Tatjana Labus

Tatjana Labus

Novi Sad, CS


Residential Building

The residential building has been integrated with the heritage-protected architecture of the old city. It was developed with consideration of the limits, materials and heights of the surrounding buildings. It uses scale and proportion of its surrounding forms. Materials also relate to the existing context using brick masonry, wood and glass.

The site of the building  is generally small and a narrow lot  is facing  a big public square. The building provides eigth apartments and commercial space at street level. It defines two apartments per floor, except for the apartments on the fourth floor which are a two-level apartments. One apartment a view of the square and calm courtyard, and the other one looks only to the courtyard.
All floors are interconnected by vertical communication - a staircase and an elevator.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Novi Sad, CS