Hong Kong, HK
Based on our site analysis, the location of our site is in the juxtaposition between many large-scale developments in the city of Pinghu including Pinghu Station, a large integrated transportation hub second only to the one developed in the heart of Qianhai District. It was imperative that we utilise this development to stitch together adjacent sites by linking pedestrian foot bridges that in turn penetrates into the development. The porosity of the podium welcomes and attracts visitor into the heart of the development where we have created an Urban Oasis and an Urban Green Enclave.
The heart of Pinghu
With the introduction of the integrated high-speed rail hub, the old epicentre of Pinghu has shifted and Ronghu resides in the directly on the new epicentre of Pinghu adjacent to Pinghu Integrated Transportation Hub, an epicentre we call Populus X. Populus meaning a space that appeases people of all ages and X marking its centre.
Form finding approach
It was imperative that we utilize this development to stitch together adjacent sites by linking pedestrian foot bridges that in turn penetrates into the development. The porosity of the podium welcomes and attracts visitor into the heart of the development where we have created an Urban Oasis and an Urban Green Enclave.
Status: Unbuilt
Location: Shenzhen, CN
Firm Role: Concept and Scheme Design
Additional Credits: All images by SAN and QUAD