
Thump the Trump


Respect the office, even if you don't agree with him.

Nov 9, 16 5:56 am  · 

You know what I mean.

Nov 9, 16 5:58 am  · 
Non Sequitur
Hilarious outcome. Who knew the uneducated could put aside their guns and pitch forks long enough to vote in this mess.

Hey rickardibosky!
Nov 9, 16 6:17 am  · 

Trump wins and RickB is back? Babs you used the wrong propaganda here. Had you said, if Trump wins Richard Balkins would return to the site even David Dooky would have voted Hillarious I mean far as I am concerned this election proves one thing - how fucking brainwashed the educated are in this country, most of them - especially college educated journalists (dumbasses).......i like to add at my liqour store i had a black man let me and the owner know he voted for Trump and was proud and he vote was to fuck China and the foreigners taking out work, but thats not worth covering, lets cover pussy grabbing - maybe something journalists need to be doing or something.....hahaha...anyway I voted 3rd party. back to work. nothing will change.

Nov 9, 16 7:04 am  · 

hey Non, get ready for an influx of US immigrants...apparently the Canadian Immigration site crashed. you can not make this shit up.

Nov 9, 16 7:28 am  · 

If the Democrats had run an honest convention, we would have a President-elect Sanders this morning. You frothing-at-the-mouth, win-at-any-cost liberals brought this on yourselves.

Nov 9, 16 7:44 am  · 

volunteer i wonder if liberals of this frothing mouth sort would accept themselves as radical extremists? seems reasonable to me.

Nov 9, 16 7:49 am  · 

Trump told us for days the election would be rigged.  Has he backed off that yet?

Nov 9, 16 8:06 am  · 
Well, I'm disappointed and worried about the future, but it is what it is. The next four years will be interesting. Good luck to President Trump. I hope I don't get tired of all the winning we're going to be doing in the next four years.
Nov 9, 16 9:06 am  · 

Trump was wrong. I'm not tired of winning yet. Keep crying.

Nov 9, 16 11:25 am  · 


I'm feeling a lot of anger toward the Democratic party and the liberal personalities in the media and press that refused to see that Hillary is an unpopular candidate. 

Anyone who said that she wasn't likable or trustworthy was accused of sexism. 

She was the wrong candidate for this moment. She was, as I have said over and over again the most establishment candidate we could have selected at a time when the electorate is overwhelmingly anti-establishment. She was force fed to us by DNC operatives, activists, and media personalities. She was sold as pragmatic. And then she fucking lost. 

Nov 9, 16 11:41 am  · 

"Trump was wrong" -gwharton

That's one. What do I get when I fill up my punch card?

Nov 9, 16 11:45 am  · 

The Clinton campaign created an easy win for trump by antagonizing white voters and minority opposition in a personal way.  This was not a "white lash" as some pundits said, it was a lash against 3 things.

1. Thought police that constantly tried to falsely label any opposition as racist, sexist, etc. It was a lash against the demonization of white people for political gains and the overall clumping of minority groups into monolithic political props.  Were there some racists and sexists that were emboldened by trumps message? Of course, but most were just sick of being told that a vote against Hillary was a racist or sexist act.  

2. Globalization and the outsourcing of jobs.  

3. Clintons personal character and the overall corruption of the corporate and collision of big business, media, and foreign nations of questionable moral character.  Wikileaks stung harder than most news outlets predicted.

Nov 9, 16 11:46 am  · 

I keep looking at the fucking map today and thinking back to the primary as Hillary kept winning southern states and using that to justify her candidacy. While Bernie was appealing to working class whites throughout the rust belt and midwest and winning in Michigan. NYC and DC based Liberal commenters and bloggers were trying to equate "white working class" with racist. 

Nov 9, 16 11:48 am  · 

Most white people who voted trump did so out of a "stfu already" attitude towards liberal media.  CNN ruined it for Hillary.  When confirmation of collusion hit Wikileaks news that was the final nail.

Nov 9, 16 11:49 am  · 

Trump supporters are entitled to crow and gloat over their stunning victory.

However, going forward it's important to recognize that, as the vote count stands right now, Donald Trump received 388,000+ FEWER votes than did Hillary and the various minor party candidates. It would be a mistake to suggest that Trump has received a mandate, or that his brand of change is the sort of change embraced by a majority of Americans.

It will be interesting to see how long he can sustain his promise of last night to serve all Americans.

Nov 9, 16 11:49 am  · 

Most whites people are not racist, and its quite annoying when media try's to demonized a person for their political opinions....especially when they are in opposition of a pretty obviously corrupt and elite politician. 

Nov 9, 16 11:51 am  · 

It is about noon on the east coast and the Dow is up 200 points.

Nov 9, 16 11:57 am  · 
Sorrowful Giuseppe

While I feel good that the so called "progressives" are bleeding from their a-holes... it is a sad day.

It is a sad because of a man who never has had to be a president.

I did not vote. It was my protest against the criminal and lunatic. 



for extremely retarded people.

Illegal immigration is a criminal act. 

In the US no one is above the law. Thus, the illegals are not above the law.

That's why their countries are so back (including the country I was born) because no one obeys the rule of law.

Nov 9, 16 11:57 am  · 

We also don't talk about racism accurately. We could talk about bias and prejudice as something that we all deal with every minute of our lives when we interact with others. We could talk about how people have moments where their racial prejudice affects their actions or distorts their perception of reality. And those very same people can be tolerant most of the time, and succeed at weighing their assumptions with a healthy amount self-doubt. Instead, what we do is label people based on their weakest moments. If they were racist once, they're forever a racist. Unless, they repent and say that they're voting for Hillary. Thats another  bizarre aspect of this. Her surrogates were smearing white working class voters at the same time that they were working to appeal to middle and upper class Republican moderates. 

Nov 9, 16 12:03 pm  · 

its racist to accuse most white people of being racist - in case you still do not understand. its bigotry to diacriminate against others values and morals, regardless of how white and male they may be. etc....get it? with ya jla-x. clueless media.

Nov 9, 16 1:16 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I joked with the guys on site today that we should get into the large wall building business... then threw a cheap shot at a well known (canadian) company who, in the not so distant past, fell into hot water for it's black site and Libyan prison projects.

Points for the architect today. 

Nov 9, 16 1:27 pm  · 

Let's put things into perspective about the whole racial issue: The same people who voted for trump today are the very same ones who voted for obama 2 terms back. So it's stupid to suggest they turned redneck/xenophobic within a span of 8 years.

I was one of those who supported Bernie at first too, but my vote for trump is payback for the democrat party who fielded him to test waters for clinton.
Nov 9, 16 1:28 pm  · 

Chelsea Clinton 2020!

Nov 9, 16 1:52 pm  · 

"No, he wants to put women in jail who have an abortion."

Except for rape/incest cases and case that threatens the life of the mother."

How is it even okay to think that if a woman wants an abortion she should be put in jail for it?  You're fucking crazy.  I guess this is how America is going to become great again?   

ps.  Balkins, wtf are you doing here.  get a job.

Nov 9, 16 1:55 pm  · 

Davvid, very well said!   

Nov 9, 16 2:17 pm  · 

Unamuno, go fuck yourself.

"While I feel good that the so called "progressives" are bleeding from their a-holes... it is a sad day.

It is a sad because of a man who never has had to be a president.

I did not vote. It was my protest against the criminal and lunatic. "

Its because of people like you that we have lost today. So go fuck yourself, and wait for Donald Dump to make this country like the dump you came from.

Nov 9, 16 2:46 pm  · 

"Most white people who voted trump did so out of a "stfu already" attitude towards liberal media.  CNN ruined it for Hillary.  When confirmation of collusion hit Wikileaks news that was the final nail."

Most white people suck ass. Go eat a dick.

Nov 9, 16 2:47 pm  · 

I hope this loss burns liberals enough to recognize the next time their being sold an unpopular candidate by being told its the "pragmatic" choice. 

Nov 9, 16 3:05 pm  · 

Also, why did we decide to hitch social justice issues to the wagon of economic neoliberalism?? 

I feel like we were standing on some boxes to reach a high shelf. Now that we've fallen on our ass, it makes perfect sense why. 

Nov 9, 16 3:12 pm  · 
Sorrowful Giuseppe


after you sir/mam. 

Nov 9, 16 4:52 pm  · 

This was interesting to look through: exit polls (via NY Times). Based on these polls, I didn't vote the same way the majority of my demographic peers did in a lot of demographic categories.

Nov 9, 16 5:37 pm  · 

Sameoldoctor,  I didn't vote for trump or Clinton...Indeeply dislike trump, but nothing can be done at this point but hope he smartens up....When you call a whole race made up of ethnically/culturally/economically diverse people racist or sexist because they feel that Hillary Clinton is a liar and con you will create an emotional reaction like the one we saw last night from something that could have been kept a mental one.  Had they not done so, the reaction would be more about the issues where her logic and reason may have had more effect...but her campaign ran with the narrative of good vs evil...progress vs regress...racism vs one bought it.  At the same time the dems tried to incite rage from the minority groups that they were counting on to counter that backlash by jumping in the black lives matter bandwagon in an obviously fake way.  They didn't buy it either as the minority turnout was lower than expected.  It back fired. White people are mostly not racist. Sure there is a loud minority of alt right assholes, but the average white person circa 2016 is not "a racist".   At the same time, many are tired of being bullied into white shame and pc vocabulary by the media and neutered millennial culture of fadora wearing shit for brains.  Many people simply grew up in a culture that is different...more rude and rugged...The cosmopolitan culture that try's to act as a moral authority will never be accepted by the working class Americans.  While they may be accepting of different races and religions, they will never accept the false (or exaggerated) narrative that the dems are good and that they are all guilty oppressors because they think Beyoncé sucks or because they like talking titties with their bar buddies. The dems alienated the largest voting base in america while failing to appeal to their own.  Sanders could have beat trump.  He spoke to the working class like people not naughty school children with potty mouths. Clinton hijacked the election and possibly damaged the credibility of the dems for decades to come.  

Nov 9, 16 5:42 pm  · 

"Also, why did we decide to hitch social justice issues to the wagon of economic neoliberalism??" 

Because social justice in its modern formulation (e.g. not Father Coughlin's notion of social justice, which was an entirely different thing) is fringe nonsense with little popular support. The original Clinton/neoliberal strategy was to realign with economic issues that actually matter to enough people to win elections. That worked in 1992. It obviously doesn't work anymore.

Nov 9, 16 8:09 pm  · 

it's racism.  it's people who want to get rid of other people because of their race. 

these are the people in rural america who put trump in office.  jla, you threw your vote away.  you have no right to complain.  you had one small job to do and you fucked it up.

Nov 9, 16 8:45 pm  · 
won and done williams

curtkram, the election is over. You can stop with the race baiting. 99% of people who voted for Trump want nothing to do with that billboard, and you are just trying to stoke divisiness by making such posts.

Nov 9, 16 9:25 pm  · 

that billboard is real.  they didn't put it up to 'race bait,' they put it up to build support for their beliefs.  you already voted for trump, or maybe like jla you threw your vote away to help get trump elected.  i get that you can't undo what you've done, but if you don't want that billboard to represent the new america, don't be an apologist - don't do what jla is doing above.

Nov 9, 16 9:46 pm  · 

No real conclusion can really be drawn from a single billboard. Any one person can fund a billboard like this. It doesn't take a community to create a billboard. Someone in my neighborhood spray painted the words "HILLARY STOLE NYC". What conclusion do you think can be drawn from that? 

Lets please cut with the bullshit. I feel that part of the reason we failed to elect a Democrat in this election was because we lied to ourselves about her strength as a candidate and about the reality of the electorate. I am so sick of the cute and convenient sentiments. I'm sick of the memes and gifs. And I am not ok with Democrats doubling down on their resentment of non-"#woke" voters. #ImWithHer fucked us!

Nov 9, 16 10:05 pm  · 

Think most trump voters voted in spite of his racist statements, not because of them. Also think they are overblown, not sure how different his immigration plan is from Obama's at this point

Nov 9, 16 10:14 pm  · 

shell, he's going to build a wall and make mexico pay for it.  probably not the same as obama's plan.  also, he said mexican immigrants are rapists.

as we've already noted though, we can't undo what we've done.  i don't understand how someone could have listened to what trump was saying and heard something other than some form of bigotry against a minority population.  let's just pretend it happened though, and instead of hearing the bigotry, people were just focused on creating more jobs by reducing automation in factories and allowing less environmental and labor regulation over coal mining industries. 

so we'll just say we were focused on the jobs the new wall will create, and look past the part where the pope himself said trump's immigration policy is not christian.  all i ask is, going forward, don't be a racist.  don't be a bigot.  don't discriminate against people based on race, religion, or gender.  while i have a lot of concern over the harmful effects of policy created by a republican majority in congress and the executive branch, my biggest concern, and the thing that sets this election apart from previous, is the rise of the alt-right and normalization of discriminatory behavior.

Nov 9, 16 10:35 pm  · 

Again, the Michael Moore was 100% correct.  It was a big middle finger to the neo liberal elite.  They fucked this world over in so many ways...incinerated so many people...but fucktards like curt will overlook that so long as they are polite.  The pass you are willing to give these power hungry psychopaths is mindblowing.  The emphasis on words over actions...I in no way support trump, but many saw him as a fu to that festering swamp of corruption and elitism.  And the stupidity of the dems to buy that Hillary is a champion of minorities after so much evidence of her politically calculated mindfuck....the election came down to who is hated more.  That's all...and if you keep voting for the lesser of two evils and being so complacent that's what you end up with.  

Nov 10, 16 12:00 am  · 

davvid, do you really think the white nationalist voters would have voted for Bernie if he got nominated? think again if a bunch of rednecks would vote a Jew into office


jla-x, fuck you. You had one small job to do, but were probably so busy drinking into your PBR to make up rationales for not voting for her. It is precisely because of the likes of you in swing states that we will have to witness the destruction of our democracy for the next 8 years.

"White people are mostly not racist. Sure there is a loud minority of alt right assholes, but the average white person circa 2016 is not "a racist"." 

Yeahright. take a look at this image of the red-hatted rednecks at Camp Trump and tell me if you see any other race.

All in all, you, sir jla-x and your likes are the embodiment of the orange turd that will be sitting in the white house in a few months.

Go balk at your PBR while typing up your response.

Nov 10, 16 1:09 am  · 

jla, also remember that the popular vote still went to Hillary. Its all on people like you who stated home or gave the third party vote that we are in this shape.

BTW, If you understand logic, take a look at this

It is WHITE VOTERS OVER THE AGE OF 45 that have voted Trump into office, added to the non-decisiveness of people like you.

btw, Michael Moore voted for Hillary, unlike you.

Nov 10, 16 1:13 am  · 

Keep spreading the hate and stereotypes towards them evil working class white people and then scratch your balls and wonder why they vote against you...logical

Nov 10, 16 2:41 am  · 

You are responsible for trump being elected because you can't keep your imaginary moral superiority to your self.  Like I said...the dumb fucks on CNN spent months telling 50% of the nation that they are bad people for not liking Hillary....they overplayed their hand and evoked an emotional backlash that probably wouldn't have existed had they not...the CNN (Clinton news network) conspiracy was then Proven to be TRUE by Wikileaks.  Lol.  Assholes 

Nov 10, 16 2:46 am  · 


"How is it even okay to think that if a woman wants an abortion she should be put in jail for it?  You're fucking crazy.  I guess this is how America is going to become great again?"

Nice strawman there, except no one mentioned about throwing them in jail or some such nonsense, there'll be no govt. funding for abortion cases except for those mentioned above.

Now...can a crazy person think logically like that?

Nov 10, 16 2:53 am  · 
Non Sequitur
^ fucking terrible way to think. Way to set back women's rights by 50 years.
Nov 10, 16 3:53 am  · 

I see, so you want the state to spoon feed you for the mistakes you and your spouse commit.
Makes sense.

Then again, everyone's happy with the welfare state up north, enjoy the migrants ;)

Nov 10, 16 4:07 am  · 

Contrary to recent popular (American) belief, Canada does in fact have an immigration policy.

Nov 10, 16 4:23 am  · 

^ Where did you guys get the illegal case for abortion from? He retracted the statement earlier this year. Or is this just another case to hate on trump? Afaik the only case that still stands is one that results in govt. funding.

Either way, it's really not that difficult to buy some rubber; OCP; practice safe sex; fund the abortion yourself. Not unreasonable imho.

Nov 10, 16 5:09 am  · 

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