinkeye because she doesn't want to have to get off the couch. He didn't make her; bull terriers rule the couch, always.

Nov 16, 15 9:04 pm  · 

Those paws are different than what I'm used to, it looks odd compared to my husky's paws. Looks like a calm dog though!

Nov 17, 15 3:09 am  · 
vado retro

So beautiful. How old is Hedy?

Nov 17, 15 9:58 am  · 

The Paris thread, like the Donald Trump thread before it, is useful for figuring out whose opinions never to take seriously about anything. If some of those people said water was wet, I'd check it out first before believing them.

Nov 17, 15 10:18 am  · 

Totally, David. Ugh.

We think Hedy is a year old. Since she's a rescue, we don't know for sure. Her front paws are a little mangey-looking because she does have a little mange, but also bull terrier paws are much more articulated than huskies are (we had a husky when I was in high school. I remember smooth, furry paws.).

Nov 17, 15 11:44 am  · 

To keep things cheerful and cute, here is my favorite husky video.

Nov 17, 15 11:47 am  · 

Lol...This guy....I'll make sure to blacklist your company, plus your work isn't even good, you didn't do any post processing and it looks like you don't even care about what you put out.

Nov 18, 15 5:20 am  · 

Just hit the little flag button up in the corner of the post, archiwutm8. it should go away shortly.

I had a moment of joyful reality in the Starbucks this morning. You can read about it on the Paris Attacks thread, but you'll have to slog through a whole bunch of bullshit to find it, I'm afraid.

Nov 18, 15 9:13 am  · 
Non Sequitur

...just got off the phone with a contractor who used the word masonAry to describe concrete block.

Reminded me of a discussion about awkward pronunciations from a few weeks ago.

Nov 18, 15 9:50 am  · 

^^ on the paris thread, no wonder that guy hasn't found a partner to work with.

Nov 18, 15 9:56 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I thought curtkram was his new partner?

Nov 18, 15 10:13 am  · 

he never followed up.  i don't think he was sincere.

Nov 18, 15 10:35 am  · 

selfish egomaniacs are never sincere

Nov 18, 15 10:49 am  · 

When you start out looking for a partner by telling everyone you are incapable of taking instructions from another architect ... I suspect you might not have much luck finding one, or you'll need to be looking for new ones fairly often.

Who needs a partner anyway ...

Nov 18, 15 12:00 pm  · 

MasonAry grates at my ears like few other words do.


Hey you guys I was guest on a new podcast and I'm really excited about it! It was put together by Obi Okolo at AIAS National and it's called The Architype Project. Obi is collecting stories from people who are architects or architect-trained but doing other kinds of work, aka following non-traditional career paths. Founder of Archinect Paul Petrunia was also interviewed, and lots of other cool people! First episode here.

Nov 18, 15 12:33 pm  · 

I live in the stupidest damn state in the nation, sometimes. I truly fear just how batshit crazy the Republicans have to continue to get before we end up in a civil war. <sigh>

Nov 18, 15 11:03 pm  · 

Agree, president Comacho isn't far away at this rate

Nov 18, 15 11:06 pm  · 

Oh, shuellmi, I'm laughing and crying. We're very close, indeed.

Nov 18, 15 11:09 pm  · 

You don't actually believe any of those "republican" "candidates" are going to win do you?  I'm not a fan of any of the presidential candidates to be honest, why are we confronted with the choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich election after election?  I guess my standards are too high...

Nov 18, 15 11:48 pm  · 


I agree. I would have thought it was more sincere and followed up with at least some dialogue. 

Nov 19, 15 12:26 am  · 

Hi TC. I just checked and I haven't commented since page 1111. Feel like more of a lurker lately...

Hope everyone is well!

Also, this banana is a bit smaller, but it bounces on the spring and you can ride it. Although I didn't. And Donna a Reddit thread, seriously?

Nov 19, 15 12:46 am  · 


I would love to share with all my little Sophie's birthday, she turned 1 today :p look how cute she is! :)

Nov 19, 15 6:01 am  · 

happy birthday Sophie!

Nov 19, 15 7:00 am  · 

David Cole, i would never take an a anonymous poster (even if we know who it really is) serisously ever. Miles is the only guy who uses his real name I ocassionally question since he can be enjoyably sarcastic and cynical.......the paris thread is interesting with regard to this forums discussions only a year ago on Palenstine and related.......also I am strongly against committing to an ideology ever - so never take an Olaf statement as "that is who he is and thats how me must vote and be", Olaf likes to incite shit and hope people think a little more than they usually do about the same stuff........Olaf is the devil or is it godlike to rethink your values in the face of conflicting logics and history? carry on TC carry on.

Nov 19, 15 7:15 am  · 


Are you sure he is the only guy who uses his real name?

There is a number of us who uses our real name. 

Nov 19, 15 7:23 am  · 

 that's Olaf >> .. Lol


Reference: Disney 

Nov 19, 15 7:26 am  · 

I use my first name! 

Nov 19, 15 7:28 am  · 

richard read the full sentence, bot Richard - please read the full sentence. i take everything Richard says as genuine but false quite often.......Zaina Disney stole my idea http// .......2012 was a good year in visions and predictions for me and I noted an astrological cycle that aligned to interesting years of paychological states in my minde (The Venus Transit - i think)......another reason to use an anonymous name you can make absolutely true statements that no one will take seriously.

Nov 19, 15 7:48 am  · 

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