Federico Diacci

Federico Diacci

Carpi, IT


ex nato area in naz-sciaves

the competition organized by the municipality of Natz-Sciaves
provided the opportunity to redevelop an area used in the
past for storing bombs and weapons.
Me and mine architect colleague provided our proposal that
was connected to the memory area, but at the same time could
provide new lines for innovation and re-use of the area by the
we always during the project kept an eye on the costs that
the work would have had although this is not a point specified
in the announcement.
we created a situation where peoples can appreciate the natural
characters , but at the same we designed a place useful
for games, tourism, university research and worker.
We thought the life in this place for 24 hours a day and 365
days a year.
the jury apreciated the project and decided to promote it to
the final stage

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: natz-sciaves
My Role: designer