Hristiyan Aleksandrov

Hristiyan Aleksandrov

Sofia, BG


Disaster prevention and education centre

 Idea, conception and design:
1. Idea:
- stimulation of perceptions and sensations
- introduction in the question at the maximum
- awareness
2. Conception:
Treating the area as a whole. The terrain and building must influence by their design and appearance introducing visitors and pass-biers in the world of disaster. Providing knowledge ability through presenting the problem in its essence.
3. Design:
- construction of aggressive environment
- orthogonal vision of the building absolutely contrasting to the environment
Idea: Basing on the task we considered that the best to do is a complex treating of the building plot (environment – building). The result must educate and inform. But how?
       Following the perception – two ways:
- indirect – by constructing environment that provides carrying on different activities (public initiatives, special occasions, group experience), stimulating public attention
- direct – by constructing environment in which the information must take over the visitor by visual and sound presentations, documentary films and events at a present time
      Basic themes:
1. CHAOS – ORDER: We create aggressive dynamic environment using a strict orthogonal form – cube. Build an architectural installation merging between zones differentiated by the urban planning. The idea is to treat not only the terrain, but also the space over it. The dynamic attacks indirectly perceptions of the visitors and pass-biers and also introduces and educates them in the chaotic world of disasters. The shape forming of the building is decided categorically – Cube, representing prior ORDER and following CHAOS.
2. MIRROR OF THE WORLD: By using innovative technologies in digital presentations (multimedia facades) the center turns into a point of all over the world information, connected with disasters and their preventions. Thus the visitor smoothly perceives the transition to real educational and interactive presentations that the center provides.
Conclusion: Introducing the problem of the theme to society is done easily. Drawing into the idea of the center of both visitors and pass-biers begins before they reach the actual educational attractions that the building provides. Uniting the two main themes increases many times the effect and marks in visitor’s mind. The realization of such an idea is a kind of social experiment aiming education and awareness.
1. Urban planning:
The planning is based on a study of the terrain (topography), the existing walkways and roads and a plan of the future development of the surrounding zones. There are two basic pedestrian accesses, from the northern and south-eastern borders of the parcel, and one main automobile approach, located on the northern border of the parcel. The pedestrian approaches are receiving point of both common zones, provided in the surrounding parcels, and the stream from the zones of public transport. The automobile access is decided to be from not so busy thoroughfare by using the natural relief of the terrain for the differentiation of a hidden parking lot in the north-eastern part of the parcel.
By means of a study on the loading of the parcel and after separating the main approaches are decided the position of the building and the common and park zones around it. The building position is in the center of the parcel. The shelter is positioned in the south-eastern part and here again is used the natural displacement.
The dynamic treating of the terrain and creating of the idea CHAOS – ORDER are considered in a way that supplements the urban planning to such a degree that they are perceived as a whole.
2. The Building: The building is treated as a space that contrasts the environment – ORDER, and reflecting the problem with disasters globally.
- Main functions:
1. Collective and adoptive function
2. Direct education by transition – out/in
3. Creation of public mind, connected with the problem of disasters by interactive presentations, presentation of real life situations, preventive actions, decisions, way of behaving.
- Functional zoning: The inner environment is decided as a vertical structure that follows a route of zones, showing different disaster situations by visual and sound appliances, and also zones for seminars, training and meetings. Evacuation roads and panoramic bays are considered. They provide access from disadvantaged people. The functional zoning is considered so that it secures full comfort and experience for visitors.
- Total construction area 9400 sq. m.
3. Construction:
- Building of the dynamic environment is done by bars spatial structure which is bearing for the elements and at the same time is a constant part of the new environment.
- The structure is entirely built by metal constructive elements.
- The façade is decided by means of SPIDER systems and thermally isolated glasses.
- There are considered installation premises, as well as installation zones at the height of each mass.
4. Technology systems:
- PV systems – the building is proper for the usage of PV systems. By artificial rising of the terrain in zones with southern exposure are differentiated places for laying PV systems. They not only serve as a mean of catching solar energy, but also as a screen against noise. Such PV systems are considered also on the roof of the building.
- A container for rainwater – placed on the roof of the building. Accumulated water is used for the household needs of the Center.
- The energy from renewable natural resources is accumulated in accumulative batteries and from there on it is directed to consumers. The whole activity is controlled and directed by BMS, precisely worked out for such kind of functioning.
- The automation and control system provides direct digital operation for controlling the energy consumption in the building and also secures observation and control over the installed equipment, systems and subsystems. The effect is in optimization of the building expenses and its energy effects.
- Projection systems – 2D, 3D projections and holographic images.
- Systems for LIFE broadcasts – documentary films, international life connections and information events.
- Systems for directing, control and security.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Istanbul, TR