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Where in the world are you getting 6 figures without a license? Are you paid in RMB or something?

Oct 28, 15 1:07 pm  · 

Olaf, I do other freelance work but could give you 10 hours a week or so and more during occasional deadlines. Do you need more than that?

edit, oops, I just outed myself by forgetting to post under tintt, oh well, hello everyone!
Oct 28, 15 1:54 pm  · 

EMPLOYED - not with the fantastic firm that I interviewed with yesterday, but happy to get back to work - 3 week vacation is over!

Oct 28, 15 2:46 pm  · 

Excellent, shuellmi! Good luck and I hope it turns into a great position for you!

Oct 28, 15 3:50 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Emailed you olaf.

Oct 28, 15 4:08 pm  · 

got it tintt. thanks...tduds NYC be good at what you do, nothing I learned in school.

Oct 28, 15 5:02 pm  · 

got it ttint many thanks.....tduds NYC. hourly. be good at what you do. nothing i learned in school

Oct 28, 15 5:03 pm  · 

Olaf or anyone needs freelance / independent contractor work (B2B services as it may), I'm willing to assist at fair negotiated rates comparable to the market.

Just send an email to me so I can reply to such email.

Oct 28, 15 5:33 pm  · 

Just send an email to me so I can reply to such email.

I don't even...

Oct 28, 15 6:06 pm  · 

@Olaf - Ah, NYC. So relative to cost of living I make about what you do ;)

Oct 28, 15 6:08 pm  · 

but shuellmi what if the other firm calls? work in NYC but don't live there.

Oct 28, 15 7:33 pm  · 

Your poor commute.

Oct 28, 15 7:34 pm  · 

not really. billable time,not driving. working.

Oct 28, 15 7:37 pm  · 

That's a nice deal you've got yourself, Olaf

Oct 28, 15 7:49 pm  · 

tduds and kids how many jobs you know you can work while in transit? trying to inspire and advise the kids. tired of the negativity....

Oct 28, 15 8:04 pm  · 

I hope they do,  They know I had the offer from another firm and said that they weren't prepared to make me an offer in my time frame, basically they want to interview other people before making a decision, can't say I blame them for that.  If they call I'll certainly listen.  

Oct 28, 15 8:58 pm  · 

shuellmi, if you really their work and they don't hire ask if you can do free lance (moonight).

180 work emails today, not sure how many calls, multiple work txts...managing a few drafters and behind on everything, supposed to work at times - anyone have advise, especially 180 emails, that just seems stupid to me?  i really hate the 10 person emails that look more like an IM chat.

Oct 28, 15 11:26 pm  · 

Things must be pretty good, turned down 2 interviews today. Will wait on the moonlighting until the 4 yr old and the yet to be born are older

Oct 29, 15 1:35 pm  · 

no the yet to be born will make sure you moonlight. you can moonlight from home man, the internet.

Oct 29, 15 7:19 pm  · 

I went to a  book signing and talk this evening.  The author was  Emery Roth II, the book was "Brass Valley The Fall of and American Industry."  It was fascinating, Great Photographs of a piece of America which  has slipped away into ruins.  He has documented  many of the remaining elements of what is known as the Naugatuck Valley. Which was the center of Americas Brass Industry from the 1840's thru the  1980's.  The decline actually starting to occur after World War Two.  Many of his photos are of the remaining ruins scattered from Northwest Connecticut to the Long Island Sound. The photos are  of excellent quality and the verse with them so telling.  I think his ancestors would have been proud of him for such an excellent documentation of Americana.

Oct 29, 15 9:47 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Driving to site this morning and the big red concrete pump booms looked like giant crabs crawling next to the highway. Sure made my day.
Oct 30, 15 9:28 am  · 

That's a nice post, snook.

A fellow PTA mom told me this morning that she was part of a conversation with other PTA moms in which I was called out as "the most adult of all the moms". These ladies must not know about all the dick jokes I make here.

Oct 30, 15 9:50 am  · 

Also, archiwutm8 I never responded to your question about all the columns but I wanted to say I really like your screen name.

Oct 30, 15 10:55 am  · 

More than a month since I passed my last ARE division, and NCARB still hasn't sent my record to New York. Waiting on a callback to find out why, and trying to stave off a massive anxiety attack in the meantime.

Oct 30, 15 11:13 am  · 

Update: They should be sending it by the end of the day today. Fingers crossed.

I'm a bit paranoid about this whole process; last summer I briefly worked for an abusive sociopath in New York who turned out to be a complete fraud and a charlatan. My entire project team (for a luxury high-rise apartment tower in Manhattan) left the firm over the course of the summer, including myself and his executive assistant. He retaliated by screwing each of us out of our last paycheck and rejecting all our IDP hours -- even the ones he had previously approved -- and it later came to my attention that he told NCARB that I had falsified my timesheets. I seriously considered filing ethics complaints against him with the AIA and NYSED, but he's well-published and knows tons of people in New York, and I decided that I wanted to remain employable. I still have nightmares about him somehow throwing a wrench into my registration process and the whole thing headed toward some kind of drawn-out litigation process.

Oct 30, 15 11:26 am  · 

Hope you give a name someday. Ive been waiting almost 5 weeks for mine, not fun.

Oct 30, 15 12:38 pm  · 

I'd be opening a huge can of worms by naming him on a public forum, but I'll probably send him a bag of dicks once I'm finally registered.

Oct 30, 15 1:12 pm  · 

David Cole,

I'm suspecting because he made a claim that you issued falsified 'timesheets' that he caused you to have more scrutiny. Some people like that needs: A) to have his license revoked and banned from practicing architecture in ALL 50 states. B) Court ordered permanent injunction barring prohibiting such conduct and if he violates, he goes to prison as a contempt of court charge and is fined the maximum of law. 

But we both know that isn't going to happen. I would only hope you best. Once you are licensed, yes, you must send him a bag of dicks.

That is exactly the b.s. none of us should ever have to suffer when it comes to licensing. Our experience requirements should never have to be at the mercy of an ass.

Oct 30, 15 1:41 pm  · 

You can PM me and I'll agree not to disclose it. I'll leave it to you to disclose. It is one of those things we understand.

Oct 30, 15 1:43 pm  · 

There was a thread recently discussing taking a job and moving to the Midwest if offered. Part of the discussion revolved around defining the Midwest. Apparently this isn't something unique to Archinect (I didn't think it would be); 12 ways to map the Midwest.

In other news, I found out this week that I passed another ARE division. On to the next one. Still trying to see if I can manage to fit only one or possibly two more into my schedule before the new year.

Happy Halloween, and a happy Friday too.

Oct 30, 15 1:52 pm  · 

congrats EI!  pretty soon you'll be required to change your name to everyday architect!

Oct 30, 15 2:14 pm  · 



Oct 30, 15 2:30 pm  · 

David - It will all work out.  It was 4 months for me from my last pass until NY issued my license number.  NCARB takes their dear old time (OMG, you don't have my high school information! [I'm being serious]) and once the State had all my paperwork I had to wait for the next board meeting.  Sure enough, it worked itself out.  I'm sure it will for you too.


And congrats, Everyday.

Oct 30, 15 4:11 pm  · 

Thanks all. 

curtkram, I think I've already registered the username. I don't 100% remember anymore. 

Oct 30, 15 5:41 pm  · 

name the Kid TC

Oct 30, 15 5:48 pm  · 

Yep, already registered. Don't know if I'll use it after licensure, or if I'll just start posting as my real name. The main reason I stay anonymous is because of the blog I write to occasionally, and wanting to say things there without it reflecting on me personally. Nothing I would be embarrassed to be associated with, but things that I might not want associated with me when applying for jobs. Also, I don't necessarily want my views to somehow be construed as being representative of my firm's views. 

I probably worry too much, but oh well. I'd rather be safe than sorry. And once it's out there on the internet, it doesn't go away.

Oct 30, 15 5:50 pm  · 
snooker-doodle-dandy sure it is that you don't want all of your wife's to find out?

Oct 30, 15 7:15 pm  · 

"the most adult of all the moms".​


I think this industry makes us more world-weary.  We have a lot of people trying to screw us over - usually it is "just business," but sometimes we get the sociopaths who are set out to destroy people's careers.  There comes a point when we really don't have the patience for other people's stupid childish shit.


We also need to laugh, though... who doesn't love a good dick joke?

Oct 31, 15 10:35 am  · 
Olaf-my advice on email management.

- delete everything you possibly can immediately without reading (such as spam or "all office" emails)

- answer all "easy" emails immediately

- schedule a daily time to respond to the rest

- flag the really difficult ones for later follow up
Oct 31, 15 3:52 pm  · 

thanks gruen. have all junk blocked and do try quickly but dont allocate time,might have to do that. like a 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm regardless of what i am doing.........wish i could delete the difficult ones, ha

Oct 31, 15 5:02 pm  · 

you can...

Oct 31, 15 5:26 pm  · 

can i forward them to you curt? trick or treat

Oct 31, 15 7:22 pm  · 

yes you can, and i might read them.

just, you know, keep in mind that there are consequences to the decisions you make :)

Oct 31, 15 7:31 pm  · 

Thanks, JeromeS.

I finally got official word from NCARB on Friday afternoon that my record has been transmitted to New York, so that's one less thing for me to worry about. Now it's just a matter of refreshing the NYSED page every five minutes for the next 2-5 weeks to see if I have a number.

Yesterday was a big milestone here in Cincinnati. For the past ten years or so many of my friends here have been leading an effort to build a modern streetcar system to connect downtown with the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood to the immediate north. For years Cincinnati has been the largest US city without any form of rail transit, and our main newspaper, many local politicians, and most AM talk radio hosts still talk about the concept of rail transit the same way Fox News talks about Obamacare. The Cincinnati Streetcar project has survived more assassination attempts than a Latin American head of state, and on Friday the first of five vehicles were delivered. For the first time in 64 years, a streetcar rolled on Cincinnati's streets.

Still lots of testing and commissioning before passenger service officially begins next year, but it's nice to see something that so many people have worked so hard to build finally come to fruition. It's one of those moments that reminds me why I decided to become an architect.

Oct 31, 15 8:22 pm  · 

Just delete the email. If it's important they'll send it again.

Fantastic news on the streetcar project, hope it continues to grow and set an example for other metro areas. This is exactly the kind of backward thinking* we so desperately need.

*not new and shiny

Oct 31, 15 8:22 pm  · 

David Cole,

Awesome ! Now the wait for your specific state board. One part of the hurdle is done... now the last leg.

Oct 31, 15 8:51 pm  · 

David,  You don't have any outstanding Parking Tickets in New York do you?  They might give the NCARB just enough leverage to  hold you hostage for at least another year.

Nov 1, 15 8:03 am  · 

I've only gotten one parking ticket in New York, back in 2007 for allegedly parking too close to a curb cut. I contested it with about 20 pages of photographs and diagrams from the NYC accessibility code indicating that I had left plenty of clearance around the curb cut. I never heard anything back about it one way or the other, and it didn't stop me from getting a New York drivers license last year.

Nov 1, 15 4:23 pm  · 

David,  I was just kidding.  I did the same thing your doing.  Actually started the exams in Arizona, moved to Connecticut.  So instead of bucking the system finished taking the exams in Arizona and  filed for license in Connecticut.  It took about six extra months but they were good about it.   So I'm registered in Arizona and Connecticut.  Keep the Arizona registration for the day when I'm done with Crazy New England Winters.  Best of luck to you on your adventure. 

Nov 1, 15 7:38 pm  · 

Reason why I am ready to break out the bourbon flask at 11am:

Me to coworker: Did you vote yet?

Coworker (mid-20s and college-educated): I've never voted in an election ever!  Oh yay, are we finally getting rid of our awful President today?!

Me: Excuse me, I need a drink.

Nov 3, 15 11:10 am  · 

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