“We have the tool kit to pull it off at the highest level in this pressure cooker of New York, and to export it to the rest of the world,” Pasquarelli says, punctuating the self-assessment with a cocky grin: I may be arrogant, but I’m right. — New York Magazine
Justin Davidson examines how SHoP Architects founded by a five friends, who met while at Columbia University in the 90s, are becoming masters of post-boom buildability. Primarily, through a focus on digital fabrication and modularity.
Whether their B2 tower, which will rise at Atlantic Yards or a high-tech innovation center they’re designing for Botswana the approach they saw allows them to control costs throughout the design process instead of late-stage, value engineering.
Meanwhile, in his recent post Boxely and Timely, Javier Arbona considers the relationship between modularity, union-busting and Bruce Ratner's annual income.
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