PHL Architects

PHL Architects

Jakarta, ID

GMT Institute of Property Management
GMT Institute of Property Management
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GMT Institute of Property Management

This project consists of office spaces and training classes including a small cafeteria for an institute of property management which has a small site area. It is situated at the corner of a narrow road that faces to the railway in front of it. The appearance of this building becomes a unique attraction compared to its surrounding where this project is located in a straight row of two or three stories height likewise building in the site area. The basic idea came from a cubical form based on efficiency and basic functional programming considerations.

Through the formation of abstraction and subtraction the final form evolved. Moreover, the uniqueness comes from the facade’s material (exposed bricks and concrete, rusty iron); which is composed in certain patterns to give texture to the “skin” of the building. Particularly, the facade is also treated as “secondary skin” which functioning to help to reduce the direct heat to inside. The openings’ design considers the natural wind flow which circulates inside the building through its small holes constructed from the bricks combination.

The brick wall was designed in a way at some area that was intended for glass windows and the result allows the natural light and wind to enter the room freely and thus creating the ambience or light pattern in interior. As well as the interior, the same idea is applied to the partition and furniture which is using natural and eco-friendly processed rubber wood as the main material.

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Status: Built
Location: Menteng, ID
Firm Role: Architect, Interior, Lighting

GMT front side
GMT front side
GMT brick wall
GMT brick wall
GMT brick combined with green
GMT brick combined with green
GMT brick detail
GMT brick detail
GMT brick detail
GMT brick detail
Office brick interior
Office brick interior
Meeting room
Meeting room