
Advanced Architecture Institute of Catalunya

Mariano's view



Sep '04 - May '12

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    By MADianito
    Apr 1, '12 11:05 PM EST

    Lately i've been interested and literally discovering the work of Spaniard Architect Miguel Fisac, he has different "styles" along the body of her work, but i found interesting how he started experimenting with concrete, specially pouring concrete into fabrics... here are 2 seductive images of Fisac's work....

    Today i also found an article in the weekly magazine of El Pais newspaper (el Semanal)  about a guy named Joaquín Torres (which i never heard of), an architect that designs & builds all the McMansions for spanish football stars like Ronaldo or Benzema, or the president of Zara and stuff... of course some purists criticize him, cause he's been in a reality show and because the type of mansions he designs, but i dunno... not that i like what he does, but i do like his attitude and how he is on top of his game.

    Sometimes i think Architecture has become like Catholicism... it hasn't really evolved, there is so many purist and Architecture as its basics say: "should reflect the times and cultures of society", well sorry for the eye opener but... this is the trashy society we live today, football and reality shows.

    in any case (and to stop moving away from Fisac's work, the actual topic of this post), i like how the article ends:

    [eng] If you ask the oracles, they do not totally agree on the legacy of this media-architect, whimsical and quirky. For one professor of architecture: "You can like him or dislike him, but it is never mediocre, is fitted for this profession, he knows how to design and has created its own language, has built a brand and is brave to criticism, it attracts media and knows how to sell". The another (female) professor of architecture: "He simply make subproducts for rich & uncultured people, he thinks of himself as a genie but he is no more than a copycat and intellectually dull. He despises the University. The architect must improve society, not just chase the money. "
    The third architect consulted is younger, has more grace and is more accurate: "Joaquin Torres is like Santiago Segura (the filmmaker) that sweeps at the box office, he is a blockbuster, but then his 'exquisite' colleagues, which can't sell even simple bread, do not give him a prize even if dead. As Joaquin Torres. "

    [esp] ...Si se consultan los oráculos, no terminan de ponerse de acuerdo sobre el legado de este arquitecto mediático, caprichoso y peculiar. Para un catedrático de arquitectura: Te puede gustar o le puedes detestar, pero no es mediocre; está dotado para esta profesión, sabe proyectar, ha creado un lenguaje propio, ha construido una marca, es valiente frente a la crítica, atrae a los medios y sabe vender". Para otra catedrática de arquitectura: "Se limita a hacer subproductos resultones destinados a gente rica sin cultura; va de geniecillo y es un copión intelectualmente romo. Desprecia la Universidad. El arquitecto debe mejorar la sociedad, no moverse sólo por dinero".
    El tercer arquitecto consultado es más joven, tiene más gracia y es más certero: "Joaquín Torres es como Santiago Segura (the filmmaker) que barre en taquilla, pero luego sus colegas "exquisitos", que no venden un colín, no le dan un premio ni a tiros. Como a Joaquín Torres".


    With this article in mind i gave a second look to the Image of Fisac vs the MVRDV project and thought how praised is MVRDV in the 'exquisite circles' of archi-posers...


    • interesting stuff.  comparison with mvrdv misses the point that it is possible to walk all the way around the mvrdv building on the outside.  those outdoor stairs spiral down to the ground and have a few restaurants and shops on the way.  it isn't really the form that makes it work, its the extension of the street up to the roof of the building.  the form is a boring byproduct, not the main event.

      that's why they get the fame anf glory i suppose....

      Apr 2, 12 3:23 am  · 

      I've never seen this before, nor have I really explored the possibility of using fabric to create such forms in concrete. Below is a short article I found that goes over the basics of using fabric as a form.  I find this idea very interesting, great post!

      Apr 2, 12 12:41 pm  · 

      Ah, Fisac! Some brilliant architects unfortunately remain overlooked because of their dubious political connections (perhaps Luigi Moretti is another one). Maybe with time they can be re-evaluated and some monographs will finally be reprinted?

      Apr 2, 12 3:41 pm  · 

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Tales and Adventures of my time at the IaaC when this was in it's early years. Feel free to contact me for more reference, in any case i would advice you to enroll here.

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