Tatjana Labus

Tatjana Labus

Novi Sad, CS


Architectural and urban study of reconstruction and expansion of City library in Novi Sad

The new Novi Sad City Library is located in the historic centre of the city. The building is the latest addition to a block of several historically valuable buildings, including the old library. Concerning the historical and cultural value of the site, the planning of the a new building presented a great challenge.

The idea for this study was not only to create a new building that would be in harmony with its historical setting, but also to represent architecture of its own age. In terms of urban planning, the goal was to fill out the open and unstructured street corner by following the edges of the existing 100-years old library. Extension of the library was developed within the context of a narrow building site. Neighboring buildings determined the shape and alignment of the new building. The old and the new buildings are connected by a glazed main hall that functions as common space and also provides a wheelchair access ( a ramp and an elevator). This space is a heart of the library. It is structured like a large covered courtyard. It can be accessed through both of the libraries and the main entrance.
The glass facade was chosen to accommodate the environment and to link the outer architecture and the interior world. Transparency benefits this type of building. The City Library suggests spaciousness.

The new library has a functionally clear design. The guiding principle in the space planning was flexibility; the functions of the library may change radically in the future with introduction of new media.



One of the aims of this study has been the involvement of people with disabilities in social and cultural life of the community.
The ease of access has been the main concern, such as removal of physical barriers, introduction of computer programs which provide technical aid and web contents.

The Library offers:
   - physical access (entrances with adequate clear opening and automatic doors,
     handrails, ramps and elevators, accessible tables and public service desk and
     accessiblerooms such as reading rooms, toilets...);
   - intelectual access (printed materials available in alternative formats such as
     large type, audio recording, Braille and electronic formats);
   - training programs for employees that enable them to provide help and services
     to people with disabilities.

It is necessary that people with disabilities have appropriate access to any form of information to be able to use self-service. Access to library services should be based on three fundamental principles:
inclusion, fairness and independence.  

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Status: School Project
Location: Novi Sad, CS