Fernando Mañé

Fernando Mañé

Miami, FL, US


Dwelling for Janus

For this project I was challenged with designing a “dwelling” for the mythological god, Janus. Janus is the god of gates, doors, doorways, beginnings, endings and time. In a different point of view, the end of one particular point in time is merely the beginning of another. Therefore, I interpreted Janus’ dwelling to be an anti-thesis of what he stands for. In other words, I wanted to concentrate on the actual path of his mortal life. Janus’ dwelling consists of a journey with instances that define or shed light on key moments of his life that in turn led him to grow and become a god.

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Status: School Project
Location: Government Cut, Miami, FL

Site Location
Site Location
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Overall Structure - highlighting each represented component
Rendered Elevation
Rendered Elevation
Rendered Elevation
Rendered Elevation
Rendered Elevation
Rendered Elevation
Rendered Elevation
Rendered Elevation
Overall Structure
Overall Structure
View towards Greece in the distance
View towards Greece in the distance
Floor and Ceiling depicting Janus and his wife Camese attached symbolizing marriage
Floor and Ceiling depicting Janus and his wife Camese attached symbolizing marriage
Moment that symbolizes the death of Camese. One looks down and sees the reflection of an empty throne beside you.
Moment that symbolizes the death of Camese. One looks down and sees the reflection of an empty throne beside you.
Moment where Janus and Saturn become one.
Moment where Janus and Saturn become one.