
Thump the Trump


This Time, There Really Is a Hispanic Voter Surge

Nov 8, 16 4:03 pm  · 

This one shows a 19 point difference:

While Clinton's lead among hispanics appears to be shrinking, in no way would you be able to consider this "evenly split."

Nov 8, 16 4:04 pm  · 
won and done williams

Not sure of the quality of that last poll, EI, but that is a very bad poll for HRC if accurate. Cubans breaking for Trump is not good news for Democrats.

Nov 8, 16 5:18 pm  · 

That last poll was conducted by SurveyUSA, to whom FiveThirtyEight gives an A rating and shows a 0.1 bias toward the Democrats. That's actually a really good quality poll when it comes down to it. The first two polls I linked were also given A ratings and are actually more biased to Republicans (0.3) ... but that's beside the point.

Your comment that Cubans breaking for Trump is not good news for Democrats doesn't get any more obvious. The same could be said for about any demographic ... "Italians breaking for Trump is not good news for Democrats," "People aged 43 with their birthday in the month of November breaking for Trump is not good news for Democrats" ... but that's beside the point as well.

The real point is that gwharton (and I would assume others) believes that there are polls showing that the Hispanic vote is "pretty evenly split." So I ask again, which polls suggest a pretty even split?

Nov 8, 16 5:48 pm  · 

he also said "Trump is set to win Florida"

Nov 8, 16 5:59 pm  · 

^ That's a harder assertion to challenge. Of course Trump is set to win Florida. He's also set to open an investigation on election fraud if he loses Florida. That doesn't mean that either will happen. 

Polls showing that they are pretty evenly split for the hispanic vote ... that absurdity is much easier to challenge because it is based on something more than just what Trump thinks about when he's taking a piss.

Nov 8, 16 6:53 pm  · 

Trump wins Florida, despite that "monster" hispanic vote.

He's also winning NC and OH.

Nov 8, 16 10:28 pm  · 
won and done williams

Trump will win Michigan. This is over.

Nov 8, 16 10:45 pm  · 

dow futures down 3.46% when you posted that

Nov 8, 16 10:47 pm  · 
won and done williams

Dow futures will go down further. And most Trump supporters don't give a shit.

Nov 8, 16 10:50 pm  · 
won and done williams

Brexit part deux

Nov 8, 16 10:51 pm  · 

My wealth has not changed one cent

What happened to the Clinton 5% lead. All the talking heads say they never said that...

Nov 8, 16 10:57 pm  · 

well, it is what it is and i will support our president and hope for our nation's success either way.  not going to support white nationalists or banning muslims or mostly anything trump campaigned on.  

looks like republicans will control the house and senate next year too.

Nov 8, 16 11:00 pm  · 

So Trump also made me a lot of money today. Double win!

Nov 8, 16 11:29 pm  · 

It was obvious.  As soon as the media, celebrities, and others went on an unprecedented and undemocratic offensive, it was obvious they had shot themselves in the foot.  They themselves mutated the election in to "Stop Trump" instead of "Elect Hillary."

Horrible strategy.   Anyway, at least we'll see a major shift in the ideologies of both parties.  Clearly voters want something new.

Nov 9, 16 12:16 am  · 

F*** yeah! Only 16 more to Trump's victory!

Nov 9, 16 12:16 am  · 
won and done williams

Hate to say it because I think it will hurt, but Bernie would have won.

Nov 9, 16 12:22 am  · 

Trump should buy up stocks...they are dropping like flies

Nov 9, 16 12:28 am  · 


Nov 9, 16 1:02 am  · 

"Hate to say it because I think it will hurt, but Bernie would have won."


Bernie would have 100% won.

Nov 9, 16 1:04 am  · 

And who is going to be first to call me out on the fake quote?

Nov 9, 16 1:11 am  · 

Agree. Bernie would have beat trump.  

Nov 9, 16 1:17 am  · 

Bernie wouldn't have won.  Trump ran on the white nationalist platform - which still has a lot of traction in the middle of the country.

Ah - the anti-globalization vote.  I hope you trump voters enjoy your $30/gallon gas and unemployment.  Meanwhile - us global elite who live in the coastal cities will continue to enjoy our sky-rocketing property values and as a special bonus we now have access to cheap "american-made" products that will be manufactured in the middle of the country once minimum wage is repealed. But it's all ok as long as you proles see Emperor Trump locking up the dark-skinned people on occasion.

Nov 9, 16 1:27 am  · 

^ Want some salt with that whine?

Btw, that meme was debunked ages ago, not sure what are you trying to prove with that.

Nov 9, 16 1:31 am  · 

Question, if Trump wins, which he is likely to win the electoral and possibly the popular vote.

how long until a recession and layoffs in the construction industry?  When the construction projects stop we all know what happens to the projects on the boards and the people working on those projects.

will we need to bring back the layoffs thread and bury the quitting thread?

Nov 9, 16 1:46 am  · 

The people of this country are going to get an education in fascism, graft, corruption, and cronyism.

Nov 9, 16 2:04 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Peter, we will all move to red states, buy trailers, and yell at our TV's with a Mountain Dew in hand.

Nov 9, 16 2:05 am  · 

^ "Corruption, and cronyism"

...hmmm, pretty apt description of a Hillary administration.

Nov 9, 16 2:07 am  · 

I guess you are ok with the fascism and graft.

Nov 9, 16 2:11 am  · 

It looks like trump wins, I think this is one of those things that we will have to see if the adage "if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger" is true


Economic down turn in the next three months

greater shifting of people, conservatives from blue states and cities and liberals from rural suburban and red states, political segregation could lead to a ghetto of liberals in larger cities and blue states and accelerate gentrification.

I predict that by Monday a lot of projects will be canceled or put on hold as this was is such a shocking (meaning unpredictable by people with money) outcome.

Cities will see violence, I hope not but do your neighbors in suburbs and especially in cities like Chicago Detroit and Philadelphia, take down the Trump Signs or your place might bet firebombed. I hope this is not true but flaunting a victory where one is a minority will likely lead to violence.

I hope everyone is safe and my predictions end up like the polls we had 2 weeks ago

Nov 9, 16 2:14 am  · 

@z111 - Oh wait sorry, add graft to my list because...well you know, the foundation scandal and all that.

Nov 9, 16 2:20 am  · 

Here is the problem:

Half of the country did not vote for him.

He won by dividing the country.

How is he going to unite the country and govern?

Nov 9, 16 2:24 am  · 

So fascism is ok I guess.

Nov 9, 16 2:26 am  · 

Still won nonetheless. There's only so much a president can do with its separation of powers. Fear-mongering didn't work then, neither is it going to work now, deal with it.

And a little tough love would be nice, yeah. (See comments on PC)

Nov 9, 16 2:32 am  · 

I'm wondering if the electoral college is going to accept this vote... either way shit just got real... I really hope our country doesn't descend into civil war, because it is starting to look like it.

Nov 9, 16 2:43 am  · 

There's only so much a president can do with its separation of powers.

Having buyers remorse?

He got elected promising to jail Hillary and deport 11 million people.

What is he going to tell his supporters? Just fooling?

Just curious, do you believe in sustainable architecture? If so, how do you square that with climate change denial?

Nov 9, 16 2:46 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

thank GOD the SCOTUS will return to sanity if the future POTUS nominates whom he said he would nominate.  good times, I'm looking forward to the FLOTUS's endeavors, as well.  and how about that VPOTUS?  wow!  change we can believe in indeed!

Nov 9, 16 2:51 am  · 


You could cut the irony with a knife.

Nov 9, 16 2:56 am  · 
drums please, Fab?

hey z, conservatives like sustainable architecture as they like to conserve energy.  it's with the taxing of your exhalations that we disagree.

Nov 9, 16 2:56 am  · 

Trump says it is a hoax.

Nov 9, 16 2:59 am  · 

Hey at least weed is legal

Nov 9, 16 3:11 am  · 

"What is he going to tell his supporters? Just fooling?"

Yeah and obama promised to close guatanamo and pulled out of iraq (among other things), 2 terms later and you guys still ate that shit up didn't ya?

"Having buyers remorse?

Why would I? That statement's for you libtards still reeling from denial.

"do you believe in sustainable architecture?"

I'll admit he got that wrong but I'll take that over 5 other of hillary's lies so...

Nov 9, 16 3:18 am  · 

Well, that didn't work out as I had hoped. But, the electorate has spoken and I respect that decision. While I still think this guy will be a disaster for our country, he deserves a chance to be successful. I wish him well.

May God bless, and protect, the United States of America.

Nov 9, 16 3:20 am  · 

I am not in denial. You apparently are since you are resorting to name calling.

You do not seem to understand how dictators operate. He does not believe in the foundations of democracy.You are under the false assumption that the system will protect against such a thing happening.

You could not be more wrong.

Nov 9, 16 3:42 am  · 

hey Americans.. fuck architecture.  go be a president.  you don't need much.

Nov 9, 16 3:59 am  · 

You obviously are, which explains why you keep returning to this thread. And I'm just happy to debunk your claims while having a cold beer.

Let's not conflate democracy with freedom that comes with globalization.

He calls for controlled immigration, he gets accused of being a xenophobe.
He calls for a check on the elite, he gets accused of being anti-establishment.
He opposes abortion, the feminist gets angry.
...and the list goes on.

Can't a guy catch a break?

Nov 9, 16 4:02 am  · 

He calls for controlled immigration, he gets accused of being a xenophobe.

No, he wants to deport 11 million people.

He calls for a check on the elite, he gets accused of being anti-establishment.

No, He does not believe in the foundations of democracy and the freedom of the press.

He opposes abortion, the feminist gets angry.

No, he wants to put women in jail who have an abortion.


Apparently your vote was misinformed. By the way, he is a lunatic with the nuclear codes.

Whatever, it is over, and I do mean over. 

How is your bucket list?

Nov 9, 16 4:28 am  · 

"No, he wants to deport 11 million people."

ILLEGAL immigrants from the failures of the previous administration right? About time no?

"No, He does not believe in the foundations of democracy and the freedom of the press."

You mean like the "unbiased" Fox News? Sure

"No, he wants to put women in jail who have an abortion."

Except for rape/incest cases and case that threatens the life of the mother.

And again, separation of powers...can't do that. Bitter pill Z, bitter pill.

Nov 9, 16 4:35 am  · 

separation of powers

You are joking, right? How is the system going to protect you when you elected him to fundamentally change it?

Again, you misunderstand. I am not bitter, I am worried.

When someone asked Benjamin Franklin if America was a monarchy or a republic he said a republic, if you can keep it.



Nov 9, 16 5:29 am  · 

Rick, stop that shit. Trump was elected. He is our president.

Nov 9, 16 5:53 am  · 

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