
Thump the Trump


I grew up in a working class black neighborhood and your exacerbating the problem by feeding into the excuses.  I've seen brothers from the same household go radically different ways.  I know people from the same socio economic and racial class who led very different paths in life. Some in and out of jail, others doing all kinds of amazing things and having successful life's.  I'm not denying institutional racism and a long long history of oppression. That's of course true and real, but perhaps the most deciding force in 2016 is not direct racism, but the personal and cultural way it's legacy is dealt with.  The white guilt is hurting more than helping imo. Also, it tends to make "white" into a very narrow category when in fact it is a very broad one.  There are many "white" immigrant groups who have much more in common with Latino immigrants than with southern plantation owners.  

Oct 19, 16 11:44 am  · 
Sorrowful Giuseppe

3 questions here

1) What is racism?

2)Why should A love/like B?

3)If A should love B, based on what?

Thank you in advance,

Bond, James


"The left is not capable of institutional biases"

Hm... didn't know that Justin Trudeau was an architect and was an active member of this lovely forum.


"Drumpf "

hinting on Donlad's German ancestry is utterly stupid.

The Americans of German ancestry took one of the biggest segregationist and persecutions during the great wars and have never whined about that... unlike some minorities whose name shell not be mentioned.

But who gives a shit... they were white... so it's OK.

Oct 19, 16 11:50 am  · 

"I'm not feeling the better angels bit."

I understand. And that is probably as true among Hillary's most loyal supporters as it is among Trump's most loyal supporters. "Voters are angry" is the cliche of this election.

I voted enthusiastically for Obama over Hillary because of his capacity to embrace a "Better angels of out nature"/"Team of Rivals" approach, in the face of all of the dysfunction, pain, and horror or America. Obama seems to genuinely appreciate the difficult complexity of American society. Frankly, as architects, shouldn't we also be good at appreciating complexity? Shouldn't we be the ones out there reminding people that we really do live in a Both/And world? 

The tendency of labeling some group as the "other" or as the "aliens" or even as the "deplorables", needs to be scrapped. If we support the concept of an American society, we need to treat everyone within that society with a kind of serious dignity and accountability. And we need to be big enough - big enough, morally and intellectually - to see new immigrants and refugees as our brothers and sisters, and also see that tragically flawed people can be redeemed.

I worry that Hillary has framed her candidacy as "post-hope". And I worry that part of the mythology that her team subscribes to is that she can be "evil" enough to get things done. That she's willing to embrace war, global capitalism, the agenda of the very wealthy, and environmentally destructive practices in order to achieve some increment of progress along the way. I worry about the destruction that she will cause along the way in the name of centrist pragmatism.

Oct 19, 16 12:25 pm  · 
^U, don't know what you are talking about.
Oct 19, 16 12:26 pm  · 
Not you davvid, the U above you.
Oct 19, 16 12:28 pm  · 

Oh, Unamuno, oops.

I thought the use of Drumpf was to limit social media attacks from people googling "Trump" then  coming after anyone speaking badly of him. But I guess one could then just google Drumpf if one was inclined to attack people anonymously. Sorry, my own mistake, and my intentions have nothing to do with attacking his German ancestry (except that yes, we are all immigrants. I'm actually a German immigrant on both sides of my family - but from the pre-Revolutionary years.)

Oct 19, 16 12:44 pm  · 

My standard talk when people say something bad against immigrants (such as being criminals, stealing jobs, whatnot) is to say the following: "Well my immigrant came over as a mercenary in the French and Indian war. So mercenary or someone trying to make a better life for their family, take your pick."

Oct 19, 16 12:49 pm  · 

Speak for yourself. My family weren't immigrants. They were conquerors and colonists.

Oct 19, 16 1:19 pm  · 

^what a proud idiot!

Oct 19, 16 2:12 pm  · 
Sorrowful Giuseppe


When you write sh#t like this

"The left is not capable of institutional biases"

you have got no rights to claim knowing something.

Google following;


Red Khmers 

and then come back here and educate us of institutional biases.


Donna Sink

I know what you meant.  And I know who originally said that word.

That is not problem, the problem is the left is unable to find a real argument (which is plenty here) and mocking his ancestral last name.

There is no need to mocking the last names. There are many other reasons.

My parents changed (actually simplified) our last names for very practical reasons. Even I am unable to fully pronounce it due to too many consonants.

Now, if someone want to criticize me because of being against illegal immigration (which I am) that is OK and I can take it. But it would be really dishonest  mocking on things such  as my fathers last name. There could other arguments against me.

But talking about honesty with a leftest is basically talking about  women rights with boko haram. 

I am an immigrant myself  and was brought here in age of 4 from eastern Europe (btw in that country there was billions of examples of institutional biases. The victims of which were my grandparents).

If somehow Mr. Trump gets to deport the US legal citizens I'll be first, but it won't happen. I know it and they know it as well. 

Having said all of this I don't feel obliged to owe anything to those "minorities" who enjoy all of the benefits of affirmative actions, MBE and other sh#t as well.

I just don't... and If I do it is would be a voluntary action depended upon my own kind will.

My poor parents came here with nothing, didn't ask anything, didn't get anything ( apart from us passports) and somehow managed to install a love of education and books into our heads.

Some people (whose names shell not be mentioned here) could have done that too as they had more options than my people did.

But, well, it's easy to demand things... 


Throughout my life I have never met more disgusting human beings then American (and British) leftists. There is great European (continental) left, with incredible amount of intellectualism and human face. I have always enjoyed reading and listening these thinkers and I have admired them for this. 

But when it comes with Americans, something gets lost in translations. I feel that something very noble turns into very folky and tragic. Something that has great roots and potentials becomes utterly oicophobic and stupid. 

Something that is very international turns into reversed racism, accusations, anti- intellectualism or intellectual fallacy.

Oct 19, 16 2:21 pm  · 
Khmer Rouge.

Of course! Why didn't I think about genocidal maniacs? Wait, I did, they're called the USA.

And you know what? I didn't have to Google that, douchecanoe.

As for Judge Smails, the only thing he's ever conquered, is that tame little lake boat.
Oct 19, 16 2:56 pm  · 

beta, replace white in all your sentences with "Mexican" or "Muslim" and you sound exactly like Trump.

Oct 19, 16 8:50 pm  · 

Do you need to be a citizen to vote, or not?

Oct 19, 16 9:08 pm  · 

JeromeS if the racist lefties have it their way, Illegals will get 2 votes vs 1 for legals.

Oct 19, 16 9:10 pm  · 

dollars to donuts- no one legitimately responds to the insinuation of my question.

Why shouldn't they get two votes- they are the ones "directly affected" by policy

Oct 19, 16 9:18 pm  · 

btw I have nothing against Illegal Immigrants as long as they work and keep their money to a reasonable level in the US (and I do not mean taxes). say you make $5k cash, send 10% back to mama, because in her perverted currency home country thats like a 100% there, buy a truck, some imported beer from the home country etc.....the follow up argument would be the USA made those countries poor and therefore illegal immigrants should enjoy all the features of the US while they send money guess though the money is less than say what the Big Banks do to the average citizen with illegal bank accounts and over draft fees.........hey maybe the illegals should get screwed by USA Bug Banks like the rest of us, that would be fair........distractions distractions.........and do not bring up the Germans. That is an overwhelmingly successful race of people who take care of their people including technically not Germans....everytime they get up they get knocked down, do not let people like that get too proud and start kicking your ass, because that would be to allow white racism to flourish.....lets use the French or the British for examples instead, please. don't go Spanish, those guys just destroyed South America. and sure as hell do not talk about the evil empire of Russians.......i like how the most irrelevant topic with regard to architecture is a hot topic.....

Oct 19, 16 9:22 pm  · 

JeromeS, insinuation, this is the internet, there are NO insinuation and all the more reason to respond. wtf is dollars to donuts...

Oct 19, 16 9:24 pm  · 

ghwarton are you Mexican or Spanish decent? probably an Argontenean, a really white one....conquistidors

Oct 19, 16 9:32 pm  · 

my assumption was gwharton's ancestors made it to america as indentured servants.  probably running from a debtor's prison.  that would make him english descent, but it's just a guess.

Oct 19, 16 9:43 pm  · 

olaf, if you're saying im racist against white people, well.

Oct 19, 16 10:01 pm  · 

If we can't look at ourselves, in a self-critical way, then what are we learning?

Oct 19, 16 10:09 pm  · 

Heres a fun question: What are you all drinking tonight?

Oct 19, 16 10:23 pm  · 

I'll start. I'm drinking some Sixpoint Sweet Action beer.

Oct 19, 16 10:29 pm  · 
won and done williams

Bell's Two Hearted! Cheers!

Oct 19, 16 10:41 pm  · 

Almond Milk

Oct 19, 16 10:50 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

7 up. Yum to bells two hearted.

Oct 19, 16 10:58 pm  · 

What Kellyanne Conway dreams about at night. Seriously, this woman spends so much time walking back idiotic statements by this guy it's a wonder she has time to do anything else as his campaign manager.  Oh wait, she doesn't have time to do anything else...!

It is beyond me how anybody could vote for this moron. He can't even run a semi-intelligent campaign against a clearly vulnerable opponent. How could anybody think he'd be able to deliver as President even 0.01% of what he's promised to deliver?

The GOP needs to really suffer on election day for foisting this jackass on the American public.

Oct 20, 16 11:51 am  · 
won and done williams

What I find amazing, that with all the angst over Donald Trump's tabloid headlines, Hillary Clinton is on the brink of bringing us to war with RUSSIA and no one seems much concerned. Her failed Middle East policies, starting with the Iraq War, continuing through the transition of power, and piecemeal interventionism, arming largely unknown and unpredictable rebel groups, basically created the Syrian refugee crisis and allowed Putin and the Russians to come in and seize power in the region. Now in order to topple Assad, she is going to impose a no-fly zone and other aggressive tactics against Russia that will heighten tensions and bring us closer to war with a nuclear power greater than our own, but we're too concerned about tabloid headlines to ask any questions or even much care?

Oct 20, 16 1:42 pm  · 

Apparently the left now believes that nuclear war is preferable to saying "pussy" in private.

Clown World.

Oct 20, 16 2:07 pm  · 

won and done williams, 

Maybe the Republican party needs to try nominating better candidates. 

Oct 20, 16 2:22 pm  · 


Its sad that I have to point this out, but lefties aren't bothered by the fact that Trump said "pussy".

He said "when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything… grab them by the pussy"

If you're not bothered by the extreme douchebaggery and sense of entitlement in that statement, you should at least be bothered by the fact that what he is describing is sexual assault.

It has nothing to do with saying the word pussy. Liberals love HBO, and they say worse than that, and we laugh and laugh and laugh.

Oct 20, 16 2:31 pm  · 
won and done williams

davvid, maybe the Democrats should as well.

Most here will find this anathema, but I find Hillary Clinton's foreign policy far more aggressive and dangerous than Donald Trump's.

Oct 20, 16 2:35 pm  · 

won and done williams,

But thats what I mean, if the GOP hadn't nominated a complete turd, maybe they could have effectively challenged Clinton on these issues. 

I'm not a fan of Hillary, but at least she is no worse than many others who have come before her. She's typical. 

Oct 20, 16 2:49 pm  · 
A complete and fundamentally flawed understanding of the Middle East. And yet, Drumpf, good ole mastertweeter, would launch nukes faster than his tiny hands can tweet his anti-Semitic rants.
Oct 20, 16 3:33 pm  · 
A complete and fundamentally flawed understanding of the Middle East. And yet, Drumpf, good ole mastertweeter, would launch nukes faster than his tiny hands can tweet his anti-Semitic rants.
Oct 20, 16 3:33 pm  · 
won and done williams

beta, please provide your take on the Middle East.

davvid, what I am saying is that Trump is actually more moderate on foreign policy interventionism than Clinton or your typical run-of-the-mill Republican, i.e. Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, etc. We have grown so accustomed to our Republican/Democratic leadership pulling us into foreign wars that both sides of the political spectrum take it for granted. The failed foreign policy of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama is lasting; unfortunately voters cannot seem to recognize they all have fundamentally the same world view. Change is tough, folks; unfortunately it got wrapped in Donald Trump this election cycle.

Oct 20, 16 4:14 pm  · 

I don't know how old you are, but seriously, anyone that thinks sidling up next to Russia is a good thing, is utterly naive and dangerous. Any country that supports terrorists, shooting down airlines, Dutch airlines, and thinks we can negotiate with that country, in good faith, has zero sense of history. Putin, former KGB, performs assassinations on a routine basis, and destroys what was left of a free press. Somehow, you think Hillary Clinton is bringing us closer to war? You must have been a shitting your diapers when the Soviets blew up KAL 007. USSR/Russia has been an ally of Syria since 1944, this is not new, they've been an ally , or have had a relationship with Iran since the 16th century. Syria and Iran have been connected for a long time.

Now, you want to blame Hillary for her vote on Iraq, fine, but then you have to examine the lies that were told to Senate. 

Iraq Resolution

Myth's of Iraq War Vote

The status of forces agreement was negotiated by the Bush Administration. Blame Iraqi leaders for not allowing any residual force. Although, if we had a Drumpf President, he'd have our troops there longer to take the oil, which I'm sure that would go over well with the Iraqis. ISIL was formed due the inept Bush Administration, and Paul Bremmer's failure, or rather success, of de-Bathification.

As for "No-Fly Zones", they are designed to provide relief to Syrians in Aleppo, not to bring down Assad. Now, if you are advocating US forces on the ground, I suggest you go re-read how that worked in Iraq.

Are you a refugee, or immigrant from Mother Russia? Do you believe everything that comes out of Hair Furor's mouth? On what fucking planet do you think Russia has a better nuclear arsenal than the US? What planet?? The Russians have 1 fucking aircraft carrier, and I think it still runs on diesel. I think the Potemkin is in better shape.

You are a fucking amateur. 

Oct 20, 16 6:23 pm  · 

^ let me get this straight ...

a) the last three Republican presidents each dragged us into foreign wars (i.e. Reagan - Granada; Bush 1 - Kuwait; Shrub - Iraq.

b. the last three Democratic presidents have kept us out of new foreign wars and the last two have tried to clean up the mess left by their predecessors.

c. the GOP has nominated a know-nothing moron with zero diplomatic experience, zero interest in foreign affairs and a stated eagerness to use atomic weapons.

... and you're trying to suggest that Trump would be a "more moderate choice"  on foreign policy issues than Clinton.

Oct 20, 16 6:28 pm  · 
won and done williams

Get your head out of the sand, babs. Remember Rwanda, Somalia, Bosnia? How about Afghanistan, Iraq, or Syria? It's all variations on the same foreign policy vision.

Oct 20, 16 6:46 pm  · 
won and done williams

How about Libya for that matter?

Oct 20, 16 6:49 pm  · 

I stand by my earlier post, which addresses all of the "interventions" you mention.

Oct 20, 16 7:01 pm  · 
won and done williams

I stand by my earlier post, which addresses all of the "interventions" you mention.

Not true at all, but nice attempt at deflection.

Oct 20, 16 7:23 pm  · 

It is starting to feel like such a waste of time to debate the pros and cons of candidate Trump. Hillary Clinton is going to win. I would much rather discuss either a Hillary Clinton presidency or the future of the Republican party. 

Oct 20, 16 7:43 pm  · 

how do you compare bosnia, rwanda, and somalia to rich oil men trying to get more oil?

the united states was involved in the first three at the request of our allies and as part of treaties we had negotiated.  that obviously isn't the same as what we did in iraq, or grenada, or iran/contra etc.  also, we weren't very involved in rwanda

Oct 20, 16 7:56 pm  · 
won and done williams

I've posted this here before, but it is a must read. A frightening preview of what is to come:

Oct 20, 16 8:42 pm  · 

For some perspective on our bleak and surreal situation, check out Adam Curtis's brand new BBC documentary "HyperNormalisation" :

Oct 20, 16 9:23 pm  · 
curtkram short russel brand review of 'hypernormalisation' :)

hillary is more aggressive than some other democrats.  does that in any way make her a less desirable candidate for president that trump?  putin occupied the sovereign territory of a european nation when that nation tried to become more involved in a treaty organization the united states is part of.  should trump really be kowtowing to him?

Oct 20, 16 9:55 pm  · 
won and done williams

hillary is more aggressive than some other democrats. 

You mean some other Republicans...

does that in any way make her a less desirable candidate for president that trump?

No, if you want a president who still believes in our hegemonic right to invade whomever she pleases for strategic purposes and impose western ideals at great cost to human life.

Oct 20, 16 10:39 pm  · 

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