Jennifer Cheng

Jennifer Cheng

Glendora, CA, US

1/16" = 1'-0" Presentation Model
1/16" = 1'-0" Presentation Model
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ARC 303L: Koreatown Elementary School

The concept behind this project is a place for higher learning. A literal translation of progression is created through the varying levels in the space. To build community awareness, the school is designed
to be available for public use after school hours to engage and educate the neighborhood in the importance of children education. The bars in the scheme as well as the levels translate hierarchy and easy transition through the space. The school itself is a journey portraying that as you age you move up in life. The program of the school is designed that the shared Public spaces (i.e. multipurpose room, gallery and library) be situated along the main street while the more Private spaces (i.e. classrooms) would be more secluded to promote a suitable learning environment.

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Status: School Project
Location: 225 S. OXFORD AVE LOS ANGELES 9000

1/16' = 1'-0' Presentation Model
1/16" = 1'-0" Presentation Model
1/32' = 1'-0' Site Model
1/32" = 1'-0" Site Model
1/4' = 1'-0' Section Model
1/4" = 1'-0" Section Model