PHL Architects

PHL Architects

Jakarta, ID

New East - Jakarta Garden City
New East - Jakarta Garden City
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New East - Jakarta Garden City

Jakarta is the number one metropolitan city in Indonesia that has developed into a center of trade and services. As a driving force for the national economy, Jakarta is a destination city for many people which has an impact on increasing market demand for urban land, both for residential, business space and green areas.

New East is part of a master plan project located in Jakarta Garden City, Cakung, East Jakarta and occupies an area of 45.933 M2. The New East project will be connected to other regions of the master plan that are Office tower, Shop Area then continue to the New East 2 area and end up in the lake recreation area.

New East carries the green belt concept, which is a green pedestrian concept that connects New East - Office Tower - New East 2 towards the lake area. The concept of green pedestrian is facilitated with commercial buildings in the form of shop houses and retail that support the apartment residents in this area and housing residents in Jakarta Garden City. The idea of the Green Belt itself was inspired by the name "Jakarta Garden City", where the word "Jakarta Garden City" could indirectly bring an eco-township perspective in Jakarta.

New East consists of residential areas in the form of apartments and commercial areas in the form of shop houses and retail. There are 4 towers with 2 tower positions at each end of the site with retail and shop area in the center. This position is intended to make the tower apartment area as an anchor that can increase activities in the commercial area at the site area, where regular customers are obtained from residents and office workers around the site.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Cakung, ID
Firm Role: Architect

New East - Jakarta Garden City
New East - Jakarta Garden City
Event Space & Central Corridor
Event Space & Central Corridor
Apartment A
Apartment A
Front Shops
Front Shops
Low-Rise Apartment
Low-Rise Apartment
Event Area
Event Area
Lobby Apartment B
Lobby Apartment B
Shop House & Apartment B
Shop House & Apartment B
Apartment B Central Corridor
Apartment B Central Corridor
Apartment Facility
Apartment Facility
Event Area Apartment B
Event Area Apartment B