Detroit Dearborn sports center is part of the new Detroit center, it includes a 2500-seat soccer stadium and an interior recreation center. The client considers it as a healthy building which can serve local residents and and students.
Sports should not be defined by nationality of religion. Therefore, the concept of the building is less about traditional Islamic culture but more about inviting more Muslim people to blend into the larger community and enjoy sports in such active and dynamic space. The building can be regarded as the combination of 4 north-south linear parts: seating and soccer field, service rooms, sports courts and family center. The north-south traffic connects to the two parking lot on the two sides, which is convenient when rapid gathering or evacuation of the building is needed. The soccer stadium has a elegant space truss canopy to cover all the seats underneath it. Service space, including locker rooms and bathrooms to serve both the left side stadium and right side courts.There are two basketball court, a swimming pool, an arcade and climbing wall inside the building. The second floor running tracks form a loop which goes around the entire building and becomes the conspicuous place.
Status: School Project
Location: Detroit, MI, US
My Role: Drawing, Model making, Schematic DESIGN
Additional Credits: Andrew Steward