Sports journalist Tim Newcomb has penned an intriguing exploration of tennis stadium design, looking at the architecture through the work of Matt Rossetti, an architect and established expert in this typology.
Rossetti started in tennis design in 1990 with his father's architecture firm, Rossetti Architects. Now the president of the firm, Rosetti still seeks to push the envelope in tennis design. "We are trying to redefine the tennis stadium every time," Rossetti expressed in Newcomb's article, acknowledging the tendency architects tend to have to repeatedly reinvent something.
Newcomb dives into Rossetti's innovative design of the 2019 Miami Open that was held in the Hard Rock Stadium. Here, Rossetti introduced a temporary pop-up stadium within the existing 65,000-seat football stadium. "I think about what we did for the Miami Open and I think a lot of people are going to look at that as a future trend, where you can do a pop-up stadium that looks and feels like it is permanent and you can put it up in a matter of weeks instead of years," Rossetti explained in the article.
The piece moves further into Rossetti's views of the tennis tournament as a grander cultural phenomenon. "He envisions them as a spectacle, not just a tennis tournament, but on par with other major international events containing entertainment, food, relaxation, rest and viewing it all," Newcomb writes.
Rossetti is currently working on projects in Asia and Europe among many others. It seems safe to say that we can expect much more innovative creations in the world of tennis from the seasoned practitioner.
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